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Maid of Marvels 03-29-2004 05:49 PM

Breakfast dishes done and everyone off to either school or work, Janice dressed and let herself out of the house and walked the two blocks to her friend's. She really wasn't sure where she would begin to explain to Devi, but she was this was something she needed to do -- even if it was just to say out loud the things she had been trying to avoid.

"Knock, knock!" Jan called out as she opened the door. "I'm here, Devi. I hope the coffee's on."

"It is. Be right down!" Devi called from upstairs. "Pour us a cup, will you?"

Janice walked into the kitchen and took two mugs from the cupboard, pouring them brimful and setting them on the table. She looked around while she waited, this room as well as the living room had an unkempt look about it. This was so not Devi, Jan thought, wondering if she was having as much of a problem as she herself, but that thought was quickly dispelled by the younger woman's ebullient entrance.

"There you are!" Devi sashayed into the room, her dark hair shining, though still damp from her recent shower, and her café au lait colored skin appearing to glow as if the sparkle in her eyes reflected off it. "It's so good to see you! It seems like ages! Now tell me what this is all about? You sounded fairly upset yesterday."

Jan returned the generous hug and the two women sat down on opposite sides of the table. Taking a sip of her coffee, Jan looked at Devi and smiled. She just seemed to be overflowing.

"So tell me... How are things going with you? You know... " Janice asked tentatively.

Devi sat up and leaned her elbows on the table as she began to talk. "At first I thought Raji was going to be jealous, you know? You know how he is." She grinned and winked conspiratorially while Jan merely nodded, her hopes of getting anything remotely helpful from her friend fading quickly.

"Janice. The sex has been fantastic! I never imagined having two men at once. Just thinking about it has got me all randy again." Devi's wiggle emphasized her enthusiasm. "Has Jack joined you and Mark yet?"

"Umm... " She didn't know what to say or how to respond. Jan had truly hoped to find someone to commiserate with, but it seemed that was not going to be the case.

Devi blinked and had the sensibility to blush, realizing her gaffe. "Oh, Jan. I am sorry. It's not that way for you, is it? Tell me. Let me help."

Unsure where to begin, Jan explained how it had started badly but how her reaction to the whole ordeal had changed. She told Devi how she worried about Mark's mental well-being as well as her own. How she thought she had totally lost it and how their relations had changed to something... more.

"Janice," the young Indian woman began. "I know you aren't like me, but I know you like sex." She giggled. "Is it that hard to just enjoy it? Sunil is... yummy doesn't describe it."

"Devi... "

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. How does Jack feel about this? How does Mark??"

Jan looked up at Devi. "Jack doesn't know what's been going on really. Mark? I haven't the faintest idea. He probably thinks I am some sort of degenerate."

"You're not a newlywed, Janice. Can't you tell whether he likes it or not? Sunil is like a wild man. He can't get enough now he has had his first taste." Devi put her hand on Jan's arm and sighed. Despite how she herself felt, she knew that this was beyond disturbing to her friend, and that bothered her. "Look, Jan. You are going to have to talk to Jack and somehow talk to Mark. If you are this disturbed, then that is the only thing to do. What if you took Mark and went up to the cabin for a couple of days? Maybe being alone without anyone else around will help the two of you work things out."

"Maybe. Maybe... " She wasn't sure, but Devi had definitely planted a seed of thought in her mind. If she wasn't pregnant when she went for her check-up that's what she would do. Yes. It couldn't damage things any more than they already were.

Tivboman 04-04-2004 05:01 AM

"Mark? Mark! Are you listening to a word I am say?"

Looking up, Mark sees Mrs Smyter standing directly in front of him. He had been lost in thought again.

"Sorry, ma'am." He says politely, his face blushing. Mrs Smyter gives him a sympathetic smile.

"I know my lessons can be a little boring, dear but please try and pay attention."

"Yes, ma'am. Sorry, ma'am."

Try as he might, he finds he cannot get his mother out of his head. He still cannot believe what they have been doing or the strange feelings he gets when he thinks of her. And looking at the girls do not help. A smile or a certain look immediately reminds him of his mother. Even the look of Mrs Smyter's face.

Making a concentrated effort, Mark manages to get through the rest of the morning without further mishap. Finally it's lunchtime and he goes in search for his friend, Sunil.

