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gekkogecko 08-03-2016 07:33 AM

3 August 1916
Western Front
Royal Flying Corps ranges 127 targets; 5 Martinsydes (1 lost) bomb Zeppelin sheds at Cognelee and Ronet sidings, Namur.
Royal Marine Artillery gunners with 15-inch shells with messages to the Germans: http://imgur.com/cilLtf2 © IWM (Q 943)
Battle of the Somme: British advance west of Pozieres.
Battle of Verdun: French retake Fleury (also reported for yesterday) and make progress towards Thiaumont, 1,750 prisoners taken (another source says only 800, which is probably more accurate).

Eastern Front
German heavy bomber unit Rfa 501 (Riesenflugzeug Abetilung, Giant Airplane Section 501) formed at Vilna-Porubanok.
Brusilov Offensive:
Brusilov meets Kaledin and Bezobrazov at Lutsk, decides to renew drive for Kovel. Desperate fighting near Lyubashevo and Guledichi (east Kovel).
Pripet: I Turkestan Corps captures village 4 miles west of river Stokhod but Austro-German Polish Legion counter-attack forces it east (until August 4).
Carpathians: Austrian counter-offensive makes few gains (until August 14). German 1st Infantry Division arrives at Kirlibaba Pass (August 10).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Russians capture Turk trenches at Ognut (Armenia).
Turks advance to attack on Major-General Hon. H. Lawrence's force at Romani (northern Sinai).

Naval and Overseas Operations
Britain puts the first of 17 accident-prone, fast steam-powered K-class large submarines into Royal Navy service.
North Sea: 4 Royal Navy C-class submarines sail from Lerwick Island (Shetland) under tow on epic 3,500-mile voyage to Baltic via Archangel (August 21), rivers and canals by barge, reach Petrograd on September 9, but hampered by unusable electric batteries so manage only two patrols before winter.
Ujiji, on Lake Tanganyika (German East Africa), occupied by Belgian forces.

Political, etc.
The German blockade-runner submarine Deutschland leaves Baltimore and heads back to Germany.
United Kingdom: Easter Rising: Casement hanged at Pentonville Prison.
Balfour second anniversary naval statement.
With yesterday’s publication of the Anglo-French paper, British War Propaganda Bureau claims: ‘We swept the German news out of the American papers’.
The interim report of the Committee of Inquiry chaired by Mr Justice Bailhache into the administration of the Air Services (the Bailhache Committee) is released. The Committee recommended that there should be one Department charged with the equipment of both flying services.
Prime Minister receives deputation from Miners, Railway Men, and Transport Workers. Union ‘Triple Alliance’ discuss demobilization with Prime Minister.
United States: President Wilson states he still supports the right of states to decide whether or not women get the right to vote. (Note: may have happened yesterday, in response to Hughes’ announcement of support for the right of women to vote.)
Austria-Hungary: Four Czech deputies in touch with Masaryk imprisoned.
Italy: Italy breaks off the German-Italian commercial treaty of 1891. While Italy is at war with Austria-Hungary, it is still neutral with Germany.

Teddy Bear 08-03-2016 12:43 PM

Originally Posted by gekkogecko
TB, it is interesting and in fact important to the situation: 4000 head of cattle can feed quite an army.
It also allows the generals at the front to claim some measure of success: it is all very well and good to say, "we are advancing", but without some tangible measure of advance, the phrase becomes meaningless..........

Thank you for explaining. It makes sense. :)

gekkogecko 08-04-2016 04:16 AM

4 August 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
British gain German second line system on a front of 2,000 yards north of Pozieres, several hundred prisoners.
Battle of Verdun: Germans retake Fleury but lose it again to French. Furious German counter-attacks at Thiaumont work repulsed.

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive: Galicia:
Sakharov renews offensive south of Brody, takes 8,581 PoWs and 7 villages (until August 6); only 4 miles northeast of Lemberg-Tarnopol railway away on August 10. Fierce fighting in progress on the Graberko and Sereth. Russians take 1,300 prisoners. Germans by an enveloping movement regain Rudka-Mirynska.
Romanian and Bulgarian troops exchange fire on the Danube River near the town of Giurgiu.

