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Prophet Reality 04-26-2002 03:55 AM

Vampyre's Syn
OOC: I am starting this new thred to get it all rolling again, but without all the other entries from before. Same things apply though. If you would like to join though, please PM me, since Playful has left us.

IC: As entered by Vampeyes
As she stood trembling in the corner Genevieve was trying to make sense of what was going on in the club.... She had been warned about places such as The Inferno but could not resist going. She felt some kind of magic tug as she had walked past the doors several nights ago and knew that she would have to return. Now here she was all alone in a strange place and women were screaming and several other club goers appeared to be passed out. She played with her long red hair idly while she tried to decide where to go what to do.

Prophet Reality 04-26-2002 03:57 AM

He looked around The Inferno to see who was left unscathed. And then in a corner he saw her. A cute little redhead palying with her hair and about to go into shcok from the horrors of the night. He decided upon a new plaything and quickly appeared before her. He knew that she would think it was magic, but he knew better. As others of his clan appraoched her, he made it quite clear that she was to be left alone. He lowered himself to her eye level and asked, "Would you like to get out of here alive?" his voice dripping with honey and sweetness.

Prophet Reality 04-26-2002 03:58 AM

A man appeared before her so quickly that it startled her. She was wondering who he was this magnicifecnt looking man with the long white braids. As she was still trying to make sense of it all he offered her a way out and he sounded so sweet. She wondered if he was too good to be true but there was something about him that drew her to him. As she lowered her eyes she stepped toward him slightly and whispered yes.

Prophet Reality 04-26-2002 03:58 AM

He took her hand and led her towards the exit of The Inferno. Many people got in their way, but he never let go of her hand the whole way out. At one point a nasty looking man stepped in front of them. He looked at the man and quickly withdrew.

Prophet Reality 04-26-2002 03:59 AM

As he led her outside so many questions were going through Genevieve's mind that she felt dizzy. The myseterious man had such an aoura of authority about him that people to seem to step aside from him as he led her out of the club. She wondered why he was so important and where he was he taking her. She started to grow slightly afraid. She shivered as they left the building yet she was unsure if it was from the chill or fear. Just then the handsome stranger seemed to sense her chill and drew her near him and into his cloak. Instantly she felt herself settle down just from his being near. Suddenly its as if she doesn't care where they are going.

Prophet Reality 04-26-2002 04:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
He felt her settle back aganst him and her knew that he had won her over. Practically no words were spolen, but he knew it already. He easily opened the car and helped her in. He watched her settle into the vehicle and watch him as he glided around to the other side. He was definitely glad that he had taken the time to learn to drive.

vampeyes 04-26-2002 02:37 PM


As she watched him settle in behind the wheel a sigh crossed her lips. He seemed to do everything in such a precise and graceful manner. He was so unlike any man she had ever known. She felt as if she knew him so well yet in reality she knew so little about this man. But she knew with every fiber of her being that she wanted to know more and strangely she sensed that she would. As they drove Genevieve let her mind wander while looking at all the beautiful stars .. They seemed so unnaturally bright and beautiful tonight. So absorbed in them she never even thought to question where he was taking her......

Prophet Reality 04-27-2002 01:34 AM

"I am called Vaj. It is the shortest and easiest way to pronounce my name. What is your name my pretty?" His voice was deep and dripping of honey still. He watched her melt into it. As they drove he pointed out the bright stars that were the planets and watched her search the sky.

vampeyes 04-27-2002 02:01 AM

"What an unusual name you have...Vaj if I may ask where does it originate from?" As she stared at him waiting for a response she let his voice resonate in her mind. It was so deep and musical it stirred things in her that she could not comprehend. He must have noticed her interest in the stars for he started to point some out that she had not noticed before. "My name is Genevieve" in her distraction she had almost forgot to answer his question. Not being a normally forgetfull girl she began to wonder why she had not been feeling quite like her normal self these past few hours.

