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White Noise 12-01-2002 08:04 AM

A Story with Sea Chelle
It was a hot night. Too damn hot. I looked at my clock radio, 3.17am. A hot night in a bad hotel bed. Couldn't get much worse than this.

I had pretty much tossed and turned all night. I hadn't slept a wink. The air conditioner was on the blink. That's timing for you.

I sat upright in bed. Still a few hours until daylight, a few more again until the meeting. I was going to be primed for that alright!

Then an idea hit me, the top floor swimming pool. Not only would it be cool in the water but it was outside, maybe I could get some respite up there. Do a few laps to try and tire myself out. Sounded like a plan. Better shake my moneymaker into gear and get up there.

The lift got me there in record time. Surprising, no-one else was up here. Maybe it was just me, maybe it wasn't the heat at all, maybe it was nerves. Worried about closing this deal. I sat down on the edge of the pool and dangled my legs in the water. Just enjoying the feel of good ol' H2O against my flesh. The water was cool but not cold, not a surprise considering the heat in today's sun.

But lets be honest, the reason I was just sitting here dangling my feet in the water was because I was stalling. I wanted to see if anyone else would come up here. I had forgetten to grab my bathers in my haste to get up here and test my brilliant idea. I didn't want to get my sweats and boxers wet so I was going to skinny dip. Should be safe, after all, it's 3.30am.

I got up after I was satisifed that no-one else had come up with the same great plan. It wasn't that I was embarressed about my body, I just didn't want to get thrown out of the hotel for indecent exposure. I placed my clothes on the edge of the pool and slipped in. The water felt cool against my skin. I started to do a slow freestyle, enjoying the water passing over me. This will help me get to sleep for sure.

Sea Chelle 12-01-2002 05:35 PM

I lay naked on the bed, listening to the muted sounds of the city and the low hum of the air conditioner. I didn’t mind the heat, but sleep was still elusive. There was no real reason for my insomnia. My meetings had concluded earlier in the day with positive, even above average results. I had accomplished all of my objectives and them some. While those back-pats and the accompanying ego boost weren’t the reasons I did my job well, they were appreciated, and I looked forward to them. Despite all that I was restless, edgy—revved. That’s it. I was still humming, burning off the adrenaline rush of success.

Experimentally I stroked my own hand down the length of my naked form pausing to cup the full weight of my breasts, hovering over the planes of my stomach. I felt the slight, anticipated shivers of pleasure of my own touch, but it wasn’t what I wanted, and my fingers faltered before they slipped between my legs, to stroke the warm, slightly damp folds of my sex. I needed more than the good healthy orgasm I could give myself. I needed that breathless feel of being taken, of having lost control completely.

With a laugh I shook my head and rolled off the bed, landing lightly on the balls of my feet. It really was funny, me, here by myself in a strange city, in a nondescript hotel, wishing for a good hard bout of sex. “Not in the cards tonight girl,” I told myself as I looked at my reflection in the mirror across the room. I’d have to find some other way to burn off a little excess energy before I drifted off into sleep.

What did one do in a strange city at 3:30 am? Idly I picked up the hotel services brochure, thumbing through it, shaking my head at the idea of the nightclub, flipping past the local attractions. The sparkling water in the pictures of the pool caught my attention. I imagined the cool water sliding over my skin, arching my back slightly as I imagined the stretch of muscles as I moved through the water. Not hot, greedy sex, but maybe a swim was just the thing to take the edge off.

For a moment I considered not even bothering with a suit, I mean who else was going to have the sudden urge to swim in the roof top pool in the wee hours of morning? But modesty and common sense won out. I’d hate to cap off a very successful week by getting arrested for skinny-dipping in the hotel pool. The bikini was brief, and I chuckled to myself as I realized the black thong, and the small squares of material covering my breasts weren’t much of a concession to modesty. Enough to keep me from being arrested though, and thus attired I grabbed for my robe and headed for the roof.

The air was still warm with the heat of the day, and humidity kissed my skin making me sigh as I drew in deep breaths of the moist air. I stopped at the top of the stairs, growling a little when I realized there was already someone in the pool. I stepped into the shadow of the building, watching for a few minutes, hoping maybe he was just finishing up, that maybe I could still have the pool to myself.

