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Maid of Marvels 11-05-2003 04:15 AM

Still gazing deeply into each other's eyes, Janice couldn't turn away, not even to blink. She was almost relieved when Mark finally started to pull out and only vaguely aware that the muscles of her vagina had tightened around his retreating penis as if willing him to stay.

A look of puzzlement crossed her son's face then and he gasped, his backward movement halted as he thrust forward again, burying his suddenly rekindled erection to its hilt. Janice tried to stifle an anguished cry that she had no control over. She shuddered as her entire body reverberated with sensation. Sweet heavens, she was going to cum! She screamed a silent "Noooo!" somewhere deep in her subconscious.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. She was both amazed and horrified at the way her body was reacting to her son's. Her son's! Janice knew this was totally wrong -- but how to stop it? She felt as though she'd been hypnotized, stripped of all conscious will as Mark continued to hold her eyes with his.

Suddenly, he lay still. It was her turn to look askance. Perhaps he would stop now and pull out? She longed to find the will to speak. To say something. To stop this madness that had possessed her. Janice was certain that she'd done something wrong. Something horribly wrong.

But he didn't pull out. Instead, Mark ground himself further into her. Janice felt his tumid erection flex. Felt herself respond. This time it was she that gasped. What was happening? This was unspeakable!

Before she had time to consider the fact that her body was doing the opposite of what her mind was telling it to do, he was moving again. They were moving. Janice's body betrayed her completely as she wrapped her legs around her son's waist and met each rhythmic movement of his body, thrust for thrust.

Tivboman 11-05-2003 06:04 PM

The pleasure washes over his body, overriding all sense and reason as he feels his mother's legs wrap themselves around his waist, pulling their bodies tighter together as they move together.

His eyes locked by her own wide ones, he continues to burrow his thick cock inside her time and time again, forcing her wet sex to expand tightly around him. And with each deep thrust, he is rewarded by a gasp or a groan from his parent, causing him to move a little faster, a little harder.

He doesn't try to ponder what is happening or why. Only that this time is best time of all. Even, in his aroused state he is able to admit this, better than the first time.

In and out!

In and out!

In and out moves his heavy, swollen shaft. Moving in a slick, wet motion as it repeatedly pierces his mother's heated core.

In and out!

In and out!

He looks at her, her face grimacing at each penetration, eyes staring into his as he moves inside her. Never has he seen her looking so....beautiful!

In and out!

In and out!

He can feel her squeezing him down there!

In and out!

In and out!

Feeling the need to move faster, he grasps her by the shoulders, using them as leverage as his hips moves forward a gear. A low groan from his parent is all he needs to continue. Listening to the bedsprings as their creaking joins in the fray.

In and out!

In and out!

His thrusts ever faster, ever harder...

Maid of Marvels 11-07-2003 05:08 PM

Janice felt as though she was moving through whipped cream, all conscious thoughts enveloped in a slo-mo fog that kept her from resisting the primal urges that had somehow surfaced. It was wonderful and horrifying. Dirty and sweet. Overwhelming yet forbidden.

No longer able to stifle the wanton cries that escaped her lips, Jan found herself mumbling unintelligible sounds; gutteral, inhuman sounds that revealed primeval urges even she could not deny as she met her son's every thrust. Urgently. Hungrily. Knowing she had passed the point of no return, Janice Fleming gave in to her libido and stepped over the fiery edge into the depths of desire.

Jan drew her breath in sharply, her eyes still locked with Mark's, and tensed in anticipation. There was no denying her release as that wonderful butterfly feeling began to spread over her body, to that needy place between her legs. To her... Say it! You know you want to. Say it! Pussy! There! She'd said it, even if it wasn't aloud -- but the next words were.

"Are you... ready? I'm... I need... " She didn't finish her sentence. There was no need. It was there. She was cumming. Harder than she ever remembered. Janice cried out as her body was overcome by spasms and contractions as her son continued to drive himself in and out of her clenching, grasping pussy.

Tivboman 11-13-2003 06:57 PM

His mother's expression, the sounds from his mother's lips pushes him on, his hips pushing his extended flesh in and out of his mother's molten socket.

"Are you... ready?" She gasps out to him. "I'm... I need... ARRGGGGHH!!!!" and suddenly he feels himself in a vice-like grip as his mother starts to writhe and shake underneath him.

The sudden realisation that she is cumming accompanied with the death grip that her cunt has over his solid shaft is too much for the lad. Crying out himself, he pushes forward as far as he can inside her and holds on for dear life.

His eyes still locked with hers, he feels his balls contract and a burning sensation travelling up the long arm of his erection. Then with a shudder, he watches her eyes open wider as she feels the first of his ejaculations literally coming out in a long forceful jet deep inside her...

Maid of Marvels 11-20-2003 06:29 PM

Janice didn't remember Jack ever keeping his eyes open when he came, and she found herself unable to turn away from her son's almost hypnotic gaze as his eyelids flickered for a moment and she felt the first hard jet of his cum erupt inside of her. A deep, gutteral groan escaped his lips and she cried out yet again at the force of his repeated injections. Gods! Had it ever been this way for Jack and her? Somehow, she didn't think so.

It seemed like ages before Mark collapsed against her, his heart pounding against her chest and his breathing coming in short ragged bursts. Janice, the awful realization of what had happened finally sinking in, lay completely still as the tremors of her orgasm began to slowly fade away.

Suddenly she was afraid. Terribly, terribly afraid. All the worries and concerns she'd had about this whole situation were staring her straight in the face. She hadn't wanted Mark to suffer from any of this -- and now? Sweet heavens, she had probably scared him half to death! No wonder he hadn't even blinked.

