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Graybread 11-16-2003 07:42 PM

Frank was beside himself, he couldn’t believe that his daughter was sucking his cock. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had his cock in a woman’s mouth, years probably. The sensation was electrifying as she ran her tongue around the glans. But to see his cock in his little girls mouth was the most erotic thing he had every seen. He held her head as she licked around his cock, tasting it, exploring. He had always taught her it investigate everything. He watched her eyes as he slowly pushed deeper into her mouth. He began to set up his rhythm, starting slowly, allowing her time to adjust.

He pushed against the back of her throat and felt her gag, but when he pulled out she grabbed his cock again and sucked him back in. He felt his pre-cum begin to ooze and the thought of her tasting it excited him more. She wrapped her hand around his cock and worked her mouth and hand together as he fucked into her mouth. He felt the cum rising in his balls and his cock swell in her mouth. His first inclination was to pull out to cum, but he didn’t, he really wanted her to taste him. His first jets filled her mouth as she looked up at him, he could see the smile in her eyes. He expected to see his cum escape from around her lips but it didn’t. He felt her mouth contract as she swallowed, the sensation bringing up another jet of cum, and she swallowed it as well. The thought of his little girl drinking his sperm was excitement beyond any he’d every known, causing it to continue to come. It became more that she could swallow and began to seep around his cock, dripping off her chin.

He stood there shuddering, his body in spasms as she sucked him. He was amazed that he had cum so much, considering the night before. Finally it subsided and he felt like he wanted to collapse. He helped her off her knees and wrapped his arms around her.

“Oh Baby. I’m too old for this.” He said reaching around her to turn the water off.

He looked down at her and saw his cum around the outer edges of her mouth, some still on her chin. He had an urge to taste himself on her, to taste his own cum mixed with her saliva. To taste the seed that had created her in the first place. He ran his tongue across her lips, licking them clean, then covered her mouth with his, pushing his tongue in to mop the inside of her mouth. His hand slid down her hard belly, over the “V” and into her pussy. He found her G-spot quickly while the base of his finger worked over her clit. She was wet, very wet as he fingered her. His other hand slid down the small of her back and between the crack of her ass and moved forward. He slipped his finger into her from the backside, as her juices flowed out of her. One hand continued to work her G-spot and clit, as the other one moved back an inch to find her tight puckered rectum. His finger wet with her juices he gently pushed his finger into her anus. He pushed in as far as it would go then began to slowly finger her ass and pussy, his tongue doing the same to her mouth.

Her arms tight around his neck she stood there while he brought her pleasure. She pulled away from his mouth and panted as she came on his fingers. He waited until she was done before gently pulling his fingers out.

“What say we do something less strenuous like walk 18 holes,” he said smiling down at her. “This old man needs to rest a bit.”

Chloe 11-16-2003 08:33 PM

Father & daughter
Roxanne felt both proud and relieved that she could give her father head and have him come so hard. He had flooded her with come and she breathed the slightly chlorine scent in eagerly, savouring the sweet, nut-like taste.

He kissed her and she felt his fingers find that spot in her he had shown her last night.
It made her shudder uncontrollably as he massaged it and her clit at the same time. Her legs were weak as it was but when he slipped a slick finger into her ass she cried out in shock and pleasure and very nearly collapsed.

This new sensation caused a sudden, long climax that left her breathless.

While she clung to Frank, trying to catch her breath, he said.” What about a walk – 18 holes? Your old man needs a break.”
She laughed and kissed his cheek,

“Okay, Dad. You’re on. I’ll caddy if you want to play a round.”

She took a large Turkish towel and wrapped him in it lovingly, patting and rubbing him dry. He did the same for her and they laughed at one another’s tousled hair.

The morning was bright and cool. Small clouds scudded across a blue sky and Roxanne stood at the open door in her towel and took a deep breath. “Oh Dad! I’m so happy!”

“Get in here and get dressed. You’ll catch a cold after that hot shower.” Frank called from the bedroom.

“Yes, Daddy,” She said in an exaggerated “little girl” voice and, as she passed him he swiped at her bottom with a sneaker.

Once they were dressed Frank suggested coffee and a muffin at the local coffee shop and they set of in his car. The place was full of holidaymakers but they found a table and Frank settled in while Roxie got their order.

Frank looked around at the young crowd; he felt 10 years younger than yesterday even though his body was complaining about the recent activity.

“ What are you smiling at?” Roxanne asked as she slid into her seat.

“Just very happy, sweetheart, thanks to you.” And he reached his hands across the table to take hers.

A woman at the next table nudged her companion and jerked her head at Frank. Roxanne drew her hand back awkwardly, suddenly aware that their closeness had to be a secret.

“People are looking, Dad.” She was blushing.
“Let them!” he smiled. “They’ll just think I’m your sugar Daddy. I expect that old bag is just jealous.” She laughed and the tense moment was over but it did make Frank realise how sensitive he had to be to his daughter’s feelings.

The golf course was surprisingly empty, the green grass brilliant unde the clear sky.

Graybread 01-22-2004 10:49 PM

They walked to the first tee box, it was a 350 yard, par three.

“My driver please Caddy.”

“It’s between your legs Sir,” Roxanne replied.

“Ah, I seen I’ve drawn a smart ass for a Caddy today,” he laughed. “No, my other driver.”

Roxanne had caddied for her Dad many times, she knew what club he wanted without asking. She herself was a fairly good golfer, although swimming was her sport. She seemed to have an infinity to water. She was drawn to it, even when she golfed she inevitably found the water hazards. Frank on the other hand was in his element, this was his game. He teed up his first shot and laid it 240 yards straight down the middle of the fairway.

“Not bad for an old cuss,” she commented watching the ball.

“Careful there Caddy or there’re be not tip for you.” He said tossing her the driver and starting down the fairway.

She slipped the club back into the bag and had to run, pulling the cart behind her to catch up with him. Slipping her hand into his as she did.

“I think I already got my tip,” she said softly looking up at her Dad.

He smiled down at her, releasing her hand and putting his arm around her shoulder. She slipped hers around his waist as they had so many times before, walking down a golf course.

“So what are you going to do about college,” he asked slipping into his father mood.

“I don’t know. What do you think?” she answered his question with a question.

“That’s up to you baby, you’re a big girl now. You need to make your own choices.” He replied. “You can go about anywhere you want.”

“I know,” she said with a hint of sadness in her voice, tightening her grip around his waist, pulling herself closer to him. “They’re all so far away.”

“I know honey,” he said squeezing her shoulder.

Franks second shot put him on the green just twenty feet from the pin. But he two putted to get in.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Roxanne clucked as she marked his scorecard. “One over. I can tell it’s going to be a long day.

“I’ll long day you,” he laughed swiping at her with his putter.

He pared the next three holes easily coming up to the fifth hole. It was a long 580 yards, par 5, with a dogleg to the left. At the bend of the dogleg was a large water trap with tall trees to the left of the water. It was 120 yards to the water and another 50 to clear it. To clear the trees and get on in two was about a 280-yard drive.

“Ok Miss Smarty Pants Caddy, what should I do here?” he asked.

“Well if were me, I’d go straight down the fairway, but I’m not the one playing. So I guess you should try to clear the water and save par. But you are still one over,” she said slyly.

