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Yoc 10-29-2003 08:48 PM

Simon Says
OOC: This is an incest thread with a kinky twist.

Burglar (Simon) breaks into weathly entrepreneur's house to find middle-aged wife and teenage son alone (the husband apparently away on business).

Seeing an opportunity, Simon starts his own brand of 'Simon Says' where he forces the two of them to perform all types of sex under his direction.

Pls note that at the beginning, they will be appalled by the whole idea of having sex together. Only Simon's threat of killing the other makes them go ahead. Even then, there should be a lot of problems (e.g. impotence, dryness, awkwardness, etc...) at first.

Simon himself won't take part in any sexual acts.

I am playing Simon with Messalina as the helpless mother and Evggz the unfortunate son.



Yoc 10-29-2003 08:50 PM

The Intruder
It is after midnight.

He slowly turns the handle and the backdoor swings open.

"Pathetic!" he smirks.

No matter how much money they have, their home security is so cruddy that the most rank amateur can easily break in and steal their valuables.

Stepping in, he closes the door behind him.

He is wearing his nightvision goggles and he can easily see that he is in the kitchen. Having studied the plans of the house, he knows where to go to find the hidden safe where Sir Reinhold Fitzwilliam Fairfax, the owner, keeps his most secret/valuable treasures.

Minutes later, he is standing in front of the large painting depicting an old sea battle. Moving his hands up the frame, he quickly locates the hidden clasp and swings the painting open as if it is a door. As expected, behind it, inset into the wall, is the door to the safe.

How cliche!

Sliding his hand into his jacket, he pulls out a device about the size of a small calculator attaching to wires ending in suckers.

Placing the suckers onto the side of the safe, he switches on the gadget and watch it as it starts to scroll through a series of numbers. One by one, the numbers freezes until a larger number is shown on the read-out.

The combination to the safe.

Keying the numbers in, he soon has the safe open and he starts to rummage inside for one specific item, an item he has been (or will be) handsomely paid for.

Ah! There it is!

He has found it. A small CD.

Suddenly he hears a footstep just outside the door.

Is there someone outside?, he wonders though he knows that tonight. only Fairfax's wife and son are in the house. Fairfax is away on business and the servants are out celebrating the butler's birthday and will be back first thing tomorrow morning.

He hears the sound again and this time the door starts to open.

Messalina 11-02-2003 06:53 PM

Helene Fairfax
Helene sat in the big over-stuffed chair in her bedroom with her legs curled up under herself reading the latest Tom Clancy. Reinhold was away on business, the servants were out celebrating Jeeves' birthday and Max was in his room doing whatever it was that teenage boys did when they were in their rooms. In short, it was peaceful.

Normally, she would have been at the Historical Society meeting, but Caroline Sedgewick had rung up to say it had been cancelled. Just as well, she thought. Her schedule had been a whirlwind of board meetings and luncheons lately with the holidays fast approaching and plans being made for bazaars and fund-raisers, and she'd been feeling guilty about not spending enough time with Max as it was and she'd always tried to compensate for her Reinhold's absences.

Helene chuckled. If someone had told her eighteen years ago that she would be a pillar of society -- British society at that -- she would have told them to "take another drag man and get over yourself". Eighteen years! Sometimes it seemed like yesterday and others it seemed a century ago.

A budding actress, she'd met Reinhold at a party that a director friend of hers had given. He was looking for backers for his latest flick and had promised her a major role. Well, the role never quite happened though Steven had gotten his funding. She had become pregnant during an affair with the besotted Sir Reinhold Fitzwilliam Fairfax -- and got their son, Maxwell, instead.

Placing her bookmark in the page she just finished, Helene closed it and got up. Maybe she and Max could do something that they hadn't done in a very long time -- popcorn and a movie. She'd go down and make it before calling him. She knew it was late -- after midnight but she knew he'd still be awake and hoped he'd be pleasantly surprised.

Still wearing the pink silk lounging pajamas that she'd put on after realizing she'd be staying in, Helene was making her way to the kitchen when a noise from Reinhold's study caught her attention. What was that boy doing in there? He knew his father didn't like anyone in his private sanctuary.

"Max?" she called out. "Are you in there, Max?"

Not hearing an answer, Helene opened the door and walked into the room.

Yoc 11-02-2003 07:15 PM

The Intruder
Damn! It's Fairfax's wife!

Quickly darting out of her line of sight, he circles round so that he is behind the door.