"Mark?" Her voice was low, timorous.


"I'm... " How did she say it? How did she ask if he was all right? How did she find out if he was utterly and completely disgusted with her? Janice sighed, unable to find the words. " ...Sorry. I'm just... sorry."

Tivboman 11-20-2003 07:20 PM

For long moments, the boy is frozen, his eyes locked with hers as his entrenched tool fires volley after volley for his thick potent lava deep inside her fertile garden.

And then it is over. Suddenly, his strength gone, his body falls on hers and he rewarded with the feeling of her soft breasts pressing into his chest. Unable to think or move, he just lays on top of her gasping, his half-swollen penis still lodged deep inside.

Finally, he feels his mother stir.


"Huh." He answers, finally having the present of mind and the strength to lift himself up slightly so he can look down at her.

"I'm... ...Sorry. I'm just... sorry."

He can see the distress in her face, the eyes starting to water. Without a thought, he brings his lips on hers and gently kisses her. The mere touch of her lips causes what feels like an electric shock to run through his, causing his whole body to tremble and he draws back. Looking at her intently, he sees his mother staring back at him with wide eyes, her full mouth open. Then his mouth is on hers again, this time ardent, hungry as he slides his lips firmly over hers even as he pushes his groin hard against hers, his cock already starting to swell for a third time in its tight, wet confines...

Maid of Marvels 11-20-2003 07:58 PM

Their coupling this time was different still. Heated. Passionate. Lustful. Imbued with a desperate longing for release that was absent from their other encounters. Mark's lips on hers, his body buried deeply within, it felt as though a dam had burst somewhere and she was swept up and carried away.

Janice's fingernails clawed at her son's back, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist as her hips arched upward to meet his thrusts. She wanted him. Wanted his cock. Hotter. Deeper. Harder. She was immersed in a steaming, urgent miasma of desire. Ravenous for fulfillment.

Teetering on the edge of what promised to be another mind-blowing orgasm, Janice surrendered body and soul. "Do it, baby. Cum with me. Give me your baby. I'm... " No longer able to verbalize, she felt the first succulent waves begin to wash over her. Janice Fleming was drowning in carnal bliss.

Tivboman 11-22-2003 04:13 AM

What happens next is a blur. One moment, he is kissing his mother in a way a son should never do. The next, his face is buried in her neck, a hand on a plump breast while ruthlessly thrusting in and out with such vigour that it causes the bed to squeak violently.

Nor is his mother fighting his attention. On the contrary, her legs are wrapped tightly around his back, the grown pulled back to reveal her thick ivory thighs, the bedspread long ago giving up trying to hide their copulating bodies and had fallen away. He can feel her hands working on his back, trying to pierce his robe with her nails.

"Take me...uhhgh!...baby! Fuck me hard!...uughhh...Fuck me deep!" Her words just galvanises him to do just that, throwing his hips into her even harder and faster.

A sexual shiver runs through him as his young mind realises that they are not having sex to just have a baby, but they are actually fucking because they want to...

Maid of Marvels 12-03-2003 01:45 AM

Regardless of the reason, Janice Fleming had cast aside the bindings of reason and propriety, catering instead to her own sybaritic and amoral pleasures. She revelled in the luxurious sensation of her son's cock stretching the walls of her vagina as she in turn clasped him tightly. Urging. Pleading. Ravenous.

Too lost to even recognize the fact she'd never felt this complete, so fulfilled, it didn't occur to her that she might be doing wrong either. For this moment in time, Jan could only think of fucking. Hard, fast, glorious fucking. She murmured her son's name and pulled his face toward her own hungrily. "Kiss me... "

She wanted his lips, his tongue. She wanted it all. In every part of her body.

As Mark leaned forward, she shifted and he seemed instinctively to know what she required, allowing their bodies to roll until he was on his back and she on top. Was it her imagination or was his cock even deeper? She didn't care. She only wanted... Gods! She was cumming again!

As the first waves of her orgasm began to wash through her yet again, Jan guided her son's hands to her hips. Showing him how to lift her body up and down the length of his hardness, she reached behind and loosened the ties of her gown. His eyes widened as her heavy breasts came to view and she smiled wantonly. "Touch them," she groaned. "It's all for you. All for you."

But was it?

Tivboman 12-05-2003 06:01 PM

"Kiss me..." and the boy can only groan as he feels his mother's hot lips pressing fiercely on his own, her tongue already invading his only too willing mouth. At the same time, he feels her grip around his hips tighten, forcing him to stay locked deeply inside her as he finds them rolling onto his back.

"Uuugghh!" He hears her grunt, as she breaks their liplock and sit upright on top of him, flatting her hips on his as he feels every last inch of his stone-hard erection being completely immersed by her hot sex.

Then she is moving again, up and down as she glides his hands to her broad hips.

The boy cannot believe or question what is going on. He just never wants it to stop.

But she is not finished as she moves up and down, looking intently at him (and only squeezing her eyes shut each time she fully takes him). He watches spellbound, unable to move for the moment as he watches his mother reach behind her and starts to fiddle with something... and then his eyes bulge as the gown falls away, revealing the two things he had felt against him each time they have had sex.

A groan slowly escapes through his open lips as he takes in the sight. His first set of naked breasts. So BIG! He had always suspected that his mother is big-chested but he has never imagined this. As if in slow motion, his eyes examine every inch of her exposed flesh.

And her nipples, two thick nubs sticking hard and inviting, each surrounded by a darker skin which span almost the entire front of each breast as if stretched like a rubber balloon.

"Touch them," he hears her husky voice and looks up. The look she is giving him causing his cock to lurch. It's as if she wants to eat him. "It's all for you. All for you."

