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White Noise 02-13-2006 05:52 PM

What do you believe?
Are you a cynic or a dreamer?

Do you think a monster lurks in Loch Ness or that it is just a log?

Would you stand in front of a mirror and say 'Bloody Mary' 3 times?

Are we really the only ones here or is the universe just too damn big for that to be true?

Does a raven staring at you through a window bring bad luck?

What do you believe in?

Pita 02-13-2006 05:58 PM

Are you a cynic or a dreamer? ~depends on what time of the month it is.

Do you think a monster lurks in Loch Ness or that it is just a log? ~Monster!!! :eek:

Would you stand in front of a mirror and say 'Bloody Mary' 3 times? ~Like I'm that stupid! :rolleyes:

Are we really the only ones here or is the universe just too damn big for that to be true? ~We are the only ones here and we need a lot of space because eternity is a long damn time and I never throw anything out.

Does a raven staring at you through a window bring bad luck? ~Don't know but will go close the blinds just in case.

What do you believe in?

I believe in the goodness of people and that chocolate is the most perfect food on earth. :)

WildIrish 02-13-2006 06:01 PM

Though I know I'm a dreamer, I really do think dreams come true.

I love the idea of Nessie...but I also love the idea that it could be a bunch of drunken Scots tricking us and laughing their asses off.

I have said "Bloody Mary" in front of a mirror, but in my defense...I thought I was talking to a really hot waiter. ;)

I hate when animals stare at me. That raven thing would freak me out. Don't know if it would bring me bad luck, but I'd definately close the shade! And check to see if my fly was down too. ha ha

I'm not so conceited to think that us earthlings are so wonderful that we're the top of the universal food chain. Don't know if that's cynical or realistic, but it's just what I think.

I need to think more about this and return.

PantyFanatic 02-13-2006 07:16 PM

Magic is only a mystery we don't have an understanding of.

PantyFanatic 02-13-2006 07:18 PM

..................... yet. ;)

Lilith 02-13-2006 07:18 PM

I believe in the infinite power of love and hate.

Aqua 02-13-2006 07:28 PM

I believe (know) if a Raven was staring at me through a window I'd start talking to him. If he didn't fly away that would just encourage me. *shrugs*

bare4you 02-13-2006 09:34 PM

I am a romantic at heart although there are those that will argue that point with me....but that is the great mystery in my life - why can't I show it more often I wonder :confused:

Oldfart 02-13-2006 09:39 PM


sodaklostsoul 02-13-2006 11:09 PM

I like to dream...........but I believe in what I see or is proven.

osuche 02-13-2006 11:20 PM

Originally Posted by Oldfart

Damn. Beat me to the punch.

Loulabelle 02-13-2006 11:37 PM

I believe in Occam's razor.

I believe that there are too many widely held beliefs in the world for them not to carry some weight.

I believe that a 'monster' is only a monster until it has been studied and classified as a newly discovered species.

I believe that the most dangerous thing to say in a mirror is 'I'm ugly'

I believe that it's highly unlikely and somewhat pompous of us to assume that we're the only 'intelligent' life in the universe.

I believe better a Raven staring through a window at you than crapping on your head....have you seen the size of those things?!

I believe that Lilith is right about love and hate.

Fangtasia 02-14-2006 12:45 AM

Are you a cynic or a dreamer? A bit of both

Do you think a monster lurks in Loch Ness or that it is just a log? Nessie is there

Would you stand in front of a mirror and say 'Bloody Mary' 3 times? After watching Supernatural last night....not a fucking hope in hell

Are we really the only ones here or is the universe just too damn big for that to be true? We are not alone

Does a raven staring at you through a window bring bad luck? Blah...toad turds

What do you believe in? Lots of different things

Booger 02-14-2006 01:06 AM

I believe in everything and nothing

Oldfart 02-14-2006 02:12 AM

It's OK Osuche, I think I believe in you too.

Steph 02-14-2006 08:14 AM

I believe in the power of ravens. If they land on your lawn, it's going to rain.

I believe you can jinx things by talking about them too much or too early.

jseal 12-31-2011 08:08 AM

Are we really the only ones here or is the universe just too damn big for that to be true? While this planet is the only one we know of that contains intelligent life, the universe is so large that the probability of other sentient species is, for all intents and purposes, 1.

It would be wonderful to become aware of extra-terrestrial life and marvelous indeed were it sentient.

Lord Snow 12-31-2011 09:59 AM

Are you a cynic or a dreamer? Cynic for sure. Dreams only come true if you make them happen.

Do you think a monster lurks in Loch Ness or that it is just a log? Nessie isn't necessarily a monster, just misunderstood or misidentified.....or both.

Would you stand in front of a mirror and say 'Bloody Mary' 3 times? Been there, done that. What was it supposed to do?

Are we really the only ones here or is the universe just too damn big for that to be true? I agree with Gallagher on this one. The reason aliens haven't landed here is because they know we're going to take them out, get them drunk, and run off with their flying saucer.