"Have you seen Sunil anywhere?" He asks a boy.

"Nah. "

"I have." Answers another. "I saw him with Sharon McDouglas a few minutes ago. 'Round by the science block."

"Thanks." And Mark heads off. He had only seen his friend once that day and he wanted to talk about what they have been doing. He wonders how Sunil is coping with it.

On reaching the science block though, Mark finds that Sunil isn't there. Venturing further, he decides to go round behind it.

*Giggle* "Sunil. What's got into you?"

Mark stops and listens to the voices coming round the corner.

"It's okay, Sharon. I just wanted up to spend some time together."

Sunil's voice!

"Ohhh. It's how you want to spend time with me. Oh God!"

Unable to resist, Mark pokes his head around the corner and sees Sunil and Sharon in a passionate kiss. Surprised, he pulls back.

He can't believe it! Sunil and Sharon McDouglas? She has always told him to rack off before.

"Ohhhh, Sunil You are so hard. But we shouldn't be doing this here. What if someone sees?"

"Shhh! Just go with the flow."

The realisation at what they could be doing makes his own cock throb and with his defences weakened, imagines of his naked mother flood his mind.

Suddenly wishing to be alone, he heads out of school...

Maid of Marvels 04-07-2004 07:35 PM

Janice Fleming
The next few days passed in a flurry. Jack was out of town and Janice was basically on her own for the first time since this whole thing had started. She and Mark had resumed their sessions, but not twice daily and they were subdued -- merely serving their original purpose. Unpassionate procreation.

This was how it was meant to be, she reminded herself. Just an act. Nothing personal. Even so, there was an intangible sense of loss that she just couldn't get a grip on. That and an elusive desire for something more.

Janice busied herself during the day and spent extra time with the little ones in the hope that at last things were finally levelling off to a place a little more normal than they had been for the last little while. She had phoned Devi a couple of times only to get the answer machine. Somehow that made her feel even sadder and increased the mysterious longing that kept nagging at her.

She'd hoped beyond hope that she would have a positive test result when she went for her check up, but that was not to be either. It certainly didn't help her growing downward spiral into depression. Jan knew she was going to have to take her friend's advice and finally sit down with Mark and talk heart-to-heart. Jack would be home tomorrow and she'd discuss it with him then, at the same time loathing the thought of having to tell him that she wasn't pregnant yet.

Messalina 04-09-2004 04:56 AM

Devi & Raji Patel
Devi squealed with delight as her husband buried his head between her legs. Sunil was finishing up a report for school, so Raji was taking advantage of some alone time with his wife. Not that he minded. He loved watching his wife and brother-in-law getting it on. Sometimes she sucked him off at the same time, sometimes he fucked her up the ass while her brother shot his load into her choot. Who would have ever thought?

"Lick me, Raji. Put your fingers in me!"

Raji looked across his wife's belly, past her mountainous breasts, and into her lustfilled eyes. "Maybe something else," he growled as he raised his body and guided his engorged cock toward her slick entrance. Now that Devi was pregnant there were no prohibitions against their having proper sex, though truth be told, he quite liked their previous arrangements.

"Ooh, Raji! Yess!!" She screamed out as he pulled her legs over his shoulders and rammed into her. Devi had always had a high sex drive, but lately... In a way she felt sorry for Janice, but she guessed maybe she was just lucky to have two men to please her in every way imaginable.

Slipping her hand down her belly, Devi began to rub her clit as both she and her husband watched his glistening cock piston in and out of her cunt. She hoped Sunil would hurry, she needed something in her mouth.

Tivboman 05-03-2004 06:07 PM

It is almost midnight before Jack enters the front door of his home.

Home! He thinks to himself as he hooks up his coat. It doesn't seem much like that, lately.

In fact, he could have been home hours earlier but he had taken the 'scenic' route, stopping at a bar on the way. But even that does not delay him indefinitely and now, standing in the hallway, he looks up towards the bedroom and briefly wonders if the two of them are together right at this very moment. He quickly dismisses it as he knows that tomorrow is a school day and Janice wouldn't want him to stay up late. Still, the fact that he has been in their bed with her causes his stomach to churn.

