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LixyChick 11-19-2003 06:54 AM

~"Scuse Me Jacko"~
"We've gotta ransack your compound again"!

"Not by the hair on my chinny, chin, chin"!

"We've got a warrant"!

"Curses, foiled again"!

Will Michael Jackson outsmart the authorities again?

Stay tuned for another exciting episode of........


Lilith 11-19-2003 06:57 AM

'splain please:D

Slow Ride 11-19-2003 07:10 AM

I'm sure he'll just buy his way out....................AGAIN

jseal 11-19-2003 08:47 AM

Slow Ride,

Being wealthy enables options unavailable to the like of you and I.

Lilith 11-19-2003 11:56 AM

Ahhhh I caught the news at school.I heard that this time they had an arrest warrant.

jseal 11-19-2003 12:06 PM


Yes indeed, that's what I read. The plot thickens!

lakritze 11-19-2003 12:57 PM

So as his nose slips to one side of his face and he turns even a whiter shade of pale,old Wackojacko may be off to the pokey.

nikki1979 11-19-2003 01:06 PM

ok splain for me then , i turned on my news and aint seen it , guess im in the land of the lost AGAIN lmao , wait, oh , no im just in england still LOL


Lilith 11-19-2003 01:19 PM


nikki1979 11-19-2003 02:22 PM

ty ty ty lilith maybe ill get outta the dark, the news just hada quick bit but nothin greal informative


Scarecrow 11-19-2003 07:09 PM

Ah the wonders of "Neverland"

LixyChick 11-19-2003 07:10 PM

Sorry guys.....guess I could have explained that better, but I was just out the door and they hadn't really gotten the whole poop as of my original post......

Matter of fact.....I don't know what happened all day in this matter.....just got home and of course......hubby has the Simpsons on! LMFAO!

Just have to say this about the topic............

I think that, along with Michael, they should arrest the parents of all the children put in harms way by being allowed to spend time at NeverLand! If you dangle cheese in front of a mouse.....doesn't he take it sooner or later??????

Oh....and one more thing.....it's said, where there is smoke...there is usually fire! So....innocent till proven guilty can only be taken so far (so many times).......and then I just have to say........cut his nads off!!!!!!!

*jumps off the soapbox and looks at hubbies remote control....wondering if I even have a chance over Homer*

dicksbro 11-19-2003 07:16 PM

Originally posted by LixyChick
Oh....and one more thing.....it's said, where there is smoke...there is usually fire! So....innocent till proven guilty can only be taken so far (so many times).......and then I just have to say........cut his nads off!!!!!!!

No disagreement here. What is wrong with some of these people? Or is people the wrong word for the likes of him/her/whatever? :mad:

You know of course, Lixy, that you don't really have to be so subtle. We're big people and you can tell us how you really feel. :D

south 11-19-2003 07:33 PM

That Michael Jackson keeps adding new meaning to the expression "oh-Boy!"

jennaflower 11-19-2003 07:51 PM

okay... okay... I know... innocent until proven guilty... and such.. but good heavens... after reading the account of the boy involved in the episode 10 years ago... I think the odds are pretty good that he had done it again...

THO... I also firmly believe that the parents of this child should be charged as well... at the very least... endangering the welfare of a child...

LixyChick 11-19-2003 07:55 PM

Originally posted by dicksbro
You know of course, Lixy, that you don't really have to be so subtle. We're big people and you can tell us how you really feel. :D

I've thought of counciling.....to open up.......but I'm too shy to ask for help hun!


Sooooooooooooooo.........who wants to talk ball chopping?

musicman 11-19-2003 07:57 PM

man - how long do you think he'll take to be the bitch in jail (though he'll probably buy his way out of general population)

Vigil 11-20-2003 01:06 AM

Our modern day Frankenstein born of a culture of celebrity and ego mania.

Mr. Jackson should take some time to read Mary Shelley's book - particularly the end.

P.S. Lix - I don't think he's got any nads to take off - explains the voice and the behaviour.

Grumble 11-20-2003 01:42 AM

I always thought that no good could come from fucking little boys

celticangel 11-20-2003 04:56 AM

high time this guy was given proffesion help, assesment and then either treatment/ jail/ left alone instead of being surroundrd by "arselickers!" (people there because they want to be in his reflected glory)~~~~~and as for anyone daft enough to allow their kids to become involved with someone with all theses issues and rumours hanging on him~~~~~~~~someone should suggest "parenting skills" once they return to what is generaly concidered normality!

LixyChick 11-20-2003 06:16 AM

I saw a repeat of an interview Michael did with a British reporter a while back...........

He was asked about having children sleep in his bed with him......

He said, "The most loving thing a person can do is share your bed with someone".

