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kleclere 03-05-2003 06:05 PM

IaKG if you could do anything in life what would it be? Sexually and Real life.

Steph 03-06-2003 02:03 AM

What's been your best sexual experience?

IAKaraokeGirl 03-06-2003 08:54 AM

kleclere, if I could have anything I wanted sexually in real life, I'd have an extremely passionate, caring man, who wasn't afraid to try new things in the bedroom, who put my needs before his own, who would entice me just with the sound of his voice or the touch of his lips up on my neck, and with whom I had a deep, inner connection...much more than friendship or love or anything else we have a word to describe.

Fortunately, I know that such an animal exists. Unfortunately, as much as I love him, I know it's not my husband. Funny how compromises come into play. :)

Steph...hmmmm...that's a hard question. It's difficult to pick just one, so how about a series? When a friend of mine and I were dating, we used to "lunch" together. Several times a week, I'd swing by his office and pick him up, and then we'd head over to his apartment, about five minutes away.

I don't remember that much food was eaten during those one-hour lunch periods. :) In fact, one time my friend's boss called him on the fact that he always seemed to be hungry when he returned from lunch...asked to smell his fingers. I'm still half-mortified. :D

Next up....how 'bout SugarSprinkles?

TinkerBell69 03-06-2003 09:44 AM


Question 1: If you could turn back time, and change one thing, only one thing, what would you change and why?

Sugarsprinkles 03-06-2003 02:02 PM

There are a few things I would change, but since I can only choose one.......

I would change the fact that from 4th grade in elementary school all the way until I graduated High School I was picked on and ostracized, mostly just by the boys. I was the one they teased and said I had "cooties", ran if I came close, acted like they had to disinfect anything of theirs I may accidentally have touched, and laughed like hell if I gave any wrong answers in class. Although I don't dwell on it or still harbor any hatred for these kids, it has affected my life. Because of the way I was treated I learned to be afraid of 'standing out', afraid of being criticized, afraid of being laughed at if I make a mistake. It really has played hell with my self-confidence. If I hadn't had to endure 8 yrs of torment I would probably be more out-going and self confident, and would no doubt feel a lot better about myself than I do.

IAKaraokeGirl 03-06-2003 02:06 PM

SugarSprinkles, if you were marooned on a desert island with Gilligan and the gang, which one of them would you sleep with, and why? :D (You *have* to pick one.)

Sugarsprinkles 03-06-2003 08:33 PM

Great question, IAKG!!

Well, let's use the process of elimination.....

First of all I've never slept with a woman, although I will confess a curiosity. But neither of the female castaways do anything for me.
Ginger? Waayyy to much of an airhead and full of herself, not the least bit attractive about that.

Maryanne? Oh no....I can't take 'goody-two-shoes' types.

Mrs. Howell?? OMG! Even if I was attracted to her, she' probably die of shock if another woman made any advances to her.

The Skipper??? Uh uh... Too old for me.

Mr. Howell ?? ..... Nope, He's too self absorbed, stuffy and married. And not only is he married but his wife is always around.

The professor?? ....No way...he's too preoccupied with his inventions and with trying to find a way for everyone to get off the island. He's probably never given sex a thought since they were shipwrecked.

I guess that leaves our "Little Buddy" Gilligan...
It's not that he's that attractive per se, but he has no pretentions about himself, he is who he is. He's got a good sense of humor, which I just love. He's an extremely generous person and I'm sure he'd be a very giving lover.

So my choice would be Gilligan!!

airhog 03-06-2003 10:03 PM

Sugar Sprinkles:

Silk and lace, or leather and laxtex?

Steph 03-07-2003 01:32 AM

SS: Are you glad you moved?

Also, are you getting enough sex now? :)

Sugarsprinkles 03-07-2003 08:24 AM

Originally posted by airhog
Sugar Sprinkles:

Silk and lace, or leather and laxtex?

Silk and lace. :D

Sugarsprinkles 03-07-2003 08:34 AM

Originally posted by Steph
SS: Are you glad you moved?

Yes, I'm thrilled that I've moved. I love it here in Missouri for many reasons. Except for family, I don't miss Michigan one bit!

Also, are you getting enough sex now? :)

NO! But I'm getting more than I did before I moved. ;);):p :p

kleclere 03-07-2003 04:23 PM

SS secret fantasy?

Sugarsprinkles 03-07-2003 06:48 PM

Secret Fantasy, eh?

Well, I don't think my 'secret fantasy' is very unsual. Probably very common... Not really a "rape" fantasy, but just being taken suddenly, and unexpectedly and having no control over the situation. No violence or pain!!

Sugarsprinkles 03-07-2003 06:52 PM

Ok...I nominate for the next hotspot.......


You're Up!!!!! :D:D

LixyChick 03-07-2003 07:03 PM

kleclere........After a wild night of sex, sex, sex.......

snuggle and chat or smoke a cig (metaphorical or real) and go to sleep?

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