Then it is as if his young mind cannot take it in any more and suddenly he is literally attacking her tits, his teeth sinking into one breast as he tries to take it into his mouth while he roughly mauls the other.

Above him, his mother groans and whimpers as he feels her pressing down on him, grinding their sexes together as her hands grab the back of his head, forcing him harder into her chest...

Maid of Marvels 12-05-2003 06:21 PM

Janice Fleming
Jan leaned forward, pulling her son up and closer to her breasts. God, it felt good! She wanted his hand, his mouth, his cock everywhere. She wanted to smell him, touch him, feel him, taste him. She had passed the boundary. Passed the point of no return. And it was bliss!

She cried out when he bit her nipple, making Mark jerk away and looked up at her with an alarmed look. "Oh, no, baby. You didn't hurt me. Please don't stop. It hurts... nice. Very nice."

Needing no further encouragement, her son returned his attentions to his mother's ponderous breasts. Jan knew he would make her cum by doing that alone, but she wanted to please him too. So very much -- and in so many ways.

She continued to ride his thick shaft, up and down its length -- almost lifting herself completely off before plunging downward. Mark, in turn, bucked up to fill her as she enveloped him over and over in her tight, wet sheath.

"Does it feel good, Mark?" Jan murmured, her mouth against the top of his head as he continued to suckle, nibble and bite at her breasts. "Tell me... "

Janice groaned, pressing down hard, her clit rubbing against her son's pubic bone as she gyrated against him. She was going to cum again, but she wanted -- no, needed -- to feel his hot seed shooting into her this time when she did.

Squeezing her vaginal muscles tightly, she clutched at the enormous cock that was stretching her cunt almost beyond its limits. "Tell me, baby. Tell mommy how it feels."

Tivboman 12-06-2003 05:48 AM

"Does it feel good, Mark?" He hears her whisper, her mouth against the top of his head as he continues to suckle, nibble and bite at her breasts. "Tell me... "

But the boy cannot pull himself away to answer, so engrossed is he with her fleshy tits, her hot cunt that is sliding over his thick pillar.

"Tell me, baby. Tell mommy how it feels." She says insistently.

This time, he does respond as he feels something tighten around his throbbing shaft, causing him to break contact with her breasts and gasp out.

"Mmmm. You liked that."

Looking up he sees her looking down at him with a (smug?) grin on her face.

Fuck! She looks so horny!

And suddenly the lust literally explodes in him. With an almost inhuman growl, he rolls the two of them over so that he is on top, causing his mother to giggle before he jams his mouth against hers, his lower body slamming into hers.

Grabbing her shoulders, he starts to give it to her hard and fast. Her cries at each deep penetration muffled within their sealed lips while his tongue seeks out hers.

He can feel her fingers on his back, the nails digging in and trying to pierce his gown.

Again and again he slams into her, pushing every inch of his enraged tool deep inside. Forcing her to stretch to take him like never before. The bedsprings creaking louder than ever as they accompany the heavy slapping and muffled moans.

Deep inside his mother, his cock starts to expand even more as the seeds within his bloated balls prepare for their journey...

Evggz 12-06-2003 12:11 PM

Sunil grunts with the effort, feelling the hot water washing over him as he thrusts urgently against his sister.

"Ughh! Ughh! Ughh!" He hears her grunt in return as each thrust pressed her harder against the side of the shower cubicle, forcing her large brown mellons to spread across the frosted glasses.

"I...ughh...wonder...ughhh...if....Janice...ughhh.. .and Mark...ughhh...are having such a....Gods you are deep!...good...ughhh....time?" Devi manages to gasp out.

"Dunno." The boy says, starting to feel the efforts of this latest bout of fucking.

He has other things to concentrate on!

Maid of Marvels 12-13-2003 03:17 AM

Janice Fleming
Janice struggled to get her hands beneath her son's gown, wanting -- no needing -- to feel his skin against hers; his chest against her breasts, feel the taut skin of his back under her fingertips. At last she was able to wedge them under his body. Sensing what his mother wanted, Mark shifted slightly to accommodate her before lowering himself back down.

It was the first time their bodies had fully touched, flesh-to-flesh. The effect on both of them was like that of a fuse being ignited, fueling their passions and carrying them forward in a burst of sensual pyrotechnics that left them both gasping in completion.

"I love you, Mark" Jan whispered to her son, wondering if the explosion of seed in her belly had found its mark, and what that would mean to the two of them in the future.

Maid of Marvels 12-13-2003 03:17 AM

Janice Fleming
Janice struggled to get her hands beneath her son's gown, wanting -- no needing -- to feel his skin against hers; his chest against her breasts, feel the taut skin of his back under her fingertips. At last she was able to wedge them under his body. Sensing what his mother wanted, Mark shifted slightly to accommodate her before lowering himself back down.

It was the first time their bodies had fully touched, flesh-to-flesh. The effect on both of them was like that of a fuse being ignited, fueling their passions and carrying them forward in a burst of sensual pyrotechnics that left them both gasping in completion.

"I love you, Mark" Jan whispered to her son, wondering if the explosion of seed in her belly had found its mark, and what that would mean to the two of them in the future.

Tivboman 12-13-2003 09:40 AM

Find it difficult to breathe, his body soaking, he collapses on top of her, his chest pressing firmly into her large chest.

"I love you, Mark" He hears his mother gasp.

"I love you!" He replies with such an intensity of feeling.

He has never been like this before. His body is feeling hot and cold at the same time. His...cock, still big, is still inside her. Its insides feeling as if red-hot lava has just been down it. Even his balls ache.


Suddenly realising that he could be hurting her, he pulls himself onto his hands and knees and backs away, causing them to separate causing them to gasp.