Prophet Reality 04-27-2002 02:12 AM

"Ah what a pretty name you have. Similar to the fair Queen of Avalon. My name comes from the Old Country. It is a family name actually." Val looks across the dark horizon and sees the seldom used dirt road and turns down it and drives confidently towards the mountains. The moon at his back and his eyes on the young woman in the car.

vampeyes 04-27-2002 02:42 AM


As they drive ever onward she can feel Vaj's gaze fixed upon her. It warms her to know that he is watching her. She tries to just sit back and enjoy the ride but there is something deep inside her that just won't let her totally relax. She tries to watch Vaj out of the corner of her eye without being noticed.

Prophet Reality 04-28-2002 06:37 PM

After almost an hour of driving they arrive at their destination. Vaj gets out of the car and walks around to help Genevieve out of the car. He watches her look around and can see a bit of concern wash over her face.

"Don't worry my pretty. I have a telephone that you can use to make a call to whomever it is that may worry about you. Since it is later than I thought, I won't be able to take you home until tomorrow. If that is okay?"

ASH 04-29-2002 01:20 AM


Gabrielle watches as Vaj helps a pretty redhead out of his car. She can see the young girl's discomfort, and for a brief time feels sorry for her. "She has no idea what she's in for," whispers Gabrielle, as she continues to stare at this new blood, taking in her long legs, firm breasts, and of course her gorgeous red hair. Gabrielle sees Vaj motion to her, and quickly she moves away from the window and down the ornate staircase to meet her master and his new toy.

Prophet Reality 04-29-2002 02:35 AM

[COLOR=crimson] Vaj [/COLOR]
Vaj sees that Gabrielle saw his slight movement and is responding. Hopefully when Genevieve sees her she will relax a bit and except the invitation of her own free will. Otherwise, he will have to use his charms to convince her.

As always Vaj is transfixed by the movements of Gabrielle. Even though he knows she is a vampyre like himself, she still has a natural grace and fluidity that was only enhanced.

vampeyes 04-29-2002 08:03 AM


She is relieved to be at the destination and out of such close confines with Vaj. His nearness sparks something inside her yet she forgets part of herself when he is so near. As she looks around her face pales a bit and she can't help but to be just a little afraid. Vaj's deep voice breaks through her musings to ask her to stay the night until he can return her home tomorrow. She wavers unsure of what to do....To be alone with a strange man in his house is definitely unwise but yet she does feel a tug inside her urging her to throw caution to the wind after all she has come this far. If nothing else maybe she can call her mother to come and get her. Still unsure of what to do she follows Vaj to the impressive house.

Prophet Reality 04-29-2002 11:24 PM

He can tell that Genvieve is uneasy. Her manner is unsure, bordering on fear. But the darkness intrigues her and she wants to explore that side of herself. He keeps his distance, yet is still close enough for her to feel his "presence".

Gabrielle draws closer and seems to sense it also. He lets her approach and hopes that her arrival comforts Genvieve.

vampeyes 04-30-2002 06:48 PM


As she approaches the house she notices the door open and a striking woman starts towards them. She feels a little relief that she will not be alone with Vaj in the house but many more questions arise in her head...Like who is this beautiful woman and why is she approaching them and who is she to Vaj. It seems the more time she spends with Vaj the more doubts fears and questions she has and less and less answers.

Prophet Reality 05-01-2002 12:17 AM

I help Genevieve to the house. I know that she sees Gabrielle, but I feel that she is a bit hesitant. "Ah Gabrielle, glad to see that you are home. The Inferno had a problem and I whisked this beautiful young woman away from the danger. But I fear that I can not take her home until tomorrow. Would you be so kind as to show her around please?"

vampeyes 05-01-2002 01:15 AM


She takes a small step towards this mystery woman still unsure of herself and this situation. But at the same time she is very intruiged by Vaj and wants to explore his home in hopes of discovering more about him. So with a new outlook she steps closer to the beautiful woman ready to be led on a new adventure.