She already knew what he was going to do, before he asked. He would go for the trees like he always did when they played this course. He had never cleared them but that didn’t matter to him, it was the challenge that he liked. It was also one of the things she admired about her father, he always accepted the challenge. It was one of those fatherly things he had tried to instill in her as well.

“No, I think I’ll try to get on in two.”

“Surprise, surprise,” she commented with out emotion.

She watched him quietly as he teed his shot up. His concentration on the ball. She looked at his strong fingers as he gripped the club and the muscles bulged in his forearms. She watched as his hips turned back with the backswing then rotate forward ahead of the club on the down swing. It was a perfect “whack” as the face of the driver met the ball. And she watched the muscles of his bicep bulge in the follow through.

“Where’d it go,” he asked looking over at her.

“I’m sorry Daddy,” she said meekly, “I didn’t see it, I was watching you.”

“Well, I’m sure it went over this time.”

“Yes, it probably did,” she said reassuring him.

“OK, your turn.”

“My turn?”

“Yeah, over the water. There’s no one else out here, just take a shot across the water. Use my 2 wood.”

“Alright, I’ll try, but you know what’s going to happen.”

She pulled the club out of the bag and teed up a ball. Frank moved behind her.

“Backup a little this shaft is longer than you’re use to. Now step a little behind the ball,” he said holding her waist and moving her sideways a little. “Wait a minute, let me get in front of you. Ok, shoot.”

She pulled the club back then forward and watched as the ball made a nice “plinking” noise as it entered the water.

“Ok, so you owe me one Titleist, now try it again,” he said tossing her another ball. “But keep your head down. I want your eye looking right down at the top of the tee all the way through the shot.”

She teed up the ball and stared at it while taking a deep breath. She tried to picture the way her Dad had looked when he made his shot.

“Rotate your hips ahead of the club,” she heard him say. Think past the water.”

She tried to superimpose her image over the image of him in her mind. The club met the ball with a resounding ‘whack’.

“Where’d it go,” she asked still looking down at the tee, afraid to look up.

“Look for yourself,” he replied.

Her eyes went straight for the water, searching for the telltale ripple.

“Where is it,” she asked seeing no movement in the water.

“Look about 30 yards past the water,” he said smiling at her.

She spied the white speck laying in the grass of the fairway where he had indicated.

“I did it,” she squealed dropping the club and jumping into his arms wrapping hers around his neck and kissing him quickly on the mouth. He looked down at her in his arms and their lips met again in a slower tenderer kiss. Their tongues meeting and twisting around each other.

“Thanks Daddy,” she said breaking the kiss.

“I think they have a rule against making love on the golf course,” he said smiling at her.

“Ah hum, probably,” she said as her mouth covered his again in another long passionate kiss.

As they made their way around the dogleg, Roxanne picked up her ball, she had made her shot. They continued up the fairway getting closer to the trees. Frank scanned the edge of the tree line looking for his ball.

“Daddy, look” Roxanne called.

When Frank turned to look at her, he saw his ball laying 20 yards onto the fairway. He had made his shot as well.

“I’ll be damned,” he said walking over to her.

“You did it Daddy, you cleared the trees.” She said beaming at him.

“No, you did it baby,” he said tilting her chin up and kissing her on the forehead. “You make me feel ten years younger.”

His next shot put him on the green about 40 yards above the pin. His first putt put him 3 yards away and he dropped it on the second putt.

“Well, that finally puts you even,” she mocked, marking his scorecard.

As they walked to the next tee, she turned and looked back at the trees, sticking her tongue out. They finished the front nine at two under, and then stopped at the clubhouse for a drink before starting the back nine. They held hands, kissed and cuddled as he played. At the end of eighteen, he finished at five under par.

“Well, I think this calls for a celebration,” he said as he put his clubs in the trunk of the convertible. “How’s steak sound to you?”

“Sounds good to me,” she answered. “You grill em and I’ll make the salad.”

They stopped at the store and picked up everything they needed. Frank grilled the steaks to perfection while Roxanne made the salad. After dinner they sat on the porch swing of the cabin wrapped in each other’s arms, watching the sunset on the water and listening to the loons begin to call. Roxanne curled in a ball as she cuddled next to her father.

“I love you Daddy,” she whispered to him.

“I love you too, Roxie,” he answered pulling her closer onto his lap.

Chloe 01-22-2004 11:57 PM

Roxie loved these moments with her father. They had often cuddled like this and, now she could admit it, she had thoughts about being more intimate with her father but had pushed them away. Since that moment when she had felt his hand tenderly cup her breast she knew he too had the same thoughts.

She snuggled closer to him breathing in his scent, an arousing mixture of perspiration from his round of golf and his familiar aftershave. With her head on his chest she could hear his steady, strong heartbeat. In the distance, across the lake, loons began calling back and forth.

“I love you, Daddy.” She whispered softly, but he heard her and replied’

“I love you too, Roxie.”

Frank drew his daughter onto his lap and she felt like his baby girl once more, protected from all things bad. She looked out across the rapidly darkening water and wondered what evil was out there. Never mind, Daddy would make sure she was safe.

She wriggled against him, settling into the shape of his hard body.

“I’m so sleepy Dad” she murmured, her head drooping onto his shoulder.

In seconds she was snoring softly. Frank tried to shift her slightly to get more comfortable. He looked out across the mirror-lake. The loons had quietened and only fireflies lit the black now.

His life had changed in these couple of days. Nothing would ever be the same for him again. He looked down at the glossy head now resting on his chest and kissed it softly.

He’d have to wake her; mosquitoes would eat them alive soon. He gently shook her. “Roxie, baby, wake up.”

Graybread 01-25-2004 05:48 PM

She continued to snore lightly. In all her short years, this was one of the many things that Frank had found so much pleasure in, his little girl curled up on his lap. Whenever she was lonely or afraid or just needed the security of his nearness, she would crawl onto his lap. He would hold her for a while longer.

He held her as he listened to the Loons calls fade in the distance and the lonely call of a Whippoorwill off in the trees. He watched the sparkle of the moon light off the waves, the silver fish dancing under the light. He sat in the darkness, gently swinging, as a million fireflies flashed off and on in the quiet of the evening. It was a perfect evening a perfect time. His heart was filled with tremendous happiness and sadness at the same time. He nuzzled his face in the top of Roxie hair, kissing her lightly.

“Time for bed sweetie,” he whispered as the attack of the mosquito’s began.

He cradled her in his arms as he stood up and carried her through the door, kicking it shut with his foot. He laid her on the bed and untied her sneakers, pulling them off and dropping them on the floor. He gently massaged her feet bringing the circulation back into them. She mumbled softly in her sleep. He moved up to her waist and flicked the button on her shorts and pulled the zipper down, then tugged them off her. The top of her white panties rolled down as he did. He knelt on the bed and raised her T-shirt, pulling each arm through before gently raising her head and pulling it off.

“Mmmm, Daddy,” she murmured in her sleep.

“Shhhh, baby, sleep,” he said softly, tossing her T-shirt on the floor.

He looked down at her beautiful face, her dark hair splayed across the white pillowcase. Her eyes closed and a slight curve at the corner of her lips.

Is she dreaming of me? he thought. Silly old man. he chided himself.

He looked down her body, at the dark nipples showing through her lace bra, at the tuft of pubic hair showing above her rolled down panties. His cock began to stir in his underwear. He climbed off the bed and began to undress, kicking his shoes off, and dropping his pants. He pulled his shirt over his head and got a waft of his own body odor. He thought of jumping in the shower quickly but decided he could do it in the morning, before she woke.