In this position, he can see his mother's her practically naked body, from her large breasts, the rounded belly, the wet red flesh in between her legs...

Tivboman 12-13-2003 09:42 AM


Messalina 12-28-2003 04:12 PM

Devi Patel
Devi clung to her brother's neck, her legs snaked around his body as he lowered himself and plunged into her choot with one powerful thrust. She couldn't help wondering if the others were enjoying themselves as much as she was. Goddess how she loved to fuck.

Raji had taken to watching her with her brother, either jerking off or more often offering his cock to her mouth to suck him off while fingering her clit as Sunil fucked her. She couldn't wait until she was pregnant so that she could fuck them both at the same time. Her two men -- husband and brother -- both as intent on getting her off as she was knowing that she pleased them.

"Aieee! Sunil! I'm so ready, love. Make me cum. Make me cum! Make me... "

She felt his thick cock grow thicker, so ready to fill her with his hot potent seed. Clasping her muscles tightly, she felt her orgasm begin and the high whine of release that announced her brother was ready to do the same.

Maid of Marvels 01-04-2004 07:27 AM

Janice Fleming
Janice looked up into her son's eyes as he lifted his weight from her body and slipped from the tight sheath between her legs. Not wanting to move, she pulled him back down and they lay together quietly -- for that moment in time they were no longer mother and son but two lovers laying replete in each others arms.

After a while, she shooed him off to dress and shower though she remained in her bed. Jan needed to think about what had happened when they made love this time. That was it, wasn't it? They had made love. When had the coupling changed? When had it gone from "inserting Tab A into Slot B" to lovemaking? What had changed?

Knowing that she had things to do, Janice finally got up and headed to the bathroom for a shower. From the first she had worried about Mark's psychological well-being behind this whole government order, and now she worried that if there was damage, it might be of her own making.

Jan was hard put to lose that afterglow she felt from earlier as she lathered her body and rinsed. She kept imagining Mark's hands and mouth on her breasts. His... She needed to stop this now! She was a married woman. A happily married woman. Married to a wonderful man who fairly worshipped her. Mark was her son, for pity's sake! No matter what the government said they had to do, it wasn't right. It was still immoral and she had done wrong. Nothing should change that in her mind or her heart. He was her son. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Drying off, she dressed quickly and glanced at the bedside clock as she brushed out her hair. Where had the time gone?? It was past noon! Had they really been at it for that many hours? It seemed impossible, yet her body told her otherwise.

Don't think about it, Janice Fleming! she admonished herself. God only knew what Mark was thinking of her right now. His mother the nympho. The slut. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It wasn't!!

Hurrying down the stairs, Jan went into the kitchen to put on a pot of coffee and sat down to make a shopping list. It was her day for groceries and there were a million other things to do and little time to accomplish them before the twins came home and dinner had to be prepared. And then there would be tonight... again.

For once, Janice decided that if Mark wasn't willing on his own that they would forgo the evening "session". She felt she had done enough damage for one day. Perhaps enough for a lifetime. She would deal with the consequences -- whatever they would be. In this, there was no one to blame except herself.

Tivboman 01-25-2004 05:26 PM

While his body stands naked under the shower, his mind is miles away or rather in the recent past. He hardly registers the hot jets of water as they wash over him, all he can think of is what he and his mother had done. It had been so different to their other times.

Is that what sex is really like?

As if trying to answer, he feels himself stirring again. His wilted penis swelling suddenly, expanding back to its bloated state. He can still feel her against him, her cunt over his cock.

And he had seen her tits!

The boy groans as a hand falls down to take his throbbing shaft which he squeezes.

"Oh Mom!" He moans as he hands starts moving up and down his taut rod, his mind reliving every delicious second of his fuck with her.

Faster and faster his hand moves...

Maid of Marvels 01-25-2004 05:30 PM

Her list complete, Jan called out to Mark to let him know she was going for groceries. That, and she wanted to ask him if there was anything in particular he was hungry for. Not hearing an answer, Jan climbed out the stairs and called again.

Seeing the bathroom door closed, she realized he was still in the shower. Well, she'd just open the door and stick her head in. No harm, no foul. She'd been doing that for years.

Turning the knob, Jan heard a soft moan. Sweet heavens! Her son was hurt! Mark was... She literally burst into the room and ran for the shower. Pulling aside the curtain, she called out her son's name.

"Mark! What's wro... "

Mark's eyes opened in shock when he saw his mother's face, but no wider than her own. He was standing under the running water with his enormous cock in his hand, jerking off.

Tivboman 01-25-2004 05:36 PM

Mark stands there in shock, his hand dropping to his side as he watch his mother stare at him and his king-sized erection.

"My God!!! Don't tell me that you are ready to go again? After what we have just done?" She asks, her eyes never leaving his ardent shaft as he feels its pulses get stronger and harder.

"I..am...sorry." He gasps. In his aroused state, he can see her standing in front of him - naked...

Maid of Marvels 01-26-2004 02:37 PM

Mark's hands dropped to his sides when his mother spoke. "Honey... I'm sorry. I didn't mean... " Janice could feel her son staring, but she couldn't take her eyes off his rampant erection and the way it seemed to point straight up at her -- accusing her for being at fault.

Jan's hand moved slowly, timidly with a will of its own, toward his cock. Despite what they had done, this was the first real look she'd gotten of her son's penis, and she was mesmerized. It was so... big. Sooo... She wanted to touch it. Put her lips around it. Taste... She wanted to see it shoot those same ropy strands of cum that filled her when they...

Stop it! It isn't right. It isn't...

Her breath came in short little gasps as she tore her eyes away and looked up at her son. "The doctors said you can't... you know. Do you want me to help?"

