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gekkogecko 03-20-2020 12:14 PM

How bad is it in your area?
Yeah, the dreaded COVID-19. I'm in the Maryland county that is the hotbed of the outbreak here. 149 confirmed cases as of this morning, 51 of them in this county. Our restaurants, bars, local museums, etc, have closed, gatherings of 50+ people are banned, 10+ "discouraged", the local grocery stores are having "seniors-only" shopping hours so they can be less exposed to the general population, the local bus lines are cutting service to about half of a normal weekday, and if the buses get too crowded for the social distancing guidelines, threatening to leave people waiting at the bus stops, and the local government is therefor asking people to stop or limit "non-essential" travel.

gekkogecko 03-20-2020 12:15 PM

Oh, but I found the oddest thing, since I'm pretty much stuck at home:

Watch with sound. I believe that the occasional cow-like sound is a puffin snoring.

dm383 03-20-2020 02:31 PM

Most of the actions you describe are very similar to what's happening here in Scotland (and the rest of the UK too).

All pubs restaurants, clubs, cafes, cinemas and gyms to close tonight and not reopen.

However, apparently the Government will pay 80% of the wages of people not working, to a pre-determined limit; at least that will apply to workers with contracts. As for the many zero-hour contract workers, casual workers etc that isn't clear, nor is quite how, from where and when the people who DO qualify will be paid.

We are living in, um, interesting times indeed!


Teddy Bear 03-21-2020 02:06 PM

I think it's amazing how fast the jokes started. Seems like the very next day the jokes started and were all over social media. They say theres a joke about everything, I think they were right.

Wash your hands.

jay-t 03-21-2020 03:12 PM

I live in a small farming g town (10,000) pop. Restaurants that are open sIt at every other table otherwise drive thru only . Stores paper products gone can goods starting to disappear.no groups larger than 10.pretty much same as everywhere

Teddy Bear 03-21-2020 03:19 PM

gg, not able to open your url

gekkogecko 03-22-2020 09:29 AM

Yeah, now I'm having trouble with proper connection, they may have disabled it.

Ah well, here's a different bit of humor for distraction:

Coastie 03-22-2020 10:19 PM

Lots of small businesses and restaurants hurting in my area, Broward County.. They just made the decision to close all non-essential. They were open takeout / drive thru only not sure how this is going to effect that. Grocery stores are better stocked today than they have been. TBD on much.

IM1469 03-22-2020 10:34 PM

Only one county in central PA. has a few cases. Most cases are in the more populous counties in the western and eastern part of the state. However we have shut down everything locally even before the governor issued an order to do so. The big problem in the rural counties is the availability of doctors and decent hospitals that are staffed.

dicksbro 03-25-2020 12:20 AM

Haven't heard of any cases in our small town but Peoria has had 5 cases where people have tested positive. A lot of stores have cut back on hours (Walmart, Kroger, etc) and set aside early morning hours for seniors only. General "stay at home" rules have significantly reduced traffic on the streets. Churches and schools have suspended open services or classes although many churches have left doors open for people who wish to go in to pray.

gekkogecko 03-25-2020 06:28 AM

Our esteemed governor here has extended the close order to all "non-essential" retail. Fortunately, pet supply stores are on the list of "essential" businesses, so my leopard gecko isn't going to starve due to human problems.

I cope with gallows humor. And watching glue dry. In fact, while I was so engaged yesterday, a package arrived for me. It had:


I also cope by watching zoo web cams. Here's a list of zoos and aquaria with them:

dicksbro 03-27-2020 02:19 AM

Neat. I'll have to look more closely at that website. :thumbs:

Oldfart 04-05-2020 08:56 PM

Hi all. It's good to see familiar names still here.

The Great Indoorsing of 2020 isn't treating us too badly, the press have scared all but the idiots into severe social isolation. This means going shopping, medical stuff and other essential chores, but no congregating in groups, church services over the internet. Alcohol is available but limited. Movement between states is permitted, but requires a 14 day shut-in at a venue of the state's choice at your cost (with a repeat procedure to return). You need to have a really, really good reason to travel.

dicksbro 04-06-2020 02:54 AM

Hey, OF. Great to see you although it'd be great not to see all this virus stuff go away.

We're in about the same boat here, Some of the stores have early morning "senior" hours (1 or 2) to allow the most "at risk" group do their limited shopping. Fortunately our town (knock on wood) hasn't had any cases yet.

No church services (except online or on TV to empty churches); no sporting events; dinners out, or barber shops open. Nice things is, roads are near empty. Be a good time to go for a drive. While hoarding of toilet paper and hand sanitizers have reduced availability of those items, no really bad problems in our neighborhood.

In any case, hope every pixie is taking care and staying safe … and it was sure good to see you home. Hope to see you again in the near future.

gekkogecko 04-06-2020 06:44 AM

Idiot friend of the family:
"I've tested positive for COVID-19. I'ts only a mild case, though. I have no idea where I got it. I mean, I've only gone out to the grocery store, the pharmacy, the convenience store, the gas station. Oh, and my boyfriend comes over once or twice a week. J works in a warehouse, with a bunch of other people, they're considered essential personnel."

Not quite a direct quote, but accurate as presented. And this person has 'no clue" as to how she contracted COVID-19.

No, it's not just like 'the flu', it's not media hype, it's not being blown out of proportion. It's a fucking killer pandemic.

dicksbro 04-07-2020 02:21 AM

^^^ Amen!

