View Full Version : Anal play for men
09-07-2001, 11:17 AM
I'm debating. My man and I have had times where we're doing whatever.. usually a good 69.. and I've inserted my finger a little into his ass. Afterwards he's said it felt good, but not something he'd like alot. Cool. I understand. But I'm curious about different techniques which may feel better. Him and I are good communicaters, but I'm trying to do a little research on my own first. I think some of it has to do with his own comfortableness, the taboo thoughts behind men and anal. But beyond that I want to give him the best possible oragisms. Any suggestions are appreciated.
PS... how many of you men like the feeling? I couldn't figure out how to make a pole.
connie's man
09-07-2001, 11:47 PM
My wife and I have done it a few times. It feels good, but make sure your nails are trimmed
Yes trim the nails...!!! They hurt!
Be sure you get him good and wet or use some KY or olive oil, don't take much.
I love it, when my wife gives me head and she will at times when licking and sucking my balls lick and get my ass all wet (oh man that drives me nuts) and insert a finger and just as I cum pull the finger out!! WOW what a rush!
This guy loves the anal, we have many toys and I love it when she uses them, I'd let her us a strap-on on me if she had one!
09-11-2001, 10:28 PM
I couldn't figure out how to make a pole.
Well, try stroking and sucking it... works fer me!!!:D
09-21-2001, 07:15 AM
Dear Jenny,
I love to have my ass teased. I'm not into insertion of large objects, but I have been really turned on by fingers and vibrators. Start with your husband while giving him head. Stroke from under his balls to his anus, and gently tickle it. Some pressure between his balls and anus, then the anus itself should also be exciting to him. Finally the tip of your finger gently in and out as he is coming is a good way to start. Eventually you may want to try anal beads. They are wonderful!
09-21-2001, 08:45 AM
Sorry, couldn't resist being a smartass on my last reply. But now a little more serious now, some people (m & f alike) never get over being touchy about anal play. I've mostly enjoyed the few times my DW has fingered me, but it's so sensitive it kinda throbs for a while afterwards. But try this; the prostate, the little gland from which most of a man's semen comes, is right in front of his anus; rub that spot, or better yet rub your vibrator against it while you're giving him head, and watch out! You may get more than you bargained for! :D
09-21-2001, 02:45 PM
my boyfriend was new to anal play but i tried it one night, going slowly, no rushing and he loved it
i sarted by licking his ass for ages, got him nice and relaxed and then pressed the pad of my finger to the edge of his as then slid a finger in
now he is into anything, he likes the vibrator up his ass and i might try using a strap on if he is into it
Last night, I asked my wife to put her finger in my ass while i jacked off into her open mouth. It was fantastic! I love having my butt played with. Licked, fingered, toys... of course, I've played with the toys myself, I'm still kind of hesitant to ask my wife to get her vibe out for me. I think if it ever came up, i'd really like my wife to do me with a strap on. It's amazing how much a guy can like getting his ass played with.
09-24-2001, 12:50 AM
God that sounds sooooo hot!!! .......
I've never been fortunate enough to find a man who likes to give as well as RECEIVE pleasure anally!!! .......
And wow ..... it's such a huge turn on ... at least I think so ...... to be able to play with his ass too ........
Mmmmmm ...... let him know just how good it is ..... what it REALLY feels like so he has an idea just how awesome it feels when he does it to me!!!
09-27-2001, 06:17 AM
now and then, but a full fledge anal invasion? I don't think I could handle that. It would feel too weird I guess.
09-27-2001, 06:39 AM
Biggest turn on between me and the wife is her 7" strap on. It's not all the time but when the mood hits us, it's a long slow ride to new heights. Hmmmm, I guess my answer is YES!