As I stood in the shadows I watched the man in the pool, my lips curving as I took in the breath of his shoulders, the smooth muscles of his arms as he cut through the water. My interest peeked; I stepped a little closer, letting my eyes wander down the curve of his spine to his hips. It was just too delicious when I realized that my view was not obscured by even the briefest of swim trunks. “Well, well,” I murmured as I moved soundlessly down the steps to a seat near the pool's edge, “what have we here?”

RandyGal 12-01-2002 06:56 PM

......I'm quietly anticipating more......

very nice beginning! :)

White Noise 12-10-2002 07:22 AM

I have a confession, I'm a crap swimmer but right now I felt like I could take on Ian Thorpe such was the rythmn I had found myself in. Up and down the 25 metre pool I stroked, trying to tire myself out. But, and here is the kicker, I was enjoying the feel of the water flowing over my naked body and didn't want to stop despite being short of breath.

I was especially enjoying the flow around my privates. I suspect this has something to do with the fact that a couple of days ago I had trimmed all my pubes down to short stubble and shaved my ball sack clean of all hair. It felt great. The water flowing over me felt great. The feel of the light breeze kissing my butt when it broke the surface felt wonderful. I was starting to feel a lot more relaxed and, surprisingly, a little horny. I'm sure it had something to do with me swimming butt naked in a public swimming pool in the early hours of the morning. The thrill of being seen was a huge turn on.

I twisted through my stroke so that my manhood felt the cool air and rushing water at the same time. The way the water tossed and lapped at my cock and balls just heightened my excitment. The feeling of the water washing over my head, through my closely cropped hair and over my smooth chest also combined with the other sensations to cause my head to slightly spin.

I reached the end and tumble-turned and headed in the opposite direction. I stroked a little and then turned my head to catch some air and looked straight at a woman sitting at the pool's edge. I stopped immediately, water rudely interupted by my body going vertical, and stood upright not really sure what to do or say. I figured she had probably seen enough to know that I swimming as nature intended.

I bit my lip and was about to apologise when I noticed her attire. No hotel employee would be getting around in a robe unless they were sleeping here, which was possible but I doubted. I gave her a quick up and down and noticed the swell of her breasts pushing against the robe. I felt myself harden and quickly looked her back in the eye and gave her a crooked smile.

White Noise 01-01-2003 05:54 AM

OK, I'm opening this story up to all and sundry. I gather Chelle is a bit busy and I'd like to see when this story goes.

Should be interesting.

That\'s Miss Unregistered to you 01-06-2003 05:02 PM

He tumble-turned at the far end, and briefly I saw a flash of tight white butt reflect the moonlight. I but my bottom lip, to stop myself chuckling at the possibilities swimming through my head. What strange forces of nature had delivered two restless souls to this roof top at this hour?

Before I could entangle myself in internal debate on the existence of supernatural powers, he pulled up quickly, unable to hide the complete surprise on his face. Then composing himself, he managed a half-smile, refusing to let himself appear embarrased.

The boyish, coquettish grin broke me and i laughed, surprised at hearing it echo back from the city. Looking down deliberately I remarked " So it's warm in, then?".

White Noise 01-10-2003 07:58 AM

What could I do? Here I was, butt naked with a woman standing at the edge of the pool asking me if it was warm.

"Yeah, so warm I had to lose the swimmers" I responded, hoping that my quick wit might get me out of this jam that I currently found myself in.

The woman smiled and this put me at ease straight away. At least she found the situation amusing. If she was amused she wasn't likely to call security and have my ass thrown out of the hotel. After all, I had a meeting this morning.

I felt my whole body relax. This woman appeared to be cool about finding a naked man in a public pool in the early hours of the morning. For that I shoud consider myself lucky. I gave the woman the up and down again, pausing on her ample bosom for a little longer this time. Maybe my luck was in tonight in more ways than one. Maybe I'll get a look at massive bust.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll see more than just her tits.

"Just jump on in, the water is great" I told her, smiling.

Maybe tonight was going to be my lucky night.

That\'s Miss Unregsitered to you 01-10-2003 06:24 PM

Ah, not just a tight-arse, but a smart-arse as well! I thought, smiling. Well whatever tonight was going to bring, the situation was definitely looking up. As was a certain someone. Oh, so he had noticed how ridiculous my investment in swimmers was, considering dollars per square centimetre of lycra...