Mark only nodded -- his turn to be mesmerized while Janice slipped out of her clothing and into the shower. "There," Janice said softly, moving her body against his as she lifted a leg and propped it against the side of the tub. "Just lean down a bit and... "

Tivboman 01-26-2004 02:38 PM

"Honey... I'm sorry. I didn't mean... " Her voice trails away as she continue to look at him, at his cock.

The way she is looking at him causes his heart to thump harder in his chest, his cock stiffening so that it is actually getting painful.
The rational portion of his mind cannot believe this. This is his mom for God's sake. He shouldn't be showing her his erect...

He groans inwardly as he again remembers what they have been doing not that long ago.

And he wants to do it again!

"The doctors said you can't... you know. Do you want me to help?"

The excitement rushes through him at her words.

Does she want to do 'it' again???

Unable to speak, he nods excitedly. Watching her as she slips out of her clothing. Revealing that body which will make him hard for the rest of his life.

"There," His mother, now in the shower with him, tells him as he feels her soft body, her huge breasts press against him as she lifts up a leg.

"Just lean down a bit and... "

The boy groans as he feels her hand on his stalk, guiding him towards her as she shifts her legs further apart, an arm going around his neck as she uses him for balance.

"Now just move up...ohhh." The combination of hearing his mother's throaty groan and the softness on his tip causes him to gasp.

Gently, slowly, he pushes forward and again, he is rewarded as something hot, wet and tight starts to slide down his aching shaft.

Looking at his mother, he sees that she is staring back at him, a strange look on her face, her lips half open as he feels her snake her other arm around his waist, pulling him against her as they continue to merge...

Maid of Marvels 01-31-2004 02:28 PM

Janice Fleming
Janice could feel herself stretching almost beyond endurance as her son pushed upward, easing his girth into her tight sheath. Her back against the tile of the shower, she pulled Mark closer, deeper; his eyelids flickering as she felt him sink his full length into her slick channel with one final shove.

"That's it, baby. Yesss... "

Arms and legs twined around Mark's, Jan sought his mouth hungrily with her own, thrusting her tongue between his lips as he had his cock into her pussy. Hot. Wet. Forceful. The water from the shower flowed over them as they found their rhythm, her body bouncing against the wall with his every upward thrust.

She wanted to tell him how good he felt. To tell him that no one had ever made her feel this way before -- not even his father. She wanted... Unable or unwilling to utter those words, Janice groaned, her entire body craving the relief that only he could give.

Breaking their kiss, Mark buried his face in the curve of his mother's neck, sucking at her skin as the slapping sounds of their joining filled the room. He was mewling softly, a sound she'd come to recognize from earlier. She knew he was ready, but this time she wasn't.

"Please... " she pleaded softly while her entire body screamed in anguished longing. "Not... yet."

Too far gone to stop or even understand what his mother was asking, Jan felt her son's body stiffen slightly before spurting gouts of his fertile sperm into the channel that would lead one to its intended destination. After all, that was the entire point of this, wasn't it?

A pang of guilt washed over her as she clenched and loosened her vaginal muscles around her son's pulsing cock. This wasn't supposed to be about pleasure. It was supposed to be about procreating. Preserving the future of humanity. And if that was so, why did she want so desperately to cum?

Tivboman 02-07-2004 06:48 PM

The boy is almost overwhelmed by his mother's assault on him as she jams her mouth on his, raping him with her tongue and touch. All of which only fuels his own raging hormones as he fights back with as much passion.

Finally breaking their kiss, he hungrily attacks her neck as he savours feeling her soft full body against his, her rich full bosom pressing against his hairless chest as their hips lustily smashes together in their drive to mate. The sounds of their copulation and moans filling the bathroom.

But it is all too much for the still inexperienced lad. Already feeling that now familiar sensation building in his loins as the next cum already starts to loom, Mark rams his aching shaft deep into his mother's pliant cunt time and time again.

"Please... " He hears her mother moan. "Not... yet."

But he cannot stop. With one large thrust which buries every centremetre of his shaft inside her, he holds her firmly as he starts to shoot even more of his thick young seed inside his mother, joining the millions of little tadpoles he has deposited earlier.

Groaning, suddenly spent, he sags on top of her. his cock still firmily imbedded.

"I'm...not finished." Gasps his mother and he feels his hair being grabbed as his face is pulled up to meet hers.

"I'm not finished." She almost growls at him, her eyes seems to burn into him before she brings his mouth onto hers. At the same time, he feels her pulling him into her while a hand grabs his ass.

What is she doing?

Their lips break and this time it is the woman who starts hungrily biting into a neck.

"Momm...?" Gasps the exhausted boy, suddenly frightened of the woman he is still connected to.

Behind him, he feels her hand move over his bum, a finger pressing into his skin, her legs squeezing him.

"Mooooohhh!" He cries out, his eyes wide as he feels something push into his anus...


Maid of Marvels 02-08-2004 07:20 AM

Janice Fleming
Her lust overriding all reason, Janice felt as though something had snapped deep inside her psyche. Why shouldn't she cum, too? Why did it have to end just because the man got off? A woman had needs as well. She had needs! And she aimed to have them filled.

Heedless of the alarmed tone in her son's voice, she raked his back with her nails, clawing at him like a predator devouring its prey. Every memory of things she'd seen or read but never dared, every wanton thought she'd ever had or dreamed was suddenly unleashed as she sought what she knew was hers for the taking.

Parting Mark's ass cheeks, she pressed her finger against his puckered entrance, inherently knowing the reaction it would have on his cock. Jan wanted him hard again -- for herself this time. Her needs superceding everything else.