Maybe they could shower together again. he thought smiling.
He lifted each foot in turn and pulled his socks off, then pulled his underwear down. His cock slapping against his hard belly.
Give it a rest. he told himself.

He turned the lights off and slipped into the bed beside his daughter, pulling the blankets up over them. The moonlight playing softly across her face. He lay on his side watching her sleep as he had done so many many times in the past, laying on his side propped up on an elbow. He loved his daughter, always had, but now he was ‘in love’ with her. And it was that same love that would force him to let her go one day, to find her own life, but not to soon he hoped. He would love her forever, and ‘make love’ to her as long as she wanted.

She mumbled again in her sleep, rolling toward him. Her knee banging into his before finding it’s way over the top, her foot gripping the back of his calf. She threw her arm over his side and pushed her head onto his arm, forcing him to lay it out straight laying her head on it.

Her face just inches from his. He inhaled her sweet breath as he smiled at her sleeping. He reached up and unhooked her bra, he wanted to feel her warm breasts pressed against his chest while his cock pressed into her hard belly. He tried desperately not to wake her as he struggled to slide her bra strap over her arm. Crumpled on the bed between them, he pulled her closer pressing his chest to hers.

“I love you Roxie,” he whispered quietly, kissing her nose then lightly on the mouth, “I’ll love you forever.”

Chloe 01-26-2004 01:15 AM

Father and daughter
Originally posted by Tristesse [/i]
[B]Roxanne was dreaming that she was floating over her home. She could look down and see her mother and father in bed. Her mother, in her elegant business suit, was on her knees with her ass high in the air and her Dad was pounding into her relentlessly.

She watched as her mother turned the pages of a business report in front of her seemingly oblivious of Franklin fucking her from behind. As he collapsed and came his wife pushed him off her and stood up.

“Thank god that’s over.” She heard her mother say as she dusted herself off. “I’m doing my wifely duty, Frank. Just be grateful for that. I want a divorce” Her father’s face crumpled as he started to weep.

Roxanne started awake, her heart beating wildly. What a weird dream, where had it come from? Was it her guilty conscious that sparked it? Roxanne was horrified to find she was aroused by the image of her parents having sex.

She lay listening to her father’s breathing in the dark. She knew, without having to see him that he was lying on his stomach, an arm flung out to hold her. She eased herself out from under his arm and slid off the bed. Taking a spare blanket to wrap herself against the chill, she went outside to sit on the porch.

She swung gently, hugging the blanket around her. The dream still bothered her. “It was just a silly dream.” She told herself, but it didn’t help.

Roxanne surreptitiously touched herself and found she was very wet. She started to rub her protruding clitoris, her first and second finger on either side. Under the blanket she opened her legs wider, shifting her hips to slouch down a bit.

Her head dropped back as the pleasure grew and a small, breathy moan left her lips. Her hand moved faster now and she let the first two fingers of her other hand slide into her slick pussy. The blanket fell away but she didn’t notice the chill air nor did she notice Franklin standing in the doorway.

Her orgasm shook her making the whole swing shudder. She lay for a second letting the waves of pleasure subside and then gathered the blanket around her once more, closing her thighs on the wetness and tingling.

Frank cleared his throat as if he’d just arrived.

“Oh - Hi, Dad.” She said scootching over for him. “I just had a bad dream but I’m ok. What time is it?”

Graybread 01-28-2004 01:43 PM

Frank moved to throw his arm over Roxanne. He groped for her a couple of times before coming awake.

“Roxie,” he whispered, realizing she wasn’t there.

He sat up and looking around the dark room.

“Roxie,” he whispered again.

He thought that she must be in the bathroom until he heard a soft moan coming from out side. He sat on the edge of the bed rubbing his hand across his sleepy face, then standing up to go to the door. He hadn’t meant to sneak up on her, it was just that he was barefoot and naked. She was sitting in the swing playing with her pussy. He froze, barely breathing as he stood in the doorway and watched his daughter masturbate. He found his hand wrapped around his cock as he slowly stroked himself, watching her. He found it extremely exciting to be watching her and her not know he was there. He was disappointed when she came and stopped frigging herself.

“Ahem.” He cleared his throat.

“Oh….Hi, Dad.” She said moving over. “I just had a bad dream but I’m ok. What time is it?”

He moved out of the doorway and around in front of her, his cock still hard and standing before him, his hand still holding it, stroking it slowly.

“Time….ah, I’m not sure,” he stammered. “I…..I was watching you Roxie, I mean, while you were playing with yourself. I wanted you last night but you seemed so sleepy, and I was tired too. Too much golf I guess.”

His hand continued to stroke his cock as he moved to sit beside her on the swing.

“Maybe sometime….ya know….after we go home, you could let me watch you do that again? You could leave your bedroom door cracked just a little, or something, so I could peek in. That got me really excited sweetheart, see,” he looked down at his cock.

The head was hard and shiny and an angry purple color, a bead of precum glistening at the opening.

“Kiss Daddy’s cock, baby, please” he pleaded looking back up at her.

Her dark eyes dancing with mischief now, she leaned over and kissed the bead of precum off his cock, before engulfing just the head in her mouth. She swirled her tongue around it bring more precum up, savoring the flavor. He released his hand and tilted his head back so he could watch his cock disappear into her mouth. He gently pushed her head down until he felt his cock hit the back of her throat. She gagged a couple of times but did not pull off. He pushed her head down farther until his cock was completely in her mouth. He reached under her throat and felt the swelling there, he had the urge to cum straight down her throat and into her stomach but he held back. He pulled her head up and off his cock, a streamer of spit hanging off her chin.

“Sit on my lap baby.” She told her pulling her off the swing. “Turn around so I can see your back side.”

She straddled his legs facing away from him and slowly began to lower herself. He held his cock right at her pussy as she sat down, slowly taking all of him in.

“Lean back now,” he said pulling her back tight against his chest. “Daddy wants to watch you play with your pussy again.”

He held her back by grabbing both her tits, looking over her shoulder as he watched her hand slid back toward her pussy, the fingers going to each side of her clit like before. His feet planed firmly on the porch deck he began to rock the swing, the rocking action becoming the fucking motion. He felt her fingers slide along his cock as she worked her clit.

“That’s so pretty,” he moaned biting into her shoulder, leaving small red teeth marks.

“Watch me Daddy, watch me play with my clit,” she moaned.

He kissed up the side of her neck never taking his eyes off her hand. His fingers squeezing her nipples. The swinging action becoming faster as he watched her.

“Daddy's going to cum, baby,” he panted. “Make me cum Roxie, make me cum.”

He reached down and placed his hand over hers rubbing her hand against her clit hard.

“Cum with me,” he groaned as he felt the first jets of semen leave his cock.

“Fuck me Daddy. Watch me cum on your hard cock,” she panted her hips jerking back and forth. “Watch me, oh fuck watch me cum! Oh fuck Daddy, Oh fuck, I’m cummmmmming! Watch meeeeee!” she wailed!

He jerked his hips up forcing his cock as deep into her as he could, then withdrawing again, rubbing her hand up and down his cock and over her clit as he came in her. He pumped shot after shot of hot cum deep into her, splashing against her womb.

“Unh Unh Unh,” he grunted as he filled her to overflowing.

