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-   -   Top ten reasons, 80's vs. 90's (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11847)

IAKaraokeGirl 02-04-2003 11:32 AM

Top ten reasons, 80's vs. 90's
Top Ten reasons the 80's were a cooler time to be a teenager
than the 90's:

10. MTV actually played videos in the 80's.

9. There was only one kind of Nike tennis shoes (White with a red swoosh), and they didn't cost $125.

8. A comb in your back pocket was more practical and less painful than a ring through your nose.

7. In the 80's playing video games actually meant going out to DO something.

6. In the 80's, when you were out partying, you didn't have to worry about your Mom calling you on your cell phone.

5. In the 80s we didn't have to worry about getting our heads blown off at school - unless you put a whole pack of Pop Rocks in your mouth and drank a coke.

4. Debbie Gibson vs. Britney Spears. New Kids on the Block vs. N'Sync. New Edition vs. Hanson. Ok, that one's a draw.

3. In the early 80's there were kids in your high school who could BUY ALCOHOL LEGALLY.

2. Feathered hair was easier to care for than dreadlocks.

And the number one reason the 80's were a cooler time to grow
up than the 90's:

1. In the 80's you didn't have to worry about your pants falling down all the time. They were so tight we couldn't get them off!

horseman12 02-04-2003 11:52 AM

life was alot simpler, mr. & mrs. pac man where are you?

Lilith 02-04-2003 12:13 PM

horseman12~ they have an old Ms. Pacman at the student union at my college.........my kids love it!

Hey!!!!!! What red swoosh??????? My ancient old Nikes had that funky light blue swoosh..........
I can remember buying my first reeboks for cheerleading......having never heard of them......OMG that makes me old as dirt I think:p

Nice Guy 02-04-2003 12:59 PM

Don't feel to terrible bad. I remember when Reebok came out or atleast hit the lime light.

Scarlett 02-04-2003 01:59 PM

My Nikes had a light purple swoosh. :D

arch 02-04-2003 02:11 PM

Well my Chuck Tanner Converse were white.

SteinFibers 02-04-2003 02:20 PM

I born on Jan 25th, 1980. So having remembered very little of the 80's all i know is that I am happy to have made it out of that era. Funny thing is same for the 90's. I have never been as happy as I have been now. That's all nice and dandy about Pac-Man and Atari and Nintendo, but us new super freak geeks, Counter-Strike and such First shooter games is what it is all about. I would like to think there was a time when CS didn't exist, but Fortunately those painful memories have been blocked out with a lot of drugs..



Go 2000's !


I just read what I wrote..omg...

But Dance/Euro/Techno/Freestyle is where it is at, forget about N Sync and the Backstreet boys and New kids...They all lasted for a combined 3 years anyways. Backstreet Boys are being looked at the same way New kids are now..and N'Sync will be there soon too. The 90's gave way to sooo much freedom and idependance, and even tho I consider myself a homophobe, I still respect individual people's rights to do whatever they want as long as it does not directly effect others. Keep whatever it is you do in the bedroom and no one will ever know..that's my theory... The 90's is when really the time when anything was allowed to happen. (cept for real sicko stuff) And that's why 90's is better than 80's ...(for me)

Scarecrow 02-04-2003 05:12 PM

My new tennis shoe had a little red ball(keds) on them nothing fancy like a Swoooooooooosh.:D
The 60's ROCKED :p

BIBI 02-04-2003 05:48 PM

Originally posted by Scarecrow
My new tennis shoe had a little red ball(keds) on them nothing fancy like a Swoooooooooosh.:D
The 60's ROCKED :p

Same here.....the only swoosh on my shoes was the noise they made as I flew by everyone else.... because I could run faster wearing Keds ;)

check out this link if you like to venture down memory lane!


SteinFibers 02-04-2003 11:41 PM

I would like to say I remember my shoes from back then..but sigh....a bit before my time...lol...

I think I wore whatever my parents bought and my parents bought whatever was under $30!

m45 02-05-2003 09:51 AM

Yep the 60's rocked alright....

xanne 02-05-2003 11:23 AM

Originally posted by Lilith

I can remember buying my first reeboks for cheerleading......having never heard of them......OMG that makes me old as dirt I think:p

I remember having a pair of white and pink reeboks that I thought were the coolest thing :p :o Guess I'll have to join ya Lilith!

