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BamaKyttn 11-04-2008 09:55 PM

nipple jewelry
ok so I want new decorations for my tits..... I want pixie input



dangling thingies?

I cant seem to find anything I really like and I would love help finding something that I can keep in constantly w/out worrying I'll damage it or my nipple, als I'm sensitive to metals so it's got to be good metals or glass or plastic....


scotzoidman 11-05-2008 12:23 AM

I suggest the fake clip-on thingies, if you must. Seriously, you might want to use those nips to feed a baby someday, & there's no 100% safe way of sticking holes in any body part that you might need to use in the future.

A few years ago, I was playing in a bar when I encountered a woman who was, ahem, more than willing to show off all her body piercings & art; she had a ring thru the right nip, the left unadorned, & when the drummer asked if it hurt, she said, "Oh hell yeh, it hurt like a sumbitch at first, but now..." & then flicked the ring a couple times with no sign of pain at all.

Now, here's a question for you: would you enjoy having little or no sensation in your nipples at all?

FlirtWithMe 11-05-2008 03:20 AM

Originally Posted by scotzoidman
Seriously, you might want to use those nips to feed a baby someday, & there's no 100% safe way of sticking holes in any body part that you might need to use in the future.
No 100% safe way, but according to breast-feeding experts LaLecheLeague, there's no evidence to suggest that nipple piercings interfere detrimentally to breast-feeding.

Here is a quite interesting article on the compatibility of nipple piercings and breast-feeding. A quote from there:
Several lactation consultants interviewed for this article said that breastfeeding problems were often observed in women who did not remove nipple jewelry before nursing. These difficulties included poor latch, babies frequently coming on and off the breast, slurping, gagging and milk leaking from the baby's mouth. Once the nipple jewelry was removed the problems stopped.
Removing the nipple jewelry for each feed would of course also remove the risks of the baby choking, should the jewelry become dislodged during a feed.

Kyttn, a friend of mine has both nipples pierced with a bar going horizontally across. I don't think she lost any sensation but, as scotz said, I guess it's a risk. Looked really good though and she loves them!

Lilith 11-05-2008 05:45 AM

She already has them pierced :hot:

I like the shields, where it surrounds the nip and is secured by the barbell. *sexy*

1nutworld 11-05-2008 07:59 AM

I think pictures would help us help you decide.

Ok, maybe not and I just want to see your nips, but hey, I'm quite sure I'm not alone in this.

FlirtWithMe 11-05-2008 08:32 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
She already has them pierced :hot:
I had not realized this from the original post :o but yep :hot:

I've been looking at nipple jewelry on Google Images and there are some really nice ones. Maybe look there, Kyttn, see if there's anything you like :nod:

Casperr 11-05-2008 09:25 AM

Got no suggestions of my own (yet) but I'm gonna follow this thread closely, as I'm planning on getting a nip pierced soon :)

scotzoidman 11-05-2008 10:35 AM

Ok, I must have known that Kyttn already had her piercings, but that little tidbit obviously slipped my mind. I'm still pretty much against anybody piercing any part of their body that might be useful someday... earlobes are ok, other than providing a nice little erogenous zone for foreplay, they don't seem to serve any real purpose. I didn't mention in my previous post that I actually did get a chance to feel & compare the nipples of the woman in the bar. I didn't care for the pierced one at all, felt more like a rubber eraser...but to each his/her own...

Lilith 11-05-2008 04:04 PM

I have seen Bama's and well....

ha ha I just wanted you guys to think about me looking at Bama's boobies :p

Aqua 11-05-2008 04:12 PM

LOL @ ^^^

I almost posted that info, Lil, but figured I'd leave it for you.

BamaKyttn 11-05-2008 08:37 PM

mine have actually become more sensitive....as for feelin like erasers??? LordSnow? Honey?

yes it hurt... I went white....er. I was damn near transparent, dont just get one, looks like you chickened out.

apparently it takes a year or so to totally forget how bad it hurts... I'm considering another piercing although LordSnow has asked it not be in the vicinity of my twat.

maybe a Monroe.....idk

I like the shields but dont want to block access for whoever's look..i mean licking.

Lilith 11-05-2008 08:47 PM

I too want a Monroe. In my next career.

BamaKyttn 11-05-2008 08:54 PM

i figure if the post is short enough and the jewelry is matte it might look like a part of me lol

BamaKyttn 11-05-2008 08:56 PM

and let the record show I offered to let Lil touch 'em...... hell if I thought shed a done it I'da told her to lick and suck on 'em.... >evil grin< Sorry LordSnow, yeah I'da let Lilith play with them.

Lord Snow 11-05-2008 10:38 PM

She didn't and that means for the time being, they're all mine. I don't think they feel like erasers. Still feel like flesh, taste like flesh. Course, I never chewed erasers, so I'm not sure if they taste like them. Personally, I'm not that fond of facial piercings, and the only reason I ask that it not be below the belt, is it took long enough for your nipples to heal and allow me to constantly play with them. I don't want to lose my toys.

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