Janice groaned gutterally in satisfaction as she felt Mark's prick suddenly expand, spreading the walls of her cunt to almost unbearable limits. "Now fuck me!" she demanded. "Fuck me hard!"

Tivboman 02-08-2004 08:16 AM

The boy grabs hold of his mother tightly as he feels her finger spear deepily into him. His tiredness, causing his whole of his lower regions to ache and throb. Suddenly he is hard, achingly hard.

"Now fuck me! Fuck me hard!"

In a mixture of astonishment and fear, the boy looks down at his mother's face and sees her learing back at him, her eyes almost burning in him.

"I said fuck me, dammit!" She growls at him and again the boy cries out as he feels stab of pain in his butt as he realises that his mother is pushing her finger even deeper.

He looks at her again and suddenly the fear is gone. Instead replaced by an anger and a new hunger that surges up and takes away any self control. Filled with a sudden, manic strength, Mark effectless lifts his mother up and pinning her against the shower wall, he starts to fuck into her with sudden violent thrusts.

"Arrrghhh!" He hears her scream at his onslaught but he won't stop, he can't stop.

All his life, Mark has been exceptionally large. Now for the first time, he uses his 6 foot 6in frame to good affect. Holding his mother like a rag doll despite her own size, he shoves his glistening trudgeon into her slopping hole, forcing her to take as much of his enormous manhood as she can possibly can. Her screams are high pitched at first, but slowly they dye down to sobs and moans as he continues only to return to full volume as he quickens up the pace.

The two occupants of the bathroom have no idea of time but what seems after an age of frantic body slapping sex, Mark suddenly pulls out.

"Wha....?" His mother gasps as she looks at him foggily.

His appetite knowing no bounds, Mark roughly drags her out of the cubicle, pushing her front first against the sink as he positions himself behind her.

"M-mark.. N-no more."

But he ignores her pleas. Brutely pulling her legs apart, he looks down at his juice-covered angry club of an erection. Never has he seen it so big.

And his mom is going to take it all!

And with the strength and determination of a sex-crazed teenaged youth, he plows back into her. Making her take every last inch of him.

Her screams fills the house...

Maid of Marvels 02-08-2004 02:18 PM

Suddenly the tables were turned. It was Mark calling the shots, taking control. He dragged her from the shower, bending his mother over the sink to roughly take her from behind. There was no gentleness. No tenderness. He was like a dog in rut and she was his bitch.

The force of her son's thrusts pounded into Jan's body, her ribs banging against the hard porcelain of the free-standing sink as she cried out. She thought her vagina would rip apart from the ferocity of their joining. It burned. It ached. It...

The tone of Janice's cries began to change as her cunt stretched to accommodate her son's enormous prick. It felt bigger, thicker than it had ever felt. Even bigger than the first time she had it in her. She could feel it ramming against her cervix. God! Would it break straight through? Was that even possible?

Janice wanted him to stop. Go on. Stop. Go on. She wanted him to fill her. To pull out. To... She tried to use her arms to cushion her body from the buffetting it was taking. She wanted it harder. Softer. Faster. Slower. Deeper. The pleasure/pain was almost exquisitely unbearable. And she was ready. So, so ready.

A thin shrill wail rose up from somewhere deep inside of her as the first electric tingles of her orgasm began to grow and spread throughout her body. She wanted it to last forever. She wanted it to stop. She needed it to go on. She wanted to prolong the feeling forever. She needed to drown in the bittersweet release.

Unable to take control with her mind what her body refused to deny her, Janice plunged over the edge of desire into the fiery depths of lust and passion as she came in a frenzy of simultaneous explosions.

Tivboman 02-08-2004 07:13 PM

It is as if the boy can last forever as he pounds almost desperately into his mother's body. Forcing to take every thick pulsating inch of his raging erection.

And then it is upon, forcing to him to answer nature's drive to bury himself as far into her as possible with a groan before he feels his cock, now firmly entrenched in her tightly fitting sex, starts to shudder and throb. A moment later, he cries out as he feels what is almost like molten lava shoot up the inside of his engorged organ, literally flowing into his mother's hot belly.

Under him, his mother cries out in response as she presses her rump into his groin, her cunt almost possessively gripping her son's ejaculating manhood. Both bodies as one as they shake and twist in their joint orgasm. Neither willing to losing their grip on the other...

Maid of Marvels 02-13-2004 01:43 AM

Shaking from the strain of holding herself away from the sink, Jan folded her arms under her breasts and collapsed against it. Her pussy was throbbing from the battering it had taken, but that didn't stop it from clenching her son's cock one more time as a tremor from the aftershock of her last orgasm rippled through her.

She was shocked by the ferocity of their fucking and how much she'd enjoyed it. Jesus! What was she turning into here? Janice had never cum this way with Jack. Their lovemaking had always been heated, but never the kind that "made the earth" move. This... This had gone far beyond anything she had ever imagined possible.

"Mark... "

Still buried balls deep in her pussy, Jan could hear her son's breathing begin to slow as his body calmed. She wanted to tell him how wonderful it was. She wanted to apologize. She wanted to fuck him again and again. She wanted to tell him that it was all her fault. That she didn't mean for things to get this complicated, this out of control. She wanted to tell him how much she...

Janice moaned softly as Mark let his cock slowly slip out of her, acutely aware of the void he left when she heard the wet slurp following their separation. She hurt everywhere -- inside and out. The tender skin around the entrance to her vagina burned as though it was on fire. It felt wide open, as if its walls would never return to where they belonged. Deeper, there was a dull throbbing where he had battered her cervix with the head of his cock.