I considered throwing off the robe and bikini then and there, just to see the look on his be-dropleted and, I have to say, pretty damn good-looking, face. But then realised that we could have a lot more fun than that. Turning around I found a banana chair to drape my robe over and let it slide from my shoulders with my back to him. Not a sound from the pool. Yep - he's watching. The night air kissed my barely concealed butt and I couldn't resist giving it a little shake as it lost the the last of the lusciously fluffy cotton.

I strode purposefully to the edge of the pool where he was, sure enough, still standing and dived right over his head. I love that feel when your body flies through the warm air and then is suddenly wet and cooled and not breathing.

I sailed peacefully underwater as long as my gulp of air held out, then surfaced and swum strongly to the far end of the pool. I ducked under water again to let my shoulder-length dark hair flow out smoothly behind me and turned around.

"Yeah. It's not bad."

Sea Chelle 01-12-2003 09:54 PM

Sorry i've been so conspicuously absent...work and life have kept me hopping as of late...i'm glad some one picked up the thread....can't wait to see what happens next...

Hope that things will settle down a bit in the next few days....give me a chance to..ahh..get my feet wet again...*wicked grin*


Mistress Mala 01-13-2003 06:12 PM

Hi Sea Chelle

That someone was me. Now with ID because that slash that kept appearing with the apostrophe was starting to annoy me.

Glad you like the slow and steady wetward direction we're heading... come back in and play too... ;)



GusAspar 01-14-2003 05:12 AM

Is White Noise going to find himself swimming with Sea Chelle AND Mistress Mala? This is really getting interesting!

White Noise 01-17-2003 11:20 AM

The guys in the pub never believe me when I tell this story but I shit you not, this woman disrobed and, as it hit the ground, I ran my eyes up her shapely legs to her round but firm butt. If ever a thong had been designed for a woman's backside, this backside was it. It was the perfect shape and even I could tell from my position in the pool that is was rock hard, much like something else on me. She had a great thong butt and obviously knew it. The black garment sat perfectly and the waggle of her hips was a touch that I liked.

She turned on her heel and strode towards the edge of the pool. Her large breasts boucing as she walked, the small, tight fabric struggling to keep them in check. I hoped they would just break free and give me a glimpse.

She was good looking with a body made for sin. As she dived over me I wondered if her tits were actually fake as they almost seemed too big for her body. I quickly shook that thought from my head, what am I thinking? Her tits are too big?!?!

She was the kind of woman men fell over their tongues about. Dare I say it, she almost looked like high quality porn star. Great looks, firm bod, large breasts that defied gravity wearing next to nothing. She was hot, and she was swimming alone with me.

"Yeah," I smiled, "not too bad at all"

Mistress Mala 01-24-2003 11:35 AM

We both stood there looking at each other, practically at opposite ends of the pool. Our eyes were mirroring the moon's shimmer on the water... or was that a just a wicked glint?

It felt like we were strangers at opposite ends of a 12-foot dining table, fully laden with candelabras and about to feast on a nine-course spread. And with any luck, I thought, the metaphor might even become more appropriate. He certainly was devourable.

I leaned back and sucked in the hot night air, lifting my chest up just high enough for the water to lap teasingly at my nipples. A few stars were defiantly shining through the city sky and twinkling mischievously down at the cleavage staring back up at them. I was well aware of the effect it had on men, not that this one looked like he needed too much more encouragement. “What a beautiful evening” I murmured dreamily, and I knew I was living one of those perfect moments that I should remember and treasure away, so as to be able to recall it later at the pub with my (jealous but amused) girlfriends.

White Noise 01-25-2003 09:07 AM

Warm weather and water always make me horny. They just go so well together and spell sex to me. I had been horny before this woman had shown up, once she had removed her robe I was bursting with the need for sex. The bikini she was wearing barely covered her - not that that was a bad thing, as far as I could see it was a very good thing.

I watched her at the other end of the pool, exposing her ample bosom above the waterline by arching her back. She was hot and she knew it. Her butt was firm, her tits were huge and her face was enchanting. I wondered if it would look that way when a shaft was balls deep in her mouth. She looked too pretty to be a cocksucker but her body was made to do nasty things to men (and maybe women) and maybe I, and my dick, was going to get lucky.

