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View Full Version : Women HELP! re: Anal Sex

08-08-2002, 02:44 PM
Alrighty I need some honest opinions here. Im thinkin my guy would really really like it, but it's one of the only things I havent done.

Do you like it? Hate it? Have orgasms from it?

Inquiring minds wanna know! I cant decide!!

08-09-2002, 02:24 AM
I enjoy anal...but not as an all the time thing

Haven't actually cum from anal alone....but touch my clit while in the act....and damn the orgasms are explosive :p

12-28-2002, 01:03 AM
I agree, not an all the time thing, but when it does happen ( I have to be in the mood), it is pretty good.

I have found that using a vibrator w/clit tickler at the same time really ads to the feeling at first. Generally I have a masive climax. After that, I usually take the vibe out because by then I am very very sensitive. I can climax, but it isn't as intense as when using a vibe/clit tickler.

Word of advise..........use a whole lotta lube and start out slow. A small butt plug (maybe one that vibrates) will help to start with and streach and relax the rectum! Nothing is worse than having to stop because you are drying up. The rectum doesn't produce natural lubrication like the vagina does. My husband has the bottle very near and will douse his cock as he is going in and out a few times. Hope this helps. Also, have him use a condom, that way the lube will stay a little longer.

You will probably like it once you get used to it.

12-29-2002, 08:42 PM
Yep I enjoy anal at least so far I have. Never "O'" from it not once. I have never even tried it until not that long ago but the trick is to be very relaxed and comfortable with who you are with or forget it.

12-29-2002, 09:18 PM
me and my g-f just tried tried anal. for both it was the first time. i have noticed the more she thought about we were doing it the more she felt the pain and therefore i couldnt get in. what worked for us was, while we were having sex i slid 2 fingers in her anus and fucked her in both holes. she had suck and incredible orgasm she about kicked me off the bed. there was a lil blood but it went away fast(kinda like popping her cherry). after that whe got on all fours and we did it. i used her juices for lube and she got off so hard she hit the ground but i never did. but we will try again and let ya know

12-30-2002, 04:16 AM
I've done anal years ago, and it hurt like hell, even though they were gentle and used lots of lube.

I've been masturbating anally for quite a little while. I got hubby to enjoy anal with me, finally, after a little coaxing and talking him into it. I loved it!!! It was more... intense, more pleasureful, more everything with another person than alone.

The tricks are to be sure that you are used to having something in there. Otherwise, you'll be in pain trying to get it out. Be sure that you're used to something the size of the man you're going to fuck. Also, an anus is NOT a vagina. It does not self lubricate. Also, the lining of the rectum are only ONE CELL THICK. It does not take much at all to damage them. Another trick is to relax, and completely trust your partner. You can open the anus further by pushing down, lightly, like you're having a BM.

Be careful with the idea of an enema first. Some people will tell you that they're a good idea. They are helpful to keep you from having a BM in the middle or right after. However, most of them will also irritate the lining even further, leading to more of a risk of damage or injury.

I've usually, in the past, had a heck of a problem with having to get up and run to the bathroom right after a guy cums in me. For some reason, I'm not having that problem now. You might want to have him use a condom, even if there is no risk or worry about disease. If it's a casual partner, of course you will. Also, you'll have to clean up the lube, the BM, and the cum (if he came in you). Don't use toilet paper, as it will leave irritating paper "fuzz" on and in you. You're better off using Tucks wipes, which do not contain alcohol. You can use baby wipes instead, if you can find some that do not contain alcohol. Alcohol burns! Most baby wipes contain it. (I wonder if that's why babies cry during diaper changes?) Failing that, you can use an old washcloth, especially one that's dark colored, and a mild soap, if you're sure to rinse it off. Wash it using chlorine bleach between times.

12-30-2002, 07:53 PM
I have to be in the mood for anal, but when I am, I have no problem having an orgasm. I agree you have to have total trust in your partner, because relaxing is the key for non painful fun. If you haven't tried it, by all means give it ago, it would be a shame to have passed up a form of pleasure simply by fear.

Smile Beautiful
01-18-2003, 12:48 PM
I just tried anal for the first time today! go me! Like a friend told me, take more lube than you think is necessary and then double the amount...that is what i did. I was laying on my side on the edge of the bed. I felt totally ready and more than enough relaxed and as soon as he went in I screamed...it hurt like hell! :'(

01-23-2003, 03:18 PM
I first had anal sex when I was 15 and it hurt 'cos he was quite big, but I persevered and now luv it - with the right lubrication and nice slow fucking I can cum buckets especially with fingers working my pussy and clit

02-21-2003, 06:03 AM
Myself and MisX have done it a few times and really enjoyed it. She finds it easier if se cums a few times first, It really relaxes her...

