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dicksbro 04-23-2020 04:10 AM

God, family, friends and other in about that order. But, that's not to say there's huge difference between each. Try to be honest and fair with all.

WMMTY: Watching stars at night outdoors or watching the morning sunrise from an outdoors vantage point?

gekkogecko 04-23-2020 06:00 AM

So very much not a morning person like I used to be: I'd rather watch the stars.

An adaquate supply of PPE or an adaquate supply of toilet paper?

dicksbro 04-25-2020 12:29 AM

Toilet paper. Don't sit down without it.

WMMTY … free time or keeping busy?

Goofy 04-26-2020 05:48 AM

Keepin' busy. I likes to take breaks and all dat, but I likes bein' busy.

WMMTY? Kissin' or Huggin'?

gekkogecko 04-26-2020 10:31 AM

Probably hugging, much more body contact that way.

WMMTY: Planning outa project in detail, or winging it as you go?

dicksbro 04-27-2020 03:08 AM

Right now, probably winging it. When this COVID-19 thing settles down, then maybe more "planning" could be done. Right now, the plans could easily be cancelled by new or changing rules.

WMMTY: Toilet paper shortages or hand sanitizer availability?

gekkogecko 04-27-2020 05:53 AM

Probably toilet paper, we seem to go through more of that than hand sanitizer here.

Reading to stay informed on your favorite subjects, or reading for "fun"?

dicksbro 04-27-2020 11:15 PM

Reading to stay informed on favorite subjects.

WMMTY: House or Car?

gekkogecko 04-28-2020 06:16 AM

Easy one, this time. House, I don't even have a car of my own.

WMMTY: For staying in touch, dropping an e-mail, or making a ph9one call?

dicksbro 04-30-2020 02:54 AM

With the stay-at-home thing caused by COVID-19, probably e-mail. I'm not big on phone calls. When my cell phone died, I enjoyed so much NOT getting phone calls at the wrong time … I never got another. Been a couple of years now that the peace and quiet are nice. :)

WMMMTY: Being to an appointment a bit early; on-time; or, fashionably late?

kleclere 07-03-2020 07:45 AM

I try to be early. Just the way I am.

WMMTY: Good friends or social distancing?

dicksbro 07-13-2020 01:42 AM

Well, friends matter the most unless they showed signs of coughing, sneezing or complaining of not feeling well ... in which case I'd elect social distancing and mask wearing. :shrug:

gekkogecko 07-13-2020 06:00 AM

WMMTY: For long-distance personal contact, occasional video chat or frequent texting?

dicksbro 07-17-2020 12:14 AM

Like the personal contact the best, but when distance is a problem, it's nice to have the electronic options. So, both are good.

WMMTY: self-sufficiency or a helping hand?

kleclere 07-17-2020 08:23 AM

A helping hand. Sometimes that personnel feeling helps.

WMMTY: Casino or movie theatre?

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