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Irish 09-04-2002 08:05 PM

Touchy,Touchy,Touchy!I don't know or care;what popular belief is!
If I knew that things;were going to be taken so seriously;I wouldn't have;even;joked around! Irish

2-4-tea 09-04-2002 08:42 PM

I am 34 from Baltimore Maryland my wife used to use this name too but she has nt in awhile I would love to chat here but for some reason it will not let me I love this fourm of talking to people I would love ot have someone to talk to one on one female

skipthisone 09-04-2002 09:05 PM

Hi y'all im skip yous donts be strangers now ya hears

Sugarsprinkles 09-05-2002 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Irish
Touchy,Touchy,Touchy!I don't know or care;what popular belief is!
If I knew that things;were going to be taken so seriously;I wouldn't have;even;joked around! Irish

Irish, since you know that your "joking" is often taken seriously by mistake, it might be a good idea if you would try to indicate in some way that what you've said IS a joke. Like adding "LOL" or a "smiley" after your comment.
I have too often made the mistake of taking you seriously and would really like to know when you're kidding so I don't do it again. Thanks, dear!;)

legend 09-05-2002 03:01 AM

welcome to Pixies everyone :)

sweetc0rn 09-05-2002 07:03 AM

Yeah. Welcome everyone! ;)

Irish 09-05-2002 08:00 AM

Yesterday;was not a good day for me!Starting;with a phone call;
from my daughter;at 9:00AM;To inform me that her fiances;oldest
son;had been killed;in a car accident.I was already overtired;from getting a call;at 2:15AM;the morning before;saying that;my 89yr
old mother;had fallen;in the rest home and was taken;to the
emergency room.I went there.I am the only one here.My wife is;
on vacation;in Salt Lake;Las Vegas;and Yellowstone.Yesterday;
I went to a meeting;at the rest home.As of Oct !st;my mothers
rent is being increased;by approx.$1300/1400 a mo.It seems that;the residents;miserably;failed;the last fire drill.Because of
improvments;mandated;by the state;the owner;is FORCED to
increase;the residents rent.When;I had;my motorcycle business;
the state mandated;that I had to install;a customers bathroom.
I didn't;pass;my cost;on to the customers;because that was my
problem;not theirs!If;I said anything that people;took wrong;I'm
sorry!Yesterday was more than I'm used to handleing! Irish
P.S.My mother;already pays $1000s a mo;I don't think that it is
right for the owner;to pass;his increases on!Every business;has it's;unexpected;costs.

Sugarsprinkles 09-05-2002 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Irish
I said anything that people;took wrong;I'm
sorry!Yesterday was more than I'm used to handleing! Irish

Irish dear,
I certainly understand having a bad day...and I apologize if I was short with you.

But you know as well as I do that quite often your jokes are misunderstood. I'm probably one of the more guilty of taking your comments the wrong way. I really would help prevent such misunderstandings if you could try to be a bit more "obvious" by adding a smiley or a "LOL". After all without being able to hear the inflection in your voice or see the expression on your face it's hard to know if you're kidding or not.:) :heart: I'm only trying to help, hon.

BIBI 09-05-2002 08:25 AM

I don't know about the States rules and regulations but in Canada event the privately owned senior residences have to answer to the goverment to justify such a large increase.....isn't there a "watchdog" agency or organization that you could contact to see if such a huge increase is allowed.

I would investigate this.......sounds like a money grab to me. If nothing else write to the editorial page of the newspaper with your thoughts and get the old pot stirred.....

Bad publicity can work wonders sometimes!!!