Does a raven staring at you through a window bring bad luck? Know, but I believe that in some way a raven is like a writing desk. I'm just not sure how.

What do you believe in? I believe that it's our decisions and subsequent actions that matter. We make our own destiny and should plan carefully. We only get one shot, so it should count.

Oldfart 12-31-2011 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by jseal
It would be wonderful to become aware of extra-terrestrial life and marvelous indeed were it sentient.

In a universe of millions of galaxies, containing millions of suns each, the belief that there is life out there is inevietable.

Whether the civilisations overlap ours is the big question.

jseal 12-31-2011 11:57 AM

Originally Posted by Oldfart
... Whether the civilisations overlap ours is the big question.

I'll take life - sentient or otherwise. Just imagine what an impact such a discovery would have on biology if it was not based on DNA!

If non-terrestrial life is informed and described by DNA, then that also is exciting, implying as it does that DNA is sufficient for life to arise on independent worlds.

I can only hope that I'll live long enough to be around when "it" happens. :)

Perhaps 2012 will be the year. :thumb:

Lord Snow 12-31-2011 03:21 PM

Nah, the world is going to end in Dec. of 2012.

jseal 12-31-2011 04:34 PM

I dunno, dude. It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.

PantyFanatic 12-31-2011 04:50 PM

The only thing larger than the universe would be an ego that makes us exclusive.

AZRedHot 12-31-2011 04:58 PM

I believe in coyotes and time as an abstract.

I know there is more to reality than we can take in with our 5 senses.

Oldfart 12-31-2011 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by jseal
I dunno, dude. It's tough to make predictions, especially about the future.

I make wonderful predictions about the recent past.

scotzoidman 01-01-2012 06:17 PM

I believe I'll have another cup of coffee.

citrus 01-22-2012 12:49 PM

"...cynic or a dreamer?" I got doubts about being a dreamer. Had nightmares over it

"...monster... or... ...log?" A fast, ugly, smart, very large serpent.

"...a mirror and say... ?" After 3 more bloody hail Mary's, couldn't stand long enuf to say it!

"...only ones here or... ?" Others? What? It's crowded already in here.

"...raven staring... ?" I'm a good aim with a slingshot.

"...believe in?" Right Now

Oldfart 01-22-2012 03:48 PM

Long time no see, Citrus.

Rhiannon 01-22-2012 04:08 PM

Are you a cynic or a dreamer? def a dreamer

Do you think a monster lurks in Loch Ness or that it is just a log? dunno if monster but something is defintely in the loch

Would you stand in front of a mirror and say 'Bloody Mary' 3 times?
No way!

Are we really the only ones here or is the universe just too damn big for that to be true? i think there are other out there

Does a raven staring at you through a window bring bad luck? never heard that but know i was told that wild bird in house is death

What do you believe in? i am believer in God and prayer and many different beliefs as i have friends that are buddist and pagan and everything in between so i am pretty open minded

Lilith 02-15-2012 09:14 PM

I believe if you lie about your accomplishments to get ahead you will eventually fall on your behind.

Oldfart 02-15-2012 11:32 PM

It's even worse when the false claimant gets the job, gets sprung in their ignorance, then management get you ( the rightful heir to the position) to teach the asshole what they got the job because of. If they just can't grasp it, it's your fault because you're not teaching them properly.

Been there, copped that.

PantyFanatic 02-16-2012 01:29 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
I believe if you lie about your accomplishments to get ahead you will eventually fall on your behind.

And sometimes NOT talking about some of your accomplishments can better get you ahead. ;)

scotzoidman 04-14-2012 11:47 PM

Originally Posted by Lilith
I believe in the infinite power of love and hate.

Interestingly, I believe in the power of stupid people in large groups.

And that power multiplies exponentially in traffic...

Oldfart 04-15-2012 02:43 AM

Stupid people are powerful singly, irresistable in droves.

I believe i agree with Scotz.

Lord Snow 04-15-2012 07:44 AM

The person is smart. People are dumb panicky dangerous animals. Though I'm starting to doubt that first statement.

PantyFanatic 04-16-2012 01:30 AM

There's only 3 perfect people. You, me and Jesus Christ, ................. and most of the time I'm not so certain about you two. :cool:

Oldfart 04-16-2012 03:11 AM

Brings to mind the old, "All the world is mad save me and thee . . . . "

Lord Snow 04-16-2012 05:52 PM

Which reminds me of 'The Hitch Hiker's Guide series with the guy that lives in an inside out house and calls the rest of the world the asylum.

scotzoidman 05-05-2012 12:37 AM

"In an insane world, only the truly sane are jailed, crucified, or labeled as insane themselves."

Wish I could remember the source, but I read that some 40 years ago & it stuck to my frontal lobe like a hair on a bar of soap.

Lord Snow 05-05-2012 07:35 AM

That plays in with something I've always said. "It's the people who think they aren't crazy who are truly insane."

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