He sees NOTHING wrong with this behavior! I watched his face as he answered.......I looked into his eyes......he's a fuckin kook!

[As of this moment, they are waiting for Michael to fly in from La. and they expect him to turn himself in. His bail will be 3 million dollars. The child in question (12 years old) had been visiting NeverLand periodically and was soon teased at school for his relationship with Michael. He began therapy and during the course of therapy, told the therapist that Michael had given him sleeping pills and wine. On one visit to NeverLand (seemingly while the boy was still in therapy) the mother said that she felt uncomfortable and that her family was being held hostage. She threatened to call the authorities, and only then were her and her children allowed to leave.]

OK......WTF is up with that "mom"? And the therapist too! Arrest um all, damn it to hell! CA hit it on the head.....about all the asslickers surrounding Michael! If that where "Joe Schmoe", his ass would be behind bars NOW! The warrant they have for Michael is valid in all 50 states.........but, like O.J....they'll let him come back to his home and make a big to-do about waiting for him to turn himself in! I'm so angry right now.....I could rip Michael's balls off with one hand! Oops! That's right Vigil.......do we even know he has nads anymore?

Well.....it's a wait and see game now. And the worst part of this......Michael is prolly liking all this attention. He has a new album coming out.....and even bad publicity is publicity!

jseal 11-20-2003 06:21 AM


I hadn't heard about the sleeping pills and wine! What would posess someone to do that to a 12 year old?

Oh, this may be "off topic", but you really do have a fine looking ass.

Lilith 11-20-2003 06:47 AM

12 year olds are old enough to 1) put up a fight and 2) know it's wrong and 3) think MJ is is a freak. It's just like the guys who use ruphies in college areas, lack of confidence in their ability to score.

Nightstick26 11-20-2003 12:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Why is Jacko like a low quality fast food restaurant???

40 year old meat in 12 year old buns! :D:D:D

the only proper cure for Jacko

lakritze 11-20-2003 01:11 PM

"They got tucked in bed..It was so charming. ......so sweet." Courtesy of Salon.com.... Latest news is that he is flying around parts unknown in his private jet.It might be a little late to rip his balls off.I think he had it done years ago to give himself that castrado singing voice.

2-4-tea 11-20-2003 02:01 PM

they need to put his ass away and give him a cell mate named bubba who does to him excatly what he did to them. The first time it might have happened maybe it was bs but it all got washed away when he paid off the family. After that I just could nt see how anything he says or does is truthful. I often wonder how many families he has paid off to keep quiet . Its wrong that it has happened for this long

Irish 11-20-2003 03:47 PM

Sight to be FOREVER cherished-just seen on the TV news-MJ with
his hands,handcuffed behind him!
Favoritism??---The last time,that I was arrested,for anything,
called serious,was in the early '70s.I was arrested,at my motorcycle shop,for Aggravated Assault.I may be wrong,but I think that I was arrested on the spot.I don't remember being
called,and told to turn myself in at my convenience. Irish

Belial 11-20-2003 06:21 PM

Originally posted by 2-4-tea
they need to put his ass away and give him a cell mate named bubba who does to him excatly what he did to them.

"You fuck mah ass....ahh fuck your'n" :D

LixyChick 11-20-2003 07:41 PM

Why did they kick Michael Jackson out of the Boy Scouts?

Because he was up to a pack a day!

I heard so many M.J. jokes today and that's the only one (aside from lakritze's) that I can remember the punch line to! Now.....that's funny! I suck at telling jokes anyway........

Sooooooooo...........WoooooooHoooooooo! I haven't seen M.J. in cuffs yet (TY for the info Irish), but I am so looking forward to it!

P.S. Um.....jseal? Shhhhhhhh! Don't say "fine looking ass" in a thread about Michael Jackson! :D ........Oh....and TYVM!!!


Vigil 11-21-2003 12:53 AM

I think this man wishes to be or maybe believes he already has the body and mind of a pre-pubescent white boy - Peter Pan perhaps.

Neverland is his fantasy reality in which he surrounds himself by what he most desires to be or thinks he is. Acts of "love" reinforce the existential idealism.

Perfectly normal behaviour and no danger to anyone.

I am off to get the Fava Beans and Chianti.

huntersgirl 11-21-2003 01:37 AM

I was just commenting earlier this evening that if MJ was anybody else he would have been institutionalized years ago. And most likely if he was none of this would have happened. The man is completely off his rocker, but now w/ all that has come to light, I believe he deserves to be put away forever. I'm almost ready to say killed, but I really go back and forth on the whole capital punishment issue.