The Shadow 02-05-2003 11:43 AM

in the 80's you could get together somewhere and have a good time and not be consinered a Gang!!!

dzbuster 02-05-2003 10:06 PM

in the 80's i could get cheap sneakers for under $2.
you could smoke in the back of greyhound buses (damn what parties we had...lost my virginity in the back of one)
herpes was the bad sexual disease
our president was chopping wood and the first lady was famous for her blow jobs back in hollywood
cheap used cars could take out a brick wall and still drive home
music was played not composed on a computer
cigarettes were $1 a pack and bars had nickle nights

rabbit 02-05-2003 10:56 PM



Steph 10-31-2003 05:28 PM


feeling nostalgic for the '80s . . . the Police, U2 . .. .

dm383 10-31-2003 05:39 PM

Originally posted by Steph

feeling nostalgic for the '80s . . . the Police, U2 . .. .

Hell yeah...... although there was also.... Spandau Ballet, Duran Duran, Haircut100. etc etc!!! (NOT so good, perhaps!!)


what about .... The Thompson Twins, Deacon Blue, Aztec Camera (what ever happened to THEM?!) .....

Aahhhhhh...... bliss!!! :D


Irish 10-31-2003 07:47 PM

I can remember,my father argueing with the man in the store,
because,he wanted $5.00 a pr. for my Keds.The drinking age in NY
was 18,and they never asked for an ID.Driving home from NY to
Conn. was a bitch.Oh Yeah,I graduated in 1961,so I wasn't a
teenager in the '80s!I was "pissed when gas, for my lawnmower,
went to $.25 a gal.I had 8 grasscutting jobs & that cut into my
profit.Did someone say "Old as Dirt"? Irish
P.S. I was 17 in 1961!

Cheyanne 10-31-2003 09:34 PM

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh yes.. the 80's.... Boones Farm Tickled Pink.. hehehe...

The only tennis shoes that I remember getting that were something special were the Starsky & Hutch tennis shoes.. you know the ones that Starsky always wore??? Blue with white.. not sure what brand they were, maybe Reebok??

LixyChick 10-31-2003 11:20 PM

I was number 3 from the countdown above! Not only could an 18 y/o bye alcohol while still in highschool.......but I could write my own "sick" notes............in 1976! "Please excuse _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from school yesterday as she was sick and couldn't get off the pot"!...........from drinking and smokin the previous night and not getting in the house till 4:30am[ish].........lmfao!

*singing.........."Those.....were.....the.....days my friends, we thought they'd never end....we'd sing and dance [and smoke and drink] forever and a day......We lived the life we choosed......we'd fight and never lose....those were the days....oh yes, those were the days"!*

Irish 10-31-2003 11:20 PM

Cheyanne---Your mention of Boones Farm,reminded me.I had
(I say,had.He was killed in a motorcycle accident)a riding buddy,
who had a nickname,of Boomer.His parents had a beautiful farm.
They died,and left it to him.The last time,that I was at his beautiful
farmhouse,His "chopper" & my other riding buddies,'39 Knuckle-
Head,were parked in the living room,all of the furniture,had been
burned in the fireplace.The livingroom floor,was strewn with empty,beer cans.The mailbox was an old Honda,with the side of the gastank opening for mail.Over the mailbox,was the "new"
name.Booms Farm!I guess that he invented it from the wine!I had
some crazy,but good friends!(Old days!) Irish

Steph 07-17-2004 02:18 PM

Yay, more bumpage of this thread.

(Er, Irish didn't you just post a 'goodbye' thread?)

dreamgurl 07-17-2004 05:46 PM

anybody else notice the jellie shoes as back? I already have me eye on some pink ones lol. anyway yes the 80s did rock because i was born so yes it was all me......... lol.........

Pita 07-17-2004 07:08 PM

In the 80's you didn't have to worry about your pants falling down all the time. They were so tight we couldn't get them off!