He had tried to fight it, to tell himself that they are doing it because they have been told to, that it is for the good of their country. But he has noticed how Mark has changed. Before all this, the two of them have been close - buddies. Now, it is as if the boy resents him. And his wife is no different. She has been so distant. It is as if he is no longer part of the family.

Immediately, he tries to dismiss the notion. Telling himself not to be so daft and that Janice still loves him, that everything will be okay after this is all over.

However, the doubt remains.

Moving as quietly as he can, he heads for the stairs. Only to stop as he notices a light in the living room.

Janice must have forgotten to turn it off.

Entering the room, he finds his wife sitting in his favourite armchair as she looks at the burning open fire.

"I see you finally decided to come home." She says to him without looking up.

It is then he notices the way she is dressed and that on the coffee table is a bottle of wine in a small bucket. Next to it, two wine glasses - one empty...

Maid of Marvels 05-08-2004 12:01 AM

Janice Fleming
Jan sighed but didn't look away from the fire when Jack walked into the living room. The little ones had been in bed for hours, and Mark had gone upstairs early to catch up on homework that he'd missed. Wanting to set a comfortable mood for when her husband came in, she'd lit a fire and poured them each a glass of wine in preparation. That was almost four hours ago, and the log had just about burned itself out.

Worried about how late Jack was, she had phoned dispatch around ten o'clock only to be told that he had been in and out since around six that afternoon. So she waited some more and finally drank her glass of wine alone. The second and the third as well.

"I see you finally decided to come home."

"I stopped off... " he began.

"Somewhere without that new-fangled modern convenience of the telephone. I suppose your cel wasn't working either. Look what's happening to us, Jack. To our family. Do you even care?"

Jan sensed rather than saw her husband sink down onto the sofa. Angry now that the fleeting sensation of relief of his being safe had passed, she refused to look at him. "I had thought we could talk tonight. Like we always do after you go over the road. You obviously had other ideas."

Janice clenched her fists, but still refused to turn to look at him. "I'm not pregnant, Jack. The doctors say I -- Mark and I -- need to get away and relax. I wanted to talk about that. That, and other things. But now I'm tired. Bone tired and I'm sad. I'm going to take Mark up to the cabin for a week. Maybe two. Pat Kelly said she'll watch the little ones while I'm away. You? You can do whatever it is you find more important to do than to be with your wife and family."

Untucking her legs from beneath herself, she stood up and looked at him for the first time. "Now I'm going to bed. You can do whatever pleases you. Good night."

Tivboman 05-16-2004 04:57 PM

Mark sits in uncomfortable silence as they drive to Devi's cabin, high in the mountains.

He had been surprised when his mother told him that morning that he wasn't going to school and that she had told them that he had to go to 'visit a sick relative'. With his brother and sister staying at Sunil's, he had helped his mother pack the jeep and they soon got under way.

Apart from telling him where they are going, Mark soon realises that she doesn't want to talk and so sits, not saying a word. In fact, except for the odd word and when they stopped for gas, they don't say anything until they reach the cabin.

With only two small suitcases, it doesn't take them long to get unpacked and are soon eating a light meal in the kitchen.

"Go have a shower and get ready, dear." His mother finally tells him as she clears the table.

"Sorry, Mom?" Mark asks, not having a clue on what she is on about.

"I said go and have a shower and put on your robe." She says impatiently. "And remember to clean your teeth."

Shocked by her outburst, the boy quickly leaves the kitchen to do precisely what she says...

Maid of Marvels 05-17-2004 10:56 AM

Janice Fleming
Watching Mark go off to do as she said, Janice longed to call back her words -- or at least the harsh tone of her voice. It wasn't her son making her feel this way, it was the whole situation. Relax, they had said. She needed to relax. That's what they were doing up here in the middle of nowhere, wasn't it? Janice sighed. "And a mighty poor job you're doing of it," she chastised herself.

"Excuse me?"

Janice jumped, startled by the sound of Mark's voice behind her as she finished drying the dishes they had used. Embarrassed by her silly reaction, she turned around and began to chuckle. "Sorry, lovey. I didn't mean to bark at you that way before. And just now... Well, I was telling myself off for doing it."

"S'okay," he answered, though she could plainly see that he was more than a little confused. She hadn't explained anything to Mark -- not where they were going or what they were going to do once they got there. She hadn't even told him that her pregnancy test was negative. Janice owed him all of that and more.