She tried to force herself farther down on him jamming her ass against his pelvis, her back pushed hard against his chest. She reached up, grabbed his hand on her tit, and squeezed it. He felt her whole body shake and tremble as her orgasms flowed through her, one after the other.

Slowly they both began to calm, their muscles relaxed. She leaned her head against his as he continued to hold her. They just sat there joined as the swing gently moved back and forth.

“Roxie,” Frank finally said. “You know we have a Junior College right there in town. You could get your first two years done at home? Or….maybe you could do that online college thing and stay at home? I….could watch you a lot more too.”

His hand still holding hers at her pussy rubbing their mixed cum around.

Chloe 01-28-2004 05:57 PM

Father and daughter
It seemed so natural to be watched by her Dad as she pleasured herself. When she realised he’d seen her frigging it excited her all over again. Seeing the effect she’d had on him, his rampant cock, added to her arousal.

She willingly took his cock as deep as she could in her throat – even though she gagged and her eyes streamed. She loved the feel of him in her, his hands guiding her head, gentle pressure urging her on.

When he withdrew she was disappointed but the next idea Frank had dispelled that. She sat on his lap, her back to him. His cock nudged deeper, pressing up inside her. When he started to rock the sensations in her were incredible.

She did what she usually did to pleasure herself but now she had Frank’s big cock in her too. Her shuddering climax, almost simultaneous with his, left her breathless. She was still recovering when Frank said.

“Roxie. You could do your first two years of college in town……or maybe on line. That way you could stay at home. I……could watch you a lot more too.”

He smiled and kissed her sweaty neck, the hair clinging in tendrils. The idea of losing her so soon after discovering this new love was unbearable. “What do you say?”

“I’ll look into it Dad. It’s a good idea. I could get a part-time job, save some money. That way my last few years should be easier financially.”

Frank smiled to himself at her serious practicality so he was startled when she lifted off him and sat beside him on the swing. “Dad, that dream I had, that nightmare….”

“Yes, baby?”

“It was about you and Mom.” Frank straightened up, clearing his throat. He had pushed all thoughts of his wife to the back of his mind. “What’ll we tell her? She’s going to know something’s going on.”

“I doubt it Roxie. She’s so wound up in her work she sees little else. I’ve lived with it all your life – I know.” Frank put his arm around Roxanne, pulling her to him and tucking the blanket around them both. “We haven’t lived as “man and wife”, so to speak, for years.”

“I’m worried she’ll find out Dad.” She sat forward, gazing earnestly into his face.

“Are you saying we should stop in case she notices?” Said Frank, stroking some stray hair from her eyes.

“No, no, but it would hurt her, don’t you think?”

“Listen Rox, you’re a big girl now so I can be honest with you. She’s a bitch of the first order and the only reason I put up with The Ice Queen was for you. I knew – if we separated - she’d be given custody, that I could lose you.”

His daughter sat back on the swing, silent for a few minutes.
“Are you going to divorce her?” She asked quietly.

“ I think it would be for the best. You’re old enough to make your own way in life. I’m happiest when she’s off on the road –and it’s just you and I. I was, even before- well, before all ….this.” He was rubbing her shoulders and could feel the tension setting in.

“I’m so sorry you’ve been unhappy, Dad.” She whispered. “I should have noticed.”

“Sshh!. We’ve got each other now, right?” He grinned and hugged her, kissing her ear. She turned her face and kissed his lips, opening her mouth to accept his thrusting tongue.

As they separated she said. “Tomorrow I’ll look into courses, either in town or on line.” And kissed him lightly.

Frank’s heart sang. His life was starting again

Graybread 02-10-2004 01:13 AM

Frank smiled to himself as he sat there with his daughter. His marriage had not been good; it was one of loneliness mostly. In the marriage bed, if not for Roxanne his whole life would have been a misery. But then again, if Roxanne hadn’t come along when she did, he supposed he would have left Betty years ago. The thought of Roxie never being born sent a shiver through him.

“Are you cold Daddy,” she asked, feeling the shiver.

“No baby,” just thinking.

Roxanne had filled every void left by Betty’s constant absence. She was always there, always loved him. Now the thought of her filling the void left in bed thrilled him beyond his greatest dreams. He couldn’t wait to get home and file for a divorce. Maybe all those years of misery had had a purpose, to bring them to this moment. The reason for Betty’s absence had been so his and his daughters love could grow into something more, something better.

“Whadda ya say we go back to bed,” he said. “The sun will be up in a few hours.”

He stood and pulled Roxanne up with him, keeping the blanket wrapped around them. He shut the door and led her back to bed, sliding in beside her. The thought that soon she could be in his bed all the time excited him. Also, the thought that she should keep her own room if not just for appearance sake but it might also be exciting to take her in her own bed, from time to time. She could fill the role of ‘wife’ in his bed and still be his daughter in her own bed. He rolled over on her, his cock hard again. He amazed himself at his constant readiness. Maybe that too was due to Betty’s absence. He doubted that though, it was his daughter that kept him aroused. He slipped his hands under her back, looking down at her.

“I’m going to file for divorce as soon as we get home,” he whispered to her. “So we can do this as often as we want.”

In response, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a long passionate kiss. Her legs wrapped around his and they were again locked in a lovers embrace. He entered her slowly, knowing there was no need to hurry from now on. They made love until the moon slipped below the horizon and the owls retreated to their hollow trees. The rays of a new day began to light the sky, the light of a new beginning. They fell asleep still wrapped in each other.

Chloe 02-10-2004 01:33 AM

Father and daughter
"I’m filing for divorce as soon as we get home.”

Roxanne wasn’t quite sure how she felt about her father’s decision. She barely knew her mother let alone liked her; they had a polite and distant relationship. Betty had shown little interest in her daughter’s life, leaving all that to Frank.

Christmases were awkward, uncomfortable times when she’d be home for a week or so with no work to occupy her; obviously wishing she was somewhere else. They’d play stilted games of Trivial Pursuit or Monopoly, which no one enjoyed. When her job required her to stay in their home town, Roxanne found herself hoping for the ‘phone call that would take her away again so that Frank could relax and be himself again. Betty seemed to make him shrink into himself and, in truth Roxanne wondered why her mother stayed around at all.

It can’t be a bad thing. Thought Rox. They don’t love one another any more, if they ever did. Tomorrow she and Frank would return home but now everything would be different.
As her father took her once more she put all thoughts of her mother out of her mind and concentrated on the wonderful feeling of his cock filling her.

The next morning she woke to another sunny day and stretched luxuriously feeling her father stir beside her.
“’Morning, princess.” He smiled sleepily “How about one more skinny dip before we have to get going?”

Roxanne sat up and, tossing her hair aside she leant down to kiss her father’s bristly face. “I’ll just have a quick wash and brush my teeth. Then I’ll race you to the diving rock.”

“I have to shave. See who’s ready first” Frank said throwing back the covers.

The sight of his daughter’s naked body made him stop to look down at her. ” You’re such a beauty, Rox! I must be the luckiest man in the world.” He leant down quickly and planted a little sucking kiss on her right nipple which was hardening from the sudden exposure to cool air. He lingered just long enough to feel it harden further in his lips then stood to get his electric razor. He knew he was starting to show his arousal but made no attempt to hide it.

Roxanne rolled out of bed and stood in one graceful motion. Frank watched her naked back as she headed to the bathroom. He looked down and smiled as his penis stood once more. “No Viagra for this old man.” He said aloud.


