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Lilith 06-18-2003 11:09 PM

What is it that turns you right off? Can be online or in everyday life.....

Here is but a sample of my 400 page list :D:D:p

someone who does not know me, imming me by calling me "kitten, babe" etc...

poor hygiene

being rude to waitpersons/cashiers

pity mongers

airhog 06-18-2003 11:23 PM

Smelly Pussy
And smoking

Ananke 06-18-2003 11:43 PM

Bad teeth.
People that dont keep clean.

Ananke 06-18-2003 11:43 PM

oh yea smoking is bad too ick.

blastpdb 06-18-2003 11:47 PM

racism, smoking, littering, rude fast food workers, close minded people.

rastapope 06-19-2003 12:10 AM

I agree with a couple of these...racism and pity are two of my worst turn offs.

Oldfart 06-19-2003 12:20 AM

People so far up themselves that there is no room for anyone else.

Passion Please 06-19-2003 03:35 AM

Arogance Hygene Dishonesty Opinionated People.. to name a few

LixyChick 06-19-2003 05:47 AM



Being pressured to "get a job done on time" when there NEVER was enough time alotted to get it done!!!!!!!

Which leads to.......STRESS!

Racism! And especially people who think everyone of their own race has the same opinion as they do as to their own racist attitude! Don't inflict your likes and dislikes on me with your, "Hey, did you hear this one" type of racist jokes!

Smoking......even though I do it doesn't mean I get turned on by it! *SPECIAL NOTE......I am the most considerate smoker there ever was*

Okra! LMFAO.......yep........It makes me cringe!

*EDIT FEATURE IN USE* Almost forgot....Pretense! When someone tells me something that couldn't possibly be true and expects me to actually believe it and gets mad if I don't and argues the point! I mean really ludicrous things like......"Oh yeah, I was on the pit crew in an Indy 500 race (never naming a driver) once........but my doctor said I shouldn't do that sort of work because it is too stressful for my ulcer's". All the while this guy is unemployed and has no marketable skills and has NEVER held a job longer than 1 month and can barely hold a gas station attendent's job (not that that's a bad job......just not up there with an Indy pit crew member). I actually had a guy tell me that one once.....which is why I used it as an example. But you know the type!

skipthisone 06-19-2003 06:25 AM

Jealousy, smoking, rudeness.

celticangel 06-19-2003 07:50 AM

bull sh*ters
inverted snobs
"more than my job's worth"
folk that park in disabled spaces who are not
mmmmmmmm, going to have a cup of tea to calm down!

FussyPucker 06-19-2003 08:31 AM

all of the above :D

BlueSwede 06-19-2003 09:52 AM

Racism, closed-minded people, littering, rude people, smoking, people who think they are better than others and treat others in that manner, poor hygiene. I guess I'd agree with everyone else w/one exception: I love okra! Just had some fresh, steamed okra for breakfast, in fact. :)

lakritze 06-19-2003 10:30 AM

Lilith,where did your black and red corset go? Not a turn off at all but a turn on.It was the first picture that greeted me when I came to this forum and it made me decide to stay.Great list of turn offs from all,agree with most,but will have to put out my cigarette when comming here.
Will have to add to list as a major turn off...Right wing political hacks.

Goddess_X 06-19-2003 11:38 AM

people with ugly attitudes

socks with sandals *someone should inform then*

turn on: confidently comfortable with who they are
turn off: convinced they are someone they aren't

judgemental people

Lilith 06-19-2003 11:38 AM

oh lakritze~ TY I still have it...just needed a change for a bit! You can come over here to the smoker's lounge...although I don't smoke, every one in a while an alcohol/ smokey flavored kiss can be a nice change.

lakritze 06-19-2003 12:04 PM

Pucker up Lilith.But I gotta warn you,my kisses are minty fresh...

Cheyanne 06-19-2003 12:07 PM


Whiners & Liars
ASL Checks in chat - you know, the ones who "pop-in" and that is the first thing they ask... and then they leave when no-one gives an answer.....
People who volunteer in order to gain recognition.. not because there is a need.

