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View Full Version : Women and anal

07-27-2002, 06:17 AM
I went home for 2 weeks and tried something with the wife. I know she doesnt like the idea of having something shoved up her ass but I figured what the hell, maybe she would like it if it happened lol. We went into a 69 and to start out I just licked her asshole and stuck my tongue slightly in a bit. Later, we did the doggy style and I got my finger wet with all natural lube and stuck it in her ass...kinda like a bowling ball hehe. After the 3 hr sex session came to an end, I asked her about it. She said she didnt like the finger part but the tongue was great.

My question now is this... what can I do or say to get her to "open up" (pun intended lol) and let me try anal with her more? Does it get better with repetition or is it just a mindset that the ass is exit only? Thanks for any advice you can give :D

07-27-2002, 07:58 AM
HI there!!!
I was hoping the trip home went well....glad to see you back. My advice is to keep doing exactly as you have been......get her excited about it and then discuss it some time but not during sex...just talk about it....tell her it is something you really want to try and that if some night she is ready to try all she has to do is give you the signal.:p

07-27-2002, 06:46 PM
I think a lot of the problem with anal in general is the whole mindset. It's taboo for a variety of reasons.

I know from personal experience that while I enjoy anal quite a bit the whole idea of where it is takes some getting use to....lol.

The nerve-endings in that region are fantastically sensitive, my advice is to keep up the tongue "pressure" and maybe instead of inserting the finger perhaps gently stroking a slick finger softly back and forth over the anus will cause enough pleasure that she will be "open" to more adventure, one step at a time.

Go slow, and always remember that pressuring someone only inhibits any chance of pleasure. But it sounds as if you're on the right path !!!!!! =)

07-27-2002, 09:16 PM
Patience, patience ... thats all i have to say

07-28-2002, 05:56 PM
Take your time, if shes letting you rim her and put fingers in her ass, then shes not completely turned off by anal pleasure, which is good. just take your time.

07-29-2002, 07:57 AM
#1- dont try to push her to do that. the more she thinks the less she enjoys.

#2- try to relax her.Explain for her that ur cock is a lot different to ur finger

#3-try to use a huge amount of lubrication (astriglide or lubricant)
Caution!!! don't use vaseline or peanut butter or some shits like them. use proper lubricant ( Like SAE 40 !!! ) :))

#4- and after all DON'T give up!

07-30-2002, 08:13 AM
What's good for the goose is good for the gander...
It might be to your advantage to let her know that the anal thing goes both ways.
She would most likely be more receptive if you were on the receiving end of the attention down there, too.

07-30-2002, 01:56 PM
if and when you get the chance, use lots of lube, and when you think you've used enough.........add more

08-21-2002, 02:29 PM
Hi Lilith :) Its good to hear from ya again. Ive been gone on other things for awile and havent had a chance to respond =)

Ive been workin off and on with the anal thing. I was surprised she didnt stop me when I did it. Tells me she may be a little more open for suggestion. I think its more of the mindset holding her back. I havent even thought of trying the cock thing for a long while.

Ive let her do a finger on me once but she didnt remember lol I didnt complain cause I would let her do whatever i would do and vise versa. Its just something about doing that to a woman turns me on =p Maybe one day...

Thanks for the comments all :)