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love_2licku 06-15-2002 05:00 PM

3. Cyber-sex is certainly safer than "real" sex with a partner who may have and can infect you with an STD, it also cannot cause pregnancy.

Hmmm, they learnt me in skool that if I cum on the skreen, she wood get pregnated :( They lie? =..(

LOL jk ;) You cant get pregnant by cummin on the screen, only if she is spread real wide cause cum dont travel too good on the information supa-highway /nod :D

Ok, back to the question at hand lol

I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I dont think its cheating if you aren't getting what you need from your SO. Some SO's are just tight asses(no pun intended lol) So, you gotta get it somewhere, right??? The cyber thing for me is more or less like masturbation of the mind, which somehow turns out to revolve around my hand...somehow /shrug lol

Personally, a previous SO didnt attract me as much as before, so I used porn and chatting to get me going. Then, go do my "chore". I knew she wanted sex but I didnt want to do it so I had to get it up somehow eh? lol Maybe thats wrong, but o well, it kept her happy in bed which keep me in the clear for a few days :D It was her looks that turned me off like a lightbulb, it was the attitude. So...I went with an attitude that I liked to get my mind where it needed to be to get my body where it was needed. To me, I dont consider that wrong.

love_2licku 06-15-2002 05:05 PM

1wild, good comment at least to know if you want to ask of not. But when it's asked, it doesnt always turn out good. I wanted to bring an extra in the bedroom or at least do toys...something! I wanted her to open up and play alittle, but she didnt like that idea. Bringing in the extra was really just to piss her off, since I KNEW she wouldnt go for it, even though I would consider it. I also found out that the "if you let me bring a girl, ill bring a guy for you too to be fair" bit DONT work ROFL! I was trying my hardest but failed :D I was just tired of the "little house on the prairre sex". Ya know...only the old-fashioned way *sigh*

Murphy 06-16-2002 07:25 AM

Also......(trying not to be a stickler here).......Masterbating, looking at a magazine and pondering, watching a porn film, etc., are all NON-cheating activities as they DO NOT include another person in a conversation of desires and wants and "what I could do to you if I were with you at this moment"!

I beg to differ...Masturbating to pornography and masturbating during cyber are one and the same. Both involve self-gratification aided by extrnal non-physical stimuli. The difference between telling a cyber partner what you imagine doing, and imagining what you would do to the subject(s) of the pornography is moot. Both can be construed as cheating....if one's belief system includes the 6th and 10th commandments, or similar morals.
(for those who can't remember: VI: Thou shalll not commit Adultery, X: Thou shal not covet thy neighbor's house; You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his manservant or his maidservant...or anything that is thy neighbor's.) I'm not trying to preach here, just trying to make the point that, as far as cheating goes, IF you define cheating as "Anything that involves sex without your SO", then both cyber and pornography are cheating.

In short, Miss Lix, you can't have it both ways....if one is cheating, then so is the other. If one is harmless recreaton, then so is the other.

Steph 06-16-2002 11:46 AM

Originally posted by Sugarsprinkles

1. If you cyber and you also have a S/O apparently you aren't
getting what you need/want either sexually or emotionally or
both from your S/O.

2. If you aren't getting what you need from your S/O, and have
discussed these needs with said S/O, and your S/O either won't
or can't meet these needs I believe you are justified in getting
these needs met another way.

This is EXACTLY how I feel, too. I was recently dating a guy who obviously wasn't doing it for me because I'd log in here after seeing him. Now, I've been dating a guy for over a month (yes, that's why I'd disappeared for a while ;) who is UNBELIEVABLE in bed. He's made me multi-orgasmic . . . there's no need to cum in here. But I came back for a visit because I miss all you fabulous pixie posters! :)


lixnlix69 06-16-2002 02:26 PM

It's wonderful to see you again Steph. So glad you came back for a hello and I am happy to hear of your new and exciting relationship.

Try not to be such a stranger

Mrs. Lix

lixnlix69 06-16-2002 02:50 PM

Murphy.......I think we can agree to disagree then. I just happen to think that it can't be cheating if there is no actual communication with another person. Masterbating to a movie or a picture does not involve communication between you and the subject. You, alone, are the only person involved and aware of a sexual feeling caused by the image. You can't be accused of cheating if the subject isn't even aware that you exist.

I think this is how the argument "If a tree falls in a forrest and no one is around, is there a sound as it falls", got started! LOL! Or the "chicken and the egg" question!

As I said before I am not trying to be argumentitive here and I don't think I am trying to have my cake and eat it too, so to speak, I am just being logical. I never defined cheating as "Anything that involves sex without your S/O". What I actually said is......