"Max! Where are you?" she calls as she strides into the room.

Instantly, he is on her.

Grabbing her by the arms and mouth, he feels her freeze. Using the opportunity, he gently kicks the door close.

The moment of shock now passed, she starts to struggle against him but to no avail. Keeping her firmly in his grasp, his hand still over her mouth so she cannot cry out, he guides her over to the couch.

Standing next to it, he snarls into her ear.

"If you don't want me to kill right here, right now, I suggest you sit on the settee and shut up!"

Messalina 11-04-2003 08:44 PM

Helene's cry of alarm was muffled by a huge hand as someone grabbed her roughly from behind. Struggling to free herself, she felt his fetid breath hot against her ear. "If you don't want me to kill you right here, right now, I suggest you sit on the settee and shut up!"

Where was Max? Had he done something to her son? Who was this man? What did he want? Helene stiffened at his words, her own thoughts a jumble as she tried to figure out what she could do next.

The intruder suddenly released his hold on her mouth and gave her a shove that sent her sprawling onto the leather settee. Never taking her eyes from his, she sat up and glared. If he had even touched a hair on Max's head she swore she would...

"Do you know whose house this is? What do you want? Where's Max? What have you done to my son?" Despite his threat, the words just came tumbling out, fueled by a mixture of fear for her son's well-being and indignation at the intrusion into the safe haven of their home.

Sweet heavens! Maybe she shouldn't have mentioned Max at all! What a stupid ass she was. Now he'd know she wasn't alone. Helene's breath caught as she saw the doorknob on the door begin to turn.

Evggz 11-05-2003 05:38 PM

The Son
Name: Maxwell Reinhold Fairfax II
Age : 18

Description: A very good looking boy who has the same colour hair and eyes of his mother. Just reaching 5'11, his body is slim (not skinny) and is starting to fill out, his face still containing some of his babyish looks that his mother loves so much. He is, however, exceptionally well endowed when aroused (well since his mother has a large bust...;)) though he hasn't realised this yet and it is smaller than average when flaccid. Like most kids his age, he mainly dresses in jeans and large t-shirts.

Personality: A nice, quiet lad who likes to keep himself to himself and hasn't many friends.

History: Was named after his great-grandfather, Maxwell Reinhold Fitzwilliam Fairfax the First. He has been brought up in a household where the father is often away and the mother is very protective of him (possibly to compensate for his father's frequent absences). His private school has just broken up and he is home for the summer.


In his bedroom, Max lays on his bed with his headphones on listening to Victoria Beckham's latest song.

Looking at his watch, he notes that it has been a good five minutes since his mother has called out to say she is leaving.

Good! She must have gone by now!

Jumping off his bed, he grabs his video and heads downstairs.

This has been the first time he has had the house to himself since coming home from school. Now he will be able to play his sex tape on his father's home cinema system without fear of being discovered.

With the silence pervading the house confirming that no-one else is in, he is almost shaking with excitement by the time he reaches the living room door.

He opens it and walks in.

Yoc 11-05-2003 05:43 PM

The Intruder
"W...w...what have you done with Maxwell..." asks Mrs Fairfax.

The door then opens and Max walks in.

"Speaking of the devil.." he says he quickly steps forward, shoving the boy away as, again, he closes the door. This time slamming it.

"Mum?" the boy cries out. "What's going on?"

"Looks like this is turning into a little party." The intruder says he quickly pulls out a pistol and aiming at the pair of them.

"You, kid, go and sit with your mother. NOW!"

The bark sends the boy scurrying around the couch and into his mother's arms.

The man then, with slow measured steps, walks round to a chair that is facing the pair on the couch. He sits down.

Turning on the table lamp besides him, he directs the beam at his prisoners, away from him knowing that all they will be able to see is a shadow. He, on the other hand, can see them very clearly.

"Well. What am I going to do with you two?". He pulls something out of his jacket pocket and starts to screw onto the barrel of his pistol.

Messalina 11-07-2003 03:53 PM

She blinked and squinted as he adjusted the beam of the desklamp to shine in their faces, leaving him a dark silhouette in a chair. Something about not being able to see his face, his eyes. She was afraid for perhaps the first time since encountering him.

Helene wrapped her arms around Max as he joined her on the couch, her eyes fixed at the intruder who was fastening a thick cylinder to the end of a gun. She wasn't stupid -- she knew it was a silencer -- but there was no one within miles who would hear a gun going off. Perhaps he wasn't aware of that and she could use it to their advantage.