LMAO!! So very true. I actually had to lie down on the bed and use a saftey pin to help zip my pants up they were so tight. Then I would put on one of my cool Flashdance off the shoulder shirts and away I would go to spend the day in quiet agony of pain. Oh those were the days. :)

Belial 07-17-2004 08:14 PM

I was only about 9 at the time, but I still remember turning on MTV and wondering who the hell would want to listen to these Nirvana lads and exactly where all the Warrant, Skid Row and Motley Crue clips went... :(

huntersgirl 07-18-2004 07:15 AM

Well I never wore Nike or Reebok, but I had Chuck's in every color of the rainbow, a pair of combat boots and these great silk granny boots with such pointy toes I could have taken someones eye out with them! LOL... We joke that the girls weren't so hot in the 80's, but I think we just couldn't tell because of the oversized shirts! Over the 4th my sister was up and had all these old 80's cd's, it was so fun. I heard stuff that I hadn't heard for years....But you know your old when the music you listened to in highschool is on a time/life commerative disc and played on oldies stations. :p

Lilith 07-18-2004 09:37 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I was recently given some shit when I found this pic of me....mid 80's. It's the shoes that make me giggle now.....

Bardog 07-18-2004 10:17 AM

^^^^^Sexy pic!!!! What'cha doing this weekend?

Damn I miss the 80's

Members Only jackets (still got mine in the attic)
Rubiks's cube (sp?)
Donkey Kong
Atari 2600 was the stuff!!!!
Big hair and hoop earrings (still sexy)
Parachute pants
Friday Night Videos!!!!!!!
Miami Vice
Madonna was hot
Prince was cool
Michael Jackson was a black male and not a freak
Gun's N Roses (I thought they would be the next Rolling Stones)
Molly Ringwald (Where is she?)
Izod shirts with the collar turned up
New Coke....OK that wasn't so great
Mullets were cool
Cabbage Patch dolls
Care bears
He-Man cartoons (You know you watched it)
Martha Quinn
Dungeons and Dragons
Top Gun (I feel the need.....)

And the best thing about the 80's........


Gilly 07-18-2004 03:57 PM

I am such a product of the 80's. They were a great time, much easier than it is now, in my mind. Course, regardless of the era, it's always easier to be a child than an adult, so I could be jaded on that observation. ;)

Belial 07-19-2004 08:42 AM

I would argue that a lot of the synth-pop stuff from the '80s was a form of disco, albeit evolved from the '70s disco sound. House music started in the '80s.

Edit: Now playing: New Order - Blue Monday :)

Originally Posted by Bardog
^^^^^Sexy pic!!!! What'cha doing this weekend?

Damn I miss the 80's

Members Only jackets (still got mine in the attic)
Rubiks's cube (sp?)
Donkey Kong
Atari 2600 was the stuff!!!!
Big hair and hoop earrings (still sexy)
Parachute pants
Friday Night Videos!!!!!!!
Miami Vice
Madonna was hot
Prince was cool
Michael Jackson was a black male and not a freak
Gun's N Roses (I thought they would be the next Rolling Stones)
Molly Ringwald (Where is she?)
Izod shirts with the collar turned up
New Coke....OK that wasn't so great
Mullets were cool
Cabbage Patch dolls
Care bears
He-Man cartoons (You know you watched it)
Martha Quinn
Dungeons and Dragons
Top Gun (I feel the need.....)

And the best thing about the 80's........


Steph 07-19-2004 12:22 PM

Ahahaha, those crazy button-flap collar shirts!

I miss them. ;)

Originally Posted by Lilith
I was recently given some shit when I found this pic of me....mid 80's. It's the shoes that make me giggle now.....

musketeer 07-20-2004 03:07 AM

I left school in the 80's (1984) and turned 18 in 86. I went through all the so called fashion gaffs the 80's are famous for but I would go back tomorrow and do it all again. Frankie Goes to Hollywood were so cool, but I nver had one of those "Frankie Says" shirts. And here trainers were popular but not as popular as Ox blood red Doc Martens boots tied with yellow laces.

dicksbro 07-20-2004 01:15 PM

Not to mention the fact that an "8" has a better hourglass figure than a "9". :D

Vicious Tease 07-21-2004 12:36 AM

Remember the sneakers with the colored triangles on the sides that you could change out to match your outfit? I can't remember what brand they were ... but I think I had the triangles in every color.

Lilith 07-21-2004 07:48 AM

Has anyone noticed that Roos are back in the stores????

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