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heatluvintxn 07-01-2002 09:48 PM

Hi to all. I have never formally introduced myself...I am a 21 year old who attends school full time and have a full time job. I love to have fun :-). I get lonely though...so talking and chatting is my escape.

jameswillers 07-03-2002 04:31 AM

Hi everyone, I am a 25 year old Englishman, I have short mousy coloured hair, blue eyes and am 6 feet tall. I work in the cold north of Scotland. I have just had a messy split with a long term partner and am now at a stage in my life where I want to sell the house, pack my bags and travel this planet.

Maybe meet a few fellow pixies on the way !!!! :D :D

legend 07-03-2002 05:38 AM

I realise I haven't welcomed any of the newbies, so Welcome to Pixies everyone. :)

fooie 07-04-2002 05:24 PM

Hi I'm a 53 yr. old 6' 2" desert rat and old hippy from the desert southwest. I'm single and looking for an independent, intelligent woman for intellectual conversation and imaginative sex.

Sugarsprinkles 07-04-2002 05:43 PM

Originally posted by fooie
Hi I'm a 53 yr. old 6' 2" desert rat and old hippy from the desert southwest.

HOORAY!!! Another over-50 Pixie member!!!

Now, where are the rest of the over-50 ladies? Or am I destined to remain the lone one??:D

BTW, Welcome fooie!! I know you'll love it here!

Clint 07-06-2002 12:21 PM

Don't worry SugarSprinkles..even though we're not in the same age range, I love talking to you. You have a lot of insight and wisdom into the world around us. I think that I speak for all of us Pixies when I say that we appreciate you :)

Sugarsprinkles 07-07-2002 04:55 PM

AWWWWwww, Clintx3x3...you say the sweetest things!!

I enjoy talking to you too...

Ad Infinitum 07-09-2002 03:42 PM

Ok, what the heck, i may as well tell you all about myself.

I'm an 18 year old virgin from the uk, im into all kinds of music apart from 'hiphop' and 'r n b', love movies and the net. I've just finished sixth form, and I think i'm going to be taking a gap year because ive not got into university (this year). I'm looking to either get a job for the year or grab a small one year college course to bide my time. Im starting to love Pixies as well...


Clint 07-18-2002 03:47 PM

Welcome to Pixies Ad Infinitum! I hope that you enjoy the site and I'm glad to see that you've already posted :)


Devillishgirl 07-18-2002 07:13 PM

About myself...let's see. I'm from the mitten state, Michigan. 26 years old and have been married to my soul mate for three years now. We have two beautiful(and part time demonic) children, son 2 1/2 years old and daughter 1 year old. A cat and a new kitten round out the famiily with the odd shishie(my son's word for fish) here and there. I've got longish curly red hair and green eyes....your typical Irish lass. I'm addicted to reading...fiction mostly but any bit of English, Irish or Russian history that I can get my hands on as well. I love getting tattooed, cooking, spending time with my family and friends, horseback riding and road trips(I don't even need to mention sex...it's a foregone conclusion)

Clint 07-18-2002 09:33 PM

Wow Devillishgirl.......sounds like you're very lucky and happy. Looks like you're living the picture perfect life :) I'm glad that you found the site and I hope that you decide to stick around ;)


roxanne916 07-18-2002 09:37 PM


I posted over in personals but this is me.

31, will be 32 on 9/16 <genius for picking that number for part of my nick, huh?>

Horrid flirt with a nice voice and a very odd sense of humor.

i live back at home with my family. I was married almost 3 years, now separated almost that long. (Future ex decided he did not want to be married to me anymore)

Avid Barbie doll collector, between here and ex's, I have over 200 in their original boxes. I also collect anything heart shaped <even my wastepaper basket is>, penguins, and anything unusual. I also collect dust.

I like to cook, go online, read, shop, watch romance movies, and listen to music. I am eclectic in my tastes.

I am very short (4'10.5" if i am flat footed) and my right leg is 1.5 inches shorter than the left due to a birth defect. Standing right tippy-toe, i just clear 5 feet....I can commit the perfect crime......"But officer, the criminal was 5 feet tall, i am only 4'10.5"!!!" I am also ummm, well rounded.

I am 1/2 irish, 1/4 polish, and 1/4 italian which means, according to my mother, that I am the most pigheaded, mean tempered thing around, which can be true.

I am a secretary for an outpatient mental health clinic. I hope to learn how to drive this year. I have been scared to since I was in a bad car accident 11 years ago on 8/19/91. (coincidentally, 6 years later, on that day, my beautiful great niece Tatiana was born, and yes, GREAT niece, long story)

I have taken up more than enough room.

hope to chat soon

legend 07-19-2002 10:52 AM

welcome to Pixies everyone :)

Bear Bear 07-19-2002 12:44 PM

Hello to all,

I'm 18 years old (and yes i was born yeasterday July 18th that is) My nationality is Canadian made up of [Italian, Scotish, Irish, English, Norwegian, Ukranian] and probably 10% Unknown.

Current dwelling is in Winnipeg Manitoba.

I enjoy classic rock, safe sex, playing guitar and piano, more sex, programming computers, and more sex.

I'm probably the youngest member on this site. So please excuse my ignorance and typos it's going to be hard typing with one hand.

Many times i have been told that i am well hung. But i'd like other opinions, no web cam yet but probably soon, so when i get it you can be the judge.

I have a girlfriend of 15 months and shes the angel in my life. What's even better is sometimes she can be a little bit naughty too. I plan to propose in the near future.

Next year I plan to be a full time computer student.

hope to chat soon. (and i'm really hoping for that webcam)

legend 07-19-2002 12:46 PM

welcome to Pixies Bear Bear :)

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