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-   -   Christmas party a la Canadienne! (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5578)

sugarfreecandy 12-04-2001 04:23 AM

Christmas party a la Canadienne!
Hi, everyone ---

I'm pretty new here, so I'd like to invite everyone to come out to my fabulous Christmas party up here in the Great White North! (This is a spin-off of the Merry Christmas thread...)

There's soft white snow on the ground, a fire roaring in the fireplace, and we've just brought in the Christmas tree. There's mulled wine, mulled cider, and lots of hot chocolate on the stove, and all the Christmas goodies you could ever wish to see.

What's more, there's folks outside making naked snow angels, others making snow and ice sculptures of their favourite positions, and for the truly adventurous, I've just built an igloo out back for couples to sneak off to! ;) Inside, it's clothing optional --- in fact, with the fire, you'll have your clothes off in no time so you can bask in its soft heat. You can also join me in the sauna before the Polar Bear swim later on tonight...

So, come right on in, make yourself at home! Anyone have any ideas for party games? ;)

--- sweetstuff
*waiting under the mistletoe*

TDK 12-04-2001 04:58 AM

Re: Christmas party a la Canadienne!
oh im there, u dont have to ask me twice sugarfreecandy :D

games, big hugh orgy where i get to have u 1st and last :D

and ill there with u under the mistletoe....

NOTE...TDK will bring the summer fun with him :D

Originally posted by sugarfreecandy
So, come right on in, make yourself at home! Anyone have any ideas for party games? ;)

--- sweetstuff
*waiting under the mistletoe*

Lovediva 12-04-2001 06:28 AM

<Throws a snowball at TDK and nails him in the balls!!>

<Once he falls to his knees, I run up to him with a hand full of snow and Rub it in his face>

AHHHH Great party Sugarfreecandy! :)

Anybody up for a game of truth or dare???? ;) :D

TDK 12-04-2001 06:32 AM

oh boy, dnt u learn?

<TDK grabs Diva while she rubs snow in face, plants a great big kiss on her silky lips for being close to TDK> :D:D

im game for truth or dare, nothing will stop me playin that game:D

Diva, not stalking you

Originally posted by LoveDiva4u
<Throws a snowball at TDK and nails him in the balls!!>

<Once he falls to his knees, I run up to him with a hand full of snow and Rub it in his face>

Anybody up for a game of truth or dare???? ;) :D

nutworld 12-04-2001 08:54 AM

count me in sugarfreecandy,

Thanks for the invite!

I'm gonna walk around with my hands covering my private area if DIVA's gonna be winging snowballs around at that area.

I'm in for the game of truth or dare though Diva!

Oldfart 12-04-2001 09:51 AM


Please check other Xmas thread for a xmas wish

David 12-04-2001 12:55 PM

Snow Sculpture
1 Attachment(s)
Here is one the sculptures we made outside of Sugarfreecandy's home!

sugarfreecandy 12-04-2001 01:46 PM

Glad you folks could make it!
Welcome, one and all!

David, great pic... but you won't be needing to make any do-it-yourself women here, I'm sure you'll find plenty of lovely ladies here who'd be more than willing to help you out should any 'need' arise... ;) On second thought, though, it might be a good way to let people know the party's here --- better than tying balloons to the mailbox at the end of the lane, anyway! Now get in here and help me show these guests what we Canadians are made of!

Oldfart, the Quebecois and Quebecoises are always welcome at my parties... Separatist politics or no, doesn't matter to me once the clothes come off! And those folks sure know how to 'feter la nouvelle annee' (celebrate the new year) --- maybe we'll keep the party going long enough for them to show us how it's done! As for the naked snow angels, why don't you step outside with me now and we'll make a pair of them to get the trend started...?

Nutworld, come on in, and maybe come sit in the sauna if you're nervous --- it's so warm in here, no snowball could survive as far as your worried parts! Or maybe you'd prefer to crawl under the covers in the guest room with someone else, to stay safe & warm! ;)

Diva --- welcome to the party! Truth or dare is a great idea... but only if we can keep those snowballs of your under control, you're making the other guests too nervous to play with you! Who wants to go first?

TDK --- aww, thanks for joining me under the mistletoe, it was getting lonely over here! Let's get that game started, and then we'll see where it leads, okay? Orgy or no, you can still 'cum over to play' any time!