02-23-2003, 03:29 AM
I'm the opposite - if I've cum, I don't want any anal play. We try to time it so he'll cum fairly quickly anally.

03-02-2003, 03:32 AM
I love it, though it wasn't something I did with most of the partners I've had. I consider it the most intimate act I can share with my fiance. We think of it as the grand finale of our lovemaking episodes most of the time.

If you are considering it, I suggest you read up on it first. Two good sites are:

http://www.libida.com/content/howto/home.php?howto_id=2&id=113457131 6


BTW, it's best to use a condom even if you don't need to practice safe sex, because he can end up w/a urinary tract infection if you don't use one. (My fiance learned the hard way.) Also, I don't know about other people, but I found that semen is a very strong natural laxative--another reason to use a condom.

08-30-2003, 06:42 PM
I also enjoy anal. My exhusband would never try it although he did slip into the wrong hole one night. When he realized where it was he pulled it right out. It was very brief. I had been dying to try it since that time. Luckily for me my boyfriend is really into it. It's true that you need lots of lube, but the key is you have to be relaxed. Start small; One finger, then two, then three. If you have a tapered buttplug that helps. Once you're relaxed it feels fantastic. Some nights you might not be relaxed enough, so just try again another night.

08-30-2003, 08:37 PM
Keep in mind that the anus has to 2 sphincters, the outer one that you can see when you look at your bottom and another one inside of that. The outer one you can control (open and close it yourself), but the inner one is involuntary. Thus, that's why it hurts most people; they haven't waited long enough for that inner sphincter to open up on its own. It obviously does open eventually if you apply gentle pressure from fingers or a toy or his penis and you try your best to relax, but you must be patient; it will open up when it is ready to. That can make all the difference in how much, if at all, that it hurts at first.

10-01-2003, 08:20 PM
a couple of months ago i lost a bet with my boyfriend and the bet was that we'd have anal sex since it's been his fantasy to try it with me. well, we tried it over the weekend. we had both been drinking so i was fairly loose and limber when we got around to it and i did enjoy it. my recommendations is just like everyone else said....relax, take your time and lube it all up. dont be ashamed to ask for more lube if you need it. quite an enjoyable experience that we'll be engaging in again. and i wish it was just like popping my cherry. i bled more with anal...i swore i was getting my period and then it stopped. sure, i was sore for a day or 2 afterwards but i do have a question...does it eventually get to the point where it's not going to really hurt after so many times of going at it? i am kinda thinking that its like regular sex that once you loosen it up, things slide in more readily. is it going to hurt every time or just for a few times?

10-02-2003, 05:03 PM
i absolutly hated it at first but have kept trying it for hubbys sake and thankfully hes great and if i dont wanna hell do something else so now after a few years w him, im begining to like it, havnt cum from it yet tho.
start slow if u luv it great if u dont keep trying even now in then u may start to like it. tell him how it feels to u tho and work from there.

10-04-2003, 11:19 AM
I like it. I have orgasms from it and clit play. No it's not an all the time thing. Yes have to be in the mood for it.

10-05-2003, 05:28 AM
Hi All,
Having had anal for some years and also having played with 2 men Anal sex can be quite fun and yes i always cum with anal sex but i always do the insertation of the anal penis heaps of lube and if you slowly push back and forth on the anal penis it helps slowly open the sphincters you get to control the movement until your full open and able to enjoy the movements to bring you to orgasm yes i make them were condoms ( as if its not on it not on :) this is for safety and not wanting to run to the loo for hour afterwards , If you do this it helps with stretching and stops tears and bleeds. Just from my experience.

10-09-2003, 01:05 AM
Ive found that if the woman is on top and lowers herself onto the penis it makes it easier for her to control the speed of entry...this is expecially important the first few times when she may be apprehensive.

10-09-2003, 09:09 PM
I have gotten off on anal alone.. but I do have to be in the right mood.. a small suggestion try having him introduce some well lubed fingers while eating you... it helps to give you an idea if you like the sensation and also is great for stretching you a bit. And always remember lube, lube, lube!!!!!