Southern Front
(until August 17) begins after elaborate preparation including air photographs with feint in Monfalcone coastal sector by 14th and 16th Divisions (29 battalions and 199 guns) (until August 10). Duke of Aosta’s Third Army has 16 divisions and 1,251 guns (533 heavy or medium) plus 774 mortars (138 heavy 10-inch mortars) for cutting wire entanglements against Austrian Fifth Army (Borcovic) with 9 divisions and 540 guns (147 heavy).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters

Battle of Rumani (Sinai); Around 8000 Ottoman troops with 30 guns and 38 MGs launch a night attack against British and ANZAC forces (see July 19th). Two Australian Light Horse Brigades are driven back; Turks reach Wellington Ridge, but NZ and 5th Mounted Brigades retake it forcing Turk retreat (August 5). Turk casualties 5,000 men and 4 guns. British loss 1,140 and 9 MGs (until August 9) out of 25,000.
Up to 17 Royal Flying Corps aircraft (1 lost to anti-aircraft fire) active backing Battle of Romani (until August 9), shoot down 1 German aircraft and direct monitor fire.

Naval and Overseas Operations
British escorts sink German coastal submarine UB-44.

Political, etc.
German newspapers comment on the execution of Roger Casement, stating he was an “idealist” and “martyr.”
Russia: Grand Duke Nicholas inspects Royal Navy Armored Car Unit at Sarikamish (Armenia); in action by August 27.

gekkogecko 08-05-2016 01:44 AM

5 August 1916
Western Front
Fighter pilot Major L.W.B. Rees of the Royal Flying Corps, wins the Victoria Cross. While flying an Airco DH2 he spotted a formation of eight enemy aircraft and decided to attack. Despite the odds, and injuries, Major Rees managed to force two aircraft down out of control before his ammunition ran out.

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive: Galicia:
Hindenburg visits Zborov behind Suedarmee which fights Battle of Zalozce (August 7-10).

Southern Front
Bulgars cross Greek frontier to south of Monastir and occupy two villages (until August 7).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Kemal reoccupies Bitlis and Mus (August 6), taking 2 guns and 2 Mgs. Successful Russian offensive continued 30 miles north of Erzingan.
British counter-attack Turks with success near Romani (northern Sinai). British pursuit continues for 18 miles. Ottoman soldiers captured during the Battle of Romani: http://imgur.com/wLiUgqP

Naval and Overseas Operations
East Africa
: Smuts resumes main advance through Nguru Mountains on Morogoro (Central Railway): 7,000 men and 36 guns against c.2,000 Germans (see 11th).

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
King George addresses the Entente nations on the 2nd anniversary of Britain’s entry into the war, stating Britain will continue to fight on.
Belgium: Brussels refuses to pay a fine of 5 million marks to the German occupation, which was imposed on the city due to anti-German demonstrations.

dicksbro 08-06-2016 01:10 AM

Tell ya' how eyes can play funny tricks on you. When I was reading the post for the 5th of August on the Southern Front ... I first read "Macedonia: Burglers cross ...". :faint:

gekkogecko 08-06-2016 08:31 AM

6 August 1916
Western Front
French ace Fonck forces undamaged Rumpler two-seater to land and alights nearby to take the crew as PoWs. (he will end the war with 75 confirmed victories). Royal Flying Corps Sopwiths break up German 10-bomber formation east of Bapaume.
Battle of the Somme: German troops launch three counterattacks against Australian forces at Pozieres, but are driven back. Slight British advance east of Pozieres. Reserve Army begins struggle for Mouquet Farm (until September 3).
Battle of Verdun: German counter-attack defeated, but regains Thiaumont work twice (August 8-9).
French gunners manning a 155mm artillery gun at Le Reichberg: http://imgur.com/LPPB6em* © IWM (Q 78830)

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive:
Galicia: Russian troops drive back Austro-Hungarian troops along the Siret river, and Graberko (south Brody) and repel German counter-attacks; Russians capture 3000 more Austro-Hungarian prisoners.