She stood there, parading her breasts to the me and the sky, her head resting on the edge of the pool. I could see her nipples were hard and hoped that it was through excitement rather than the cooling breeze on her wet chest. Man, they were big tits. I had always considered myself a leg and ass man but staring at these was quickly changing my mind. I tried to picture what she would look like riding my cock cow-girl style, those large cans boucing up and down in time with our fucking, her long hair flying around her face as she whipped herself up into a frenzy, begging me to do her harder, faster.

My cock was bulging, throbbing at the thought. Do I move closer to her? She'll notice my hard-on pretty quickly. That might scare her off, maybe she is just teasing.

She looked at me and smiled.

Shit, I wish she'd make a move, then I'd know one way or the other.

I smiled back, praying her breasts would come free of the flimsy bikini top. Praying she'd want to play with my cock and demand I suck her taunt, massive boobs.

Unregistered 01-26-2003 06:14 AM

"Fuck! Is he ever going to make a move, or is he just going to sit there grinning like a Cheshire cat?"

I was pretty sure this sexy stranger didn't intend to leave the evening's exercise at just a few gentle laps of the pool, but then again, who knows? He could be a happily married man on a business trip indulging in a little fantasy of possibilities but with no intention to follow through. He certainly wasn't making his intentions clear.

Well, damn it, I was going to find out one way or the other. There was no point in letting this go to waste, and my girlfriends would never forgive me if the story ended here. Actually my pussy would never forgive me either because in the state it was in it wasn't going to let me get any sleep until it had been seriously satisfied.

There was no way I could read his face from where I was, so I started slowly side-stroking down the pool, watching his face the whole way. He was certainly showing no intention of resuming the beautiful rhythm he had attained earlier, and watched me the whole way too.

I stopped right in front of him where I could get a closer look. Unashamedly I let my eyes go for a bit of a wander, after all, he'd made no secret of mentally undressing me, (though I realise that didn't require a whole lot of effort given what I was wearing).

I knew I'd like what I saw. Beautifully rounded shoulders with football player biceps. They didn’t scream, “I pump too much iron and am a vain cock-head” though, just that he was a damn healthy specimen of a man, who probably played sport with his mates on the weekend. His body reminded me of a Karate Sensei I once dated. (Now he was indeed sensational… and the ways he could bend his body… but I digress). His hair was all spiky and dishevelled from the water and made his cute freckles even cuter. I think he knew he had a charming face, because he was just giving me an innocent, boyish look which just made you want to turn it into a hungry, nasty, passionate, thrusting one. His best features though, were his intense blue eyes. They were watery and shimmery as the pool, yet deep and thoughtful and framed by gorgeous dark wet lashes. Many women have sailed to their peril enchanted by those eyes, I thought.

I pretended to be distracted by something at the edge of the roof, and let my eyes slip back to his pecs. Was that his heartbeat I could see, or was I imagining it? I played hopscotch with my eyes jumping down his six-pack, and oh yes, I hadn’t been wrong earlier; I was pretty sure it wasn’t that big when the water was cold. Well that at least was a good sign.

He still hadn’t said anything, but I think he was amused at how unabashed I was in checking him out. Lines like “So, do you come here often?” raced through my head, but I didn’t like the sound of any of them, and he looked too classy for that kind of crap, so I just looked back up and arched a saucy eyebrow at him.

Mistress Mala 01-26-2003 06:17 AM

(Stupid puter. I was logged in!)

White Noise 01-27-2003 12:31 AM

She wasn't shy in checking me out. I never really considered myself to have a great body but, now that I thought of it, I had never heard a complaint either. I looked at her, looking at me. Now that she was closer I noticed more than just her massive bust or firm, toned butt. She had a nearly flawless face and a smile to stop men in their tracks. She also looked younger than I first thought, not that I was going to ask her age. I've learned from experience that women don't want to discuss that issue.

She lingered on my cock which was now fully erect. I hoped she liked what she saw but I certainly liked what I saw. I returned the favour and looked back at her spectular breasts. Yessir, I had been turned into a tit man just like that. The material hardly covered her impressive rack and I could see her erect nipples even more clearly than before. They looked so squeezable and suckable. I wondered if she shaved her pussy? I wondered if she would freak out over my shaved ball sack?