The rock was a good sprint from the deck and they were both a bit breathless when they arrived – almost neck and neck. “You didn’t have to hold back, Rox.” Frank laughed. “You could beat me easily, I know it.”

She put an arm around his shoulder and kissed his cheek. “I wasn’t holding back, Dad. I had to work to keep up.”

“Bull!” He yelled leaping out into space and causing a plume of lake water to rise up as he hit the water hugging his knees. Roxanne followed him giving a scream of excitement. Underwater her father found her and embraced her, his mouth covering hers as they ascended. There was something supremely arousing gliding through the water, kissing. The sun had risen over the trees and sparkled in their hair.

With a mischievous grin, Rox upended and Frank saw a glimpse of her naked butt as she dove. She reached for her father’s hips and Frank gave a startled grunt as he felt her warm mouth fasten on to his semi-erect cock. She sucked for as long as her lungs would let her while Frank trod water and felt himself grow fully erect in her mouth. Then she burst up in front of him, gasping and laughing.


Graybread 02-10-2004 07:16 PM

The warmth of the water and sensation of Roxie’s mouth on his cock was incredible.

“How long can you hold your breath,” he asked the top of the water, laughing.

He felt he mouth release him as she pulled herself up his body, bursting from the water, gasping and laughing. He laughed with her, as she shook her head, spraying water from her hair.

“Need some mouth to mouth,” he laughed as he pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her.

He kissed her quickly on the mouth the all around her face, gently kissing her on the eyes, before going back to her mouth. Her arms went around his neck as he pressed his lips to hers, their tongues meeting. As he held her they began to sink beneath the surface of the water. Slowly they descended deeper toward the bottom, still wrapped in their embrace. Roxanne wrapped her legs around her fathers’ waist clutching herself to him. Frank felt his feet touched the sandy bottom of the lake. He broke the kiss, still holding his breath, and opened his eyes. The sun was slanting down through the water, the beams wavering all around them. He looked at his daughter, her hair was moving slowly through the clear water, small bubbles escaping from her nose, her eyes watching him, a mischievous smile on her lips. She moved her hips forward and down, impaling herself on his erect cock.

The scene was surreal, the outside world locked away, above the surface. It was just him and her in their watery universe, no sound, no sights, just the sun beams coming down sparkling off the tiny bubbles. This is the way it should be. he thought. Just her and I, like this, together, forever.

Her hips moved slowly as she watched him. He knew she was wondering how long he could hold his breath. If fact his lungs were starting to burn. He bent his knees and lowered them farther still, getting ready to push to the surface. She grabbed him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He pushed off the bottom, kicking as they rose to the surface. The push had forced his cock deep into his daughters’ pussy, deeper than he had been before. As they broke the surface they both gasp for breath, laughing and shaking their heads.

Trying to tread water and kicking his legs to stay afloat just wasn’t going to make it. He couldn’t make love and tread water at the same time. He looked toward the shore, finding a clear area beneath the jumping stone. With Roxie still impaled on him he struggled through the water, to the spot.

“Where we going daddy,” she asked with a sly look.

“You could help ya know,” he answered.

“Huh ah,” she giggled, still moving against his cock.

When the water became shallow enough, Frank stood up and carried her to the shore.

“I want to taste you,” he said looking into her eyes.

He lifted her off his cock and she lowered her legs to the ground. He knelt down on the grassy bank pulling her down with him. He kissed her deeply and passionately knowing this might be the last time for the next few days. He lay down on his back and gently pushed his daughter toward his feet. She knelt over him, her knees beside his head. He ran his hands up the back of her thighs and over the top of her firm ass, pulling her closer to him. He licked the rivulets of lake water off the inside of her thighs, kissing and nipping at her as he pulled her sex nearer his mouth. He shuddered as he felt her mouth engulf his cock.

He continued to lick the water off her going past her pussy and up to her ass. He held each of her cheeks as he continued to kiss and give little nips with his teeth. He put his tongue at the top of her ass and slowly licked down to her asshole, stopping and sucking her, trying to push his tongue inside. He felt her hand grasp his cock as she sucked him, moving up and down with the movement of her mouth. He moved his tongue down to her pussy pushing into her as far as he could. She was wet, very wet and he could tell it was not lake water. He lapped at her trying to force more of her juices out. He reveled at the taste of his daughter. He moved his mouth to her clit and sucked it into his mouth. He rolled his tongue slowly across it as he did. Her juices began to flow more. He felt his cock hit the back of her throat as she sucked him, her head moving back and forth as she tried to swallow him.

He ran his tongue back up into her pussy, drinking from her. He sucked her pussy lips, stretching them back then releasing them. He moved his hand around her ass and pushed two fingers into her pussy as he sucked her clit back into his mouth. He continued to suck her engorged nub as his fingers fucked into her wet pussy, her juices flowing down over her clit and into his mouth. He felt the cum stir in his balls as she held just the head of his cock in her mouth, her hand working up and down the length of it.

“Cum for me princess,” he said in his mind.

He felt the cum starting to rise in his cock, the head swelling in Roxie’s mouth. As much as he had wanted to make her cum first he couldn’t help himself. He exploded in her mouth with a force he didn’t know he had. His body jerked then tensed with the power of his orgasm sending another jet of cum into her mouth. He jammed his fingers farther into her sopping pussy fucking her hard, sucking her clit. He felt her body stiffen then she pushed her pussy hard down on his fingers and mouth. Her own orgasm racked her body with spasm after spasm. Her juices flowed like a fountain of sex, and he drank from her. She too must have felt this could be the last time for a few days with the intensity of her orgasm. His cock emptied into her mouth until there was no more and she released him. She pushed harder on his mouth her pussy moving back and forth against it.

“Oooohhhhh fuck daddy,” he heard he wail.

Her body continued to jerk and he could feel the tremors run through her as the orgasms rolled through her. Finally she just collapsed on top of him, her juices flowing onto his chest. He removed his fingers slowly and kissed her ass cheeks gently, noticing the rosy red tint to her skin.

Slowly she turned around until she was stretched out along his body. She placed her mouth over his and kissed him deeply. He could taste himself on her tongue as he kissed her back working his mouth over hers.

They lay there for a long time, her head on his chest, letting the morning sun wash over them, and causing the silver fish to dance on the surface of the water. Finally it came time for Frank to say the words they both knew were coming.

“Well, I suppose we should get ready to go home princess,” he said sadly wanting this time to go on forever.

“I suppose,” she murmured.

They both rose and he took her hand leading her back into the lake. He gently washed her face with the water, kissing it as he did. They swam back to the shore near the cabin, waking up the bank, hand in hand, to it. They dried each other off kissing and touching as they did. Packing slowly until it was time.

The drive home seemed shorter than it had been on the way to the lake. Roxanne lay on the seat, her head on his lap. He continually rubbed her arm as if to reassure her things would be fine.

“Are you going to ask her,” she asked as they neared their home.

“Yes, just as soon as I can,” he replied.

Roxanne sat up as they pulled into the driveway. Betty’s car was sitting there. As they entered the house Roxanne went straight to her room. Betty was sitting at the kitchen table, her laptop in front of her.

“So, where have you guys been,” she asked not looking up from the computer.

“At the lake. Did some golfing and swimming,” he answered, sitting down across from her. “Betty, I need to tell you something.”

“Mmmm,” she said, “ask.”

“I want a divorce,” he said.

