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Delilah 09-04-2001 12:00 PM

This isn't a funny picture, but a pretty funny joke...


A woman in her late forties went to a plastic surgeon for a

The surgeon told her about a new procedure called "The Knob",
where a small knob is placed on the back of a woman's head and
can be turned to tighten up her skin to produce the effect of a
brand new face lift.

Of course, the woman wanted "The Knob." Fifteen years later, the
woman returned to the surgeon with two problems. "All these
years, everything has been working just fine. I've had to turn
the knob many times and I've always loved the results. But now
I've developed two annoying problems. First, I have these
terrible bags under my eyes and the knob won't get rid of them."

The doctor looked at her closely and said, "Those aren't bags,
those are your breasts."

She said, "Well, I guess that explains the goatee."

:eek: :D

Delilah 09-04-2001 12:03 PM

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this one sorta goes with your's, fang...

wolfspirit 09-04-2001 03:18 PM

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Mine would be of Mel Gibson.........OHHHHH GOD MEL!!!!! :yellghst:

wolfspirit 09-04-2001 03:21 PM

What a Hoot
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Hope this works.

Oldfart 09-05-2001 04:49 AM

Too True.
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Running out of jokes.

Delilah 09-05-2001 05:09 AM

Go, Kermit!!
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I don't think I've seen this one here...

Fang 09-05-2001 05:27 AM

Oh, god, that last one of Kermit is hilarious Delilah!

White Tigress 09-05-2001 10:34 AM

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Here's one I found of Daffy Duck.

sapphire 09-05-2001 01:50 PM

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What a way to get a promotion!

J.O.Y. 09-05-2001 02:02 PM

Sapphire, that "ahead.jpg" cartoon sure looks like Billy Clintons' Office.:) Monica did not get her promotion she just made a lot of money.

Oldfart 09-05-2001 02:43 PM

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Anyone you know?

scotzoidman 09-05-2001 07:22 PM

LOL funny oldfart... we have a poster sized version up in a backroom at work... as our upper mgmt!

m45 09-05-2001 08:08 PM

Business Partner
Oldfart that is my old business partner......
Notice I said Old,,
No More.... The jurk!!
Purfect look alike!!!!

Thanks for the laugh!!.....;-)


wolfspirit 09-06-2001 02:22 PM

Speakin of Bill Clinton
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This is Bill showing his scrap book to the younder generation, letting them know who blows and who dosen't.

J.O.Y. 09-06-2001 04:05 PM

Way to go wolfspirit, there is the Ole Billy we all love to make fun of. Sure gald he is still around cause he makes for some great jokes.

Keep em coming! LOL:)

Lovediva 09-06-2001 05:26 PM

Viagra anyone??
Top ten advertising slogans for Viagra.

10. Viagra, It's "Whaazzzzz Up!"

9. Viagra, The pecker picker upper!
8. Viagra, Like a rock!

7. Viagra, When it absolutely, positively has to be there

6. Viagra, Be all that you can be.

5. Viagra, Reach out and touch someone.

4. Viagra, Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman!!!

3. Viagra, Tastes great!........., More filling !

2. Viagra, We bring good things to life!

And the number one slogan, being considered by Viagra:

1. This is your penis.........This is your penis on drugs.:D

Lovediva 09-06-2001 05:41 PM

A young American girl, on her very first trip to Paris,
decided to test the French male's fabled expertise in the art of love-making.

On her first date, she asked him what exactly he intended
to do with her.

"First," he replied, "I weel remove ze dress. Zen, I will
carry you to ze bed. And zen," he added triumphantly, "I will kiss ze navel."

"Big deal !!!" she said. "I've had my navel kissed before
hundreds of times."

Ahhhhh, but of course!" shrugged the Frenchman.
,,,,,"But... from ze inside!"

Mercury_Maniac 09-06-2001 07:12 PM

i love the viagra one and the one after that is pretty interesting and gives me something to think about.

thanx diva they aren't pictures but they are just as good, and just as funny, feel free to post more.

Hector 09-08-2001 02:48 AM

Viagra name change
For you information. From 1/9/01 please refer to Viagra by it's chemical name. Ask your pharmacist for MECOXAFLOPPIN

Oldfart 09-08-2001 04:30 AM

Beach God
Just got this.

Not me, unfortunately.

Lovediva 09-08-2001 04:58 AM

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A little soft PORN anyone?? :D

m45 09-08-2001 05:05 AM

soft porn
Diva that was to cute!

Do you all know the differance between a woman and a hard drive??????

A woman will NOT except a 3 1/2 inch floppy!!!!!!!!!!!:p


J.O.Y. 09-08-2001 07:05 AM

Hey OldFArt, did you leave something out of your 9/8/01 post, or has my pueter download function gone south again??

That forgetfulness thing just goes with the territory.:)

Now where is my keyboard??;)

wolfspirit 09-08-2001 07:11 AM

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Lovediva 09-08-2001 11:11 AM

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Hey M45... I certainly don't want no 3 1/2 floppy!!!:D

Lovediva 09-08-2001 11:13 AM

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Penis Expressions!:D

Mercury_Maniac 09-08-2001 02:01 PM

for that guy who wants to get technical on viagra, the correct name for it is "Sildenafil Citrate" not that strange name you used.

Oldfart 09-11-2001 10:17 PM

Re: viagra

Go back and read the name out loud.


Oldfart 09-11-2001 10:22 PM

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Yes, they issue photo IDs for people like me.

Missed pic was this.

wolfspirit 09-12-2001 07:48 PM

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Speaks for itself!!!!

Lovediva 09-12-2001 09:27 PM

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Evolution of man :D

TDK 09-12-2001 10:05 PM

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I hope this works here and it hasnt been on here b4

wolfspirit 09-13-2001 04:04 AM

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Women's Worst Nightmare.

wolfspirit 09-13-2001 04:06 AM

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Lovediva 09-13-2001 05:02 AM

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Arkansas new coin :D

Oldfart 09-15-2001 03:56 AM

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We have a problem with Iraqui and Afghani asylum seekers

(mainly economic).

A few days ago I received an e-mail telling me I had been

selected to billet a few tourists travelling lightly.

I would hardly notice they were there.

Mercury_Maniac 09-15-2001 12:25 PM

oops sorry about the viagra thing, i wasn't to humorous that day when i read, now i got, forget what i said.

Evilfantisy 09-15-2001 03:26 PM

That's fukn' hilarious! I don't think they'll get far!!

MsJenn 09-16-2001 01:03 PM

A little humor....
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An idea for when we re-build NYC, maybe?

MsJenn 09-16-2001 01:05 PM

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Now this is MY kind of exercise!!

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