The fact that she had moved over really was the only sign I required but still...what if this was some classical tease? God knew she had the body to tease with. I was stuck, what to do? Then I was hit with an idea. An idea so crazy that it would tell me what I needed to know with a second.

"So, do you like what you see?" I asked the woman as I gripped my hard shaft in my left hand and gently started to stroke it. It felt so good and my cock felt so hard.

Now I'd find out what sort of woman I was dealing with once and for all.

Mistress Mala 01-27-2003 03:26 PM

“Well, actually, not really.”

I said sincerely apologetically, as I looked up. I allowed a few seconds for the shock to register on his sweet, surprised face.

“What I would prefer to see”, I said slowly and emphatically, “is someone else’s hands on that.”

OK, OK, so I’m a cruel bitch. Sometimes, (actually most times), I say first and think later. But his sudden smile and sigh of relief told me I was dealing with someone with a sense of humour, and just in case I needed to make up for my evil little joke, I slid my right hand under the water and slipped it under his. Oh yeah. This boat had a rudder alright. This was no partial erection, it was gorgeously hard and bulging and pointing right at me. Not quite realising what I was doing I started gently running my hand up and down, feeling the flow of the water between his skin and mine. It was just instinct with this cock, I tell you. It was so smooth and confident, I knew instantly I wanted to play with it. Especially when my hand found the base of his shaft, and there wasn’t a single hair to get caught up in.

Awesome. I knew there’d been a reason why I’d shaved that morning. I thought it was just because it made me feel like more of a power-pussy in meetings, (which had worked, incidentally), but here it was about to prove even more fruitful. I couldn’t wait for the feel of the cool water on our hot bare skin…

I started to get a little carried away imagining how the night would progress, when I remembered that I had just grabbed a naked stranger’s cock after having exchanged about two sentences with him, and was suddenly considering the evening a fait accompli. Oops. I hope he didn’t mind. I ran my hand back up his shaft, and put a stop to my intrusive behaviour.

“Sorry about that.” I said with fake guilt and a grin. “I just couldn’t help myself.”

White Noise 02-02-2003 12:54 AM

I gently moved in time with her hand. I could tell that she had handled cocks before, the way she stroked me was evidence enough that she enjoyed giving plenty of hand jobs before she had gripped hold of me.

And then she stopped. Good God. She dressed like a tease and behaved like a tease. Maybe I should leave, take my budging hard-on back to my room and finsh the job myself. Then I looked down from her face and was transfixed by her amazing breasts again. God, if nothing else I had to get a look at them without the bikini top. They'd give me wanking fantasies for a couple of weeks. Those firm, large mounds of flesh and those rock hard nipples. I felt my cock pulse again.

Well, if it's games she wants, it's games she'll get.

I swam away from her to the other end of the pool and then turned back to face her.

"Do you like games?" I asked

She just smiled at me, a smile that just dripped with sex appeal. God I wanted this woman bad.

"Get those titties out," I half demanded, knowing it was still delicate, "after all, it is only fair that we get on a level playing field here"

White Noise 02-08-2003 10:32 PM

The man peered through his telescope and panned around the buildings. It was early morning and he hadn't really expected to see anything. After all, he hadn't bought this thing to look at the stars! But it was so bloody hot tonight. He thought he'd have a look around, he'd never actually seen anything amazing in the 2 years he had the telescope and had to admit that he was a little disappointed. Big town like this and all he'd ever seen was the odd naked body. Never seen anyone actually doing anything, just the occasional pair of breasts or limp todger. The only excitment he had ever got was seeing a guy jerk off in front of the TV - god only knows what he had been watching but he had cum in about 30 seconds. Not that the man actually enjoyed watching another bloke spank the monkey but that was the best this telescope had provided.

He noticed some movement on the hotel roof, hello, what did we have here? He panned the telescope to the rooftop and couldn't believe his luck. A guy and a girl were swimming around. Yeah right, swimming around at 3.53am in the morning. Something was up and he bet it was the swimming man's cock. He focused on the woman - holy shit, what a total stunner. Raven black hair and a body for sin.

"Get about of the water you dirty tart" the guy said to himself.

