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anythinggoes69u 06-02-2007 04:28 AM

Anyone here got a fuck buddy?
Anyone got a man/woman who you have mutually agreed to get together when either of you are feeling horny, purely for nsa sex ?

wyndhy 06-02-2007 08:13 AM

the sex we enjoy never has strings attached. :D

gekkogecko 06-02-2007 08:36 AM

I'm certain plenty of people do. I'm not one of them.

Eastern 06-02-2007 09:01 AM

I had one.. but i married him

Jude30 06-02-2007 09:07 AM

My wife frowns on such arrangements.

osuche 06-02-2007 11:14 AM

Nope...same as Jude. :D

Emzo 06-02-2007 11:59 AM

used to, but he went off to uni.

cherrypie7788 06-02-2007 12:16 PM

Yeah. I'm engaged to him :rofl: it started out as a relationship, then went to a "fuck buddy", now it's back to a relationship.

scotzoidman 06-02-2007 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
Nope...same as Jude. :D

Your wife frowns on such arrangements? :blink:

IowaMan 06-02-2007 07:06 PM

Nope, not anymore.

smithy020 06-02-2007 07:45 PM

I'm always open to offers!

osuche 06-03-2007 02:24 AM

Originally Posted by scotzoidman
Your wife frowns on such arrangements? :blink:

Yeah, she is SUCH a prude :spin:

Oldfart 06-03-2007 05:00 AM

Buddy? Buddy? Why I gotta fuck Buddy? Not my type at all!

nwnnguy 06-03-2007 08:59 AM

I wish, then maybe when the wife wasn't feeling like "it", I would have somewhere to go

FussyPucker 06-04-2007 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by wyndhy
the sex we enjoy never has strings attached. :D

Just handcuffs, ropes, leather straps, 1 large pink feather and a jar of peanut butter (smooth not crunchy)!!........hehehe

I think Lou wouldn't be overly happy if I had a fuck buddy........unless she counts as one?

FussyPucker 06-04-2007 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
Yeah, she is SUCH a prude :spin:

Now come on everyone stop thinking about Osuche with an other woman....
Only kidding, carry on...........I kow I am! :D:D:D

Irezumi Kiss 06-04-2007 07:20 PM

Whenever I do have one, they only last about two or three days. Then I never see them again. Hence, the "no strings." :sperm:

Scarecrow 06-04-2007 09:17 PM

Originally Posted by FussyPucker
Now come on everyone stop thinking about Osuche with an other woman....
Only kidding, carry on...........I kow I am! :D:D:D

Now I can't get that image out of my mind. Ooooooooooooooohhhhhh

osuche 06-04-2007 10:09 PM

Originally Posted by Scarecrow
Now I can't get that image out of my mind. Ooooooooooooooohhhhhh

Shall I take pictures next time?


Scarecrow 06-04-2007 10:13 PM

Originally Posted by osuche
Shall I take pictures next time?


Yes PLeassssssssssssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeee

Wildeye 06-13-2007 06:13 PM

fuck buddy
no women - love my spouse and her wonderful yawning pussy.

one fuck buddy - i'm addicted to his cock.

PantyFanatic 06-14-2007 10:35 AM

Originally Posted by FussyPucker
Now come on everyone stop thinking about Osuche with an other woman.......

Too late. :tongue:

osuche 06-15-2007 09:32 AM

Originally Posted by FussyPucker
Now come on everyone stop thinking about Osuche with another woman....

Funny, I keep thinking about the same thing... :hot:

Tdog6699 06-20-2007 08:29 AM

Yeah I have had 2, the first I met off an adult personals site... it was fun for a few months but it got too hard to keep up after she picked up a boyfriend. (we kept it going for a month or so but he got suspicious) She was 19 I was 25 at the time..the best sex was when we would find random places around her college to do it in the open. I also met another woman off the same website that actually lived a mile from me.. she was married and her husband was overseas on business.. with his consent we met every time he went away. It was a massive turn on to have her talking to her husband while I was having my way with her. The best part was her sister lived in the house and never knew a thing.

CunningLinguist 06-20-2007 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by osuche
Shall I take pictures next time?


Yes! Oh please dear gods in Asgard, yes!

Oldfart 06-20-2007 04:20 PM


The Asgard reference drew my mind to old Olympus.

A panel of judges and commentators perhaps?