"Well. What am I going to do with you two?"

"Just let us go."

His laugh was chilling, raising the little hairs on her arms on her arms and back of her neck. Max moved closer and she gave her son a reassuring squeeze. "It will be okay, Max." she whispered, kissing him on his forehead, never taking her eyes from the dark shape across the room.

"Okay, then. Let my son go. I'll do whatever you like. I can give you money enough to get away. No one will come after you. We will never tell a soul. You have my word."

Yoc 11-13-2003 06:15 PM

The Intruder
Finished fitting the silencer, he watches with amusement the fear on both the mother's and son's faces

"Okay, then. Let my son go. I'll do whatever you like. I can give you money enough to get away. No one will come after you. We will never tell a soul. You have my word." the woman tells him.

He looks at his watch. 12:20am. Plenty of time for some fun before he leaves.

"Relax." he says, smoothly. "I won't hurt either of you. Provided you both do as I say."

The mother nods.

"Kid! Your mother looks like she could do with a drink. So can I, thinking about it. Go and get something from the drink's cabinet for both of us and get something for yourself." he adds. "But no tricks else your mother dies."

Evggz 11-13-2003 06:18 PM

He cannot believe what is happening!

Sitting on the couch in his mother's arms as he watches the intruder fit something on his gun. Max has seen enough spy films not to know what it is.

He's going to kill them?

The thought turns his blood cold.

"Relax." the man says. "I won't hurt either of you. Provided you both do as I say."

He sees his mother nodding her agreement.

"Kid! Your mother looks like she could do with a drink. So can I, thinking about it. Go and get something from the drink's cabinet for both of us and get something for yourself.....but no tricks else your mother dies."

His hearting beating strongly in his chest, Max pulls himself away from his mother's embrace and went to the drinks cabinet. He quickly returns with three glasses filled with white sparkling medium wine.

Gingerly handing one over to the intruder, Max quickly returns to his mother's side on the couch...

Yoc 11-13-2003 06:20 PM

The Intruder
"Ah! That's better!" he smiles as he sips the wine. "Very nice, kid."

Putting the glass on the table, next to the lamp; he places his pistol on his lap, the barrel facing them.

"Right! We, or rather you, are going to play a game. " he tells them. "I take it you both have heard of 'Simon Says'?"

They both nod, their expressions (especially the mother's) showing confusion.

"Good. Now you are going to play my version of it. The rules are simple. Kid, if I tell you to do something, you do it. If not, I will shoot your mother. Mrs Fairfax, if I tell you to do something, you will do it or your son will get shot." He sees their faces getting ever paler as he issues his threats.

"If the two of you play the game willingly, no-one gets hurts. If not, then believe me, I will kill the both of you. It makes no odds to me whether you live or die."

He waits for the words to sink in.

"Do you both understand?"

The two of them nod slowly.

"Good! Now let's get started:

Simon Says: Finish your drinks."

Messalina 11-19-2003 08:08 PM

Wondering where he was going with the game, she peered at the shadowy silhouette of the gunman who held them hostage. There was no other way of saying it -- she and Max were hostages and it was frighteningly obvious that it would take more than a few seemingly acquiescent words and a whole lot of fancy footwork to convince him he'd be better off leaving them be. And in the meantime...

Helene smiled encouragingly at Max and squeezed his hand. Wine. What she needed was a stiff shot of bourbon -- or ten. Well there'd be plenty of time for bourbon later. And there would be a later. Holding up her glass in a mock toast, she took a long, deep drink before setting the glass down on the table beside the settee.

One glass of wine was not going to affect her or impair her judgment or reactions. She did, however, wonder if it would affect his. She could only hope.

Evggz 11-20-2003 05:47 PM

Max sits there trembling, his hand tightly enclosed in his mother's

When the man tells them to drink their wine, he watches his mother swallow the contents of the glass and quickly follows suit. It almost makes him choke as he feels the burning liquid slide down his throat.

Gasping, he puts the glass on the floor.

"Not used to your drink eh, Kid?" laughs the man.

Anger flares up in the boy, causing his body to tremble. Anger at being laughed at. Anger at him for breaking into their home and threatening them, especially his mother. Anger at being so helpless.

He feels his mother hugging gently, trying to reassure him as if possibly sensing his inner turmoil.