He wanted to get a better look at this babe's body. He could only make out the top half but what a top half! She had massive tits that bulged in the bikini top. The peeping tom was bulging himself. This was what he had been looking for. He started to rub his hardening cock, hoping that some action was about to happen. Hoping that he'd get a look at those amazing cans! Hoping he'd get to blow his load over the window he was looking through.

Mistress Mala 02-11-2003 08:35 AM

All of a sudden he darted away and swam to the other end of the pool. Gulp. Maybe I had scared him away by being so full on. But then I remembered how he had rocked gently in time with my hand, and that brief look of satisfaction on his face… he hadn’t hated it.

“Do you like games?” he asked, and I smiled, realising at last that he did want to play. Excellent. I adore this type of guy. Sexy, horny, smart and not prepared to roll over, beg and play dead every time someone flashes him a bit of breast. I was beginning to want him badly. Who knows what a body like that could do to a girl? Especially on a hot night in a strange city. I was primed for some very, long, hard, anonymous and fucking fun sex. Who knows what his fantasies could be? Or what proclivities could lie behind the twinkling of his eyes? But with that one line, I knew I was going to find out the very best way.

If that wasn’t enough to send reverberations through my wet pussy, he followed it up with, "Get those titties out," in a polite kind of a commanding way. He then rationalised, "after all, it is only fair that we get on a level playing field here". Sweet. He knows what he wants, and is prepared to ask for it without sounding like a prick. I was liking him more and more.

Of course that didn’t mean I was going to play by his rules.

“Oh.” I said innocently, as I started moving towards him. “I didn’t realise there was a dress code”. “But if there is”, I said between strokes as I drew nearer and nearer, “who’s going to enforce it?”

Now there was an open invitation, if ever I’ve heard one. We were at the shallow end of the pool and close enough to hear each other’s breathing. Was that the swimming, or anticipation that was quickening its pace? I stood on the balls of my feet, ready to spring away from him should he suddenly decide to take me up on my offer. ‘He can catch me if he can’.

Unregistered 02-11-2003 08:54 AM

Tim readjusted the focus just to make sure he was getting the clearest picture possible. Her tits were showing large and clear, but he couldn’t quite make out if her nipples were hard or not. He laid a quiet bet with himself that they were. Which reminded him of his partner in crime, Andre, sleeping quietly in the next room. Should he wake him up? Andre would love this, and he was always taking the piss out of Tim for the poor investment the telescope had been.

Then again, he thought, they’re my discovery and the many hours I’ve spent waiting for them has earned me a bit of time to enjoy them for myself. Afterall, there was only one eyepiece to go round.

Tim unbuttoned his army pants and let a warm hand slide into his Y-fronts, as the woman worked her way closer and closer to that lucky bastard…

White Noise 02-12-2003 07:44 AM

She had swam right up to me and then issued a challenge. The question now was, do I take her up on the offer to "enforce the dress code" or do I throw her another curve ball? The sexual tension was building and building all the time. It was all I could do to keep my hand off my throbbing cock. I had never wanted to dick a woman as badly as I wanted to fuck this girl. Those sweet, juicy breasts. That firm, round ass. My breath caught as I pictured her lips wrapping around the head of my cock while she looked up into my eyes.

God, I had to have this woman. But the game was so much fun. I was getting turned on by the thought of making her undress for me. I remembered the feel of her hand on me and it made my cock throb. What would the guys say if I didn't bend this woman over?

I placed my hands on the pool's edge and lifted myself up, exposing myself to her. My cock sat proudly, bolt upright waiting to pleasure and be pleasured. She was no more that a metre and a bit away and her eyes quickly trailed down my chest and abs to my fun stick. For a brief moment I felt that the woman in the pool wasn't the only one looking at me, at us, but then I saw her chest heave and the feeling passed. Her large, round tits lifted above the waterline and her nipples poked at the sheer, wet fabric. They proved to me that the wetness between her legs wouldn't be just from the water.

I looked down at my hard cock and then at her.

"I've shown you mine. Now how about you show me yours?"