Betty looked up from the computer for the first time, looking at him for a long moment.

“Funny you should say that,” she finally replied. “There is a Vice Presidents position opening at the Minneapolis office. It’s mine if I want it.”


“So I think I will take it. You can have a divorce. Roxanne can move up there with me. She can finish high school there.”

“She’s already finished high school Betty. She’s getting ready to go to college.”

“Oh…………I forgot, I guess. She can still move up there with me though.”

“If you hadn’t notice Betty, Roxanne is a grown woman, she is capable of making her own decisions.”

“Whatever,” Betty replied turning back to the computer. “But I sure don’t know why she would want to stay here? You can file the papers when ever you want. Plus you can keep the house, I make twice what you do anyway.”

“That’s big of you Betty.”

“Oh, by the way, I have to leave tomorrow for Chicago.”

“Not a problem,” Frank answered, his heart thankful.

Chloe 02-10-2004 11:52 PM

Father and Daughter
Roxanne’s stomach churned as she realized her mother was already home, waiting. She gave her father a brief kiss at the foot of the stairs then, taking them two at a time, she headed for the sanctity of her own room.

She heard the distant voices downstairs and quickly put on a CD. Her heart was pounding and she didn’t know why. She lay back on her gingham covered bed and stared up at the ceiling, her hands linked under her head.

She tried to imagine Betty’s reaction to Frank’s blunt statement. ”I’m filing for divorce.” Would she be shocked, angry, cry even? No, Betty wouldn’t cry. Roxanne had never seen her mother show emotion. Suddenly Roxanne was startled to find she had tears in her own eyes. They’d never been the ideal “happy family” but they had been "a family". Now that would all end.

Roxanne dashed a tear away as it ran down towards her ear. Don’t be such an ass. She told herself impatiently, Dad would be far happier with out the constant threat of Betty suddenly appearing. They both would.

As the music babbled on and the sounds from below quieted, Roxanne fell asleep. The next thing she knew it was almost dark and a soft tap on her door woke her. “Come in.” She called out sleepily.

Frank’s face appeared round the door, he was grinning. “You ok, princess?” he asked

Roxie leaned up on one elbow. “Yes, Dad. I dozed off” Then, cautiously. “How’d it go?”

“Fine, just fine. Your mother’s leaving for Chicago tomorrow – first thing. I thought it might be a nice gesture to take her out for dinner. Whaddya say?”

Roxie slid her tanned legs over the edge of the bed. She thought back over the past days. Wouldn’t her mother see something different, notice the new bond between her and her Dad? “I-I-I’m not so sure, Dad. Do you really think that’s a good idea?”

“Why not?” He smoothed the hair from he face. “ She is your mother, after all. It’ll be fine, you’ll see.”

“Okay.” Roxie took his hand and pressed her lips to his palm. “Okay, Dad.”

Frank chose the restaurant carefully, one of Betty’s favourites. To the casual observer they looked like a nice middle-class couple with their college-age daughter out for a good meal but Roxanne prickled with unease. Betty noticed.

“What’s wrong, Roxanne?” She suddenly asked half way through the meal. “You’ve hardly touched your food and you’re very quiet.” Roxanne looked desperately at her father who finished his mouthful and said.

“ Our brainy daughter is trying to settle on one of a huge number of universities – all clamouring for her to register with them. I guess her mind 's on other things than us “old folk.” Roxanne almost slumped with relief as her mother’s attention switched to Frank.

“….and you look ten years younger, Frank. Those few days at the lake did wonders.”

“Yes. We both enjoyed seeing the old place again, didn’t we Rox?”

Roxanne felt her father’s foot nudge hers under the table. She nodded. “It doesn’t change.” She smiled “I always loved it there.”

“We’ll go back next year, if you like, sweetie.” His foot travelled up her shin.

“You know, Roxanne. That’s the first time you’ve smiled tonight.” Said Betty. “You have such a pretty smile, you shouldn’t be stingy with it.”

Roxanne took he father’s cue. “I guess the business of deciding on college is just getting to me.”

“Well, I’m sure Dad’s told you – we’re going our separate ways. I’m taking a VP position in Minneapolis; you could come with me and attend St Thomas. It has a good reputation.”

Roxanne shifted in her chair uncomfortably and, just as Frank opened his mouth to head Betty off he heard his daughter say assertively.

“Thanks, Mum, but I think I’ve narrowed the choices down. I did look into St Thomas but there are curriculum offered in other Universities more to my liking.”

‘Nuff said, thought Frank beaming at his daughter. To his surprise he felt his penis stirring. She really was something – and he’d made her!

“Dessert?” He said with a bright smile.

Graybread 02-28-2004 02:02 PM

The waiter brought the check over and Frank paid with his card. As they left the restaurant, he reached down and took Roxie’s hand, his wife on the other side of him. If anyone had seen, it was just a father holding his daughters hand, nothing more. He had the top down on the convertible for the drive home. Betty in the front with him and Roxie in the back seat.

“You should sell this old piece of junk Frank,” Betty said to him, as they left the parking lot.

“Never,” he replied, looking back at Roxie and winking. “This car has special memories you wouldn’t understand.”

“Humph,” she answered. “I’ll be in Chicago for the rest of the week. However, I’ll be back Friday night and have the weekend to pack what I need. I can have the company find an apartment for me while I’m gone, so the move should be easy. Anything else I want I will just call you and you can ship it to me.”

“Yes dear.”

When they got home, Betty went directly upstairs to start packing, leaving Frank and Roxanne in the kitchen.

“Soon,” he said kissing her gently on the mouth. “Just you and me.”

“Not soon enough,” she said throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him passionately.

He wrapped his arms around her back, one hand sliding down to hold her firm ass. The act of kissing his daughter while his wife was upstairs was intoxicating to him. His cock was throbbing in his pants as he pressed it against Roxanne’s belly.

“Let’s do it now,” he whispered. “While your mother is upstairs.”

“Daddy,” she said her eyes wide with surprise. “Right now, right here?”

“Ah huh,” he said, his hand slipping around to the front of her, pressing between her legs. “Kinda like a going away present.”

He undid the button on her shorts and pulled the zipper down, pushing his hand down the front of her panties. His finger slipping into the slit of her pussy.

“What if she catches us,” Roxanne said her hand rubbing the length of his cock through his pants. “What if she comes downstairs?”

“She won’t. She never comes back down once she is upstairs,” he replied pulling Roxie’s shorts down along with her panties.

“Oh god daddy, I can’t believe we are going to do this.”

She unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out the fly of his underwear. They stood there for a couple of minutes and played with each other, Franks finger inside his daughters pussy getting her wet and her hand stroking his hard cock to it’s full length. He turned her around to face the kitchen counter then stepped up behind her. He guided his cock to her pussy and eased it in as he held her hips. She pushed back against him as she leaned over the counter top. They could hear Betty upstairs moving about doing her packing. Frank held Roxie’s hips as he increased his tempo almost pulling his cock free of her just to slide it back in. The act of fucking his daughter while his wife was upstairs was unbelievably exciting to him. He slipped his hands under her top and held her tits as he slammed into her. He knew he was about to cum and he buried his cock deep in Roxie’s pussy. She pushed back against him and rotated her ass against his pelvis bringing his cum up the length of his cock.

“You guys coming to bed,” Betty said from the top of the stairs.

“Fuck me daddy, hurry,” Roxie panted her juices flowing down her legs.