ASH 05-01-2002 08:46 PM


Gabrielle can't help but stare at the young girl. Up close she was even more beautiful. "What I wouldn't give to have her at my every command, " she thinks, feeling a smile creep across her face. Gabrielle gets so lost in her thoughts that it takes her a moment to realize Vaj has spoken to her. Then the red head steps ever closer to her, and Gabrielle suddenly comes alive. "Oh, yes, of course. I would love to show her around." She gives a quick smile, and beckons for the girl to follow her as she starts towards the stairs. "Since you'll be staying the night, I'll go ahead and show you to the guest room first. And, if you wish, you can change into something more comfortable." As they start up the stairs, Gabrielle begins to imagine what the night might bring. She gives a quick flip of her raven hair, trying to dismiss the thought. "I must have self-control, don't want to scare the poor girl away." Yet, as they ascend, so does her craving.

vampeyes 05-01-2002 09:18 PM


As they all stand in the entryway of the house Genevieve feels that Gabrielle is staring at her yet she isn't sure if she is friendly or hostile. She notices that her beauty is increased tenfold with the smile that begins to play across her lips and can't help but to think she fails in comparison of this exotic dark haired girl. She starts to follow her up the stairs fighting the urge to look back at Vaj who she is sure is staring in thier direction. Gabrielle seems very sweet and gracious as the near the top of the stairs she prays that everything is what it seems.

ASH 05-02-2002 04:10 PM


Gabrielle can tell that the young girl once again feels uncertain, and curses herself for sending off such formidable vibes. They reach the top of the staircase and Gabrielle turns to face her companion. "I don't believe Vaj properly introduced us," Gabrielle says in her sweetest voice. "I am Gabrielle, a long-time friend of Vaj's. Your name would be..." As she awaits the girl's answer, she walks to the door of the guest room and swings it open.

vampeyes 05-02-2002 04:25 PM


As Gabrielle introduces herself Genevieve feels herself start to relax a little . "My name is Genevieve"she says with a smile as she follows her into the gust bedroom. Genevieve is awed by the bedroom it so beautiful. She decides that she is definitely going to stay the night if only to enjoy the magnificent carved bed with the flowing curtains. She turns to Gabrielle awaiting further instructions.

Prophet Reality 05-03-2002 03:40 AM

As I watch these two lovely creatures ascend the stairs, I watch Genevieve's sexy body and see just how gorgeous of a creature she is. Maybe after I play with her I will bring her over like I did Gabrielle. As they leave his sight, he hopes that Gabrielle took her to the Victorian room. It has the kind of bed that a woman like Genevieve always dreams about.

He looks around once, and then with the lightning speed of the Vampyre, he moves through the house. Making sure that all the doors are now secure and the windows sealed shut tight. His other flunkys will just have to provide for themselves. If they have not made it to the house by now, then it is too late. And they know it too. He then descends the hidden stairs and awaits Gabrielle to enter the vault as well. He knows that she would be safe anywhere in the house, but he prefers the cellars. It gives a little added felling of security for him.

ASH 05-03-2002 06:59 PM


Gabrielle can see the wonder in Genevieve's face as she looks around the room. Her whole body seems to relax, and suddenly it was clear that she would indeed be staying the night. Genevieve then turns back towards Gabrielle, awaiting her next words. "You have a very beautiful name, Genevieve. Now, if you wish, you can change into a night gown. There are several to choose from in the dresser beside the bed, and there should be several that will fit you. And then, relax. Get comfortable. I shall return." She gives Genevieve one last long look, nods her head in goodbye, and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her. Gabrielle then quietly rushes back down the stairs and towards the cellar to where she knows Vaj is waiting.

vampeyes 05-03-2002 10:21 PM


Genevieve wishes Gabrielle a good night and then waits until she leaves. She then starts to wander around the room looking at everything. She ends her exploration at the dresser beside the bed looking through its contents and trying to choose between the lovely gowns. She starts to wonder who they belong to and why they are here but quickly dismisses the thought from her mind. She chooses a beautiful pale pink flowing night gown and quickly sheds her clothes and tries it on. She feels like a princess in a fairie tale as she brushes out her hair in front of the cheval mirror. She then turns out the lights and climbs into the big bed and settles into the middle. She rests her head onto the pillows and immediately starts to drift off to sleep.

Prophet Reality 05-04-2002 01:51 AM

Vaj waits in the basement. He quickly hears the tread of Gabrielle and knows she is on her way finally. A grin appears shortly upon his face and then disappears just as quickly. As the door opens and close, Vaj watches her glide down the stairs.