"Never mind. Now, Kid, how about showing us the video you brought with you."

His seething anger suddenly evaporates. He just sits there, not saying a word.

"Oh come on, Kid. It's only a video. What harm is there showing it to us?" the man says, sounding almost friendly.

Max reaches for it.

"Come on, Kid. I haven't all day." The harsh tone suddenly back.

"Please do it." says his mother.

Having no choice, he throw the video across the room to land at the man's feet.

He watches with some trepidation as the man picks it up and opens the plain casing.

"Now let's see.......'Best of Interracial III'. Hmmmm. Not exactly your typical cartoon is it, kid?"

Unable to face his mother, Max pulls away from her as the man continues.

"Let me guess. You thought your Mommy had gone out and you thought you could come down to your Dad's study which has a projector TV and jack off to porn tapes?"

The boy feels the blood drain from him as he hears the man telling them both exactly what he had been planning.

"You should see the look on your mother's face, kid." The man says, laughing. "I don't think she expected her 'little boy' to do things like that. Isn't that right, mommy?"

Messalina 11-21-2003 08:16 PM

Helene hadn't noticed that Max even had a video with him when he came into the room. She smiled inwardly at first, thinking that the synchronicity was nice -- after all, she had intended to make popcorn and call him down to watch one with her. Before...

Frankly, she didn't understand Max's reluctance to show the man she was beginning to think of as Simon the tape. What harm would it do? "Please do it," she said quietly. It just wasn't worth him being hurt over a lousy movie.

Max tossed the video in Simon's direction, which he obviously caught by the sound of it. She wondered if it was the last Harry Potter or the second Matrix, both were out and she hadn't seen either. Given her druthers, she would have chosen one of those to watch tonight.

Simon's voice startled her from the mundane thoughts she was having despite their situation. "Let's see... Best of Interracial III. Hmmm. Not exactly your typical cartoon is it, kid?"

He had to be saying that to taunt her, but when she felt Max stiffen and move slightly away from her, Helene knew that Simon was serious. About the title of the movie, at least.

Simon kept on, spewing ugly insinuations that she struggled to shut out. Helene wasn't stupid or naive, but what mother wants to know that their child is sexual? And to realize that he was masturbating. She tried to hide her feelings, placing her hand gently on her son's knee and giving it a squeeze.

It was probably the same way Max would feel -- if he thought about it at all -- about her having sex with his father. Okay, maybe not often. Rarely, in fact. But even so. The thought of that must be just... yuck.

As for Helene, she didn't want to think of her son that way at all. Period. To her, Max would always and only be her little boy. Besides, maybe it belonged to one of his mates and he'd borrowed it out of curiosity. There was always that possibility.

Yoc 11-22-2003 12:51 PM

The Intruder
He throws the tape at the boy.

"Simon Says: Play the tape."

He grins at the sick expression on the kid's face.

He looks like he's gonna be sick!

But the boy does not move. The grin fades.

"Now!" he snaps.

Slowly, visibly shaking, the boy gets up and takes the video over to the projector/VCR. Switching both of them on, he feeds the tape into the video recorder and presses play button.

"And get your mother and yourself some more glasses of wine." as an image is projected against a whitewashed wall painted that way specifically for that purpose.

The boy returns to the couch with the two glasses and they just have enough time to down them (at the behest of the intruder) before the credits starts.

Since he can see his captives quite clearly by the light of the screen, he dims the lamp.

"Now, Mrs Fairfax. I want you to see exactly the type of films your son likes."

Yoc 11-22-2003 12:52 PM

Best of Interracial III
The credits give way to a young white man sporting a moustache ringing a front door bell. The door is answered by an attactive enormous breasted black woman clad only in a bra and a pair of panties.

"Hi, I'm the washing machine repair man. I believe your washing machine is broken?" he says, learing at her almost naked body.

"Oh thank God you are here. All my clothes are in it and I need something to wear desperately so that I can go out tonight." she says, her voice deep and husky, her eyes all over his body.

"Don't worry, Miss. I will sort you out." and he follows her into the house.

The next scene shows him walking into the kitchen. One look at the washing machine, he immediately knows what the problem is. "It's your crank shaft. It's stuck!"

"Oh dear!" she replies, "What can you do?"

"All you have to do is switch it off for a little while and it will become unstuck."

He walks over and pulls the power lead from the wall socket.

"Give it ten minutes and it will be right as rain. But I better hang around just in case it's not." He grins at her.