09-27-2001, 06:54 AM
I enjoy anal play but wifey won't attempt it.. so I have to pleasure myself that way while masterbating... I have included a pics of that in another thread called "Some Anal Fun"
10-06-2001, 05:49 PM
mmm a good wet lick is just heavenly, and I certainly enjoy a lil' incertion as long as it not to large and its well lubricated.
the prostate is a man's g-point ya know :D
10-07-2001, 12:58 AM
At time when my wife Jules and I are playing around, she may play a little. I used some Olive Oil on here after one of our anal sessions with her. It is susposed to stretch out the muscles and make it more comfortable. If anything, it is a lubrication. Try it on you too if you like anal, too. ;)
12-18-2001, 08:54 PM
My husband was the same way. It felt good to him but he didnt want me to do it. I kept assuring him that just because it felt good didnt mean that he was gay. That it was me, his wife, giving him pleasure. That must have done the trick, cause now he likes it. He doesnt like penetration but he likes to be played with. Hope this helps.
12-19-2001, 04:46 AM
I think the biggest problem most of us Men have with it is learning to relax and enjoy it. with me it was an aquired taste, the first time was not that great but it got a lot better after that.
I do not want it all the time but it sure does feel good when the time is right.
if you can get him to let you try you might want to insert a finger when he first starts to Cum while you are fucking but be ready for the mother load.:p
12-19-2001, 07:10 AM
i must admit i like it and so does the gilfriend althogh have not plucked the courage up to get her to try a starp on but would be nice and she likes it in both together
12-19-2001, 08:49 PM
I'm not really sure about the strap on thing...but I definitely like when my woman uses her small vibrator on me. I love it when she sucks me off and uses it!
12-20-2001, 02:13 PM
I have been shoping around for a strap on.... so the loved one and I have done some good playing with the ass region..... it is fun. I am in agreement with the trimmed nails for both men and women. It took us a little while to work up to it, I find it to be very intimate, but once you get there it is loads of fun. I can also say that it is like any treat, it is wonderful once and a while, but not all the time. I know that we both have to be in the mood.
12-20-2001, 03:50 PM
Get hold of a small jello butt plug, good lube and ask him to lie back,spread his legs and hold onto his ankles,slide it in and he will beg for more,he will discover the pleasure of anal play.
good luck,let us know how you get on.
This can be very enjoyable for a man... I just posted a couple pics in the mens section of me and a dildo... ;) If you take it slow anduse lotsa lube, it can really feel gooood!
01-20-2002, 03:23 PM
it's a great experience. just take it slow. although i'd recommend using astroglide instead of ky. i want to try other things but i'm working my way up slowly.
souls cry
Originally posted by Aquaman43
This can be very enjoyable for a man... I just posted a couple pics in the mens section of me and a dildo... ;) If you take it slow anduse lotsa lube, it can really feel gooood!
I also have some pics posted here... Sharniqua's Gay/bisexual men here? thread... (
03-22-2002, 05:21 PM
most men are afraid it will make them gay but being gay is when you fancy men anal sex for a man can be even better than for a woman due to prosdate stimulation
03-26-2002, 04:44 AM
Try changing the mood, Jenny D. Tie him up, strap his backside then use lots of KY or AG. Make him know that you're going to have your wicked way and just use your fingers for a start. It's almost impossible not to enjoy pressure on the prostrate. In time, he'll come round - I'm certain!
05-05-2002, 07:00 PM
My wife and I have tried it with a vibrator but she s a bit scared of hurting me I think. She doesn't like anl herself so maybe that is part of the problem. I quite enjoy it.
Wow I'm always amazed with the depth of experience and knowledge in here :)
05-06-2002, 12:23 PM
The old crazy finger! I love. can't get enough.
some girls like to give it more than others, but when they do.......look out!
it makes me absolutely crazy.........
05-06-2002, 08:36 PM
extreme turn-on, some guys don't like it because they think it means they might be gay, but thier is a difference,,, i like it and thats what counts
05-06-2002, 09:07 PM
That is indeed what counts, horseman! It's so wonderful to see so many adventurous people here!!! I've never used my tongue anally but you learn something new every day!
05-07-2002, 08:18 AM
the easy thing to start with are the love beads
and simerler toys dont look phalic so dont
scare the guy and relt enhanses the orgasam
05-09-2002, 11:33 PM
Let the anal games begin! A little fingering, nothing too deep. But what drives me wild is a woman with a good stiff tongue. I love to have my ass tongue-fucked. I've always wanted to orgasm with a tongue buried in my ass. I've wondered if the muscle spasm would make her tongue pop out! And I do so love to repay the favor!