IM1469 04-09-2020 06:16 PM

Had to go to the pharmacy today for wife's cancer meds. The guy in front of me was not wearing gloves or mask. However when he checked out he took a NOT so clean handkerchief from his back pocket, wrapped it around his finger and proceeded to enter his PIN #.

dicksbro 04-11-2020 01:47 AM

We've seen some of that around here, too, but for the most part … people seem to be trying to follow the rules and hopefully that's contributed to our not having any cases reported in our town (17K people 10 miles from Peoria) so far. Knock on wood. :)

By the way, my AV today is a replica docked at Peoria's waterfront of Columbus' ship "La Nina." Picture was taken back in 2007 when the ship docked here for a weekend.

IM1469 04-12-2020 06:26 AM

Driving back from the store I noticed a significant number of private residences that had a yard full of vehicles all visiting from out of state. Lots of cars in the area from Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, New jersey and New York. It will be interesting to see if the number of virus cases take a jump here in the next two weeks.

I was shocked to see that the indigenous tribes of the Amazon Forrest have been infected. That speaks volumes !!

Goofy 04-13-2020 09:01 PM

We's been okey dokey so far. Few cases around here, but so far wez been doin' all right.
Gotta admit, tho, it be lots better when dis ting is over.

gekkogecko 04-14-2020 06:11 AM

So now it's come down to this: mandatory masks in MD when visiting any of the places of "essential" business. Annoying to have to deal with, but it makes sense, and it's not as annoying as dying of COVID-19.

dicksbro 04-15-2020 11:50 PM

Actually, nationwide, the odds of dying of COVID-19 are very low. To be sure, even one is less than desirable, but I think most Americans (by far) will come out of this okay. Sure hope so, anyway.

Teddy Bear 04-20-2020 04:52 PM

I don't need any thing from Wally World or Shop & Shop or any other place. But I want to go shopping or eat in a restaurant, just about anyplace put house jail.

I'm up for parole pretty soon! Oh to be able to go just cause I want to.
I'm following all directions, staying home, the 6' apart, wearing a mask,etc etc

Want to sing, "free at last, free at last, thank God almighty i'm free at last!!"


dicksbro 04-21-2020 02:47 AM

Hope your "parole" comes soon. I do know the feeling about wanting to eat in a restaurant. Had that same yearning myself. :(

Oh well.

Now our stove has conked out so our diet is getting reduced. Nothing baked or broliled. :(

gekkogecko 04-21-2020 06:17 AM

Originally Posted by dicksbro
Now our stove has conked out so our diet is getting reduced. Nothing baked or broliled. :(

Now, *THAT'S* a serious problem. Any chance for a cheap interim replacement, until you can get a new one (and can you afford a new eal oven ?), like a well-ventilated camp stove?

dicksbro 04-22-2020 12:11 AM

We've got a two-burner hotplate and we're looking at getting a new stove. Hopefully, this will be a short term problem and we're not starving. Our son, about a week ago, bought a 2-pound sirloin steak that we fried up for us and two of our boys, and together with some herb seasoned potatoes and a salad, we had a real good meal. Nice of our son, too.

jay-t 04-22-2020 07:12 PM

When the power goes out we use BBQ grill had to use it for 3weeks because of an ice storm a few years ago

Goofy 04-22-2020 09:44 PM

^^^^ Not a bad tingl, cookin' on da grill, was it? Worst part be keepin' food and drinks cold or frozen withouwit' no refrigatator.

gekkogecko 04-23-2020 05:57 AM

If it's a power outrage in the winter, you can just stick things on the balcony/porch/what have you.

Goofy 04-26-2020 05:37 AM

Wez dun that, gg. Guessin' great minds tink alike or sumptin.

gekkogecko 04-29-2020 05:54 AM

Well, Maryland isn't among the idiot states that are rushing to lift stay-at-home orders. The original proclamation was for the "duration fo the emergency."

And aour upcoming primary, which was postponed to 2 June, is being conducted largely by absentee ballot-sanity in the midst of insanity.

dicksbro 05-05-2020 12:01 AM

(It looks very wet here)

gekkogecko 05-05-2020 05:56 AM

Heavy, humid air tends to limit the distance viruses can travel from a sneeze...

dicksbro 05-06-2020 02:32 AM

Sounds reasonable and good ^^^^. :thumbs:

I have been a bit encouraged because most folks in our town (at least) are wearing masks and keeping about 6" apart. Makes those that don't seem to care stand out in a crowd and most people give them a wide birth. Also encouraging.

gekkogecko 05-17-2020 10:17 AM

Well, our esteemed governor has lifted the state-wide stay at home order: HOWEVER,

there re other social restrictions that were enacted at the same time that were *not* rescinded. Such as no public gatherings of 10+ people; masks required, and hopefully, social distancing of people in the "essential" businesses that were allowed to stay open.

And local jurisdictions (counties, cities) are allowed to maintain the stay at home order for their residents. Several counties, including mine, have chosen to do so.

And finally, the governor has stated that if COVID-19 comes roaring back (as it is likely to do, with idiots not following the guidelines that they should be following), the stay-at-home order might be reinstated.

dicksbro 05-24-2020 12:35 AM

We had to go to the grocery store earlier this week (wearing masks and keeping our distances) but it was refreshing when a guy started to go in but was told he could because he had no face mask Good for that store. :thumbs:

gekkogecko 05-24-2020 09:41 AM

This. Tis is so wonderful:

I do wish they were also using face masks while not actually eating. But perhaps they are, and the photograph doesn't show that.

Teddy Bear 05-25-2020 08:03 PM

db,,,,, maybe look into getting a crock-pot? They're not very expensive. And you can make quite a few different meals. Also they don't put a lot of heat into the room. An with summer just around the corner that's helpful.

good luck

dicksbro 05-26-2020 11:38 PM

Got one, that's tb. They are great. :thumbs:

gekkogecko 05-27-2020 05:48 AM

They are so very handy, and if you haved one, simmer is just around the corner.

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