Mark's hands slipped from her waist as he took step back without saying a word. Not knowing what to expect, Jan pushed herself upright and turned around to face her son, his seed dripping down her inner thighs. She had to see his face, look into his eyes. She had to know if they had gone too far. She had to know if...

Tivboman 02-15-2004 07:13 PM

Mark is not sure how long they stay there. His mother leaning against the sink with him leaning against her, his still half-hard cock deepily entrenched inside her.

But then the bliss he is feeling evaporates as the realisation of what he has done hits him. Suddenly feeling numb, he pulls himself away and out of his mother, causing her to moan as his still half-hard erection slides out with a wet slurp.

Stumbling backwards, he waits as he watches his mother slowly turns round to face him. Waiting for her to bawl him out for what he has done, or to tell him to go to his room. But as their eyes meet, she says nothing, the look he gets from her instead suddenly fills him with the urge, the need to take her into his arms and hug her. Never has he seen her looking so lovely, so vulnerable.

"Mom...?" He sobs, completely overwhelmed with strange new feelings...

Maid of Marvels 02-16-2004 12:05 AM

Unable to interpret the look on Mark's face, Janice took a hesitant step forward. Suddenly they were in each other's arms. Her head barely reaching the middle of her son's chest, she kissed him there while he clung to her. "It's okay... It's... "

Trembling, he buried his face in her hair but she couldn't tell if he was crying. God, how she hoped she hadn't made him cry. Pulling away so that she could be certain, what Janice saw wrenched her heart. Tears were streaming down her boy's face. What had she done? Sweet heavens above, what had she done? And would she ever be able to make it right again?

"Oh, my dearest Mark," she began slowly. "I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me. Please. I didn't mean... " Janice wrapped her arms back around her firstborn, the one who had been commanded by the government to become the father of their child.

What they had done to him was so, so wrong. What she had allowed to be done. How she thought she had felt no longer mattered and Janice didn't care what anyone else said either. She would pay the consequences, no matter what they were. Her son's happiness was all that mattered. It had to stop. It had to stop!

Tilting her head up to tell him what she had decided, she was astounded when he lowered his head and covered her mouth with his own. "Oh... mom."

What should she do? What could she do? Unable to stop herself, Janice Fleming returned her son's kiss.

Tivboman 02-16-2004 06:20 PM

"Oh, my dearest Mark. I'm so, so sorry. Please forgive me. Please. I didn't mean... "

As soon as he feels her naked body press into his, the boy loses control. Seeing her lifting her head up to him, he finds himself suddenly kissing her. His mind, on overload at the new sensations. He knows it is wrong but it feels so good as he feels the textures of her soft body, the taste of her mouth.

And then he feels her responding, her full lips rotating on his, a pair of arms sliding around his neck as he feels her press even harder against him, causing his groin to lurch lustily.

"Mmmmmm." He tries to speak but cannot and all he does is open his mouth to admit a searching tongue.

Gently, lovingly, passionately, the naked mother and son continue to kiss as they stand in the centre of the bathroom...

Maid of Marvels 02-16-2004 08:48 PM

Their kisses, soft and tender, seemed to last an eternity, but time was running short for the twosome and there were things that needed doing. Janice had other responsibilities to tend to -- the twins and her husband, Jack -- not to mention their household.

It took great effort to come back to her reality, but Jan finally and reluctantly, stepped back and away from her son's arms. Looking up at him, she was blown away by the look in his eyes. Was it what she thought or a reflection of what was in her own? Janice didn't know, but she knew they would have to talk. Sit down and really talk. Things had changed between the two of them, whether she liked it or not. Things that could feasibly change the rest of their lives.

"Mark, I know you want... " Jan looked down at his swollen appendage. "So do I, sweetie. So very much. But I have things to do to make our time together go more smoothly. Groceries are a high priority right now. Tell you what. Shower up quick while I go do the same and I'll meet you downstairs in fifteen minutes. You can go with me -- it'll give us some regular time together and maybe take our minds off "other things", too."

She kissed him softly before gathering up her clothing and heading for her own bedroom and bath. Jan had never expected things to go this way -- not in a million years. She was still uncertain how to deal with the repercussions that were certain to come, but deal with it she must. They must. They all must. How in the world was she going to explain any of this to Jack?

Tivboman 02-19-2004 06:47 PM

Mark watches his mother go, her wide hips swaying seductively as she leaves the room.

His mind is a conflict of emotions. On the way he had just had sex with her, the way she kissed him afterwards and most of all, the way she looked at him. As if she was staring into his very soul.

He then remembers that she wants him downstairs. Feeling sticky, the boy has another quick shower. By the time he heads towards his own bedroom with only a towel covering his groin, his substantial hard-on has dwindled.

Five minutes later, he arrives downstairs dressed in jeans and a t-shirt to find her sitting in the kitchen, reading the paper while drinking some tea...

Maid of Marvels 02-27-2004 02:17 PM

Jan had never been one to keep her feelings or thoughts from her husband, Jack, but she also wasn't sure if he would care to hear or know what was going on in her mind and with her body lately. Oddly, she was feeling a bit as though it wasn't any of his business. The fact remained, however, that she needed to talk. To Mark, certainly. Eventually. But also to someone who might possibly understand.

In light of what had been evolving between herself and her son, Janice wondered how others were faring -- if any of the other women involved in this bid to repopulate the world had found themselves reacting the way she had. None of her immediate friends had been placed in this predicament. Well, only one -- Devi Patel. And her younger brother, Sunil.

Jan had decided to phone her friend and arrange to meet for a long heart-to-heart. If there was anyone she could trust with a conversation like she needed to have, it was Devi. She was always open and honest, maybe a little too open and honest sometimes, but that was Devi, and one of the things that so endeared her to the younger woman. Not to mention that Devi's attitude made it easier for others to open up as well.

