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View Full Version : hmmmmmm...I want to post a pic

11-01-2002, 08:04 PM
I want to post a pic of us on here for the first time....Does anyone worry if someone they know will see it? Honestly, the idea of that doesn't even bother me but I think I will always wonder about that. What do you think the odds are of that happening to any of us. Will I walk into work one day to find my boss looks at me in a different way? Then again maybe I will get a nice raise....hahahaha. My only decision now is what kind of pic to post first.....:fly:

Always wear a smile!!!!!!

11-01-2002, 08:07 PM
Post whatever you feel comfortable posting

I'm sure anything you post will be more than fine :)

11-01-2002, 08:08 PM
well you could tease us with a few or just go for it .i know i will respect you in the morning.

11-01-2002, 08:12 PM
Oh..... I will be posting very soon and if my guy has his way it will be the $$Money Shot$$ for sure. I am so glad you will respect me in the morning...hahahaha

11-01-2002, 08:13 PM
A lot of people seem to start by posting neck down pictures ... but later, many have dropped that bit of privacy. Do what you feel comfortable with. Think you'll find a very receptive and happy audiience whatever your decision! ;)

Hmmmm ... do I feel a stirring down there? Yes, I think so. Is that a faster heartbeat and shorter breath? Yes, I believe it is.

See, you have us going already! :D

11-01-2002, 08:42 PM
way to go is post what you are conmfy with...fully wrapped up can be as / more sexy........waiting on....

11-05-2002, 06:34 PM
Post some of your body, then mix it up some. Throw a teaser in there and then surprise us :D

11-05-2002, 07:51 PM
I've often thought about someone I know seeing my pics, too. But then again, if they're here, surely they're open-minded, too? Unfortunately, I don't have access to a camera right now but soon, I hope!

11-09-2002, 04:49 PM
post any thing you want to

11-10-2002, 10:37 AM
Here's the deal.If someone you know sees a sexy naked shot of you (and they will)there are 2 ways to feel about it.1: You are proud of what you are showing and the person who veiws it obviously has similar interests.Or 2:You would be embarrased to accidently have someone you konw veiw a candid shot of you because you are not comfortable with your body.It is a very simple decision.You will find that most of us here are very kind and respectful people.Personally Mr and Mrs TLC are very proud of our pics and anyone who veiws them can like or dislike them.That doesnt change who we are.We have and you have nothing to be ashamed of!!!!!!