"Oh thank you!" she gasps. "I would offer you a cup of coffee but I have no coffee in the house."

"That's okay, " he says, striding over to her, "I can think of something else you can offer me."

And then they are kissing, their hands heavily groping each other.

Within seconds, their clothes are in a heap on the floor with the man enthusiastically massaging the woman's large breasts, while she is fonding his firm arse and semi-hard large cock.

Evggz 11-22-2003 12:56 PM

Max feels the shame burning his cheeks as he is forced to watch the action taking place on the large projection screen. Ever conscious of his mother sitting just next to him.

Since the video is being played on his father home entertainment system, the moans and groans of the couple can be heard quite clearly coming out loudly on all the speakers.

He glances at his mother and see that her eyes are on the screen, her expression completely unreadable.

Her eyes catch his.

"I'm sorry, Mum." he mumbles so that only she can hear.

He turns back to the screen.

Messalina 11-29-2003 04:28 PM

Helene drank the wine down quickly, as per instructions, though she would have killed for a bourbon. Blinking when Simon turned off the lamp, her eyes adjusted from the harsh glare of the bulb that had been shining in their faces. The room was still semi-dark, but the flickering glow of the projection screen as the film began to play allowed her to glance around the room, taking in objects and their placement. Perhaps...

She was mesmerized by the film as the scenario began to unfold. Helene wasn't naive, but she'd never actually seen a porn flick before. Nor had she ever seen an erection quite so large. She couldn't help wondering how a woman could possibly take...

Helene was so engrossed in the movie that when she heard her son's apology, she just automatically reached out to place her hand reassuringly on his leg without looking. Much to her horror and embarrassment, her hand came smack dab down on a bulge that could only be... Gods! Why hadn't she noticed that he'd moved when he sat back down?

Too shocked to even apologize, Helene felt her son stiffen and jerked her arm back as if it were on fire. It was an innocent mistake, but she prayed fervently that Simon had not seen. It was bad enough that Max was the innocent victim of her blunder, but she knew Simon would turn that into something dark and ugly if he'd noticed.

Helene wanted to vomit. She could only imagine how her son must feel.

Yoc 11-29-2003 04:47 PM

'Simon' the Intruder
Instead of watching the video (which he had seen plenty similar/better anyway), he watches the pair on the couch instead, enjoying their discomfort.

He watches the mother as she puts her hand on her son's thigh only to pull it away.

Why? Has the kid got a hard on?

"So, kid, this is the sort of film you like, eh? Do you like fucking black girls?" he says, continuing to taunt the boy.

"Or should I say 'would you like fucking any girls?' watching Max's reaction. "I think you are a virgin, aren't you, kid?"

The boy says nothing.

"Simon says: Answer the question! Well, are you a virgin or not? Well, are you??"

He sees a slight nod. "Yes" mutters the boy.

"So you never stuck your wick in anybody. You never shown it to any girl have you, kid? You would like to show it a girl would you? Any girl or woman for that matter. I bet you would even love to show it to your own mother. Show her how big it can get."

Evggz 11-29-2003 04:51 PM

The boy looks down mortified when he feels his mother accidentally touch the soft bulge resting on his thigh through his tracksuit bottoms.

He is even more mortified when it starts to grow large, his body realising that for the first time, a woman has touch him there.

Oh God! Please don't!

Then the gunman starts to tease him again. Making him admit that he is a virgin, causing his semi-erection to die.

"I bet you would even love to show it to your own mother. Show her how big it can get."

When he hears the gunman mentioning his mother, the boy explodes. All his frustration comes out. He wants to kill him.

"Why you fu..." he tries to get up only to find his mother holding him, restraining him.

Yoc 11-29-2003 04:56 PM

He watches with amusement as the boy tries to get up, only to be grabbed by his mother, wrapping her arms around him.

"Sorry, kid! Did I upset you?" he laughs. "Have I hurt your pride? Looks like you need a kiss from mommy."

He looks at the screen and see the man, who had been sucking one of the woman's breasts, moves his mouth back onto hers, his tongue plunging inside, entwining with hers.

Turning back to the mother and son.

"Simon says: Kiss your boy. But not like a mother but like the woman on the screen."

Messalina 12-03-2003 02:18 AM

Helene's heart leapt into her mouth when she saw her son start to jump up from the couch. "Max!" Her voice was low and even as she grabbed his arm and pulled him back.

