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Mr. 3G 05-21-2007 03:27 AM

Henry posted this link on my TRY THIS thread over in LIT. It demonstrates the position and the result. This is not the position I prefer but whatever works for you and variation DOES spice this up - like it NEEDS spicing up!! Anyway some people may find this easier to accomplish after watching the vid. Don't forget to try the Technique and compare it to this position.


AngelicVampires 03-30-2009 01:27 PM

Is he just pulling his arm up really fast with his fingers curled upwards in there?

Lord Snow 03-30-2009 09:09 PM

that's the way it looks to me.

Mr. 3G 06-02-2009 03:03 AM

Using your ARM
The point I make with the Technique is that you are using your arm mostly and not your fingers. The Gspot can fire off once OR you can keep it going a hundred times or more so you do NOT want to rely on the very small and somewhat delicate muscles and tendons in your fingers and wrist. You're just asking for carpal tunnel surgery if you do that.

The technique shown in the VID uses the forearm for power and speed and yes, the fingers are curled upwards towards her belly. You also notice that sometimes he will press on her lower abdomen. This pushed her tummy wall down and in turn pushes her GSPOT down into the fingers that are jammin' UP into that area causing the repetitive and obviously massive orgasms.

If you use the arm and shoulder muscles YOU can keep her going for hours if that is what she wants. Arm tires? Change arms. You can be ambidextrous for this and not have to rely on your dom hand.

For short G-Gasming it doesn't matter what method, fingers, hand you use, whether she is face up, down, hanging from the ceiling fan - it doesn't matter. For the marathons or even extended G-Gasming ... a dozen or two massive G-Gasms if you use the methods shown in the VID or how I describe you an maintain her orgasms - their depth and intensity and not have to worry about your hand/wrist needing surgery.

If you have her on her back and you are using the technique shown in the VID you can also use your tongue. Suck her whole clit - hood and all into your mouth, suck and do that thang with your tongue and then continue to G her. The COMBO-GASMS are said by many to be THE most intense orgasm or series of orgasms a woman can experience.

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