PantyFanatic 09-05-2002 08:49 AM

After all without being able to.....or see the expression on your face it's hard to know if you're kidding
Now that’s a scary thought.;)

But I like the way BIBI thinks:). This may be a very good thing to look into Irish.:cool:

Irish 09-05-2002 08:51 AM

BIBI---I know nothing of the rules or finances.My wife and I;decided long ago;that Two hands;in the pot;Screw things up!
She handles the finances.We have been married for 37yrs;and have things worked out fairly well.We each have our;designated;
responsiblities.Thank You;but believe me;I don't take any shit;
from anyone!An old saying is that you can't fight City Hall.I have
and won.My motto has always been that the squeaky hinge;gets
the oil. Irish

Nikki 09-05-2002 08:55 AM

Been here for a while.............My name is actually Nicole and I'm studying at University here in Western Australia. I'm into sport and shopping.......hehehe.......amongst other things.....
Love all the people here at Pixies.........it's such a blast....
Ohhhhh and btw......i'm very shy........in case you didnt know......!!

PantyFanatic 09-05-2002 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Nikki
Ohhhhh and btw......i'm very shy........in case you didnt know......!!
Me too!


Sugarsprinkles 09-05-2002 07:54 PM

Re: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigth!
Originally posted by Nikki
Ohhhhh and btw......i'm very shy........in case you didnt know......!!

Originally posted by pantyfanatic
Me too!


PF...shy???????? Ssssuuuurrrre!!!!;);):D

And if anyone believes that, I have a bridge I'd like to sell them.


Loara 09-13-2002 06:31 AM

wow i feel like i'm joining this thread way late... but i just wanted to stick my head in and say hi.

(man i feel like some kid at a junior high party asking an eighth-grader to dance. nervous. nervous. nervous. nervous...)

well if anyone's interested, i'm 21 years old, 5'10 145lbs green eyes blonde hair. i have no kids, am a student at UCSD who spends her free time taking pics, playing Tapestries MUCK, and pretty much just waiting around for her US Marine to get back from his deployment so we can take some pics to show y'all.

yep...that's me..... :)

Saddaddy 09-13-2002 06:40 AM

Loara , Welcome to Pixies! Can't wait till you start posting your pic!

legend 09-13-2002 07:36 AM

welcome to Pixies Loara :)

BIBI 09-13-2002 08:23 AM

Welcome Loara from a relatively new addition to Pixies herself....

allfun22 09-16-2002 11:29 PM

Hello....I am 22 and in my last year of college. In december I will be graduating and moving in with my boyfriend that lives 4 hours away. I love advice forums and putting in my two cents...ok, I think that's about it.
Question: How do you insert avatars on here?

Saddaddy 09-19-2002 09:47 PM

Welcome to Pixies allfun22

GhostCat 09-19-2002 10:56 PM

That >^,^<
Well, Hello I be that >^,^< I am 35, Single, Living in Western Canada, Self employed, cabinet maker by trade, Never been married. Hobbies include, Rock Climbing, Hang gliding, Scuba diving, Just got into kite boarding this year, Travelled a whole lot, "The only states I have never been to are Hawaii, Main, and the Virgin Islands". I enjoy reading true crime and science fiction books, I also enjoy cook and the finer things in life, Favourite colour is purple. Well, really don't know what else to say about myself, but it was great to read a little about the ones that have posted here. Looking forward to chatting to some of you some time, as I like to meet new people and enjoy chatting as well, so thanx, take care.

To the ones I have meet thanx, "I thank you and you have all made me feel very welcome as well", PixieSpirt, Lilith, SassyRose, Nikki, blondebabe, jjjjbo, Dildo Diva, Legend, Scorp, Fussypucker,

That >^,^< :fly:

Pensri69 09-20-2002 04:14 PM

Hello everyone! My name is Pensri and I originally from Thailand now live in California. My english is not the best but I try my best. Hope everyone understand. I am 33 and married for nine years. I also bi and have girlfriend on the side. I have been a hair stylist since I was very young and still do out of my house part time. I also a manager/bartender/hostess of a small club.

I will try to write a story from time to time. Hope to read all of yours as well. Bye now

dicksbro 09-20-2002 04:35 PM

Hi there Pensri ... welcome to Pixies. You don't say how long you've been in the U.S., but welcome to America as well!

You're english looks great here! Hope you have a great time at Pixies!

hotgirl4u2nite 09-21-2002 10:20 PM

I am 28, in a long-term relationship, 5'5" brn eyes, brn hair. I am the mother of a son & daughter. I live in Louisiana and I'm employed by the state as well. My hobbies include reading, listening to music, dancing, cooking, going to and renting movies.

