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Irish 12-10-2002 01:08 PM

Lorelei---I'm sure that it must have been dyed!My wife hates that show;but I laugh uncontrollably;every time that I watch it.I sometimes wonder if there's really people like that in this world?
It's a scarey thought! Irish

Santiago 12-10-2002 02:16 PM

black hair and green eyes are cool.

Vigil 12-11-2002 02:18 AM

Thanks Lorelei - I am very glad that people can talk about these issues. For those of us outside the US but still within the 10% of the world's population who enjoy the freedoms of liberal democracy, we should not presume that the 90% majority wish to be told that we know everything. Their established cultures affect very much their habits and yes you can then generalise. I wouldn't want to be a hassidic wife, but then if I was perhaps I wouldn't mind.

Generalisations are a fair starting point for discussion. The US is very difficult though because you have so many cultures and attitudes on how they are maintained/integrated.

In Europe we all presume that you are all like the people on Jerry Springer and the Simpsons. But then you can generalise about different states. I'm not sure people from Tennessee are too happy about what the new englanders say about them?

ericthered 12-12-2002 09:25 PM

I like Lorelei's political incorrectness. Of course a degree of generalisation about national characteristics is useful. For instance, if you're looking for a sexy, active babe don't start with the intensely religious societies like the Bible Belt small towns or Saudi Arabia. You might get lucky but you very easily get dead before you found one. Try instead a country where women have their own ideas about sex and let you know about them, say Thailand or Indonesia.

Or if you like large fat domineering women who are as loving and considerate as Homer Simpson, why not try ..... Oops! My prejudices are showing again, dammit!

Vigil 12-13-2002 01:16 AM

Heretics are usually shown to be correct over time.

You might be surprised what is permitted behind the modesty of the veil and the privacy of the home. For some this mystery is about as sexy as it gets. I know some feminists who believe that the Islamic faith gives women real freedom. Freedom from men's lust and expectation.

But seriously, where can I find the large domineering women?

Lilith 12-13-2002 01:25 AM

Vigil~ You rang????????:D:D:p

Vigil 12-13-2002 01:33 AM

Lilith - are you sure you're up to a British Bulldog? We bite you know.

ryker 12-13-2002 01:33 AM

as long as she is from the human race and not part of the rat race i'm happy

Lilith 12-13-2002 01:37 AM

Vigil~ you better;)

Vigil 12-13-2002 01:42 AM

Thanks Lilith - I know I am.

sugar 12-14-2002 06:27 PM

I actually don't have a preference, I guess. I have slept with a black guy once. I hate stereotypes as well, but his cock was HUGE. I kind of liked that. I also liked the shine of his slightly sweaty skin...

The native american experience I had was not that great. But that had nothing to do with him being a native guy,....

For nationality, the best sexual experiences were with Canadians. The further you go north, the better it gets. Anybody has an answer to that? They seemed to be very passionate and even when it was a 1 night stand, they made me feel like i was the most beautiful woman in the world. No bad feelings involved. Fond memories.... sigh.....

Fondle You 12-15-2002 01:47 AM

For minorities in the U.S., this question has a very different meaning. We could gather here and talk about how we shouldn't generalize much. However, for years and years, for a black man to even be around a white woman--let alone have sex with her--meant he risked terrible consequences. White men could have sex with anybody but white women were supposed to be "protected". Of course, it was more true in certain regions than in others but the general attitude back then was white women shouldn't have sex with non-whites.

With the advent of the sexual revolution, the options for minority men were opened in such manner that I saw another phenomenom: Some minority(especially black) women started to complain that too many good minority men were having relations with white women and that they should "keep to your own culture." I'm also sure that a lot of white men aren't happy about this, either.

I haven't really spoken to other minority men about this but, at least for me, having sex outside my own race has a special allure. Maybe I'll get over it some day but maybe I can't. :D

clean1 12-15-2002 02:48 AM

Hmmmm....i'm joining this late, but I'd have to say a black man..this is what I fantasize about...

Irish 12-15-2002 10:52 AM

Fondle You---You're right.When I lived in Conn.,I worked at
Sikorsky Aircraft.One of my coworkers&eventually one of my
best friends,was 1/2Black&1/2Portugeese(sp?)We ended up
sharing rides to work together.He had a Volks.Fastback&I had
a Firebird set up for dragracing.Gas prices almost neccessatated
us riding together.At one time,his wife,was white.He told me that
they were not accepted by either side.He got along with almost
everyone,but still got prejudice! Irish

Lorelei 12-15-2002 08:05 PM

Originally posted by Irish
Sikorsky Aircraft.

