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Lilith 07-22-2003 11:41 AM

** In Case of No Nookie : Break Glass **
If you are unable to have sex with the person you desire most in this world, or well at least the person you desire for the next 30 minutes, which of the 3 choices in the above poll would be your first choice for some sort of sexual liaison.

Cyber...text only!

Phone sex

Cam Ho sex

First choice and why you pick that one please?????????

fzzy 07-22-2003 12:06 PM

Cyber ....

Mainly because I do my best work in writing ... on the phone I get kind of shy-ish ... have trouble with certain words, or expression of certain emotions .... and don't have a webcam .... but wouldn't go that route anyway ... even more shy about that one ... funny, in person I'm more comparable to my writing capacity. LOL :)

PantyFanatic 07-22-2003 12:08 PM

** In Case of No Nookie : Break Glass **
OMG! :eek: Don’t let Shani hear that. She already plays TOO dangerously.

PantyFanatic 07-22-2003 12:17 PM

Cam Ho sex…

I sure as hell DON’T do my best work in writing, especially when distracted or excited.:D

I truly enjoy phone sex with a special friend, but you may have noticed I’m a bit visual:) ………………………………. and VERY tactical.:lust:

dadaist 07-22-2003 02:01 PM

Can't get the webcam to work for the life of me, so I'll have to go with phonesex. ;)

Lovediva 07-22-2003 02:03 PM

Crap. Can't vote on this one. :( :(

2-4-tea 07-22-2003 02:28 PM

phone sex cause when your doing it you can be laying in the bed and its erotic hearing the lady on the phone get off to what we are talking about.

Cyber is ok but its hard to type with one hand

Cam Sex is ok but usually there is no audio

IAKaraokeGirl 07-22-2003 02:29 PM

I'd have to go with cyber, only because through words, both writing and reading, I can get extremely aroused. I have done phone sex, but I'm not totally comfortable with it, and it takes a very special person to break me out of my shell.

osuche 07-22-2003 03:07 PM

Cyber creates sticky keyboards...so I guess phone.

cowgirltease 07-22-2003 03:34 PM


Loulabelle 07-22-2003 03:53 PM

Phone sex is great......but usually kind of inconvenient for the person I happen to enjoy doing it with. :(

Aqua 07-22-2003 04:27 PM

I am SUCH a cam ho... :p

Nice Guy 07-22-2003 05:35 PM

God you force us to pick only one. Therefore I refuse to vote. Each has its pros and cons for me.

Pros: Easy to get somebody within a few minutes, allows for use of imagination.
Cons: No sight, no sound. So therefore no emotion.

Pros: Hear the lady getting off, can be just about anywhere, easy one handed use.
Cons: More open, not sure what to say or how to express.

Pros: Get to actually see what is going on.
Cons: Really showing yourself, no sound, hard to find a lady to vid with.

I just can't decide which one is the best.

quisath 07-22-2003 05:53 PM

Well........................I shattered the Sheeeet out of the Glass...........It's the Cam and Audio. No Doubt about it.

rabbit 07-22-2003 07:51 PM

I guess I'd be a Cyber or phone guy.

I would love to be a Cam Ho though I do not have one as my personal PC is too much of a dog to support one.


Ernest 07-22-2003 09:21 PM

I'm a visual person so it's cam for me. Although I like cyber too but need a pic.

jennaflower 07-22-2003 09:22 PM

All of the above!!!

I see no reason to limit myself to any one of them... you can't make me!!!! :hot:

ryker 07-22-2003 09:39 PM

in order...PHONE, CYBER, CAM

Jaylene 07-22-2003 10:37 PM

Hard choice. I think phone sex is the hardest for me. I am more apt to giggle like a school girl and ruin the whole mood. I like writing becuase it is a great way to get into eachother's head...and I think that that makes it very erotic. I also like webcams though. I don't have one, but have played w/ others who have them. It is so awesome to see the person you are interacting w/ smile, giggle, masterbate will interacting with you. hhhmm...very hard to choose a favorite

rastapope 07-22-2003 10:47 PM

Visual stimulation for me please =) Definately web cam.