"You don't want to do this, sweetie," she said softly. Turning toward Simon and glaring at his shadowy form she added, "He's not worth it."

Satisfied that Max was fully seated again, Helene continued. "Look, I said I would do anything you wanted. Give you anything you need. Just leave my son alone!"

She certainly didn't expect what he said next. "Simon says: Kiss your boy. But not like a mother but like the woman on the screen."

Helene was still holding Max's arm and she gave it a gentle squeeze as her eyes slowly moved toward the screen. The couple was in a liplock that would have melted an iceberg at the North Pole. She squeezed his arm again and held tight.

Perhaps it was the protective mother in her, but Helene didn't think as she spat out her reply. It was ludicrous! Disgusting! And she would not subject her son to such... "Now that is sick. What are you -- some kind of demented pervert? I said that I would do whatever you wanted. Not Max. Me! Just let my boy go. Now!"

Yoc 12-04-2003 07:40 PM

"Now that is sick. What are you -- some kind of demented pervert? I said that I would do whatever you wanted. Not Max. Me! Just let my boy go. Now!" Protests the mother.

This is going to be better than he thought, he grins to himself.

Looking at the television screen, he sees that the couple, for the moment, have stopped their fondling and instead have each other in a clinch, mouths working away at each other.

"Well? Aren't you listening to me?" The mother says again.

"As a matter of fact...no." He enjoys seeing her shocked expression. Evidently she is used to being taken seriously.

"I don't think you fully understand the situation." To demonstrate, he aims his silencer at an expensive looking vase and fires at it. The noise of it shattering causes the two on the couch to jump.

"Remember, not only can I kill the boy, I can hurt him too." H e takes carefully aim at the boy's legs, his meaning clear.

"Now, as a forfeit for not instantly obeying, I want you, Mrs Fairfax, to show your son that you can kiss better than the slut on the television set and only to stop when I tell you to."

Evggz 12-04-2003 07:46 PM

The boy sits there, terrified. His anger, which was raging a moment ago is now gone.

He can feel his mother's body against his as she cuddles him, feeling a little self-conscious when he realises what the gunman wants them to do.

He wants them to kiss!

He couldn't do it! She's his mother! And besides, he has never kissed anyone before. What would father say?

He finds himself shaking as he looks at his mother.

Messalina 12-11-2003 11:28 PM

Helene grabbed Max and held him close as the vase exploded, the sound of the porcelain shattering louder than the sound from the gun. If she had doubted Simon's intent before, she knew now that he meant business. Especially when he threatened to hurt Max. No matter what, she wouldn't let that happen.

Considering the alternative, perhaps it would appease this psychotic madman for her to kiss Max. Actors and actresses did it in the movies all the time. It certainly looked real enough to the audience -- and that was the whole point, wasn't it? Simon was the "audience" and they were the "players".

"Okay. Okay. Whatever you want. Just don't hurt my boy."

Turning toward her son, Helene wrapped her arms around him and whispered. "Just trust me, sweetie. Everything will be all right."

Turning them at an angle that made their mouths not fully visible to the man who sat in the shadows, Helene began to kiss her son. Keeping her mouth closed, she placed her lips against his, only slightly off center and hoped that Max would play along without adjusting their position.

Evggz 12-13-2003 08:32 AM

"Just trust me, sweetie. Everything will be all right." He hears his mother say.

He just sits there trembling, his body stiff, as his mother first gently kisses him on the cheek.

Then she moves his head to face her.

Omigod! She's going to kiss me! he thinks in disbelief.

Then for the first time in his young life, a pair of female lips touches his and despite the situation, the boy can't help what feels like a mild electric shock go through his lips which only gets stronger the longer their lips stay pressed together. Filled with a sudden urge to respond, the boy begins to tremble in his mother's arms.

Yoc 12-13-2003 08:41 AM

'Simon' scrowls as he sees the mother starts to 'kiss' the boy. He is not happy with their 'performance' - particular the mother's.

"NO! I want a kiss with passion. Use your tongue and suck on his mouth as if he is your long-lost lover!"

He slowly aims the gun.

"I won't ask again."

Messalina 12-20-2003 09:11 PM

This is so wrong! But I have to be strong for Max. Keep him safe. The perv just wants to get his jollies off. That's all. I can do this. Max will understand when it's all over and this bastard has gone. Thoughts whirled through Helene's head. There was no way to get around Simon's demand that they kiss -- not if she wanted to keep Max safe.