Wasn't (Igor) Sikorsky the guy who invented the helicopter? I would LOVE to learn how to fly a helicopter! :D

Irish 12-15-2002 08:30 PM

Lorelei---Yes,Igor Sikorsky used to own Sikorsky Aircraft.When
I worked there(65-71),he was retired but still made periodic
visits because they used his name.At the time he was an old
man,but always drove an XKE Jag covertible and always had
an(about20/30 yr old)blonde on his arm.Helicoptors are easy
to take off with.The tower was always yelling at me(over the
headsets)to get back on the ground.I would be running one up
for test of mechanical work and if you don't hold the Collective
Stick(next to you,between the seats)down very hard,the heli-
coptor is a few ft. in the air.I finally quit there to move to N.H.
My wife is from Ports.N.H.I met her when I was stationed at
Pease AFB.I started at Sikorsky,the day after my discharge in
1965! Irish
P.S.It was in United Aircraft then.Now I think it is United Tech-

Angel_25 12-16-2002 03:11 PM

well im late to post to lol, but what attracts me most (and this might be boring to some lol), is tanned or olive skin, dark hair, and sexy blue eyes- does it for me any time lol

Glyndwr 12-19-2002 05:28 AM

My personal favourite is female with a pulse ;)

I've met lot's of great people from all over the world both in my country and theirs. The good thing about stereotyping is experimenting to see if it's correct. In my experience people in groups tend to follow their national stereotype however get them on their own as individuals and they are the same as virtually every other individual. Vive la difference!!

Peacelul 12-19-2002 08:20 AM

I am a white male and find black women do it for me all the time.

creator 12-20-2002 05:21 AM

Asian women is my choice of preference. i believe the average asian woman is much more sweet than a european , moreover i find the asian psyche much more intriguing.

marvel 12-22-2002 03:23 AM

Some of you didn't understand the question. Which race or color outside your own are you most attracted to?
I'm black and I like all women, whatever the color or race; but my favorite would have to be Asian. First eastern then western, I like the darkskin,yellow, beigh, and brown.
This is not a question about who wants slavery and who doesn't, but what race or color attracts you outside yours.
Thanks everyone

aflyerfan 12-22-2002 04:52 AM

Very well put Marvel,It was a question of what race attracts you,I have no idea how it turned into a debate on stereotyping. I answered Asian because I have particular liking for there appearence,I was not saying anything else about their culture.
This turned into some politically correct thread when that was not the intention.

Boogieman 12-22-2002 08:52 AM

Hands down...Asian

mrmeanjean 12-22-2002 09:40 AM

I would love an Asian woman (hint hint ChinesePussy, you are what I'm looking for). But women in general are all beautiful whatever race, color, or religion.

dm383 12-24-2002 03:31 AM

originally posted by ChinesePussy
I have a question for you. why you like the word "Hu" in your icon ?

Sorry for the delay in replying.... yes, it's because I was born in the Year of the Tiger (1962), plus, I LOVE tigers!! :)

Can you guess what the "DM" stands for though?!?! :D


me_carl 12-24-2002 07:25 AM

Short or tall, big or small, I love them all

Now how can tell me what song that is from?

Wrx`Gal 12-28-2002 07:27 AM

i would prefer asian though.. :)

Irish 12-28-2002 09:36 AM

dm383---dm=Devout Masturbator???? Irish

dicksbro 12-29-2002 06:26 AM

Real preference for the human race.

denny 03-03-2003 09:53 PM

Since I am mostly white, white is not my first attraction, I love diversity in sexuality, including white.

Boru 03-03-2003 11:24 PM

i'd pay money to have an asian girl ............mmmmmmmmmmm...MANY fantasies there!!!!!!!!!!!

But my favorite among my experiences has been Native North Americans!!!!!!!! My Gawd, they love to fuck and I swear they know things that white men were never supposed to know!!


please excuse my inexcusable generalization...of course I am only referring to the ladies I have been with and not the whole of Native North American females.

celticangel 03-04-2003 04:56 AM

I might be a wee bit biased----but Scottish and Irish guys(and any other celts) have always got my vote!----------love the accent-----------------don't care what colour they are-----as long as they can roll their "rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr's"

global 03-04-2003 03:13 PM

Chinese Pussy, is that really you in the picture? If so, you're really cute ;)

now you know what race I like :D

dude33 03-04-2003 03:22 PM

I don't think it is so much a skin tone as it is a certain "look" that turns me on. It's not something I can put into words either but more of a feeling. I do like women with an Irish, English, Scottish, or Auzzie accent though. Maybe it has to do with the rolling of vowels off the tongue!

jseal 03-04-2003 03:36 PM

Originally posted by me_carl
Short or tall, big or small, I love them all

Now how can tell me what song that is from?

I don't recall the title, but wasn't it sung by The Chipmunks? Theodore, Alvin, et al. ?

TexasTreasure 03-04-2003 03:38 PM

well this one is easy enough for me. i have a real affinity towards Mexican men. i love a man that can speak spanish to me. its such a sexy language. (just a side note..i've got my eyes out for a blue eyed mexican. the dark hair/skin with light eyes is a HUGE HUGE HUGE turn on for me)

silentsoul 03-07-2003 11:35 PM

I'm white just for refrence but light skinned asains are the absolute best.

critic 007 03-08-2003 10:56 PM

latin or spanish women, something with dark skin and dark hair.. but not black or indian

Tess 03-08-2003 11:03 PM

Being a native citizen of Southern US, I am prohibited from judging anyone based on their nationality or race. To do so would sterotypically classify me as a racist.

Therefore, a breathing female with a beautiful ass and nice tits is as far as I can define my choice.

Oops, now I'm a chauvinist pig.

I just can't win, ya'll :(

BigBear57 03-09-2003 05:56 AM

I don't see myself as preferring any one race or culture. I have at some time or other been aroused by any sampling of cultures. To me a sexy woman is a sexy woman. I'll admit I do love a sultry voice with an accent but if she's whispering in my ear.... just say Oooooooooooooh Baby and I'm there.

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