Mistress Mala 02-13-2003 04:26 AM

I was ready to swim my hardest to get away from him if he made any sudden move, but instead of a crash tackle he placed his strong hands on the edge of the pool and glided effortlessly upwards. Droplets of water slid down his impressive torso, collecting at the base of that… simply magnificent dick. I had to have it in me, gently in control or slamming into me in a mad frenzy – I was beyond caring. It was begging to show me its wondrous powers as it sat there hard straight, and well, cocky. I’m not kidding, I mean I’ve always been a bit of a fan of the cock and its work, but it’s no secret that there’s some pretty gnarled looking ball sacks getting around. No this one. It was smooth and hairless, and absolutely bulging with cum. ‘I’ll have to tread carefully’, I mentally noted, ‘I don’t want to go wasting all of that in a hurry’.

Unfortunately though, the head was saying one thing and the shameless hussy between my legs was saying something else. She was getting impatient and subconsciously my hand drifted towards my bikini bottom under the water – until I realised that from where he was he would be able to see everything if I took the plunge. Damn I wanted this guy. It would be so easy to call an end to the frivolities and get down to business, but the game was so delicious, and it was helping me unwind from all the negotiating tactics that had been required in meetings the day before.

I ducked underwater, and with one tug at the strings removed my bikini top. I could see his legs dangling over the edge and moved in between them. Then I held my tiny bikini top straight up in my right hand so he would see that first as I emerged, and came up slowly between his legs. Just as I’d guessed, this brought my bare tits right up to his cock and nestled it snugly in my cleavage.

“There you go. Two for the price of one.”

White Noise 02-14-2003 06:04 PM

I smiled as I looked down to her face. She had done just what I had hoped she would do. Not only did she look great but we appeared to be on the same wavelength.

"Very nice" I said, enjoying the sight of my cock being embraced by her massive breasts. I reached down and gently fondled her tits, squeezing them and pushing them together to squeeze my dick. They weren't fake. Huge, firm but not fake. I must admit, that surprised me.

The woman titled her head back with a grin that would have put the Cheshire Cat to shame. She obviously enjoyed having her breasts touched. I fingered one of her hard nipples and she shuddered slightly. The foreplay had made us both very toey. I wanted to just bend her over right now and slam fuck her with every bit of force that I could muster until I blew so much cum inside her wet pussy that she overflowed.

But that would be an anti-climax to what we had achieved here. This was going to be a slow burn and was knew I had to be on my game. I didn't what to blow my load within 5 minutes...even though that would be very easy with a woman as fine as this.

I slide back down into the pool so that I had better access to her bosom. I took her right tit into my hungry mouth and started to gently suck on it, teasing the rock hard nipple with my tongue. I moved my hands down her sides and cupped her toned ass cheeks in both hands. Damn, this woman was fit! I squeezed her ass and suck her tit hoping it wouldn't be too long before my johnson was in her expert hands again.

White Noise 03-01-2003 06:56 AM

Tim adjusted the focus again and then returned his hand to his bulging cock. He licked his lips, it looked like he had finally struck pay-dirt and was going to see a couple fuck each other, in the last place he would have expected. After all, while he had had a bit of a perve on the hotel pool in the past most of the people had been middle aged men and woman with sagging breasts and big beer guts.

But these two, they were hot. Even from this distance Tim could see the woman was stacked and he had even caught a glimpse of the guy's cock when he sat on the edge of the pool and let the girl massage it with her tits.

At the moment they were in the water, the guy sucking one big tit with gusto and Tim guessed that the woman, who certainly looked to be enjoying his work, must have had his cock in at least one hand.

Tim stroked the length of his erect penis. While this scene was good he wanted them out of the pool so he could see them fuck each other. He wanted to see their hard bodies met in a hot and sweaty sexual union that he knew they could muster. It was fate that two good looking people would meet like this.

He heard a sound from the other room.

White Noise 03-14-2003 05:20 AM

I was going crazy, I wanted my cock stroked by hand or mouth so badly but I was enjoying sucking this impressive tit and feeling this hot butt. I hooked my fingers under the fabric of her thong and started pushing it downwards. It seemed that we were thinking the same as she helped me remove the garment without me having to remove my hungry mouth from her hard nipple.