"Did you get our guest settled my dear? Isn't she just lovley?"

Vaj helps her into the crypt and awaits the feel of her vampyric body next to his.

ASH 05-05-2002 09:16 PM


Gabrielle makes it down to the basement, and enters, quickly shutting the door behind her. She turns around as Vaj is speaking to her. "Oh, yes, she is quite settled. Should be asleep in no time. She was still slightly frazzled when I left, but that should fade." She doesn't answer his second question. Just the thought of the girl sends passion running through her veins. Vaj then takes her hand and helps her into the comfortable darkness. She lays down beside him, glad to have him close, and suddenly feels a wave of exhaustion take over her entire self.

Prophet Reality 05-07-2002 01:15 AM

As Gabrielle curls nextto me, I realize that she didn't answer my question about how cute Genevieve was. I feel Gabrielle slip into her deep sleep, feeling myself react to her supernatural body against mine. I cuddle into to her amazed at how young she is and how quickly she succumbs to the sleep. And how I can push it off for a time.

Vaj decides to do what he normally does, remove her clothes so that they can sleep naked, and hope that the thoughts he sends in his sleep fills her mind and the mind of Genevieve too.

vampeyes 05-07-2002 01:43 AM


She fell asleep immediately into a nice deep sleep but now feels restless. Her dreams are filled with images of Vaj. He seems to be talking to her and asking something of her but she cannot understand what and it makes her mind stir disturbing her peaceful sleep.Such a feeling of loving and calm steals over her though. Its as though her dreams are telling her to accept this mystery man to trust him. She tosses and turns a bit before falling back into a deep dreamless sleep . Though there is something pricking at the edges of her concsienceness that she just can't figure out.

Prophet Reality 05-09-2002 04:01 AM

As the day finally takes over my body and forces it to sleep, I know that my thoughts have penetrated into Genevieve's mind.

I can feel her response within her mind. As sleep takes control I force myself to enter into a meditative sleep instead. A lot harder to enter this late in the morning, but much more restful. As I enter into this sleep, I push my mind into a realm that very few mortals acknowledge even exists.

I enter into the realm of Morpheus and follow Genevieve to little piece of the Dreaming. I watch from a distance as she dreams of pleasure delivered to her from myself and Gabrielle.

I know that she still has doubts, but I know that I can persuade her that they are not founded in truth at all. Maybe, I will bring her across as well. I leave the Dreaming and return to my mind and fall instantly in the Vampyre's Deep Sleep.

Prophet Reality 05-16-2002 03:03 AM

I slowly come awake and know that the sun is setting and that the moon rises once again.

Being an early riser, I awaken before Gabrielle and look upon her peaceful face and wonder if her dreams were as good as mine. I even wondered if she even dreamed.

I sent out my senses and knew that Genevieve was still within the house somewhere. Hopefully not too afraid of being alone, or the appearance of being alone. I slowly move up and out of my sarcophogus and left it open for Gabrielle. I quickly changed into fresh clothes.

I decided on a midnight blue velvet Poet's shirt and silk pants. I slipped my bare feet into a pare of soft shoes and walked up the stairs.

I ran my hands through my hair and went to the nearest water closet. I rinsed my face and quickly shaved the stubble off. When I was tunred, I was trying to grow a beard. So every night when I awaken I shave it off. I brushed out my long hair and went to find my house guest.

