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Shadozfire 08-13-2007 10:59 PM

Migraines Please Help
I have a history of migraines after over 20 head concussions, 23 car accidents, and two skull fractures. I have had a migraine for two weeks and going on the third day. Supposedly what I have is a transformed migraine as it moves location and frequency. When it first started, I tried Relpax and Zomig to no avail and then went to Imitrex injection. I went to the Dr. and he wanted to admit me. I asked him what he could do for me inpatient that I could not take on my own. He said that I needed a CT. Well, with me and all my medical knowledge, I asked him what they could do for me inpatient that I could not take on my own. Plus I just had and MRI w/ Contrast. He had no response to that. Therefore he gave me a shot of Tordal (in the butt) and gave me a script for Fiorcet. The Tordal did nothing and I can't take the Fiorcet as it intereferes with my birth control pills. I have done extensive research as this has been ongoing for many years. The only suggestions they have are all of the meds I have tried recentely which include, Relpax, zomig, Fiorcet, and Zomig.

Can anyone else please suggest something? I am at wits end. I have never had one last this long as intensly. I have not changed any meds or anything else.


Wicked Wanda 08-14-2007 07:12 AM

Hon, I am so sorry to hear you're having a bad mirgraine, and even more unhappy that my Nursing knowledge is woefully lacking here (I specialize in Women's Health, sex, BC, etc.)
By the way, the Fiorcet interacts with the estrogen in your Pill. One thing Fiorcet does is constrict blood vessels, and PART of the interaction is the fear of blood clots. Have you talked to your GYN about alternate meds, like progestin only types? Some implants are progestin only, and the method I use, injectable, is available as progestin only too.

My best advice would be, (if you don't already go to one) is try one of the speciality clinics in Houston, especially the Uni associated Migraine Clinics.
They are always testing new medications, maybe there is one that will be more effective for you.

I have to ask an important thing. It doesn't surprise me that you have migraines after having so many head injuries, but my question is;
Why have you had so many car accidents?
That sugests there is a problem with your vision, reflexes, reaction time, perception, etc., which suggests that there is another problem too.

From all of the tests you have had, have they answered this question?

Or do you just drive like me? People in NO ever could figure out why I preferred to take a cab or the streetcar everywhere. Until I drove them somewhere. Not many people whould drive in city traffic with me more than once... (sigh).
(So I get distracted easily. Even while driving. *SHRUG*)

Get Well soon, hon.




LixyChick 08-14-2007 07:31 AM

Ask about holistic/homeopathic meds at a health food store. Don't forget to ask about interaction with any current meds!


wyndhy 08-14-2007 09:22 AM

get pregnant. :D my migraines ceased all together after the birth of my first child.

i wish i could offer some real advice, but i can sympathize. i hope you get relief soon. (((hugs)))

Casperr 08-14-2007 10:32 AM

Is it maybe worth changing BC pills, then? I know you've probably tried that but I thought I'd put it out there just in case.

Oh, I know! What about orgasms? They help with period cramps and stuff, right? Well maybe it's the same with migraines? Release the tension? If I can help in any way....

Ok, I admit it, I've got nothing. No help at all. Typical man, really. But I have heard on very good authority that if you take the eye of a newt, the blood of a bat and the fur of a lion, mix it up with salt and vinegar and a dash of teatree oil, leave it outside to stew for a few days and then rub the mixture all over your nekkid body while screaming "I'm bringing sexy back!" over and over at the top of your voice CAN, when done right, at exactly the right time (when the full blue moon is in uranus) cause the pain to ease off a tiny, eeensy weeensy little bit.
Just for a few seconds, then it's back to hell again.

At least give it a go - what've you got to lose?

PS Also, if it works, remember to give the eye back to the newt afterwards. Might want to wash it first too.

Lilith 08-14-2007 05:16 PM

If you have not tried massage or accupunture/pressure to see if its muscular, I would. I caused damage to a muscle that wraps over ymy head and affected the muscles around my eye as well when I was giving birth. I was given trigger point injections for the pain in the muscle in my neck and the headache left after 10 days of intense pain (had to hold still or throw up). I still continued to have a twitch and vision issues sporadically but the intense pain left. I would also suggest you treat the migraine with caffiene. I don't call my headaches migraines but medical peeps do. I take 3 excedrin and drink a 1/2 pot of coffee. I know there are theories on caffiene causing migraines but nothing (I tried Imitrex- shit made me sea sickand the head ache bounced right back) works as well as a coffee/coke/excedrin cocktail.

Shadozfire 08-14-2007 08:22 PM

WW-Unfortunately the car accidents were not my fault. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time (repeatedly). I think I have finally kicked that habit. :) The tests show all is normal in SF's brain and blood. The Dr's want to admit me for no less than 5 days, probably longer. I do not have the time off of work, nor do I have the leave built up to get paid for taking off. Oh and to tell you how that same person in my department from the business dinner debaucle feels about my migraines, she said the following to me the day that I had my emergency gall bladder surgery and I quote: "I hope that getting your gall bladder removed fixes your migraine issue too." Nice, eh? I have looked into the clinics around me and unfortunately they all want to admit me. I need the MIRACLE drug lol.

Lixie-Thanks for the hugs! I started off years ago with the homeopathic meds (and always try them first). Unfortunately, they do not work either. :(

Casper-Is that the miracle drug I have been searching all these years??!!!! Damn if I had only known!!!

Lilith-Oh trust me, having lived in Seattle for almost fourteen years, I always make sure I get my excessive caffeine intake!! I have tried massage and accupuncture in the past. I have an appointment lined up for Thursday to get a massage. I was just hoping that someone out there might have the end all be all cure that I had not tried. (SIGH) I might have to bite the bullet and have them botox my head which is the latest clinical trial. But hey, it would be a 2-fer!! No wrinkles AND no headache!!!! But they want to admit me before they give me the botox. Just suckable!!! What happened to the doctors that would shoot you up with what you wanted when you wanted it???