"I found some microwave popcorn in the cupboard. Why don't you make some and we'll relax a bit after I take my turn in the shower. Okay?" The look on Mark's face told her it was all clear as mud and it wrenched her heart. Not knowing what else to do, Jan gave him a quick hug and a promise to make more sense after she'd washed up.

Not wasting any time, Janice was showered and back in what passed for a living room in the cabin within fifteen minutes. Grateful that Mark had started a fire in the fireplace to take the chill off, she smiled and thanked him. She'd forgotten how cool evenings in the mountains could get no matter how high the temperatures rose during the day.

"That was quick," he said. "Do you still want popcorn? I was so busy making the fire that I didn't... "

"Not really. Unless you want?" Jan answered, walking over to the overstuffed settee and patting the cushion beside herself. Clearly more confused than before, Mark simply shook his head no and sat down beside his mother.

"These past few weeks have been difficult for you, I know. No, wait. Let me finish," she interjected when he started to protest. "We -- you -- erm... both of us were thrown into a situation that was inescapable. First times aren't supposed to be the way they were for you."

She almost burst out laughing at that, and would have if it wasn't so tragically sad. Talk about understatements!

"I went back to the clinic yesterday. My test was negative. No, no. It's okay," she said as her son placed his hand gently on her arm. Jan moved it slightly and took his hand in her own, twining her fingers through Mark's and giving him a squeeze.

"The doctor said it was most likely because I -- we -- weren't relaxing. I know. I know. You're probably thinking that's a joke," she continued, still without letting him comment. "I suppose there's a lot of truth in that. Neither of us have been exactly calm about this whole thing."

Holding his gaze with her own, Janice's voice took on a quieter, gentler tone. "That's why we're here, just you and I. We never talk anymore like we used to. We don't do anything together except... Well, you know." She smiled sheepishly, more than a little embarrassed. "I'd like us to recapture some of what we used to have, Mark. Just be us again. Talk about what we're thinking and feeling. No worries, no cares. No schedules. Just us two... For as long as we want. For as long as you want."

Janice's voice trailed off as she lifted her free hand to her son's face, caressing his cheek. "Please?" she asked, wanting to give him back some of the decision-making she and the government had taken away from him and hoping that his answer would be yes.

Tivboman 06-03-2004 05:26 PM

On the sofa, he listens as his mother speaks. Acutely aware that they are both wearing only bathrobes. He can smell the shower gel she has used.

"That's why we're here, just you and I. We never talk anymore like we used to. We don't do anything together except... Well, you know." She smiles and he has never seen her look so lovely. "I'd like us to recapture some of what we used to have, Mark. Just be us again. Talk about what we're thinking and feeling. No worries, no cares. No schedules. Just us two... For as long as we want. For as long as you want."

In his mind, her words take on a second meaning.

Is she saying what I think she is saying?

A wave of excitement grips him as he remembers the two of them in bed back at their home. Immediately he feels shame. Remembering how he took advantage of her.

No! That was a mistake. She loves Dad. I love Dad!

But even as he tries to fight his urges, his new feelings; the boy feels a tingling sensation erupts over his cheek and lips as she touches his face.

Oh God!

"Please?" She whispers. Their faces so close as they stare into each other's eyes. "I do love you. You know that, right?"

"I love you too, mom." He whispers back. Their faces drawing together, their wet lips coming closer and closer.


He knows it is wrong, twisting his mother's love for him. But he cannot stop, suddenly so desperate to kissing those lovely lips of hers...

Maid of Marvels 06-06-2004 11:40 PM

Janice Fleming
"I didn't mean for... " Jan had already decided that they would not have their "session" this evening, that they would just relax. She hoped that Mark didn't feel obligated to do anything -- she wanted their next time to be very different from all that had come before. She wanted Mark to want to be with her, not just because they had to, but because he was at last as comfortable with it all as he could be.

Janice's words of half-hearted protest were lost against the soft caress of Mark's lips on her own, her hands gliding slowly upward along his chest until they finally reached his shoulders and then the nape of his neck. She knew she shouldn't take advantage of her son this way -- and she wouldn't. There was no harm in kissing, was there? Even if it wasn't the mother-son kind.

He was so gentle. So loving. So... innocent. Leaning forward, she melted into his arms. Or had he melted into hers? Either way, it didn't really matter just now.