Ruff Eek
06-02-2002, 02:08 AM
I like being touched on the butts and the area just below my balls feels DAMNED good being massaged. But actual anal insertion does nothing spectacular for me. Turns my wife on to do it, though!! :)
06-02-2002, 08:22 AM
Yes ! Itīs great my wife uses both fingers. dildos and plugs in me
06-03-2002, 08:32 AM
pantylicker that looks like fun
06-03-2002, 10:18 AM
lovely photo panty wish i could get a woman to do that sometimes
06-03-2002, 03:14 PM
it took me a bit of time, but after an introduction by a previous lover and much enthusiasm from my current, it's become a fav activity of mine ... when there's lots of lube and i'm in the mood it's quite fantastic. at first, i had some mental trouble in the form of "what if i like this too much, does that mean i'm not straight, etc.) all that crap goes away with a good lover with a great touch. i reciprocate as she likes it, too.
11-19-2002, 05:36 PM
Hi new to this site, anyone interested in SE SDak swinging? D&Dfree, discretion expected, How about it???
11-19-2002, 11:20 PM
yeah too be honest I enjoy it a bit, ive masturbated with things in my ass, and it felt pretty damn good. The other night, i got on my knees, and let her examine my ass. She got out her pink dildo, and slowly played with my ass. It was funny because it had som e shit on it when she handed it to me, I dropped it on her bed. It was quite funny actually and she changed the sheets while i washed the dildo. Then she laughed some more after I realized that yellow ky had dribbled onto my ball, and stained my underware. A fantasy of mine has always been to let a girl take control, and fuck me in the ass while I masturbate. Ive got her okay with the idea, and she says eventually she might let me perform some anal play on her!
01-03-2003, 02:24 AM
I love a little anal touching. Here's the thing. I'm thinking of asking my gf to do it more. I know she likes to touch it, but I'm thinking of having her insert a finger or two, and probably a toy now and then. Maybe even her wearing a strap on. I know I'd enjoy it. But for sensuality's sake, I think it might be better to get a double dildo with one side vaginal and the other for anal. That way we could do eachother and watch eachother's faces. It gets me so hot thinking about it. Any other comments/ideas???
01-05-2003, 12:21 AM
Hubby loves it... at first I was afraid of hurting him, but once we started it worked out fine. Lots of lube and relaxation. Best position for us is spooning. The only problem I have is with those damn harnesses. Haven't found one that doesn't slip, or one that I haven't had to secure super tight so much so it can cut off the circulation.
I like to put on vibrating panties underneath the harness, and the dildo vibrates as well. So I get to cum right along with him. We recently purchased a dildo that will cum (warm water), haven't got it in the mail yet, so he can experience the feeling of ejaculation - as close as he can. That is going to be a fun night!
01-05-2003, 09:10 PM
I love using anal play on a long as they are open to it, the orgasm it gives them is incredible :p
02-21-2004, 07:15 AM
Hey a smaller vib with a bj is awesome. I have used big ones and loke that to. I just cant fim a lady to do it for me. So until I find someone else interested in playing. Hey by the way any ladys wanna play.
02-21-2004, 07:30 PM
I have ulcerative colitus.I have to have a colonoscopy every few
years.Therefore,anything near my a**hole,brings back anything
but erotic memories! Irish
02-23-2004, 08:50 PM
I also like big, fat flexible dildos... not small ones.
My favorite toy is a thick 6" pink jelly dong. I ride the hell outta that thing until I cum all over the place!
Still just waiting to actually get it with a strap-on from my wife, 'cuz I'm sure it'll feel different (and better) to "not have control" and just be fucked!
Even though I'm extremely masculine, I'm one of (probably) few men who are strongly in touch with their feminine side, and that's one way of expressing it (aside from feeling GREAT!).
