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fun_lovin_bitch 05-03-2004 07:15 AM

drugs in general
Does anyone in here do drugs/ever done drugs?

nikki1979 05-03-2004 07:30 AM

not me, i always was poor and figured i didtnwant to get stuck on somehting that wud not only fuck up my life but make me even poorer! illstick w the (now) occasional drink and be totally happy.
but i do say that viagra givin as a prescription i dont feel is a bad thing at all, nope not even a little .


GingerV 05-03-2004 07:52 AM

Never felt the need, I guess. And the more I learn about the way the brain works, the less I want to tinker around with mine ;).

darogle 05-03-2004 08:03 AM

Viagra is the closest thing to a recreational drug I've ever used. LOL

Irish 05-03-2004 08:52 AM

fun_lovin_bitch---I may be showing my ignorance,but aren't
Marijuana & Cannabis the same thing?I'm not trying to be a smart-ass,I really don't know!
nikki1979---You say that you just drink now & then.As a recovering Alcoholic(11yrs10 1/2mo).I can tell you that alcohol is a
drug.It's just legal.
As far as taking drugs,I won't commit,but let's just say that I've
been in the motorcycle lifestyle,most of my life.I have run & worked in many shops,so I have been around drugs for years!

Steph 05-03-2004 11:08 AM

Marijuana is from canabis sativa. Same thing, I believe.

nikki1979 05-03-2004 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Irish

nikki1979---You say that you just drink now & then.As a recovering Alcoholic(11yrs10 1/2mo).I can tell you that alcohol is a
drug.It's just legal.

i totally agree, it wasnt onthe list to choose from and i wanted to be not only honest w myself in my answer but honest w yall as well . true at times i did drink way to much, that has been extremmly cut down due to the the way my body is handling it. bad indigestion if i drinkwine , that was my fav and i now drink it maybe once everyother month, was at luchs last night and i totally was up all night from just over a glass of wine UGHHHHHH so not worth it .i wish they made alcohol free stuff that tasted as good , id be in heaven!!!!!!!!!!


Loulabelle 05-03-2004 11:49 AM

Although I do occasionally drink alcohol, I will never ever try illegal drugs. I have only ever smoked a handful of cigarettes in my life, and that wasn't until I was 23. It was for a play I was doing, and I didn't allow them to teach me to inhale.

My mother always said: 'If you feel the need to do drugs, then you're not doing sex right'.

Aqua 05-03-2004 12:00 PM

Just call me Captain Straightedge... as far as drugs are concerned anyway... ;) I even avoid prescription painkillers when I'm injured.

I also wanted to add a little to what Irish said... alcohol is a drug, and a legal one, but out of the drugs listed above (except viagra, it's in a different class) it is the only one that can be taken without intending to or getting high. It can certainly be used to do so, but having a glass of wine with a nice dinner doesn't mean you're getting drunk.

Loulabelle 05-03-2004 12:34 PM

Aqua, why is recently that every single thing you say at Pixies is so wise, and so right on that I just wish I was in your av, catching that spunk in my mouth..... ;)

Aqua 05-03-2004 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Loulabelle
Aqua, why is recently that every single thing you say at Pixies is so wise, and so right on that I just wish I was in your av, catching that spunk in my mouth..... ;)

Damn... did it just get a bit hotter in here???

I think I need a drink...

WATER!! Water, folks... what were you all thinking... :p

Sharni 05-03-2004 01:17 PM

Marijuana/Cannabis for 2 years...every day...bongs and joints

Got the horrors on some of it one night and never touched it since

I have got a memory problem now...which i'm sure comes from smoking that *L*

lakritze 05-03-2004 01:56 PM

I have only used marijuna and cannabis {in all of it's forms} I don't use it now,but never saw a problem with it.Hope to see it legal one day.I am a very light drinker. Mostly it's cigarettes and coffee these days.

scotzoidman 05-03-2004 02:56 PM

Originally posted by Sharni
Marijuana/Cannabis for 2 years...every day...bongs and joints

Got the horrors on some of it one night and never touched it since

I have got a memory problem now...which i'm sure comes from smoking that *L*
Well, I was gonna say...

...uhh...what were we talking about?

Seriously, I've been there on & off for over 30 years, & no memory probs till recently...& I had quit smoking weed, I blame it on all the pain meds I've been on...

Sorry, Sharni, I think you just have CRS...getting older & raising kids will do that to ya, believe me, I know...

denny 05-03-2004 05:13 PM

Aah, misguided youth! I admit I was a recreational user of pot, LSD, mescaline, PCP, speed, reds, and once some opium. Now the drugs I take have nothing to do with recreation! How times change.