She used the water to her advantage and balanced on one toned leg to remove the other and then swapped over. I moved my hand from her ass to her pussy and was thrilled to find it smooth and hairless - it felt like it had been freshly done. I ran a finger along her sex and heard her moan. Just as I thought, she was wet, really wet as I inserted a finger. She started to slowly ride my digit as I continued to work her rack. Man cock throbbed, I had never sucked on tits so big and firm before. How could something like this happen? It was like a bad porn movie but this woman was like the best porn star I'd ever seen and she was now reaching for my hard prick as I fingered her hairless cunt.

I could feel more blood pumping into my hard cock as she clasped a hand around it. She gripped me at the base and started to slowly work it up and down. She had handled cocks before, that was obviously. I removed my mouth from her love bags and looked at her. We both smiled and groaned as we worked each other's organs.

"That feels so good" I told her

"Mmmmm" she replied, sucking on her lower lip.

"Work me with both hands" I told her

She gripped the upper part of my hard-on with her free hand and smiled as she increased her tempo. I moved in time with her as I inserted another finger into her tight hole.

She tilted her head back so that her hair floated out behind her back in the water and her tits thrust upwards.

She was so hot and she was pulling my dick. Her tits firm and big, her pussy wet and smooth.

How was I not going to cum quickly?

Sea Chelle 03-25-2003 07:22 PM

Good God...My body was screaming as we worked each other. The heat of his silky-hrad cock in my hands, the cool water swirling around our bodies, lapping at me like tongues as his fingers moved in and mout, my tight cunt gripping them, sucking them deep. "Fuck...Fuck...Fuck..." I groan the word as I pull at his cock, feeling him shudder, our breathing ragged. I feel his balls tighten and shake my head, unable to produce the wrods, but not wanting to waste his cum in the water of the pool. My fingers stop their stroking, and i ring thumb and forefinger around the base of his cock, squeezing hard, not letting up when i feel him wince a little.

His teeth sink into my shoulder as i growl, "Not yet...you can't cum yet...". His answering growl is more feral than mine, and when he raises his head I can see the slight smear of blood on his bottom lip. Only then do I realise he broke the skin when he nipped hard into my shoulder.

His eyes are wild, and by the way he gazes at me, I know mine must be too. His fingers are buried in me, hooked in my wet cunt, pulling me toward him by my pussy..."You're a wicked little slut aren't you honey." His voice has smoothed a little a knife edged with honey, but there is pleasure in his eyes as I arch into him and moan.

"No, I don't want to cum yet, but you will," his words are rough against my ear as he fingers me working my cunt, his palm rubbing over my clit as his free hand yanks my fingers from his dick. "You're going to cum so many times tonight you won't be able to walk in the morning." He smiles as I shudder, my hands gripping his slippery wet shoulders for purchase. For the moment I give my body to him, the orgasm threatening to erupt in me stealing my breath, but even as color exlodes in my head as the pleasure begins to release in grinding waves deep inside my body I'm thinking of what it will look like, how he'll groan when its his dick he's ramming into my tight little hole.

(I told you I'd be back sooner or later) ~C~

White Noise 03-30-2003 07:42 AM

She had straddled my fingers, groaning with pleasure as I insert another digit. By the time she has her hands gripping my shoulders and her legs around my waist I have three fingers buried deep inside her and I'm thrusting them in and out of her nude mound like a jackhammer. I can feel her tightening her grip, her cunt muscles working in time with my fingers, her grip is strong, her sex silky to touch. I want to bury my length inside her but also want to build up to my own orgasm. When it comes, I want it to come hard and long.

I look down and watch her huge tits bouce in time, creating small waves, the nipples hard and dark brown. I love watching tits during sex, watching them, feeling them, sucking them. It makes me so hard and hot. Actually, pretty girls with porn star bodies moaning loudly while I finger bang them also makes me hot! My cock is throbbing and all the action it has seen so far is a hand. As she bit her lower lip as I thrust into her again I wondered if she sucked cock well. As she closed in on her climax I hoped that I would soon find out.

White Noise 04-17-2003 07:38 AM

Any other ladies like to continue this story with me?

White Noise 04-25-2003 06:21 PM

Sorry gang - this can't really be written without input from others and it has had a long, drawn out death.

If anyone was interested in it - we fucked, the end. *LOL*

Seriously, I think it fell victim to the main writers getting bored with it and not having the time to finish it off, it kinda lost it's tempo didn't it?

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