Southern Front
Main phase of the Battle of Gorizia (6th Battle of the Isonzo) begins (see 17th). Main Italian assault at 1600 hours after 9 hours intensest artillery barrage yet against Austrian 58th Division (General Zeidler on leave), 42 guns, 65 MGs involves Capello’s VI Corps’ 6 divisions, 603 guns and 390 mortars. They storm Mt Sabatino (1,998 ft) in 45 minutes and part of Podgora, taking 8,000 PoWs, 11 guns and 100 MGs. Former success much aided by Colonel Badoglio’s exhaustive reconnaissance and planning as CoS VI Corps and his leading of 6 battalions of 45th Division to assault.
Abruzzi Brigade storms Oslavia and Hill 165 to south, Cuneo Brigade takes Grafenberg on Podgora; Pavia Brigade storms Mt Calvario (603 ft). Italian XI Corps (87 battalions and 217 guns) captures all 4 humps of Mt Michele (Carso) and enters village taking 1,000 PoWs from Austrian VII Corps then gains whole of Northern Carso (until August 9).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
British reoccupy Katia, Turk rearguard actions against mounted troops until August 7.
Armenia: Determined Turk attacks repulsed by Russians north of the Upper Euphrates and in region of Mush-Bitlis.
Persia: Russians driven back by the Turks east of Kermanshah.

Political, etc.
Franz Eckert, German composer who composed the national anthem of Japan and the Korean Empire, passed away.
Romania: Romanian government warns Bulgaria on border clashes, stating it is “not in accordance with the good relations between the two countries.”

Teddy Bear 08-06-2016 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Tell ya' how eyes can play funny tricks on you. When I was reading the post for the 5th of August on the Southern Front ... I first read "Macedonia: Burglers cross ...". :faint:

DB... So did I !!!! It was really confusing for me cause I'm not grasping everything I read anyway. Made for a good giggle once I figured it out.

Was thinking that was a new war tactic. Rob everyone.

dicksbro 08-07-2016 02:37 AM

Originally Posted by Teddy Bear
Rob everyone.

You mean they don't already? :faint:


gekkogecko 08-07-2016 07:14 AM

7 August 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
German attacks north and northeast of Pozieres. British attack outskirts of Guillemont. French advance north of Hardecourt.
Battle of Verdun: French progress at Fleury and the Thiaumont work.
British Premier Asquith with Major Edward Gerald Thompson at the RFC headquarters at Fienvillers: http://imgur.com/RUIPgCP © IWM (Q 11866)

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive, Galicia:
Lechitski resumes offensive with gas shell preparation, advances 12 miles to Stanislau, takes it with 10,581 (3,500 German) PoWs (August 10), but rains and marshy ground slow progress. Russians identify German Karpatenkorps arriving from Verdun (August 8).

Southern Front
6th Battle of the Isonzo:
Lambro and Etna Brigades storm Hill 188 and Peurna heights. Some Cuneo patrols reach Isonzo in night. Monte Sabatino, Monte San Michele and bridgehead of Gorizia captured. 8,000 prisoners, 11 guns and 100 machine guns taken. Austrians blow up rail bridge and counterattack at Grafenberg.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Stiff fighting at Romani; British threaten Turkish flanks.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Royal navy transfers 4 ‘W’-class submarines (some of them on August 23) small submarines to Italian Navy.

Political, etc.
United Kingdom:
London workers demonstrate in Trafalgar Square, demanding the hanging of Kaiser Wilhelm for the execution of Charles Fryatt.
Admiralty deny allegation in German press that British Hospital Ships are being used as transports.
France: National Council of French Socialists votes 1,824 to 1,075 to sever relations with the German Socialists.

gekkogecko 08-07-2016 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by Teddy Bear
Rob everyone.