“We’re…..coming dear,” Frank stuttered. “In a minute.”

“What are you guys doing,” Betty asked starting down the stairs.

By the time Betty rounded the corner of the kitchen, Roxie had her back to the counter, her hands on the edge to steady herself. Hers and her fathers cum soaking into her panties. Franks sticky cock was back inside his boxers, glued to the side of his leg. He was pouring a glass of water for himself at the faucet.

“What are you guys doing?” Betty asked again.

“I was just telling Roxie how sometimes people can grow apart,” he said turning to face his wife, taking a drink of the water. “I don’t want her thinking she has anything to do with our separating.”

“That’s right dear, sometimes people just grow apart for no reason,” Betty said to her daughter. “Now I’m going to bed,” she added turning and heading back up the stairs.

“Yes Mum,” Roxie said to her back. “Never comes back down,” she whispered, glaring up at her dad.

He just raised his eyebrows and smiled at her. Then he leaned down and kissed her again, his hand going between her legs once more. He could feel the wet through the crotch her shorts.

“She’ll be gone tomorrow,” he said. “But it was kind of exciting wasn’t it,” he asked her.

Chloe 02-28-2004 04:50 PM

Father and daughter
The wicked feeling of fucking her Dad with her mother just feet away, above them exhilarated Roxanne. When Betty started to come downstairs, Roxie panicked but her father calmly withdrew his erect cock, tucked it away and swiftly turned to the sink to hide it.

Inside, Roxanne was quaking, would her mother realise what they’d been doing seconds before? If she suspected, she didn’t show it.

“It was kind of exciting, wasn’t it?” Frank asked after Betty had left reaching down and cupping her moist crotch. “We have some unfinished business, missy.” He lifted her up onto the counter.

Roxie leant back, opening her thighs as her father bent to press his face to the wet patch. They pulled off her shorts together with her panties, Roxie lifting her hips to help.

The kitchen counter was cool and smooth under her ass and Frank put his hands beneath her, shifting her forward slightly so that she could lock her legs around his waist. With out any manual help his cock found her open vagina and slid smoothly home. In one motion, Frank entered his daughter deeply and she moaned loudly. He started to move his hips and looked down to watch his stiff member, shiny and slick with her juice, move in and out.

He saw the perfect little pink pearl that was his daughter’s clitoris standing out, easily visible in its moist, plush bed. He touched it lightly with one extended finger and watched as she responded by crying out and tightening her legs around him

“Yes, Dad! There! Touch me!” She gasped. He rolled it, gently crushed it, pinched it between two fingers, all the while moving in her and feeling his climax build. With an animal cry, Roxanne came hard, juddering with the intensity.

Her orgasm triggered Frank and the cum boiled up along his shaft, spilling into Roxie’s cunt. They clung to one another, breathing hard, shaking with the small after-shocks.

“Oh! Very nice!”

The both jumped but Frank didn’t turn round, staying inside Roxie.

“For God’s sake, Betty! How long have you been standing there?” Asked Frank.

“I might ask you how long you two have been screwing.” Betty started into the room. “This is incest, you know, a mortal sin?”

Roxanne was stunned, not just by Betty’s sudden appearance, but by the fact that Frank had suddenly grown erect inside her – very erect! His cock was stretching her, displacing the combined cum so that it spilled out, leaving a cool trail over her bud.

“Mum, please. Leave us alone.” Whimpered Roxie and Frank shifted, moving his cock in her.

“Oh! I’ll be glad to. You two deserve one another. Animals!” She spat, turning on her heel. Frank had not looked at Betty once and now he started to move in Roxanne slowly, luxuriously.

“Oh Baby! This feels so good.” He moaned into her ear. In spite of her thumping heart, Roxanne responded to her father and drew him to her, kissing his face. Soon Frank exploded again, arching back as his cum drained into Roxie.

After a minute he withdrew his softening cock and helped her down. They kissed once more and Roxanne collected her discarded clothes.

“Bed, young lady!” said Frank, giving her a small smack on her bare butt. “You’re mother will be gone in the morning and it’ll be just us two.”

“Dad, what if Mum makes the divorce tricky because of this?”

“Don’t worry – she won’t dare. She knows I have some juicy bits of information about her business tactics. Her bosses would fire her in a blink of an eye if they knew.”

“’Night, Dad.” Her mind at rest, Roxanne smiled.

As he watched his daughter’s naked rear end leave, Frank knew it was all good from here on.

Graybread 02-28-2004 05:24 PM

Frank took a deep breath then let it out, heading up the stairs for the inevitable confrontation with Betty. He was proud of Roxanne for standing up to her mother. The bedroom door was closed and the light was off when he stepped into the room. He flicked the switch up and left the door open. He hoped Roxanne would be able to hear their conversation. Betty’s eyes were on him as he entered the bedroom.

“So, how long have you two been fucking,” she sneered.

“Not long enough,” he replied.

“It’s disgusting Frank. It’s a mortal sin and it’s against the law. Maybe I’ll just divorce you on those grounds?”

“Don’t talk to me about sin Betty. Do you think I’m stupid? Do you think I don’t know your fucking someone while you’re out on the road? You need sex just as much as I do, but you’re not getting it here, are you? You’re fucking somebody and it’s not me. That’s adultery Betty, also a sin. I’ve gone months without sex, months, how long have you gone?”

“But…..,” Betty began.

“No buts Betty. Roxie was here to fill that void you left me in. That you left us both in. You missed her whole life Betty, you were never here when she needed her mother, never. That may not be a sin, but is that how a mother should treat her child?”

“But……., I had a career to build. Besides, it’s still against the law.” She said trying to justify her actions.

“Yes, and a fine career you have, at the sacrifice of your husband and daughter. Was it worth it Betty?” He said stripping off his clothes while she watched him. Her eyes going to his sticky cum encrusted cock.

“That’s disgusting Frank,” she said turning her back to him.

Frank turned the light off and went around to his side of the bed getting in, hoping she could smell Roxie’s sex on him.

“At least when Roxie and I make love, that’s exactly what it is, make love. Can you say that?”

“It’s still against the law. I’ll see you in prison Frank.”

“Here’s my new conditions for the divorce Betty,” he said ignoring her last statement. “You will pay for Roxie’s college education, no matter what school she chooses. You will also pay for her maintenance while she’s in school. I figure five hundred a month, maybe more. And…..I think just for good measure, you need to pay the mortgage on this house.”

“Ha,” she laughed. “You can’t make me do any of that Frank, you’ll be in prison.”

“No Betty, if anybody’s going to prison it will be you.” He answered her.

“What do you mean,” her voice a little hesitant.

“Remember three or four years ago, how you told me you had told the presidents of the banks how they could save on their insurance costs? How they go into the personnel files and change, or add things like preexisting conditions. How they could change the policies after the fact and raise the employee deduct amount without notifying the employee. Do you suppose both the Banking commission and the Insurance commissioner would be interested in that knowledge?”

“You wouldn’t dare Frank?” she whispered.

“Maybe they’ll give us a cell together,” he added smiling to himself in the dark. “How bad do you want that VP position Betty? You accept the divorce conditions and, keep your mouth shut and I’ll do the same. Life goes on for all three of us.”

“You’re a bastard Frank”

“No, I’m just looking out for Roxie. Something you have never done, ever.” He said rolling over and drifting off to a pleasant sleep, thoughts of Roxie in his mind.