Mercury_Maniac 05-03-2004 05:48 PM

the only thing that i've touched was alcohol

and thats all i plan on touching

i know so many people that do drugs and they just have no control over them, its pathetic

Sharni 05-03-2004 06:33 PM

Originally posted by scotzoidman
Sorry, Sharni, I think you just have CRS...getting older & raising kids will do that to ya, believe me, I know...

I've had the memory problem from 18 Scotz......way before i had kids *LOL*

Top quality stuff too....i never had to pay for it...so i pretty much smoked it like cigarettes *LOL*

And i'll still stand by my original "which i'm sure comes from smoking that

Booger 05-03-2004 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Aqua
Just call me Captain Straightedge... as far as drugs are concerned anyway... ;) I even avoid prescription painkillers when I'm injured.

I also wanted to add a little to what Irish said... alcohol is a drug, and a legal one, but out of the drugs listed above (except viagra, it's in a different class) it is the only one that can be taken without intending to or getting high. It can certainly be used to do so, but having a glass of wine with a nice dinner doesn't mean you're getting drunk.

Aqua I have to disagree if you only have one drink you still are drinking it for the effect. weather it having a couple to melo out or several and get full blowen buzz(aka getting drunk, wasted, lit up, trashed, or ripped) don't kid yourself it is effecting you. By the way there are more poeple addicted to alcohol in this country then any others on the list the only drug that might have more addicts would be caffein.

Booger 05-03-2004 07:17 PM

I've smoked some Marijuana or Cannabis yes they are the same .

nikki1979 05-04-2004 06:08 AM

i honestly dont think one glass of wine w dinner is a prob, and its not for the affect unles u have a REAL low tolerance, one glass has no affect on me but tastes real good w certian food. but thats just my own opinion


Irish 05-04-2004 06:40 AM

I had to go to,---? many hours of STATE MANDATED Alcoholics
Anomonous meetings & counseling & if you have "any" amount of
alcohol,it is considered that you are under the influence!Not Drunk but under the influence.People may disagree,but I'm just
telling you what they teach you! Irish
P.S.After each meeting or counseling session,you have to have a
paper signed by whoevers in charge.This paper must be turned in,to show that you attended.

katekate42 05-04-2004 07:41 PM

I like to go out for the occasional beer (esp. when staying in Colorado- all those yummy microbrews). I tried marijuana one time ( on my 21st birthday) and after having a few drinks and giving that a go I was SOOOOOO sick. Needless to say, I'll NEVER try that again! At least it was free...

By the way, Loula, your Mom sounds like a hoot :)

Vurginne 05-04-2004 08:47 PM

Growing up as a teen I saw all my friends expirement with drinking and smoking and then into my college years drugs became part of the picture. I on the other hand just didn't take any interest. I can't stand cigarettes or cigars and the smells they emit. I don't like the taste of any alcohol (with the exception of wine and brandy used in dishes and desserts) and I can't fathom doing drugs. Like GingerV, the more I learned about my brain and my body the less appealing drugs became.

So much for peer pressure heh!

Loulabelle 05-05-2004 02:36 AM

Originally posted by katekate42

By the way, Loula, your Mom sounds like a hoot :)

Yes, she is rather....and as I've said elsewhere here, that advice stopped me from trying drugs, and also stopped me from trying sex until I knew I was emotionally mature and uninhibited enough to do it properly!

fun_lovin_bitch 05-06-2004 01:10 PM

irish - yep, you are showing your ignorance (joke!)

Marijouana (better known as Pot) and Cannabis are completely different in the sense that they have different effects, the price is much different (Cannabis is rediculously expensive) and that they are not the same class drug, so you cannot be given as long a sentance in court for doing the two different drugs.

Lilith 05-06-2004 01:24 PM

Originally posted by fun_lovin_bitch

Marijouana (better known as Pot) and Cannabis are completely different in the sense that they have different effects, the price is much different (Cannabis is rediculously expensive) and that they are not the same class drug, so you cannot be given as long a sentance in court for doing the two different drugs.

Not according to everything I have found.




Sharni 05-06-2004 01:24 PM

Marijuana & Cannabis are the same *LOL*

Hashish, which is the product of Marijuana that i used mostly is the more expensive and more 'illegal' (though both are here)

fun_lovin_bitch 05-07-2004 01:44 PM

wow, you sure showed me

Aqua 05-07-2004 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Booger
Aqua I have to disagree if you only have one drink you still are drinking it for the effect. weather it having a couple to melo out or several and get full blowen buzz(aka getting drunk, wasted, lit up, trashed, or ripped) don't kid yourself it is effecting you. By the way there are more poeple addicted to alcohol in this country then any others on the list the only drug that might have more addicts would be caffein.

Trust me Boog... if I'm having a glass of wine with dinner, I am not doing it for effect. The only thing that might mellow me out is if there is candlelight and soft music. I have never been drunk, nor buzzed, nor even a little tipsy.