vampeyes 05-16-2002 12:09 PM


I seemed as if she had slept forever. She couldn't ever remember sleeping in so late. When she awoke she hoped that her host would not be upset at her making him wait so long for her to rise. As she stepped onto the floor warmed by the mid-day sun she stretched. She had such a wonderfully deep sleep that she felt a great contentment today. She looked around the room and spotted a wardrobe and couldn't resist peeking inside. As she opened the doors she was greeted bt the most beautiful dresses of all materials and colors. As she looked down at her crumpled clothes in a heap on the floor .. she couldn't help but to wonder if Vaj would mind if she borrowed one. She could always change into something of her own when he dropped her home and give it back.. or better yet she thought maybe she could just promise to bring it back to him laundered that way she could see him again. Pleased at this new line of thinking she chose a breath taking deep green victorian dress that had a scandolous neckline but the color she was sure would be stunning against her hair. She slipped over her night gown and donned the green creation. After lacing herself up she twirled about in the mirror like a little girl playing dress up. Taking her brush she brusher her long hair until it shone in the light. She then decided she had better go and find her host . As she opened the door to the hallway she notice that the house seemed very quiet. She walked along the path that she and Gabrielle had taken the night before and finally came upon the grand staircase. As she descended she seen no movement below and heard no sounds still. Thinking this odd she set about to find Vaj. She did not see either him or Gabrielle in any or the open rooms and most of the doors that were closed were locked. Feeling just a bit odd about being in the big housse seemingly alone she was unsure what to do. Maybe he had some appointments this morning and let me sleep .. she tried to rationalize to herself. A few doors back she had spotted a library and decided to go in and curl up with a book thinking that someone would find her sooner or later. As she wandered the walls lined with books she was in awe of the wonders that she found. So many antique and rare books many in different languages. She found a beautiful book on art and curled up on the setee to read it.

Prophet Reality 05-16-2002 11:11 PM

As Vaj walked the semi dark halls he finally found her. Sitting in the library reading a book on art. He watched as she read and noticed that she had put on one of his favorite dresses. He thought back and realized that it was one of his victims dresses that was left behind. And that was one of the reasons wht he had picked her.

He stood at the door for a long time watching her, not even realizing what he was doing. He heard stirring in the house and knew that a few more of his flock was present. He quickly left the library and found all his disciples and informed them to stay out of sight of Genevieve. He did not want to frighten her away. Now, he just had to devise a way to keep her here of her own free will.

vampeyes 05-16-2002 11:30 PM


As time passes she became engrossed into the beautiful book. After a time she noticed the the sun had already begun to set and thought that she heard a noise and felt as if someone were watching her. As she turned to the doorway there was no one there and she began to feel a bit uneasy.

Prophet Reality 05-16-2002 11:49 PM

AS the sun completely sets, the lights begin to automatically turn on throughout the house. Vaj returns to the library after chasing everyone away. He steps into the door and sees that Genevieve is still reading her book. He clears his throat and steps on.

"I am so glad that you found someting to entertain you while I was away. But I bet that you a re hungry right?"

vampeyes 05-17-2002 12:06 AM


As Vaj clears his throat to announce his presence Genevieve jumps a little. He startled her . She can't believe that she was so into the book that she did not hear him enter. As her eyes feast on him he seems to have become even more magnificant looking overnight. The contrast of his white hair against his blue velvet shirt made butterflies in her tummy. So lost in him she was that she almost forgot to answer his question.
"Oh my I am famished.. I hadn't really thought of it until now"

Prophet Reality 05-18-2002 03:04 AM

"Well then allow me to cook something for you. The staff is off tonight and tomorrow, but I will be more than happpy to cook for you. What would you like? We have just about everything."

Vaj walks over and helps Genevieve up and out of the chair. As he bends over his hair, which is loose, slides from his back and flys across her chest. Tickling the flesh that is showing. She giggles softly and blushes. He flips his hair back with a quick snap and helps her out of the chair. He takes the book and marks the place with the leather cord that is attached to the binding, and sets it on the table next to the chair. He guides her down the hall to the staris and down to the main floor.

"This is the water closet my dear, freshen up and then go through those double doors and then through the door on your left. That is the kitchen entrance. I will be waiting for oyu there."

ASH 05-19-2002 02:15 AM


Gabrielle awakens and looks around. The sun has already completely set;she was still too young to rise before sun fall. She rises and listens for what is going on upstairs. She can hear Vaj speaking to Genevieve about dinner, so she quickly gets dressed and checks her appearence in the mirror. Once satisfied she goes upstairs, quiet not to attract Genevieve's attention, and meets Vaj in the kitchen.

Prophet Reality 05-19-2002 02:21 AM

As Vaj is looking through the ice cabinet, he hears Gabrielle enter the room. He looks her over and smiles evilly. "I am glad that you are awake My sweet. I have sent all the others away for now. It is just the three of us. And I think that she will want to stay too."

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