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Lilith 05-18-2002 07:28 AM

**The Technique**
I saw this posted at Lit a while back. Naturally, being scientifically minded, I had to give it a go. It proved to be 100% fabulous for me! I just thought it may be of some use, or interest to some members here. I contacted MR.G and he agreed I could share it here. :p:D:p
I am anxious to hear your results!

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Try This & Report Back
Try this. I know some of you have already but for those who haven't it just blow your minds.


Quick Backgrounder

The G&A Spot(s) are a bunch of nerve clusters which trigger endorphines (natural painkillers) during child birth. These nerve concentrations are below the surface and protected. The clit is not protected and the nerves are right on the surface. Any guy who tries to handle a clit roughly usually gets a heel up the side of his head. The GSpot is different. Once it has been triggered you can NOT treat it like a clit. Beat it up! Guys have been taught to be gentle with "that " area. Yes for the clit. NO for the G&A's.

Basic Technique ideas:

#1: Make sure she goes for a tinkle (urinates) just prior to this. The best way to “experiment ” is for the woman to relax over a bunch of pillows, face down, bum up in the air and legs comfortably wide apart. In that position with her guy either at the side, straddling one leg or sort of in the middle, the best way is with his thumb - inserted and pointing down towards the bed. If you press the thumb into the vagina until the heel of the thumb is pressing into her lips the GSpot will be right under the fat part at the end of your thumb. It’s no harder to find than that. It is a small bump roughly the same size as that fat part at the end of your thumb too so it feels a little like there’s another thumb pressing back. (ALL women have this - all women may not react the same way) Start to rub it. You can rub like you’re trying to get a spot out - back and forth or sideways or in a circular motion - it doesn’t matter. DO NOT do it too hard at first but once it puffs up and gets a little hard, that's when you can get rough with it. She'll feel like she has to go for a pee about then. Ignore her. Hold her down. Tell her to go ahead. Ladies you aren't going to pee. It just comes from some kind of build-up and "about to release" feeling. Just hang on and tell him harder or faster to increase that feeling. The first time or two it takes a few minutes. Once you've done it a few times you can usually get the first orgasm in under two minutes - no matter what and then repeats every 30 seconds to a minute for as long as she can stand it. An average night means between 8 and 15 giant "O's". A marathon brings between 35 and 50 !!! Trouble walking the next day but Man) Man is it worth the shakes the next day.

#2 is: when you've triggered an orgasm, wait about 30 seconds, maybe a minute (no more)and then start again. Just as hard. Right away. It'll happen over and over as many times as you repeat it. DO NOT BE GENTLE !! Depending on what kind of shape she’s in, a slightly longer wait between orgasms is wise(ie. let her start to breathe again). My friends described those orgasms as like being hit by a train. It seems to involve the entire body. If they’ve never had a GSpot orgasm they are going to be amazed. When you do it to them again and again they will be astounded.

At that point an option that they all seem to enjoy is once she knows “that feel” she can climb on and ride you and position herself so that the end of your erection is hitting the same spot your thumb was hitting. She can then have a huge orgasm about every 10 to 20 downstrokes and keep that up until she melts or passes out. Then it’s time to cuddle.

One word of warning, guys, NEVER have her squat over your face, suck her clit and poke her GSPOT with your fingers. She will cum so hard and her pelvic thrusts will be so out of control that she will BREAK YOUR NOSE. Trust me on this. To combine the two (oral on the clit AND Gspot) she should be on her back and your face should be sideways to her.

Let me know if and / or how it worked for you.

Lilith 05-18-2002 09:11 AM

More on the subject

Registered: Mar 2002
Location: Great White Nord nr Toronto
Posts: 83
The ASpot is on the BACK wall of the vagina, further in and usually up near what's called the cul-de-sac (dead end in French - better description of some dates I've had!). I'll have to look up the medical name for it but there's a small channel that sort of goes under the cervix and will receive a very long penis in there instead of ramming the cervix and causing damage there. The problem is the neck of the bladder is right behind the cul so any heavy duty ramming if the guy's too long and the bladder neck is prone to tearing.

The ASpot works just like the GSpot but, as described, is farther in and lies against the interior of the abdomen so there's really nothing to push against. Many women have a really a sensitive spot up there that get's bumped by the bulb of the penis especially if he has a large head but they have never actually localized the spot...it just feels good. I wonder if any women who have NOT found their GSpot have had any luck with their ASpot? There are a number of pressure points along the lower spine that will stimulate BOTH spots and should always be part of foreplay if your target is a G or ASpot .