Mercury_Maniac 11-21-2003 03:14 AM


i guess i'm just kind of disappointed with some of the comments on here

i've been a MJ fan for years and i really enjoy his songs still today

i understand how people feel about child molesting and whatnot(i know its friggin' gross) but like they say, Innocent until proven Guilty, and i do believe in the songs that he sang


Grumble 11-21-2003 06:13 AM

Its not his songs that are in dispute

He is truly a wacko which is also Ok but these things keep on surfacing and it is hard to think there is no substance to any of it.

He likes sleeping with 12 year olds in his bed that is just not proper.

LixyChick 11-21-2003 06:17 AM

No one is attacking the talent of Michael Jackson, Mercury Maniac. I grew up with The Jackson Five.......and there are some songs of his in his adult life that are ok......but he's nowhere near my favorite artist. But that's neither here nor there in the light of what's [been] happening and is happening now......again! Michael is a man......he is my age as a matter of fact......and not a defenseless child. Because of who he is he seems to be slipping through the cracks when, instead, he needs to be stopped and he needs to get help. In his sheltered world, he truly doesn't think that what he is doing is wrong. Even if (and I say "if" with a squeak in my voice) he hasn't molested anyone (and I believe he has....my opinion......all the signs are there......doesn't take a rocket scientist), his need to continually have children sleep over his house, in his bed, with him in it as well.......cannot be construed as "ok" behavior! There isn't another person on the planet who would be able to explain this behavior in themselves as "normal, healthy and innocent"!

Some lyrics of his songs...........

*We are the world, We are the children, We are the ones to make a better world so let's start giving.....There's a choice we're making, We're saving our own lives.....It's true we make a better world, just you and me!

*You know I'm bad, come on, ya know it, come on.........(lol! It had to be quoted!)

*I'm starting with the man in the mirror....I'm asking him to change his ways........And no lesson could be any clearer......If you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change!

*Ben....the two of us need look no more......We both found what we were looking for....With a friend to call my own, I'll never be alone, and you my friend will see, you've got a friend in me...(ok...ok.....no point here....I just love that song! LMAO!)

But really MM........Michael Jackson is an outstanding artisit with a dirty little secret that is hurting children and their familes everytime we bury our heads to it........

We've outed the priests......now we are outing M.J. No offense to his music..........BIG OFFENSE to the charges of child molestation time and time again!

Mercury_Maniac 11-21-2003 12:34 PM

but it hasn't been proven yet

LixyChick 11-21-2003 01:10 PM

No matter what the outcome of this trial (arraignment set for January).............

And no matter what I feel about his music...........

The man's a nut case and his behavior is beyond reproach and all his yes men and all his kings horses....yada, yada, yada....cannot make me think he doesn't need medical treatment for a mental condition!!! His behavior towards children is NOT behavior that a civilized society expects of any adult. He should have gotten this all in check (since the last incident) and changed his lifestyle to ensure that these allegations would never happen again.....if he is indeed not guilty.

They say.....the guilty always return to the scene of the crime!

They also say.......learn from past mistakes so you are not doomed to repeat them!

*OMG! I'm a walking, talking cliche.....eekkkk!*

Aqua 11-21-2003 01:54 PM

I always thought that no good could come from fucking little boys.

Michael Jackson is an outstanding artisit with a dirty little secret that is hurting children and their familes

You have PROOF of this? Do any of you have proof that these allegations are true? Mercury Maniac is dead on right. The constitution grants us all the right to a fair trial. Would any of you want that taken away if you were accused of a crime? Sorry, but it really bothers me when people make judgements about others without knowing all the facts. So many people did that with the Kobe Bryant case... and with OJ. And after the fact, depending on the outcome, people will say, "See?! I was right!" But that is incorrect. All they did was guess. Talking about what you think he has done is one thing, but some of you want Jacko castrated or possibly put to death, and this is on the basis of media reports and heresay.

ALSO>>> So you know I'm not just wishing I could be a guest at the Neverland Ranch... I think MJ has mental issues and there is NO WAY IN HECK I would allow my child to stay there overnight... or even go there for the day. But mental issues do not prove he is a child molester.

One more thing before I step off the soapbox...

Please DO keep the jokes coming... 'Pack a day'... lmao

lakritze 11-21-2003 01:58 PM

Yea,like the song he'll be singing to Bubba. Beat It Beat It.......heh heh

BIBI 11-21-2003 02:00 PM

just sitting here wondering if child protection services have been brought in to take his own kids from him until the outcome of the trial??????????????

If it was a regular folk they would have been apprehended before I could have typed this!!!

Aqua 11-21-2003 02:07 PM

From what I have heard Bibi, his kids were not taken by CPS. Although I do think you are correct that MJ is certainly not being treated as a common citizen. Granted, he is not a common citizen, but he should not be given special dispensation due to his celebrity status.

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