Glaring toward the silhouette of the man, she knew he could see the look of utter disdain and defiance on her face, and somehow that gave her a small measure of satisfaction. Turning back to her son, she placed her hands on his shoulders.

"You have to trust me, sweetie. Everything is going to be all right."

Max nodded quietly, his eyes wide and his face flushed. Pulling him close, Helene embraced her son and whispered for him to close his eyes. Once she saw that he had done, she brought her lips toward his and brushed them against his.

Use your tongue, he'd said. Suck his lips. Gods forgive me. I just want to keep my son safe. Pretend. Pretend it's Reinhold. The way you used to kiss. You can do this, Helene. You can!

Pulling back slightly, Helene looked at her son's mouth, seeing that of her husband's. It wasn't very different from Reinhold's mouth, she thought, as she slowly drew his bottom lip into hers. Max tensed when she did that and she brought her lips fully over his, murmuring into his mouth. "Just relax, sweetie. Trust me."

His quiet whimper twisted her heart as she slipped her tongue between her son's lips and began to kiss him earnestly. Just hang in there, Max. It will be over soon. I'm going to make this the best kiss that bastard has ever seen. Pulling her son closer still, Helene felt him start to respond. Good. Simon has to notice that. Maybe now he'll go and leave us alone.

Evggz 12-23-2003 09:22 AM

"Just relax, sweetie. Trust me." she whispers as she pulls back slightly, her eyes on his lips.

Then she is kissing him again. But it is different this time, her mouth is open against his, and he can feel something pressing against his lips. Almost against his will, he finds himself opening his own mouth and is then shocked to feel something wet sliding in.

It's her tongue! His mother is actually putting her tongue in his mouth.

He had heard his friends at school say that they have done this with their girlfriends (those who have one that is).

With one hand on the back of his head, the other holding his cheek, he can feel his mother's lips moving against his own, her tongue sliding to and fro within his mouth.

Despite himself, he feels a flush of excitement run through his body, making him tremble even more. Immediately, he feels disgusted with himself.

This is own mother he is kissing.

Nevertheless, he finds his arm snaking around her even as his presses his mouth against hers.

Yoc 12-23-2003 09:26 AM

"Great!" he smiles.

He watches as the mother starts to kiss the boy, seeing her tongue enter the boy's mouth.

He feels himself stiffening at the site.

"Now I want more passion." he says.

Messalina 01-12-2004 07:59 AM

More passion?? What the hell did he mean... more passion? Helene's stomach lurched, but she kept her arms around Max, not wanting him to become further alarmed.

Pulling away, she touched her forehead to his and stared into her son's eyes, whispering. "Trust mommy. You have to trust me. Understand?"

It broke her heart to feel him nod against her, knowing full well that the look in his eyes told her that he did not.

"Simon did not say stop! Simon said KISS!"

Willing Max to relax, Helene began to kiss her son again. Petal soft kisses at first. On his forehead, his cheeks, his nose. She trailed baby kisses all over his face until she found his mouth again. His lips were soft, pliant as she pressed against them. Gently at first, to build his trust. Then firmer. Harder. He closed his eyes when she slipped her tongue between his lips, his arms moving around her body. Holding her closely as she did him.

She wove love knots in his hair. Circled her fingertips around his ears. All the time kissing. Kissing with as much passion as she could muster. Please, God. Let this horror stop. Please.

Helene heard Max moan -- more a frightened mewling, she thought. But even then she didn't stop. She'd explain it all to Max later. She had to do this to save their lives. His life.

Evggz 01-12-2004 09:21 AM

Max feels his body shaking with perverse pleasure as his mother rains soft kisses on his face before reattaching her mouth onto his.

This is so wrong! he thinks to himself, tears in his eyes. Even as he feels his body reacting to his mother's albeit forced advances, his trousers starting to bulge with an erection.

His hormones momentarily taking control, the boy finds himself responding, forcing his face against his mother's even as his tongue intercepts hers as it re-enters his mouth.

Suddenly realising what he is doing, Max pulls away from his mother's embrace.

"NO! I can't do this!" he shouts, getting up to his feet.

Yoc 01-12-2004 09:25 AM

He is taken by surprised by the abrupt behaviour of the boy.

One minute, he seems to be enjoying his mother's attentions. The next, he is coming towards him shouting.

He gets up to react (though not before noticing that the kid is blessed judging from the size of the bulge in his pants).