Betty was gone the next morning when he woke. Her suitcases vacant from the place they had sat the night before. Laying on the nightstand was a note.

Accepted. Was all it said.

He was elated with the single word, but also felt a great contempt for the woman he had once loved. The only good thing Betty had ever given him was his daughter and he silently thanked her for that. He rose from the bed and headed to the shower, then shaving his chin smooth. He stopped back in his bedroom and picked the note up, then went toward Roxie’s room. Her door was wide open and she was lying on her stomach, naked on her bed.

He smiled, knowing that Betty would have walked by and looked in and seen her naked. He was sure it was Roxie’s why of telling her mother too ‘go to hell’. He walked in and gently sat on the bed, placing the note on the pillow in front of Roxie’s face, so it would be the first thing she saw when she woke. He gently stroked the back of the strong thighs, bending and placing light kisses on her pouty upturned butt. He ran his tongue down the crack of her ass, leaving a trail of saliva. She moaned lightly in her sleep, her legs spreading slightly. He moved his hand to her pussy, gently caressing it. He pushed his tongue deep in the crack of her butt and licked it to the top, knowing this would bring her out of her sleep. He raised his head to see her eyelids flutter before coming open.

“Mmmm, she moaned as her eyes opened as she saw the note laying there. She reached up and took it, reading it.

She turned her face to Frank, her eyes, dreamy, filled with sleep, creases along her face from the wrinkles in her pillow.

“You get more beautiful everyday,” he said to her.

She blinked at him, then back at the note, trying to come full awake.

“I heard,…..last night,” her voice husky with sleepiness, as she turned fully over. The note dropping to her lap.

Her arms went around his neck as she pressed her naked body to his.

“I’m so happy Daddy,” she purred in his ear.

“So am I baby,” he replied his arms going around her naked body.

He looked around the room, his daughters’ room, as he held her. He saw the ballerina music box, sitting on her dresser, he had given her on her fifth birthday. The two clown pictures, hanging on the wall, for her seventh, and the broken tennis racket, leaning against the corner for her tenth. The desk when she entered high school and the new computer sitting on it for her graduation. He was still making payments on her car, but Betty would pay for that now.

“I need to go see the lawyer today,” he said to her. “To file the papers.”

“Mmmm,” she purred. “Just you and me Daddy.” She paused for a long second before continuing. “Fuck me Daddy, fuck me here in my bed. I know you have been thinking about it. Do it now,” she whispered her hand dropping to his lap to hold his growing cock.

Yes, he had been thinking about it, thinking about it a lot. Fucking his daughter in her own bed. It would be the final act to seal their incestuous love. And later, that night he would take her to his bed, his marriage bed, to complete the filling of the Void. His cock throbbed with the thought of both acts. His hand slid up her thigh to her pussy. He worked the first and second fingers up and down her slit and when he push in, he found her wet, very wet. Maybe she had been thinking the same thoughts. He pushed his fingers in and began to stroke her. He reached up with his other hand and entangled it in her hair, pulling her head back to watch her face. The sleepiness was gone, replaced with a bright sparkle, maybe hope of a new life, maybe love, but most certainly lust.

Her hand continued to stroke his cock, bringing the precum up. She ran the palm of her hand over the tip, spreading the fluid around the head, and coating her hand with it. She went back to stroking his fully engorged cock. He pushed his two fingers into her and far as he could, twisting them around each other, his thumb pressed against her sweet pink nub. They just watched each other as they let their fingers do their work. Slowly he pulled her back onto the pillow, releasing his grip on her hair. His fingers slipped out of her and as he tried to push them back in his third finger encountered her anus. It was wet with her juice as well, he gently but firmly pushed all three fingers into her. Two into her pussy and the third up her rectum, his thumb crushing her clit still.

She gasped as she felt herself filled like this, bringing her knees up to her chest to give him greater access. Her hand flying up and down his cock.

“Fuck me Daddy,” she panted.

He started to withdraw his fingers but she quickly reached down and grabbed his hand.

“No,” she gasped, “fuck me with your fingers!”

He smiled down at her as he pushed his fingers back into both her holes, moving them around before pulling them out just to push them back in again. Her hips met every thrust of his fingers, her feet dangling in the air. He continued his manipulation of her until she slammed her feet down on the bed and arched her back bringing her hips off the bed. Her orgasm rolled through wave after wave, the tremors causing the flesh of her thighs to jiggle. He held his fingers in her until her hips slowly rested on the sheets again. Slowly he withdrew his fingers as her hand began to work his cock again. He moved over between her legs and slipped his rigid cock into the sopping pussy, burying himself in his daughter. She wrapped her legs around his and pulled him down, forcing her tongue into his mouth. He could still feel the shudders of her orgasm moving through her as his cock began to rapidly fuck into her. Within moments, his own orgasm was blended with hers. His hips making short jerking motions as he filled her with his cum.

This was the new beginning of their incestuous life together and he wanted to see his seed stain his daughters’ bed. He withdrew his still rigid cock from her and leaned back, kneeling on her bed, holding her legs up, to watch his cum flow out of her. Somehow, maybe by fate, Betty’s note had worked its way under Roxie’s butt. Their combined cum flowing down across the paper, causing the ink to smear. Franks cock sprang back to full hardness as he watched their cum wash away Betty’s life. He leaned back into Roxie, placing her knees over his shoulders as he slammed his cock back into her. He fucked his daughter with a passion he didn’t know he possessed. Knowing the note was where it was spurred his lust on. It was almost as if she was there watching her husband and daughter fuck. Roxie was curled up in a ball beneath him, her hands pulling on the backs of his arms as she thrust her pelvis up to met his every thrust. He slammed into her, filling her with a second volley of fatherly sperm. He let her legs slid off his shoulders as their orgasms subsided. He moved his hands under her back and nuzzled into her neck.

“Daddy,” she whispered……..”I have to go pee…..Bad.”

He laughed as he pulled out of her and rolled toward the wall. She quickly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom, the note stuck to her butt.

Frank sat up on the edge of the bed and picked her phone up dialing his lawyer. Roxie came back in as he was hanging up, carrying the note. She looked at Frank then at the note, before dropping it in the wastebasket. Another symbol of her letting her mother go perhaps. She sat down on her father lap, a leg on each side of him. Her young pussy pressed against his deflated cock, her arms around his neck. He leaned forward and kissed each of her nipples, holding her sides.

“Now what,” she asked?

“Well,” he began, “I need to go file the papers, then stop by the office and see if there is anything pressing there.”

He stood and her naked body slid down his. He bent and kissed her mouth gently.

“I need to get dressed. What are you going to do today?” he said releasing her.

“I guess I’ll check on the community college here,” she answered. “Maybe lay by the pool. But mostly wait for you.” She added smiling up at him. “What do you want for supper?”

“You, but I’ll accept food,” he said smiling back at her. “I have an idea about school too. I’ll tell you when I get home this afternoon.”

It was about four in the afternoon when he did return. The papers had been filed and the divorce was in progress. As he enter the house, he called for Roxie but got no response. He looked out the kitchen window and saw her laying by the pool as she had said. Her white bikini contrasting starkly with her dark suntanned skin. He smiled as he went up stairs and changed into his own swim trucks, wishing they were back at the lake. He made two iced teas and carried them out to the pool. Roxie turned her head as she heard him approach.

“Hi Daddy,” she called.

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