I am sure that there are more.. but I am trying to not be negative today.. ;)

fzzy 06-19-2003 03:57 PM

liars and bad teeth. :D

Euphemism 06-19-2003 05:06 PM

Attention whores.

GingerV 06-19-2003 05:31 PM

AMEN Cheyanne....getting deluged by ASL drives me up the wall.

My grandmother told me when I was very young not to simply watch the way a guy treated me on the first date....I was to pay attention to how he treated the waitress, the neighbor's dog, and basically anyone else he wasn't trying to impress. Man I owe her.

Other ones...smoking. Don't like the taste...never have.
Willful Ignorance.
Petty Cheapness.

And my personal favorite....running down your ex on our first date.

Summer 06-19-2003 11:43 PM

Originally posted by GingerV

My grandmother told me when I was very young not to simply watch the way a guy treated me on the first date....I was to pay attention to how he treated the waitress, the neighbor's dog, and basically anyone else he wasn't trying to impress. Man I owe her.

Ginger I was told to get the guy I am considering to date sloppy ass drunk and see how he treats me then.

Grumble 06-20-2003 01:21 AM

A lot of the above

asl I hate, "I say why did you call me an abbreviated arsehole?"

False people, liars

People who suddenly decide they dont like you and make you forever wonder why

Child molesters, child pornographers

BTW what is a NED?

stiffman 06-20-2003 06:10 AM


huntersgirl 06-20-2003 08:12 AM

Agree with a lot of the others but will add....

Sociopaths and Egomaniacs!!!!!!yuck!

Vintage Vixen 06-20-2003 08:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Going into one of their so called adult chat rms and getting booted because of my profile pic,which i might add has an adult warning.I mean WTF???

Sharni 06-20-2003 08:34 PM

Liars are my biggest hate

quisath 06-21-2003 11:10 AM

I have a Problem with Stupidity. ................ now that defineitly covers a Large Spectrum................ but it just surprizes me how little common sense certain individuals have........... Star status ........... and NOT.

rabbit 06-21-2003 01:21 PM

Stupid people rank #1 on my list..I have NO TOLERANCE for them.

Lying and deceit is item #2.

Other items:
rubbery scallops
dirty bathrooms
bad breath
obnoxious people
casual use of the word "friend"
cellular phones that ring in the middle of meetings

..I could go on....my list is long but my patience as it relates to them items on it is very short.



Lilith 06-21-2003 01:40 PM

ohhhh cell phones that ring in the middle of a movie theater...hate that!!

T-S 06-21-2003 01:40 PM

Originally posted by quisath
I have a Problem with Stupidity. ................ now that defineitly covers a Large Spectrum................ but it just surprizes me how little common sense certain individuals have........... Star status ........... and NOT.

the thing about common sense is it isn't very common ;) :D

babybunny 06-23-2003 11:20 AM

Smoking (please dont do it around me if you smoke :) )
Breaking Promises
Dirty House
Pride (which results in Arrogance, Rudeness, Haughtiness..etc)
Willful Ignorance

erc25 06-24-2003 02:11 AM

Turn off :
Close minded people
Nasty selfish people
People who talked badly about someone else behind their back
Bad perfume

"Oh I can't eat this, it is too fat for me. No I can't eat that either. It is too fat for me...... hmmmm chocolate/ice-cream, I gonna have one of that"

GingerV 06-24-2003 02:48 AM

Amen to the cell phones.

If someone's going out with me on a date, don't bring it.
If you bring it, turn it off.
If it has to be on, don't answer it.
If you answer it, you'd better be a vascular surgeon on call.
If you TALK to the phone instead of your date, you'd better really like the person on the other end of the line, cause I'm already gone.

dozer2025 06-24-2003 02:57 AM

Shit....Doesn't look like I'll have a chance with any of you any time soon...;)

Lilith 06-24-2003 07:22 AM

Amen GingerV!!!!!

I have see chicks out on a date just talking on the phone and their date just fidgiting!!!!

How rude?!

Cindy Kim 06-24-2003 08:32 AM

Being inconsiderate of people's feelings

Judgementalism (is that a word?)

Being thankless

Men in thongs - sorry guys, leave that to us!

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