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Lilith 05-01-2002 02:13 PM

What are the personal possessions (objects, real, physical, animal vegetable or mineral) you can not live without? Those are your "necessaries"........tell us your top 3 please:D:p

mindboxer505 05-01-2002 02:20 PM

Weird.......i started to make a list and got to thinking......can i really live without these things??
guess my answer would be really just one thing......the friends i have here at pixies.....
you folks have gotten me through alot in the past few months and i dont think i could get along with out you ....
my original list......1. computer, 2. catfishing rod and reel, 3. study manual on bubushi...

Scarecrow 05-01-2002 04:54 PM

There are no possessions that I could not live without, I've been in situations where getting out with my life was enough(VN). Enough said.

vampeyes 05-01-2002 05:03 PM

my contacts (while I can technically live without them it makes it damn hard to see)
my music

Murphy 05-01-2002 05:07 PM

to plagarize , I mean quote, the Declaration of Independance:

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness...

Anything else is just a happy luxury...

Jizzlobber 05-01-2002 05:20 PM

...while technically I can "live" without almost everything as long as I am granted the basics to maintain physical processes ( IE: air, food, water etc.) I do have three things that make existance in this world at least tolerable and I would find continuing to live in there absence damn near impossible...

The first is the love of my fiance Anne, her support and tenderness have shown me three years that put the other 19 of my life to shame...

The second is words, in any form, if there is anything to rival my passion for my girl it is the love I have for language...

And the last is music...I can not go a single day without listening to at least one CD and I think the world would be a much more dark and dreary place without this form of art...next to language, music is the source of my spirituality...

sadora 05-01-2002 05:37 PM

On a much lighter note....

I find that it would be hard to live without
1. The rocking chair my granfather made when my mother was pregnant with his first granchild. I had the first grandchild, so it is mine, 'till I get my first grandchild.
2. My Dave Matthews Band- Listener Supported- DVD
3. My photos of my kids and loved ones.... my memories

This is my list of possessions, not people or animals, etc.

MilkToast 05-01-2002 07:09 PM

beer! (the darker the better please, make mine a porter).... ;)

seriously though... in the case of things I have... there really is nothing that I could not live without (physical posetions)...

funny, I really think that I am attached to a lot of my stuff, but in the end when I really stop and ponder it... none of it really matters...

now... where's that beer!

Dominatra 05-01-2002 08:17 PM

my sanity

my appreciation for life and love


xanne 05-01-2002 09:20 PM

Like MilkToast says, I don't think there are any material possesions I really can't live without (as much as I like pixies and my puter). I guess I could live without my family and friends, but would life be worth living then?

Lilith 05-01-2002 09:36 PM

OK you are all so sweet and wonderful but I was asking about your stuff..... I know we can all live with out our stuff but what 3 things (physical things, touchable things, inanimate objects) make it easier or you to get by..... those are what I call necessaries simply because they are not necessary but sure help!
Here's mine~
1. my cell phone~ if I could get it surgically implanted I would.:p
2. my excedrin~ taken in large doses accompanied by coke or coffee it is a wonder drug:)
3.my herb garden~ all evil demonesses are skilled in the art and it gives me intense sensory pleasures..... the feel of the soil, the sight of all the insects that come to graze, the sound of the fountain in the pond nearby, the taste of all the wonderful concoctons I make with them and of course the fragrant smell of the oils released by the plants as you brush against them......ooooh herbs get me hot!:p:D:p

So tell me about what helps get you through....

ASH 05-01-2002 09:38 PM

While I could live without these, I hope to never have to.

1. Books
2. my friends
3. music

xanne 05-01-2002 09:51 PM

Ok then Lilith, since you put it that way. ;)

1. My cellphone (never, never part with it)
2. My puter (otherwise, no pixies :eek: )
3. Coffee, preferably lattes

RandyGal 05-01-2002 10:22 PM

Hmmm I must be weird.

My list is more stuff I ABSOLUTELY can't live without.

Oil Of Olay lotion.

OK dig deeper RandyGal. :p

Let's try...



The five senses and appreciating them. *I'm counting them as one* :D
(that would be sight, sound, smell, touch and taste)

legend 05-01-2002 10:38 PM

tea, milk, cornflakes.