Your best bet is to get a longer thinner vibrator and explore. Poke, prod and try different angles to find it. Some wome (we'are ALL different) have their ASpot closer to the bottom of the vagina and can be reached by fingers and ths makes it I think, more fun and more spontaneous. Positions can help too. Most vaginas actually shrink a little when they are face down or on hands and knees (thatz why guys feel especially BIG having sex in that position). For intercourse if the woman tenses her stomach muscles she can sometimes push the ASpot "out" into the line of fire (so to speak) This works THE BEST in the most beautiful position (for wild sex) a woman can have....high up on her knees with her face in a pillow and arms spread out holding onto the sheets for dear life. Most guys will be banging all around the Spot. If she moves her stomach muscles around, tense them, suck in, push out (as opposed to just relaxing everything and having him go at her from behind) until she feels his cock hitting a special place - creating a different feeling - just hold that position, tell him to go harder (never softer for G or ASpots) and see what happens. You'll probably have a massive O. The neat thing AGAIN is - wait a couple of seconds and go again. You should at that point be able to cum over and over and over until either he cums or all the skins has been torn off his dick from your clutching spasming vaginal muscles.

A FUN addition to this...if she localizes her APSot during intercourse, has a AGasm, REMEMBERS to go back to the stomach configuration she had to start the O in the first place and has another - and she gets into cuming again and again...this is the perfect time to start spanking that upturned ass. HARD. Whack her like a bongo drum. The stingging and the orgasms will absolutely shatter her. Personal preference anyway. Try it. If she kicks your nuts off she didn't enjoy it, I guess. It's always worked for me tho.

Lilith 05-18-2002 09:12 AM

and more still for the people who like it a little rough:p

Registered: Mar 2002
Location: Great White Nord nr Toronto
Posts: 83
For anybody who has tried the GSpot technique and found that it works AND likes a spanking now and then - COMBINE the TWO.

A good OTK and every 10 swats or so give her two to five rapid G-Gasms and then 10 swats. Alternate that back and forth. Keep it rapid and frenzied, pull her hair, lock only one leg down so she can kick the other around, keep one arm firmly over the small of her back so she feels (and IS ) trapped and can't get away. MAKE her submit just a little longer than she wants to. She'll be screaming and begging you to stop. Don't. Part of the thrill for her is NOT knowing if you'll just keep going until she goes completely nutz or passes out from the intensity. I don't think most women can continue this for more than two or three minutes once they start having G-Gasms. It is just too intense. The spanking combines the kinkiness and submission AND the GSpot orgasms can be administered almost like spanks..."WHAT did you call me? OK - That's TEN more!!" It is awesome.

Afterwards reward her with a COLD cold cream bum rub. Aloe Vera based
body lotions are great. Put it in the fridge for a while first. When you start spreading the COLD cream over her red cheeks she'll melt. Give her a few more (slower - softer) G-Gasms while you're doing the bum rub.

PantyFanatic 05-18-2002 09:27 AM

This is definitely the method and goal of all love making!

….and the warning regarding facial damage is very real. She WILL cut your lips and even loosen teeth.:redghost:

nikanik 05-18-2002 08:55 PM

tried it and i cant believe the tremors i had all night long. Glad today is saturday didnt have to go anywhere so i had a chance for my legs to recover!!!!

Murga 05-18-2002 10:22 PM

gilrs ...how many of you vote AYE for this technique?

Lilith 05-18-2002 10:32 PM

I vote

It was glorious;) Not for everyday (seriously intense) but it made for one (ok I admit it .... more than one) really great night:p

Mr. 3G 05-18-2002 10:52 PM

Hi ya'll

Lilith was kind enough to invite me over and posted a couple of my posts
from Lit. I hope that the technique works for any of you who haven't
found it or perfected the technique described. Enjoy.

I love the feedback too.

Grumble 05-19-2002 02:50 AM

I read these posts on The Technique and it is certainly something I have never tried but I certainly will when I get the opportunity.

To be able to be a better lover is something i want to achieve and I thank you GGG and Lilith for passing on this info

Dominatra 05-19-2002 11:12 AM

*praying* Oh please please please let this one work --- still can't seem to master the G spot with my hunny! my poor little clitoris is just beat!! thanks for the advice you two!! i'll keep you updated:p

quisath 05-19-2002 08:01 PM

Let me just say that I found it and have learned to manipulate. With one digit in the anus and a brisk massage of the "G" spot...................all hell broke loose. I am so glad I have a responsive S/O. One who helped me find that place just behind the pubic patch on the inside. Rubbing the little ridges is what started it all off. It was RODEO days after that. Yahoooooooooooo

Steph 05-20-2002 10:10 AM

WE LOVE YOU, Mr3G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :)

MrX 05-29-2002 02:20 PM

hmmm going to try this at the weekend :D

Mr. 3G 06-14-2002 10:15 PM

A few people have said they're going to try it ASAP. Any luck? Did it work?