And I agree the personals are more of a "pick-up joint" so it is nice to share intos in a forum such as this.......:)

Saddaddy 09-22-2002 09:37 AM

Hi & Welcome to Pixies hotgirl4u2nite .
Pixies is Great Place ,you'll like it here ..

Irish 09-24-2002 10:41 AM

Just to let;everyone(especially,BiBi)know;that the money for my mothers
care(price increase)has been(I hope)taken care of.I am taking her
;to another place;tomorrow.As long as she can travel; the stairs;
once a month;(for fire drills)she should be accepted there.It's the
place that I thought;was best for her before the current place.It is
even better now.My wife already;went there;to inspect and took
;my mother;to see if she approved of it.She(mother);didn't go there;originaly;because things are different;and she has no
confidance in her ability or handling change.Two people;in the
other place have already made arrangements to leave.Like their
familys;asked the owner;"What's to say the rent won't increase
again in a few months?Thanks for your concern&suggestions.

BIBI 09-24-2002 11:12 AM

That is good to hear and I hope your mother enjoys her new home and that there will be no further unheaval in her life and yours regarding her care.......

DallasLiving 09-24-2002 09:18 PM

As my name says, I live in Dallas. Have been here pretty much all my life. I am 34 now, been married and now divorced. Have one little angel that is the light of my life.

I think in the past week, I have posted more times on here than I have since I originally signed onto this forum. Mainly just sat back and watch people the times that I did come online in here.

dicksbro 09-25-2002 03:47 AM

Welcome, DallasLiving. Hope you enjoy your time here at Pixies.

BigBear57 09-25-2002 04:13 AM

Hi, I'll add mine. I'm 44, soon to be 45, divorced with 2 kids who live here part time. Here is a small quiet farmimg community just south of Augusta, Georgia. I work as a draftsman/whatever. I used to be a photography hound. I just got a really nice camera, I'll eventually put it to work and share the results.

Belial 09-26-2002 05:58 AM

20 year old Computer Science/Mathematics student (second year university) from Australia. About 5'10" and I repel females somehow.

DallasLiving 09-26-2002 12:29 PM

Thanks Dicksbro.....

I originally came here because of the stories and finally got around to posting a few of them, and maybe more in the future.

Though not sure if I will be able to fulfill Diva's request, got a shock the other day on here, one that is way to close to home. ROFLMAO

Kentuckyguy 09-26-2002 12:49 PM

Hello all, first time post, thought I would introduce my self. I am for the state of kentucky in the USA, I am married to my third wife and she is a great girl, we have 2 kids living at home. My wife is 32 and I am 40, we are waiting to meet new people and make new conections.

Irish 09-26-2002 01:06 PM

Kentuckeyguy---Welcome!Are you slightly retarded?Anyone who
gets married three times;can't be the sharpest knife in the drawer! Irish
P.S.I'm kidding by the way.Bieng new here;you wouldn't know of
my wierd sense of humor!

Kentuckyguy 09-27-2002 01:37 AM

No I am not retarted, ...You need to hear the whole story

Wife #1 left me for another man

wife#2 Left me foe another women (at least she wanted somthing I could not give her)

and wife #3 I met on the internet

Well maybe I am a little retarted

legend 09-27-2002 08:13 AM

welcome to Pixies everyone :)

Quinda 09-29-2002 05:05 AM

I'm 20 and due to get married on the 31st October :-) I'm a true 'puter geek and love metal too. 5'4, size 4 to 6, brown hair, green eyes.

Saddaddy 09-29-2002 02:20 PM

Hi & Welcome to Pixies Quinda. I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here at Pixies

tazzfromca 10-01-2002 04:35 PM

I'm from California, so just thought I'd say hello.

28, Male, 6'2", Brown hair, blue eyes

Scarecrow 10-01-2002 04:44 PM

Hello and welcome to Pixies tazzfromca

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