Everyone else, don't be shy! Come and get acquainted! The party's just getting started...

--- sweetstuff

nutworld 12-04-2001 02:17 PM


Thanks for the great and warm welcome. The party seem to be fun so far. I'd love to have a go at that sauna...OR the bedroom under the covers for that matter. care to join me either place?

I was just giving Diva a hard time (OH!, how I wish!!) I'm sure that there are very few ways that Diva would let me be nervous.

Anyway..here's my truth or dare question.: If the woman or man of your dreams invited you outside into the igloo for a go of it would you go...knowing that you were gonna freeze your a** off ?

sugarfreecandy 12-04-2001 02:50 PM

Igloo? Yeah, I'd go!
I'd be right there, no hesitation... If the guy was truly the man of my dreams, I know I'd be so fired up that a little ice would just help me keep from incinerating myself... ;)

Besides, if I built that igloo right, it can actually get as warm as 4 or 5 C inside before anything even starts to turn slushy. Plus, a real igloo comes complete with lots of lovely fur robes --- the Inuit traditionally slept naked between their furs, then quickly hopped into their clothes come morning. Heck, if they can do it, I can too! :D

--- sweetstuff

Bilbo 12-04-2001 04:07 PM

Sounds like it would be a great X-mas Sugar free..but don't know if I could realy be able the handle the temperature...comeing from a climate where the lowest temp for the year is around 20 degrees C..... if afraid I'd be no fun at all......because I'd be consistantly STIFF, and with no way to thaw out.
Any suggestions?

TDK 12-04-2001 04:30 PM

LOL @ Bilbo :p -- the inside of the house wouldnt b cold mate, it'll b just like home

truth or dare q? i know ill will go in to the igloo with girl of my dreams, i would go in there with an girl :D
it'll b all good:D

TDK is not nervous about Diva, i think its the other way round? :p:D

and sugar babe, ur welcome,now lets go to the igloo now, shall we? ;):D

scotzoidman 12-04-2001 08:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's my snow scupture!

celt guy 12-04-2001 09:25 PM

thanks for the invite
*Kisses hostess on cheek (or wherever) and presents a port aged scotch. Never come to a party empty-handed.

Hmm a nice hot sauna then a hotter roll in the snow. Sounds like the perfect way to kick off the holidays. Now to find the brave lady...

This is a tough crowd for truth or dare. I think most of us would take the dare just for the fun of it.

By the way theres a case of fleur de champagne in my trunk in case we run over into new years.


Lovediva 12-04-2001 10:22 PM

Anyway..here's my truth or dare question.: If the woman or man of your dreams invited you outside into the igloo for a go of it would you go...knowing that you were gonna freeze your a** off ?

I would most definely go! Nut...I promise you...you will not freeze your butt off...a well built igloo with candles burning, and body heat...you can actually sweat in them!! It's amazing how warm they get!

And Bilbo...c'mere...I will keep you toasty warm....AND you can keep your stiffy ok!!!!!! You're gonna need it!!! :D :D ;)

Now...I think it's time for a DARE......!!!!!!

Hey Celt...pour me a glass of scotch please!!! :D ;)

Oldfart 12-05-2001 08:27 AM

Pourquoi Quebecois?

Je suis Aussie.

Shame, SFC, shame.

jay 12-05-2001 10:41 AM

twister in the igloo????
for any one not in the mood for truth or dare I just broke out the twister mat. but you have to play nekid hey sugar thanks for the invite wana play?;)

Lovediva 12-06-2001 06:34 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Please forgive me for not bringing anything to the party...but will this do???? :D :D ;)

Bilbo 12-06-2001 06:50 PM

Laughing my stiff freezing ass off @ Diva

nutworld 12-06-2001 06:56 PM

GUILTY Diva???

I should GUESS SO. Le me be the first in line to "punish" you like in the picture.

If not first, can I be 2nd or 3rd???

Prophet Reality 12-06-2001 10:43 PM

Great party. Thanks for the invite. I haven't seen the hostess yet, she must be in the igloo or sauna. HAs anyone seen the hostess lately?

And to answer the current question. I would enter the igloo with any of the fine ladies that are here. Or all of them if I could.

Love the sculptures everyone.