Tivboman 06-09-2004 06:29 PM

The tingling intensifies as his lips comes in contact with hers and she doesn't even try to stop him!! Instead, he feels her pull him to her, her hand on his chest before being replaced by her soft breasts as their bodies come together.

Oh God!

He knows it is wrong, that he must stop. But instead, he kisses harder. His arms encircling her as he pulls her closer, his mouth opening as he tentitively pushes his tongue forward, only to sink into his mother's mouth.

His penis now a throbbing erection, pinned against their pressed bodies as they continue to kiss loudly, filling the otherwise silent room.

Oh Mom!

He can feel himself being washed away as he feels her soft lips kissing his, her wet tongue playing with his, the smell of her perfume, the soft skin under his finger tips.

He cannot stop and he wants more...

Maid of Marvels 06-09-2004 09:21 PM

Janice Fleming
Somewhere over time, Janice had forgotten just how wonderful kissing could be. Better than chocolate... almost better than making love. It wasn't that she and Jack didn't kiss anymore... It was just that they didn't kiss like this anymore.

The admonition that this wasn't something she should really be doing or enjoying decreased proportionately with the increased passion of their kisses. Long, deep soul kisses. The kind that make your toes curl and every nerve in your body crackle into life. The kind that send the butterflies swirling in your stomach. The kind...

Janice moaned softly against her son's mouth as their tongues danced around each other, pausing only to nibble and suckle on each others' lips. Feeling his erection, hard and throbbing against her belly, she was grateful in a way that her desire wasn't as overtly apparent but at the same time longed for him to know that she felt the same.

The more they kissed, the more it seemed as if she was floating on a sweet, bliss-filled cloud. Not in a fantasy, but not in reality either. Jan had no idea how much time had actually passed before the genuine realization of how much she wanted -- no, needed -- to make love with Mark began to surface. It had nothing to do with what they were "supposed" to do, nor did it have anything to do with lust. It was simply a knowing that everything was suddenly right in their world.

Tivboman 06-11-2004 06:57 PM

It's as if he no longer has any control over his body as he pushes his mother onto her back as he leans over her, his lips firmly on hers as their mouths open wider, their tongues never leaving its counterpart alone.

Mark relishes the sensations of what they are doing, the wet sounds of their kissing, the taste of her mouth and the feel of her soft body under his.

"Ohhhh, mom." He groans as their lips part for just moment before continuing their dance. His arms reaching around her body as he pulls her into him, even as he feels her arms doing likewise. While beneath him, he feels her legs open and wrap themselves around him as their covered groins starts to grind against each other...

Maid of Marvels 07-01-2004 05:46 PM

Janice Fleming
Legs wrapped around her son's waist, Janice thrilled at his arousal which was now overtly apparent. Her body strained to press against it as she writhed beneath his weight, wishing there was no clothing between them, yet revelling in the tease she knew went both ways.

"You can touch me if you want to," she whispered quietly against Mark's lips. "Anywhere... "

Their couplings before now had always been rather dispassionate and that's what she had hoped would change during their getaway. Jan wanted to teach her son how wonderful lovemaking could really and truly be -- but only if he were willing to go the route. Perhaps not tonight, but there were many more to come.

Letting her hands travel down her son's back, she slipped her fingers beneath the waistband of his boxers and began to lower them. "Lift," she urged him, moving her hands around his hips toward his stomach. Jan gasped, overcome by her own urgency, her fingers fumbling to free his throbbing erection and smiled when he placed his larger hand over hers to help.

"Make love to me?" she pleaded, looking into his eyes. "Please?"

Tivboman 07-11-2004 12:54 PM

Mark Fleming
The sounds of her words and the touch of her hand on his now exposed organ causes it to swell larger than ever before in his life. He hears his mother groan as she feels him in her hand.

"I love you." She whispers, looking at him intently as she pulls his mouth onto hers.

Breaking their liplock, the two of them stare down at their aroused naked organs, only inches apart. His mother's eyes widen at the sight of his arousal.

"Oh God." She whispers before she pulls it down to her entrance, both gasping as their sexies make contact.

Looking up at her, he sees her staring back, her upper teeth biting into her lower lip.

"Push." She tells him.

He pushes...

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