Masterbating, looking at a magazine and pondering, watching a porn film, etc., are all NON-cheating activities as they DO NOT include another person in a conversation of desires and wants and "what I could do to you if I were with you at this moment"!

Murphy, if you want to define cheating as "Anything that involves sex without your S/O, than this is where we can at least agree to disagree! You say potato, I say potahto.......LOL!

As for the commandments........To each his own in the religion department. I happen to be an atheist. So the parables may be lost on me. But I know the masses have to believe as they believe and may find consolation and direction in the point you made there.

So, maybe we are back to the original question.......and I still say....the answer is within yourself.....if you have to ask....you probably already know the answer!

Mrs. Lix

1wildpussycat 06-16-2002 03:07 PM

well i think Murphy has a very good point......i believe if you are with a partner....and yet when playing with your self to the thought of another person it is cheating...but i still say if both people know.....and both people agree it is fine...then all the power to them

legend 06-17-2002 01:06 AM

bring on the atheists! I think I might start a religion about not having a religion......hmmmm :p

Oldfart 06-17-2002 06:19 AM


What about the second coming?

Clint 06-22-2002 01:16 PM

I consider sharing anything that is sexually intimate with a person other than your signifigant other cheating. And seeing as how cyber sex does involve the sharing of intimacy, then yes, it is most definatley cheating in my opinion.

winter 06-26-2002 10:53 AM

Ok if your kidding yourself that cybersex isnt cheating, then maybe you should ask your S/O to go online and cyber with someone, see how that makes you feel. And if it makes you feel nothing, then you shouldnt have that S/O.

scotzoidman 06-26-2002 11:26 AM

Originally posted by winter
Ok if your kidding yourself that cybersex isnt cheating, then maybe you should ask your S/O to go online and cyber with someone, see how that makes you feel. And if it makes you feel nothing, then you shouldnt have that S/O.
Ok, 1st off, some of us don't do the jealousy thing...whatever it takes for my S/O to get fired up (within reason, & I can be VERY reasonable) is ok with me, as long as I get the benfits of it. And 2nd, some folks here still love & care deeply about their S/O, but have a sex drive mismatch problem...are they to throw away a great long-term relationship for sex, or suffer quietly & stay? Life gets too complicated for quicky B/W answers sometimes...

winter 06-26-2002 08:57 PM

its apparent if you love your S/O then you should feel bad, to do anything unfaithful. And if your mismatched in sex, then someone is doing something wrong, someones holding back. Is sex an important thing in a relationship (yes), but if you love your mate, then maybe you should follow Dr. Ruth's advice. SPICE IT UP! Your only hurting yourself in the long run. Why not go out and screw things up with the real thing, instead of your hand, if your going to cheat, and maybe get eventually caught, then do it for something worth it. Cyber is just hype. Doesnt do anything for me, I got a man that can take care of me 3 maybe 4 times a day, and then some. We only stop for much needed rest, and then our engines are up and running again. Sex isnt only for the bedroom. >>>>>Just a Little friendly Advice<<<<<<<<<< cheating is for losers.

RandyGal 06-26-2002 09:57 PM

Wow winter! I'm glad you have all the answers but sometimes it isn't all as simple as you make it.

Don't be quick to judge until you've been in other peoples shoes, please.

Mismatched mates DO happen and often partners stay together for many reasons and the sex isn't necessarily one of them. I think it's up to each individual and/or couple to decide what is cheating for THEM......I would never presume to know what another couple can and can't do in their marriage or their lives. That is THEIR business, and it isn't for ME to try to make them feel guilty.

It's great that you have all your needs met. That's always a good thing. :)

Sugarsprinkles 06-27-2002 12:28 AM

Originally posted by winter
I got a man that can take care of me 3 maybe 4 times a day, and then some. <<<<< cheating is for losers.

Well, well, aren't you just the lucky one!!

Goody for you...you can get it 3 or 4 times a day! Congratulations!!

Excuse me while I get graphic here....
I happen to be married to a man who suffers from erectile dysfunction. He CAN'T perform. I understand and know this is not his fault. BUT...then he also is unwilling, for reasons known only to him, to satisfy me in any other way. I think that he thinks he's doing what's best by "not starting what he can't finish" and thinks I wouldn't be satisfied any other way. BUT...be that as it may...
Am I supposed to simply do without for the rest of my life?? I have already done without for 12 years!! I think it's unrealistic and totally unfair to expect someone in my situation to live like this forever!!
Grow up, honey...things aren't always as simple as you think!!

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