A.K.'s Sex-Pot 06-15-2002 12:15 PM


Thank-you thank-you thank-you!!!

I honestly thought the G-spot was a myth, but now i know i was wrong.

Even without a partner, i managed to do it myself with my vibrator. I'm still shaking now!!!! That is amazing and is clearly the key that unlocks the doors to multiple orgasms as well, although alone, i'm afraid my arm got tired to go again!!!!

Mr. 3G 07-06-2002 06:35 PM

It's been 20 days+ since the last update. Just wondering if Dominatra,
Mr.X, Grumbleguts??Helloooo? Anybody have any luck with your quest?
I pulled this off the LIT. thread. It may give a bit more incentive to make this work for you ...

I mentioned waaay back in this thread about the G&ASpots were associated with child birth. Endorphine triggers was my guess. It also, from my experience, changes the nature of the orgasm. Anybody else notice that the clitoral orgasms produces a "sucking UP" muscle contractions whereas the G&ASpot orgasms result in a pushing "down and OUT" movement?? Use this fact. Always give the vagina something to "fight" or grab. It increases the amount of muscle tension during the orgasm hence increasing the intensity.

I loved Mr. DYK's ref. to "auto-orgasm" That is SOOO kewl. Get a bunch of orgasms going and then ya don't even move your finger or thumb in there. Her body seems to anticipate another hard poking on the right spot and it just seems to spontaneously trigger another series of contractions. I loved to lie beside her and smile...so she KNEW I was going to keep going. I'd not even move my finger / thumb. I could see her struggling to control the approaching orgasm - that is - trying NOT to cum again but she couldn't and another one would wrench thru her body. That would happen in her HEAD because I wasn't putting any pressure on her GSpot. AUTO-ORGASM the spontaneous triggering of a massive orgasm JUST FROM the ANTICIPATION of more to cum!!!!

goodmale 07-15-2002 03:17 AM

i will try and let you know

sassypantz 07-17-2002 04:03 PM

ummmm.......i need a man that can make me cum with a smile!

Mytaru 07-19-2002 06:15 AM

sounds like a good idea sassy...got anyone in mind?

sassypantz 07-19-2002 01:35 PM

I haven't met the man that could do it yet. I'll be hold auditions......

Mytaru 07-19-2002 02:31 PM

now i gotta ask, do you want him to smile or is it you that has to smile when you cum?

sassypantz 07-20-2002 12:00 AM

I loved to lie beside her and smile...so she KNEW I was going to keep going. I'd not even move my finger / thumb. I could see her struggling to control the approaching orgasm - that is - trying NOT to cum again but she couldn't and another one would wrench thru her body.

That my friend, is what I am after

mack606 07-20-2002 12:26 AM

sassy i could do that for ya...thats the easy part :P just let me know when you want me to do it, ok :D

Nice Guy 07-20-2002 07:09 AM

ok when and where are the auditions.

Mytaru 07-20-2002 12:00 PM

Originally posted by sassypantz

That my friend, is what I am after

oh my....could i have one of those too?!

amale 07-20-2002 10:12 PM

sassy,cum with a smile is some thing excellent.
it happens to me all the time. it happens when you really love your mate and care for her.
sassy keep in mind sex with love....

sassypantz 07-21-2002 08:55 PM

Love will happen.....but is there anything wrong with feeling good in the mean time?

Mytaru 07-22-2002 02:35 PM


sassypantz 07-22-2002 02:55 PM

you think so?

mack606 07-22-2002 08:48 PM

sassy dont listen to 'em live for now!

sassypantz 07-22-2002 09:44 PM

Thanks Mack! ;)

Mytaru 07-22-2002 10:01 PM

hehe...sounds like a plan....*evil grin*

sassypantz 07-22-2002 10:03 PM

look at you and that evil grin........naughty boy

Mytaru 07-22-2002 10:04 PM

*bats his eyelashes* but whatever do you mean sassy?

sassypantz 07-22-2002 10:06 PM

You know what I'm talking about. But you look adorable with that tarnished halo

Mytaru 07-22-2002 10:09 PM

*makes a mental note to polish his halo*

so, what were we talking about sassy?

sassypantz 07-22-2002 10:11 PM

hmmmm.....yeah, after all that...I don't remember :p

Mytaru 07-22-2002 10:12 PM

guess we could get back on topic...do you think it really works? driving you crasy with just a thumb?

sassypantz 07-22-2002 10:14 PM

I girl's got to have something to dream about......

sassypantz 07-22-2002 10:15 PM

A girl's got to have something to dream about......

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