Lilith 08-14-2007 08:33 PM

Have you done the trigger point injections of lidocaine?

Shadozfire 08-14-2007 08:48 PM

Yes, I tried that as well. It lasted a whole four hours then my head hurt even worse, especially at the injection sites.

Cheyanne 08-14-2007 09:44 PM

I too have migraines... they are cyclical and typically happen around my monthly. They are hormonally triggered.

Just curious... have you been to an allergist? In some cases allergies to certain foods, environmental conditions can cause migraines.

Shadozfire 08-14-2007 10:13 PM

I had over $2000 worth of allergy testing and it all came back negative. Mine have nothing to do with my cycle. I have never had one last this long tho.

CunningLinguist 08-14-2007 10:39 PM

I don't really have any thing to offer as I though migranes were still caused by something random which means I can pray for you which may or may not help.

I'm glad to hear that the car accidents weren't your fault, but that is an ungodly number of auto accidents. :-(

Irish 08-14-2007 11:45 PM

Out of curiosity,are there Two medications called zomig?I notice that you
included Zomig & zomig in your list.The reason that I ask is that my wife &
my youngest daughter have always gotten migraines!They have troubles with
stomach sickness & vision.They say that lights flash etc.The only thing that has worked for my wife is a product called zomig.You can only get so-many
at a time.My wife has never heard of two zomigs,so I'm just wondering.We have been married for over 42yrs & she had them when we were going
together,so I would like to find a cure.Over the years,they have tried just about everything!Usually she(my wife) can feel them approaching & if she
takes a zomig then,she gets the jump on them. Irish :angel:

wyndhy 08-15-2007 03:11 PM

i used to take a pain killer/caffeine cocktail too, lil. i know that caffeine is a good catalyst but i never knew why the combo worked, and i guess it didn't really - i just ended up swallowing so many meds that i passed out for sveral hours and when i woke up, the headache was usually gone. i also discovered this stuff called vivarin - aspirin and caffeine blended all into one convenient pill.

Rhiannon 08-15-2007 06:13 PM

try relpak for migranes. it works great on mine.check with doctor and see if he can get it for you

Lilith 08-15-2007 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by wyndhy
i used to take a pain killer/caffeine cocktail too, lil. i know that caffeine is a good catalyst but i never knew why the combo worked, and i guess it didn't really - i just ended up swallowing so many meds that i passed out for sveral hours and when i woke up, the headache was usually gone. i also discovered this stuff called vivarin - aspirin and caffeine blended all into one convenient pill.

I have taken vivarin and excedrin (which has caffiene in it too) together. Aspirin thins your blood and caffiene effects the blood vessels. Works for me and makes me hyper. If you take excedrin and sudaphed it's like meth. I call it "Mommy Meth". I can clean and sanitize a house in like 20 minutes on that stuff :p

wyndhy 08-16-2007 08:43 AM

lmao. i guess the caffeine effect was neutralized by the handful of ibuprofens and tylenols i swallowed with it. my liver and kidneys are prolly damaged beyond repair but at least i didn't throw myself out a window in order to end the pain. :D

i just remembered a piece on migraine/tension headache sufferers i saw on gma. they're performing surgery on the tissues that surround the nerves that run up the back of the neck, removing some that may be compressing those nerves. the surgery doesn't work for every sufferer and, because it's a new treatment, they said it's difficult to find a doctor who will recommend it and even harder to find a surgeon who'll do it. but they did say that for most patients who fit the physiological conditions, relief from constant or frequent headaches is a very good likelihood.

Shadozfire 08-16-2007 06:22 PM

Hmm maybe I should try the mommy meth. :) I certainly have not tried that combo. I did read the article about the surgical option. That just seems so risky and last resort!!!

scotzoidman 08-18-2007 12:06 AM

Just for the record, the pills in Excedrin Migraine are the exact same formula as original Excedrine...Bristol-Myers has permission to label their product as such. I mention this because I always found Excedrin (or its clone Vanquish) the only thing that made life bearable when I had cluster headaches, much like migraines but more common in men...

Shadozfire 08-18-2007 12:08 AM

I thank you for that bit of info, however, neither have ever worked for me. I hate these medical issues where you feel like a damned lab rat!

Wicked Wanda 08-18-2007 09:55 AM

How are you today, Sweetie?


Shadozfire 08-18-2007 02:38 PM

Unfortunately, about the same. I have gone over everything like laundry detergents, soaps, dryer sheets, everything to see if I might have changed something. However, I cannot figure out anything environmental that I may have changed.......

CunningLinguist 08-19-2007 04:28 PM

WARNING: This is highly illegal, dangerous, and should only be tried by the desperate.

Have you tried LSD? I remember one episode of House, M.D. where he dropped acid to treat a self induced migrane, and I was thinking it may help.

You may also want to look into cluster headaches, and feel fortunate (or cursed if that is what you really have.)

Other than that, don't do LSD kids. Unless you really, really want your trip to the aquarium to be extra fun!

Rhiannon 08-19-2007 04:47 PM

I too have tried everything and can tell you that perfumes do it to me everytime. ugh.. and also chocolate if i over do it

The relpak works for me but sometimes if bad enough i do have to do the imitrix shots..

They have had some luck with blood pressure meds and such..

Shadow have they tried topamax with you??

Shadozfire 08-20-2007 06:42 PM

CL--I can honestly say that I have NEVER tried LSD LOL!!!!!

Rhiannon--Yes I have tried several of the pre-emptive meds, and they don't seem to be working either. :(

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