Just as Devi was Janice's best friend, her brother was Mark's. As far as she knew, the boys had not seen each other since any of this started. They had never been apart more than a day or so throughout their lives. Maybe it would be good for them to talk to each other as well.

Jan looked up as Mark walked into the kitchen. "I still have to go shopping, but I've thought about a few things while I was waiting for you to come down. When was the last time you saw Sunil? I know I asked you that the other day, but don't you miss seeing your friend?"

"He's been busy, mom. I haven't been to school at all since... "

"That's another thing. Tomorrow you go back to school. No ifs, ands or buts. But today... I'm not going to drag you shopping with me. You never did like it in the first place. Instead, I suggest you pick up the phone and go visit your friend. Me, I'm going to see Devi tomorrow afternoon. We both need to try to get back into our regular routines. Agreed?"

Tivboman 02-29-2004 04:57 PM

"We both need to try to get back into our regular routines. Agreed?"

"Okay, mom." Mark nods. He isn't going to argue, not even over school even if he isn't a great fan of it.

"Good." She says getting up from the table to go to the sink where she rinses out the cup.

"Okay, I'd better get going if I want to catch that special offer at Walmart."

He suddenly finds his heart starting to hammer inside his chest as he sees his mother approach him. At the last minute, she stops.

"Erm...I'll catch you later." She smiles at him. "Remember to phone Sunil." She shouts over her shoulder as she heads out.

Alone, Mark stands for an indeterminate amount of time before his eyes fall on the phone.

"I'd better phone him." He sighs to himself as he goes over and takes the phone of its cradle.

Punching in the number, he waits patiently as he listens to the clicks it dials. After a few short rings, the phone is picked up.

"Hello!" It is Aunt Devi.

"Hello, Aunt Devi." He says.

"Mark! How are you, sweetheart. And how's your mother?"

"Erm...She's okay thanks. Is Sunil in?" He says abruptly, not really wanting to talk about his mom.

"Sure, honey. He's right here." There is a sound of fumbling and then he hears Sunil's voice. "Hello, man. How's things?"

"Okay." Mark answers. "I wonder if you fancy going out tonight. Hit that new place at the Mall you have been on about?"

"Ahhh! Shitttt!" He hears Sunil gasps out. What's going on over there? "S-sure. But not tonight. Kinda - Jeezus, Devi...busy tonight, you know what I mean?"

Mark feels his heart starting to pump faster as he realises that Devi is doing something to Sunil, while he is on the phone.

"A-am free tomorrow. Oohhh Jeez..." There is more fumbling and he hears Aunt Devi's voice again. "I'm sorry, Mark but Sunil's kind of busy at the moment. Ohhhh. H-he says that he will be able to see you tomorrow. He's going back to school a-nnyhooooo....Oh God, Sunil. C'mere..."

And the phone goes dead.

It takes the boy long minutes to hang up the phone, his mind going over the realisation what Sunil and Devi were doing while on the phone to him...

Maid of Marvels 03-25-2004 09:27 PM

Shopping finished, Janice returned home to put the groceries away and start dinner while the twins did their homework. Despite the injunction by the government that she and others had been mandated to obey, Jan had decided to forgo her "session" with Mark this evening. She and Jack had barely had a moment alone since this whole thing had come down on them and she had a lot of things to work out -- and if that wasn't the understatement of the millenium, she didn't know what was.

Jack reminded her over coffee later that evening that he would be over the road for a couple of days, something she had put completely out of her mind. It wouldn't be fair of her to ask him to try to take a short haul, but she considered it more than once as the evening progressed. Jan just didn't trust her instincts right now. Maybe a talk with Devi would put her fears at rest. Yes, that's what she would do. Tomorrow. Definitely.

That decided, she put the twins to bed and hoped to find the words she needed to tell Jack how she felt. Talk to him about the strange feelings she was having. How she thought she had finally lost her mind and her about her fear that she was doing more harm to Mark than good. Walking into the living room, Janice called her husband's name, only to have him snore in reply. Maybe it was for the best. He didn't need to be worrying about this when he should be concentrating on his driving.

"So much for plans," Janice whispered as she kissed her husband's balding pate and gently slipped the newspaper he was still holding out of his hands. She'd been trying desperately to put the sexual aspect of her sessions with Mark out of her mind, had truly hoped that Jack would give her that respite she needed just now.

Mark had hovered about uncertainly for a while, but she had finally sent him up to his own bed with a gentle kiss and a "Go rest... School in the morning." Truth be told, Jan planned to skip the morning session as well -- at least until she had a talk with her friend.

Messalina 03-29-2004 01:27 AM

Devi Patel
"Are you sure you want to go to work, Raji? You look exhausted," Devi purred into her husband's ear as she pressed her body against him seductively.

"Yes, Devi. I am quite sure. And no... Don't start grabbing at me," he chuckled as he pried her greedy fingers from his weary lund. "Air kisses. See you after work. Maybe you can find time to do some laundry with Sunil in school today and you left on your own."

"Pah. I'm doing this for us. For our country. For... "

"For your cunt-ree," Raji said and made a quick grab at his insatiable wife before hurrying out the door. "See you around seven."

Devi closed the door and leaned against it figuring out how many hours it would be til Sunil came home. She giggled. Yes, she was bad, but it was so, so good. Well at least she'd have Jan's company to help pass the time. Besides, she was dying to hear the details, the memory of the size of Mark's cock suddenly making her soaking wet.

"Why isn't there ever anyone around when I need... " The sound of the telephone stopped her in mid-whine. How ever was she going to make it through the day?

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