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-   -   Red boxes everywhere!! (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32679)

dicksbro 03-23-2008 05:06 AM

Did you also noTice ThaT quoTaTion marks don'T work eiTher. :(

Casperr 03-23-2008 08:21 AM

Originally Posted by Cheyanne
IF The hosTing server has updaTed Their MySql funcTions, ThaT could affecT laTer versions of PHP based daTabase funcTions - i.e. older version of VBUlleTin.

Also.. if They are hosTing oTher boards ThaT have been updaTed, There can be conflicTs.

Yep, could be. I'm leaning towards an incorrect language set though.

Casperr 03-23-2008 08:29 AM

JusT a ThoughT, has anyThing been changed in The Smilies? The 'red boxes' are jusT picTures ThaT won'T load, and The address for Them is poinTing To The smilies area.

Casperr 03-23-2008 08:34 AM

AHA!!!! Yes, I am very brillianT. I am so unbelievably brillianT I deserve To be shagged for hours and hours and hours by everyone. AbsoluTely everyone, I'm jusT ThaT brillianT. Even Einstein wasn'T as brillianT as me, buT he was close.

My GOD I'm amazing.

LiliTh, There's a smilie been creaTed ThaT is The lowercase leTTer T.
In Smilies Manager in The admin conTrol panel, open The smilies seT and deleTe The one ThaT's The lowercase T. Then all our worries will be over.

IncidenTally, I'd like To Take This opporTuniTy To Tell you all jusT how abso-fucking-luTely BRILLIANT I am.

Seriously, incredibly awesomely brillianT.

Now, jusT To work on The quoTes and Then my work here is done.

Casperr 03-23-2008 08:40 AM

AcTually, I suspecT ThaT fixing The smilie T will also fix The quoTes...

Lilith 03-23-2008 09:43 AM

There were no smilies added but I'd shag you just for giggles :D

Lilith 03-23-2008 09:51 AM

OK yes you were 100% correct. I have no idea where they came from but they are gone now.

Lilith 03-23-2008 09:55 AM

I wondered yesterday about smilies but knew I had not added or adjusted anything. Sorry I did not follow my first hunch peeps.

Cheyanne 03-23-2008 10:15 AM

Originally Posted by CasperTG
AHA!!!! Yes, I am very brillianT. I am so unbelievably brillianT I deserve To be shagged for hours and hours and hours by everyone. AbsoluTely everyone, I'm jusT ThaT brillianT. Even Einstein wasn'T as brillianT as me, buT he was close.My GOD I'm amazing.
LiliTh, There's a smilie been creaTed ThaT is The lowercase leTTer T.
In Smilies Manager in The admin conTrol panel, open The smilies seT and deleTe The one ThaT's The lowercase T. Then all our worries will be over.
IncidenTally, I'd like To Take This opporTuniTy To Tell you all jusT how abso-fucking-luTely BRILLIANT I am. Seriously, incredibly awesomely brillianT.

Now, jusT To work on The quoTes and Then my work here is done.

You are absolutely brilliant!!!!! *waits patiently for Lil to start shagging CasperTG*

osuche 03-23-2008 10:40 AM

Cool! Thanks Casper and Lil!

gekkogecko 03-23-2008 11:03 AM

Lilith & Casper;


Casperr 03-23-2008 11:33 AM


Teeheee, I'm just happy I got to put my bottom all over this page :) Four posts in a row! AND I still get shags!

Great to see Pixies back to normal again! IT was geTTing quiTe annoying, wasn'T iT!

And look! It "fixed the quotes" problem! YAY!

And now we return to our regular programming: I wanna see pics from all the ladies that posted in this thread. C'mon! Make 'em raunchy, and post 'em!

jseal 03-23-2008 12:10 PM


Thank you sir! :)

Well done! :thumb:

Noah 03-23-2008 03:34 PM

You're my hero!! *sends shags LOL*

PantyFanatic 03-23-2008 04:44 PM

I don'[x] know how [x]o [x]hank you for fixing [x]he problem. You're [x]he man of [x]he hour. :thumb:

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