"Sit back down!" he growls, raising his fist as he moves in on the boy.

Messalina 01-17-2004 09:59 PM

Helene jumped up to pull Max back, stepping between him and the maniac who was holding them hostage. "NO! Don't you dare touch my son!"

Turning to face her son, she placed her hands gently on his shoulders. "Max," she whispered softly. "Please? I don't like it any better than you do."

Helene let her hands slide down Max's arms until they caught his hands. Pulling him gently, she guided him back to the couch. "Sit, lovey. Please?"

Turning to glare at Simon, Helene hissed. "We did what you asked. Now will you go away and leave us be?"

Yoc 01-18-2004 04:21 PM

He smiles at what the mother says.

"'Leave you be'? I have just started." The smile fades as he leans forward. "And I suggest you carry on playing along if you want to keep your precious son."

"Don't talk to my mother like that?" Shouts the boy. His mother instantly pulls him into her embrace as she tries to calm him.


"That's better. Now then, Simon Says: Fondle your mother's tits."

Evggz 01-18-2004 04:27 PM

"Simon Says: Fondle your mother's tits."

Even before the gunman has finished, Max finds himself looking at his mother's billowing chest as it presses against him. For the last year or so, he has noticed how big she is.

Now this man wants him to touch them! He knows that is wrong. What does he do?

Looking up into her face, he whispers: "Mother?"

Messalina 01-21-2004 12:43 PM

The pleading tone in Max's voice was not lost on Helene despite the fact that she was angry. Furious, in fact. That, and more than a little afraid. Her son's outburst could very well have cost him his life. But that had served only to spur Simon on. Now he wanted her son to fondle her breasts, for God's sake! The man was sick. Beyond sick. He was a pervert.

The idea repulsed her though it seemed less intimate than kissing for some strange reason and she hoped for Max's sake it would be. Placing her hands on her son's face, she looked deeply into his eyes and whispered "We have to do this, lovey. Just trust me, okay?"

Max nodded as Helene lowered her hands from his face to squeeze his in reassurance before guiding first one and then the other to her large breasts. "There... That's not so bad, is it?"

The confidence in her voice belied the fear in the back of her mind. Her breasts were so sensitive. Helene prayed that her nipples would not betray her. She didn't want her son to be any more nervous or disgusted than he already was. This was going to take years in psychotherapy for him to get over.

Evggz 01-25-2004 04:57 PM

His mother's reply is to put her on hands on his face.

"We have to do this, lovey. Just trust me, okay?"

He nods as he watches her take his hands in hers, squeezing them lovingly before slowly pulling one down to her chest.

In the past, he has always known that she is 'big upstairs' but for the first time, the boy looks at the large bulges contained in her pyjama top, trembling as he feels his hand come in contact with one of them.

"It's so soft!" He finds himself thinking.

Then he sees and feels his other hand being placed on the second breast.

"There... That's not so bad, is it?" His mother asks him.

He shakes his head, his mind trying not dwell on what he is feeling. Something warm and soft under the material that wobble as he subconsciously presses his palms into them. Then he feels something starting to push into them, something hard and pointed. Startled, he looks up at his mother who he sees now has a funny distant look on her face.

Messalina 03-29-2004 01:47 PM

Helene felt her nipples stiffen under the pressure of her son's hands. Think of Reinhold! Think of shopping! Think of... But what about Max? Could he do the same? Would he?

"Max," she whispered. "Just think of something else. Someone else. It will be over soon."

This last she said more for the benefit of the man who watched them like a hawk from the shadows. "You are really sick, you know that? Why don't you come over here and do this yourself? Is it a bigger turn on to watch or is it because you don't know what to do? Come on," she dared him. "I can show you how."

For a moment she thought that he was actually going to get up, but that would have been too easy. "Don't make me warn you again. Just get on with it." he growled as if he hadn't heard a word she said.

"Close your eyes and pretend, Max. We will do this, but we don't have to like it. He won't win. You won't," Helene spat, the venom in her voice a sure sign that she would do, but not submit. She would figure out a way to get out of this somehow.

Yoc 04-05-2004 03:25 PM

He cannot help but laugh at the woman's outburst. He is not sure what he is enjoying the most. Forcing them to have sex or watching this otherwise respectable lady humilate herself in front of him. In the end, he decides it is both.

"We will see." He tells her. "Now allow your son to feel your naked breasts."

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