Irish 05-07-2004 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Aqua
Trust me Boog... if I'm having a glass of wine with dinner, I am not doing it for effect. The only thing that might mellow me out is if there is candlelight and soft music. I have never been drunk, nor buzzed, nor even a little tipsy.

Drunk,buzzed,nor even a little tipsy.is Not,not under the influence,
it is denial!I would have said the same thing a few yrs ago.
P.S.Funny,how you look at things differently,after you have been there & studied upon it.

Lilith 05-07-2004 02:49 PM

Irish and Booger,
What you have to understand is that even though some people have one drink and that means they need to then have another, there are some people, like Aqua, who have one glass at a nice dinner and sip on it all night. While that is not necessarily your experience you should not presume it not to be someone else's.

Irish 05-07-2004 03:11 PM

Lilith---While I'm a recovering Alcoholic,I,personally,was never a
person that HAD to have another.I had another because,I liked it & wanted to.I just said that I learned thru studying that if you have one,you are considered by the law,to be under the influence.I don't necessarily,agree with it but that's the way that the law,looks at it.I,personally,have nothing against drinking alcohol.I just know that I shouldn't.I won't even have one,
because I like it TOO much & it will just start the cycle over. Irish

Lilith 05-07-2004 03:12 PM

And I applaud you for every sober day ((hugs))!

WildIrish 05-07-2004 03:30 PM

I've smoked marijuana a few times in college, and a few times since. The most recent time was about three or four years ago (the dorito incident). I definately smoked with the intent of feeling it, and I did. By the time we had finished the bag, the novelty had worn off and we pretty much figured we had our fun.

As for beer, wine or sangria. If I have a six-pack in the fridge, it'll last all summer. Scotch, on the other hand, goes well with a movie on Friday night. Do I know it's a drug? Yes. Do I need it? No, there's plenty of times when I'll say "Damn...what a day! I need a scotch!" and go home & drink tea. A few times a year we get looped and stumble upstairs to screw (or try), and usually end up regretting it the next morning. No, ya big sillies...not the screwing!

Irish 05-07-2004 03:49 PM

WI---Believe it or not,I still have a baggie,with 1/2 of a 1/4 oz of pot in it.It must have been in the drawer for 15yrs.Where I worked,the secretary/bookkeeper was a dealer.I used to get 1/4lb,from her for $100/120.I would clean it & bag it,& I have my own scales.My buddy,worked(?)at the Ports. Navy Yard.I would
give him 2 baggies.He would sell them at the Yard for $30/40 apiece(1/4 oz bags)That was $60/80.We each took a bag apiece,
for ourselves.That came out to about $20 a 1/4 oz,for ourselves!
Not a bad price for GOOD stuff! Irish
P.S.I'm one of those people that if it's there,I won't touch it.If it's
all gone,I get nervous!Stupid,but after ALL these yrs,I know me.

lilsquirt 05-08-2004 08:48 AM

I've smoked pot and hash since I was in my late teens, the only thing negative is that its made me have the munchies and therefore gain weight, my memory is fine, I am able to do a full days work the day after smoking up the night before, it doesn't make me sick like alcohol does. I don't drink alcohol at all, I don't like the way I become or feel after drinking and discovered early on that it just wasn't for me.

Pot mellows me out, relaxes me and I only smoke it in the evening when all my work is done, because after I've puffed the only thing I want to do is have sex.

Booger 05-08-2004 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Lilith
Irish and Booger,
What you have to understand is that even though some people have one drink and that means they need to then have another, there are some people, like Aqua, who have one glass at a nice dinner and sip on it all night. While that is not necessarily your experience you should not presume it not to be someone else's.

Lilith I never ment to imply in any way that Aqua haveing a glass of wine with dinner ment he had a problem. Was just stating the fact that one glass dose have an effect (one glass of wine, beer or shot of Liquer ) will raise your blood alcohol level to .02% depending on weight and a few other things. weather he feels this or not it dose effect him.

Lilith 05-08-2004 05:33 PM

True enough! :)

Irish 05-08-2004 10:23 PM

I just want people,that I care about,not to make the same mistakes,that I did.Like my wife once said,when discussing,many
of the same things."They won't believe you!People will only learn when they go thru the same things themselves." Irish
P.S.just my $.02.

BlueSwede 05-08-2004 10:55 PM

I'm probably one of the very few people "from the 60s" who has never tried any kind of drugs, including pot. I have weird reactions to a lot of legal medications and figured it would be just my luck to have some bizarre reaction to illegal ones, too. I don't smoke cigarettes either. I like the taste of some alcoholic beverages but have never liked the way even just a sip or two makes me feel, so I've never really drunk alcohol either. Only once did I ever drink enough to get drunk, but I did it on purpose. I was in so much emotional pain that I decided it was better to put myself out of my misery by drinking a bottle of wine than to do something more serious w/lasting consequences.

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