CunningLinguist 06-21-2007 03:52 PM

I feel kind of bad becuase I posted on here while on lunch and didn't read the whole conversation.

And well, on the original subject of fuck buddies, no I don't have one, and no I don't really plan on having one in the future.

Now, when I was younger, I was stupid and had low self esteem, and every once in a while I would meet a girl, make out with her (or eat her out since that was what I got the reputation for) and on a few instances I would have sex with her just one time.

Of course, I'm not the kind of guy who has sex once and never calls again, and it's not becuase I'm some kind of hero, but like I said I was young and stupid and thought "Hey if I can have sex with her this time, maybe I will get a repeat performance or at least I made a new friend."

Of course, within a week I do find out it wasn't no strings attached sex, and it wasn't until a few years ago that I learned that the women I take on as fuck buddies tend to be drama addicts or call me up at 3 in the morning and beg me to buy them booze or for a ride to their boyfriend's, girlfriend's or baby daddy's house.

I guess I prefer the term friend with benefits. See a fuck buddy is good for only one thing, and it's still hard to not get attached with the person you last had sex with unless you are having lots and lots of it (which sadly isn't in my future). I'd prefer to just have sex with someone who is already a friend. A person who I know will respect my boundaries even if we just had sex, and knows I enjoy her company even without the sex.

Only happened once in my life so I consider myself blessed even if me and her no longer do it.

PantyFanatic 09-01-2007 12:41 AM

I've not be sure how to respond to this. I've had this thread in the back of my mind for a while and just ran onto it again. This almost gets into serious reality and you know how I hate that. :jester:

Over a longer time period than I care to admit, I've had friends that you might call a "fuck buddy". They have developed in different manners and each taken their own form. They have come from shared relationships we both moved on from, to professional relationships that became so involved that personal lives became entangled.

For me, a "fuck buddy" normally evolves from a close and trusting relationship as opposed to the inverse. We are able to share and care about each others life without being part of it and where the pillow talk is as meaningful as the physical 'escape time'. I guess for me it would be more accurate to think of it as a "buddy fuck". The person has to be someone special to me first. :shrug:

txgrneyes 09-01-2007 10:32 PM


Winston77 09-01-2007 11:49 PM

Same time next year

Steph 09-03-2007 10:43 AM

Amost! :weg:

Doomsday 09-03-2007 10:52 AM

No. Sorta did.. but now no? I think.. I dunno it's never came up... probably because I have/had feelings for her. Even though I am able to keep those things completely separate usually. Eh? Such is life.

WildIrish 09-04-2007 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by Winston77
Same time next year

What a great movie! A true love story that I enjoyed watching evolve.

jennaflower 07-27-2008 01:05 AM

I don't have a friend with benefits, but after not having sex for so long, I would certainly entertain having one. My problem of course would be keeping my emotions out of it. Not sure that I am equiped to do so. Everytime I have had sex with someone, there has been an emotional pre-existing connection.

bh4229 07-27-2008 06:11 AM

Does my right hand count??? :)

Prophet Reality 07-27-2008 11:23 PM

I would love to have one. I am in an open marriage so right now it would be a welcome and desired thing.

rabbit 08-02-2008 08:11 PM

No fuck buddy since marriage, but I honestly miss having one...just because.


Irezumi Kiss 08-02-2008 10:19 PM

I could use one right now. Just for this one whole month, it doesn't have to be forever! :sex:

scotzoidman 08-02-2008 10:21 PM

I could use one right now. Just for the next few minutes, it doesn't have to be forever!

jennaflower 08-03-2008 11:50 AM

The more I consider the concept of a fuck buddy and my earlier post, I cant help but wonder exactly what everyone considers a "fuck buddy" to be.

As I implied in my earlier post, I have always figured that a "fuck buddy" was someone with whom you limited your "relationship" with them to purely a sporatic sexual experience. Nothing else. No emotional attachment, no involvment in their daily life. Someone whom you can pretty much greet at the door, enjoy the pleasures of sex, and then go your own seperate ways.

For me, a fuck buddy (in the context above) is not something that I am sure that I would ever be able to have. Mostly because, at some point, for me there is an emotional involvment long before I open my thighs to them.

I have to wonder, has my opinion of a "fuck buddy" been wrong? Is it possible to have a someone with whom you do have an emotional connection, and even a level of involvment in their life, and still consider them to be nothing more than a fuck buddy?

Interested to hear your thoughts..

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