02-26-2004, 12:59 AM
I love it, too. no matter wich way. fingring, licking, plugs, dildoes, vibes, strap on, tryed them all and love it. but i have to say the real thing feels best!:bsex: :sex:
02-26-2004, 09:12 PM
Ass...OH YEAH!! just cannot get enough of it
02-28-2004, 05:47 AM
Enjoy anal play as well ... giving and receiving. :)
02-28-2004, 06:11 AM
lol...the last time I tried slipping a finger in with my bf he clamped his arse cheeks together so tightly I nearly lost the finger!
02-29-2004, 09:50 PM
LOL- I'm down to 9 digits myself...
02-29-2004, 11:57 PM
I'm all for anal play by all who want it, but I can't get over the idea out there that anal sex is feminine, and perfectly natural for girls, but not for men? 'Tain't perfectly "natural" for any of us, but it feels heavenly! If taking it up the ass makes men fear they are gay, does taking a tongue, finger, or toy up the ass make me a gay man?
Nah, I didn't think so.
If it feels good, do it. How about let's not put a whole bunch of baggage on it? There's nothing weird about what consenting partners choose to do with what they've got. The human body, male or female, has some parts that work and feel exactly the same. The anus is one of them--chockful of nerve endings, a pleasure palace in the right hands (tongues, whatever).
After 13 years together, and nearly 10 years of marriage, I tongued my hubby for the first time. He almost died, it felt so good, and his turn-on turned me on even more. (I told him!)
That's my two-cents, anyway.
Originally posted by always_horny
Even though I'm extremely masculine, I'm one of (probably) few men who are strongly in touch with their feminine side, and that's one way of expressing it (aside from feeling GREAT!).
03-01-2004, 08:34 AM
I'm personally all for it. I've enjoyed anal play since I was a teenager. I've had a few women fuck my ass before. It can definitely give me a screaming orgasm if done right. :D However, I have yet to feel the real thing to compare....
See... I even enjoy it on my own...
katekate and Englishlush - If you want someone to practice on, just let me know. :hot: :D :hot:
03-05-2004, 08:36 AM
Originally posted by popper70
I love it, too. no matter wich way. fingring, licking, plugs, dildoes, vibes, strap on, tryed them all and love it. but i have to say the real thing feels best!:bsex: :sex:
I wish you had a pic of that in your threesome thread.
03-07-2004, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by lea&al
I wish you had a pic of that in your threesome thread.
oh me too, u can be sure ;)
07-06-2004, 10:39 PM
Al and I both enjoy it when I fuck his ass. He likes the way it feels and I love to watch that rubber cock sliding in and out of his ass! I'm getting worked up just thinking about it!
We just got the Feeldoe dildo and I'm looking forward to using it. Then I'll have some physical stimulation to go along with the visual!
07-06-2004, 10:43 PM
i LOVE nailing him......and he love it even more!
oops sorry about caps, i wasn't yelling but i was a little excited :slurp:
07-07-2004, 12:30 AM
Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!! :love:
It is so very good, just loved it when she did it to me, miss it now. :(
07-07-2004, 08:54 AM
Yes, that is something I enjoy quite a bit as well. The wife always gets "that look" in her eyes when she's putting it on. Instant lust. :D
Just wish we got to do it more often! :sex:
(Damn, no strap on smilie yet...) lol
07-07-2004, 08:34 PM
a little lick or a finger is a pleasant surprise every now and again
Curious gal
07-14-2004, 06:05 PM
I'm amazed at how many people enjoy anal play. I can't get over the fact that it's a sort of gross part of the body. If my guy asked me to finger him or use a dildo no problem, I'd give it a whirl, but never ever do I think I could lick him there and yet I love giving head. How do you not gag? Is there some sort of cleaning that's done before hand or in the heat of the moment do people just not think about it? Where I'm not being asked for it I'm hesistant to test the waters even though I'm a bit intrigued by everyone's fascination, assuming it must feel pretty great and I'd like to give my lover that pleasure, but on the other hand why go there when I'm not into it and he's not asking me for it? Something for me to contemplate. Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences. Any additional feedback would be great. :moon:
07-14-2004, 07:53 PM
Anal play?
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