Originally Posted by dicksbro
You mean they don't already? :faint:

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Teddy Bear 08-07-2016 01:31 PM

Originally Posted by gekkogecko
"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

"Keep your friends close but your enemies closer." Who said that and why?

jseal 08-08-2016 03:31 AM

Michael, so he can be as aware as possible of what his enemies may do and so protect himself and his family from them.

gekkogecko 08-08-2016 07:37 AM

8 August 1916
Western Front
9 Zeppelins scatter 173 bombs over East England and Scotland (night August 8-9, 21 of 26 casualties in Hull). Admiralty now has 114 warships with anti-aircraft guns able to engage Zeppelins.
3 FE 2bs of No 25 Squadron defeat 6 Roland biplanes over Bethune, forcing them to jettison bombs over own lines.
Battle of the Somme: British gain 400 yards at Guillemont – Germans still hold south end of village, repulse Allied attacks on August 9. British 2nd Division attacks Waterlot Farm to northwest (until August 9). German troops launch further counterattacks against British positions near Pozieres and recapture at least 50 yards of trenches. Two German attacks beaten back east of Monacu Farm (northern Somme).
Battle of Verdun: Fierce fighting in Verdun region: Germans gain and lose Thiaumont work.

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive, Pripet:
Russian Guard and Third Armies attack towards Kovel, make no gains (until August 9). Guard losses 55,292 men; July 25 – August 9. Russian troops secure 9 villages in their drive towards Stanislau (Ivano-Frankivsk) including Tysmienica (Stanislau, Galicia), capture between 7,400 and 8,500 prisoners.

Southern Front
6th Battle of the Isonzo:
Italians clear western bank of middle Isonzo, secure all Podgora; 4 battalions cross road bridge to enter Gorizia on east side, also claim the capture of 10,000 Austro-Hungarians. Lieutenant Baruzzi (28th Regiment, 12th Division) first in, raises Italian flag on station, winning gold medal.

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Turks abandon Oghratina but repulse Anzac Mounted Division pursuit (322 casualties) at el-Abd (August 9), but evacuate it on August 11.
Armenia: Turks occupy Mush and Bitlis.
Turks abandon Oghratina and fall back to cover Bir el Abd (Sinai).

Political, etc.
Lily Braun, German journalist and feminist writer, passed away: http://imgur.com/OCKXk6i
United Kingdom: King George V and Prince Edward arrive in Calais to inspect British and ANZAC operations.
Portugal: Portugal decides to extend military help in war at Europe (see November 23rd, 1914, December 4th, 1914 and January 3rd, 1917).
Romania: Allies agree on terms for Rumania.

Teddy Bear 08-08-2016 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by jseal
Michael, so he can be as aware as possible of what his enemies may do and so protect himself and his family from them.

TY jseal, I knew somebody would know. :)

gekkogecko 08-09-2016 04:22 AM

9 August 1916
Western Front
Battle of the Somme:
German 18th Reserve Division has 8,288 casualties (ie over 50%) since July 24.
Germans driven back and French advance north of Hem Wood.
King George V watching a practice attack of British soldiers at Ligny-Saint-Flochel: http://imgur.com/nVXla58 © IWM (Q 961)
Battle of Verdun: Germans regain Thiaumont work.

Eastern Front
Brusilov Offensive, Galicia:
Russians gain junction of Chryplin (Stanislau).

Southern Front
6th Battle of the Isonzo:
Italian troops capture the city of Gorizia from Austria-Hungary after three days of battle. Italians occupy hills on line Rosenthal-Vertoibica. Heavy Austrian attack beaten back on left bank of Isonzo.
Salonika: Local Allied offensive: Allies shell Bulgar line south of Lake Doiran, French 17th Colonial Division (15,000) occupies abandoned station and Hill 227 (until August 10).

Asiatic and Egyptian Theaters
Turks press back British cavalry east of Romani (Suez), but are repulsed and lose heavily.

Naval and Overseas Operations
Royal Navy submarine B-10 destroyed by Austrian air raid on Venice dockyard,

Political, etc.
United States:
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Company awards a $2.5 million contract to build a plant in St. Louis for a new non-alcoholic beverage (Bevo).
Italy: Guido Gozzano, Italian poet who lead the poetic school Crepuscolarismo (twilight school) passed away: http://imgur.com/kjjhACt

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