Lilith 05-01-2002 10:41 PM

Legend~well at least you will be able to make me breakfast:D

MilkToast 05-01-2002 10:49 PM

things that I do not really need but really like ;)

1. coffee... not quite an object, but somethign that I really do seem to need!
2. my car... this is one thing that I really do enjoy... it's not fast, it's not the coolest... but I just love to drive!
3. my radio (or at least some CDs)... I need certain types of music to keep me "sane"...

hey, where's that beer... what? you say you did not see it? what? you have a french roast coffee though? never mind the beer, thanks! :p

legend 05-01-2002 10:49 PM

Lilith - if i was with you, I wouldn't need the cornflakes! :D

scotzoidman 05-01-2002 11:21 PM

Stedy supply of The Real Thing....
My guitars
My stereo & all the cds, records, tapes etc. that go with it....

GermanSteve 05-01-2002 11:37 PM

My computer
my TV
my remote control

(would survive without, but it is difficult to live without)

BamaKyttn 05-02-2002 12:06 AM

1) A-J's Wheel of Fortune "Vanna" my first dog that was totally mine I love this dog more than my own life and when she dies within the next 6 years I will be so upset!

2)books lots and lots of em!

3) beef jerky, my comfort food

nutworld 05-02-2002 12:15 AM

Coke..the drink

Oldfart 05-02-2002 05:22 AM

Computer (incl Pixies)



Sugarsprinkles 05-02-2002 08:05 AM

This is tough because there are more than 3 things that I could name.
But I'll try to trim it down

1. My computer and Pixies...most especially a select few members
that I have become very close to.

2. Music - Can't live without it, it's like air.

3. HOCKEY!! - I go through serious withdrawl when it's all finished
for the year.:D

Lovediva 05-02-2002 08:06 AM

My Computer....

My sexual aids....:D

My Tim Horton's coffee.

jay 05-02-2002 08:30 AM

my mountain bike
my ghia (liliths ghia)
my tools

Ophelia 05-02-2002 10:42 AM

My guitar

art supplies


danziggy 05-03-2002 11:34 AM

would have to be

my music collection and a cd player

wine (pref red)

my computer..

Sternblade 05-03-2002 01:15 PM

the two i couldn't live with out would be

1. My wife, for showing me what true love is.
2. My daughter, that's reason enough
they both are the force that drives me in life

3. My friends

IAKaraokeGirl 01-26-2004 04:57 AM


1. The man who fills my every waking thought.

2. My children.

3. Orange cupcakes. :D

Cheyanne 01-26-2004 12:45 PM

Mt. Dew

Irish 01-26-2004 03:32 PM

1: Donna-(wife)
2:Colleen-(oldest daughter)
3:Kelly-(youngest daughter) Irish

Miles&Cassidy 01-26-2004 04:39 PM

Re: <Necessaries>
Originally posted by Lilith
What are the personal possessions (objects, real, physical, animal vegetable or mineral) you can not live without? Those are your "necessaries"........tell us your top 3 please:D:p

Not including my wife, family, dog, or friends...i would have to say:
1. My music collection
2. The Wok
3. Guitars

Miles&Cassidy 01-26-2004 04:48 PM

I replied without looking at anyone elses answers so I wouldnt be influenced, but now as i go through the thread i can think of about 10 things i would definitely "need" :D d0h.

coffee, tools, contacts, mountain bike, hot wings/tabasco, computer, advil, books...:D


WildIrish 01-26-2004 04:58 PM

My kitchen - for in the kitchen lies my therapy and my refuse. Um, not refuse as in garbage, but my sanctuary. Well, there's garbage in there too though. Oh whatever, you know what I meant!

My toolbelt - because everytime I don't have it with me, I need something out of it.

That dagger picture :D

Lilith 01-26-2004 05:08 PM


celticangel 01-26-2004 05:21 PM

"me" time!!!!!

celticangel 01-26-2004 05:22 PM

Dm suggests a spell check!

celticangel 01-26-2004 05:23 PM

cheeky git!!!!!

LixyChick 01-26-2004 06:56 PM



Pepcid AC

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