FussyPucker 07-23-2003 01:55 AM

I am THE Cam Ho !!! :D:D

I really need to do it more often damn the inconvenience of not living on my own!

Loulabelle 07-23-2003 02:23 AM

Hmmmmm - cam works for me honey.......why DON'T we do that more often?! It's crazy! LOL

FussyPucker 07-23-2003 02:58 AM

OK babes I'll bring my laptop and webcan to your house this weekend and we can do it on cam ;)

Lilith 07-23-2003 06:41 AM

time...people what time?????????

skipthisone 07-23-2003 06:47 AM


babybunny 07-23-2003 10:23 AM

I would pick phone but thats only for special people who I am comfortable with...Otherwise would say cyber as I love to write and use my own imgaintion. :)

Prophet Reality 07-23-2003 01:28 PM

This is a hard one. I so love to hear a woman orgasm, and especially love to watch a woman masturbate. But it seems that of late cyber has been my main source. I would love to Cam with someone if they were interested, and I got my Cam to work again too. But Cyber is just as good, like it has been said, you can get into a person a lot more through Cyber.

Vicious Tease 07-23-2003 01:54 PM

Cyber is the least intimidating, therefore the option I most often choose. If I find someone that I can be comfortable with, then phone.

lakritze 07-23-2003 03:26 PM

Justas I was gathering my thoughts to make a tough choice,IAKaraokegirl beat ne to it and said it better than I ever could.The written word both reading and writing is a mucho turn on for me too.The few cyber sex relations I have had were quite enjoyable.

Mercury_Maniac 07-23-2003 05:40 PM

how about a porno, cause that is all i'm able to get

Lilith 07-23-2003 11:29 PM

Does how long or how intimately connected to the other person make a difference in which type of online interaction you would choose?

Does it matter?

dadaist 07-23-2003 11:38 PM

Sometimes yes it does, through flirting and getting to know them. I would cyber and cam before giving out a phone number or asking for one. So the more I know about the person, the further I would lean to going "beyond" cyber.

Passion Please 07-24-2003 12:58 AM

Like everything in life it is situational for me... depends totally on the person on the other side too.

In a perfect world with somone I know and love cam would be second best to real life sex, then phone sex because of the sound aspect, then cyber sex.

In other words feed as many of the senses as possible, make the pleasure the best possible.

cowgirltease 08-28-2004 10:48 AM

Originally Posted by Lilith
If you are unable to have sex with the person you desire most in this world, or well at least the person you desire for the next 30 minutes, which of the 3 choices in the above poll would be your first choice for some sort of sexual liaison.

Cyber...text only!

Phone sex

Cam Ho sex

First choice and why you pick that one please?????????

Phone sex has been really good for me these past 8 months. I HAVE to hear his voice! It makes all the difference in the world. :)

Navarre 08-28-2004 11:02 AM

I can't choose.


kathy1 08-28-2004 03:29 PM

cyber would have to be my first choice....ahhh, the power of an imaginative mind and a good vocabulary......i do enjoy phone too, but not unless it's with someone i know well enough, plus, due to circumstances, phone can be so rushed sometimes......although phone as the culminating point for cyber is soooooo hot......as for cam, i don't have one (don't wanta send half the net off screaming into the night LOL) but i do enjoy watching if the person i'm cybering has one......and to answer lilith's question, yes, the more intimatly i know them, the better either choice is.

Mercury_Maniac 08-28-2004 05:30 PM

i voted cam,

cause thats the only thing i can get anyway

bigmike01 08-28-2004 08:26 PM

Cam because i'm a visual person

Sharni 08-29-2004 12:51 AM

None of em to be honest

I'd just make do with myself

cowgirltease 08-29-2004 01:49 AM

Originally Posted by Mercury_Maniac
i voted cam,

cause thats the only thing i can get anyway

LOL Poor baby! :x: We really need to do somethin about that you know.;)

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