TDK 12-09-2001 04:34 PM

ummm, hmmm, yea, ive seen the hostess:D;) ummm, shes kinda tired out at the moment but im sure she'll b back real soon;):D

Originally posted by Prophet Reality
Great party. Thanks for the invite. I haven't seen the hostess yet, she must be in the igloo or sauna. HAs anyone seen the hostess lately?

Lovediva 12-10-2001 10:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is my snow sculpture!!! :D :D

Now this would definetly give me brain freeze!!!!! :D

PantyFanatic 12-10-2001 12:01 PM

…and might freez something else!
You thought that pop sickle was COLD!!

sugarfreecandy 12-10-2001 08:56 PM

Hi, everyone! I'm back!
Sorry I disappeared there; a bunch of us were playing snowshoe tag in the back lot... Special prizes if you tag someone else. I'm sure you can imagine what sort of prizes those might be, given that this is a Pixies crowd! ;)

TDK, you gave me an especially good run for my money, I have to say! How'd you learn to snowshoe like that, down in the sunny south?

Diva and Scotzoidman, I love your sculptures! They're a big hit! You can decorate my yard for next year's party, that's for sure!

ProphetReality, Pantyfanatic, and all the other newcomers, welcome to my humble abode! Please, make yourselves at home!

Celt Guy, I do like your way of thinking! Thank-you very much for the scotch, you're a true gentleman! You do know that the knight in shining armour always rides off into the sunset with the beautiful girl, don't you? Of course, in a place like this, you've got your pick of fair maidens!

Bilbo, around here, being 'stiff' is generally considered to be a good thing here! In fact, if you can stay stiff after we ladies try to warm you up, I dare say we'll take it as a compliment! ;)

Jay, I love the twister idea! Sure, if no one else has any more truth or dare questions, maybe we should move on & play that instead!

Oldfart, I apologize if I have you confused with someone else. Wasn't it you who made a comment about being glad I'm not Quebecoise? I just meant to say that although I'm all for Canada staying together, I'm not going to let politics ruin this party! Aussies of all stripes are most definitely welcome as well.

Come on, folks, let's pass around some of that delightful brandy, and get down to the business of partying!

--- sweetstuff

Mercury_Maniac 12-10-2001 09:24 PM

exactly how big is this igloo? wouldn't want to cramp up the party!

sugarfreecandy 12-10-2001 10:12 PM

The igloo...
...is as authentic as I could get. It's actually a complex of 4 smaller ice houses linking into a larger dome, the way the Qiqartarmiut did it... That way, there's privacy for those who want, and still plenty of space in the main 'room'! ... That said, though, I think most of the folks here are still inside the house, warming themselves by the fire after the snowshoe tag. Mercury, you're definitely welcome to join us either place!

--- sweetstuff

Bilbo 12-10-2001 10:50 PM

With someone as warming as you are SFC, I'm sure my stiffness would last as long as you would like ;)

sugarfreecandy 12-11-2001 07:05 PM

Mmm, Bilbo...
...I'd be delighted to help in any way that I can! ;)

--- sweetstuff

Prophet Reality 12-11-2001 10:52 PM

So does the Hostess need help with anything. How about with removing those wet clothes from snowshoe tag? Of course being that I am not the only knight here, except my armor is black of course.

Lovediva 12-12-2001 06:15 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Food, drink and good friends....what more can a person ask for.......

ICECUBES!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

celt guy 12-12-2001 07:21 AM

wet clothes
Prophet last time I saw our lovely hostess it didn't look like wet clothes would be the problem.

SFC if its a ride into the sunset you want. I'll be happy to oblige. Maybe later we could even go out on horseback. I'll meet you in the igloo. You bring the furs I'll bring the wineskin.

Diva Help yourself, theres plenty of scotch to go around. Or if you like I'd be happy to serve you latter.

Party joke for all- A woman walked into a bar and asked the bartender for a double entandre', so he gave it to her.

TDK 12-12-2001 08:31 AM

The Drunk Idiot has arrived!!! LOL

*hick, hick, hick*

*hick, hick*

*falls to groud*



sugarfreecandy 12-12-2001 12:25 PM

Prophet, thanks for the kind offer of help! As CeltGuy says, clothes aren't really much of an issue for me at the moment :o, but I'm sure if we put our heads together we could probably figure out some way for you to help me warm up...

Diva, OMG! ROTFLMAO! Where on earth do you come up with these pics?!? That's hilarious!

CeltGuy, hmmmmmm, a little horseback adventure sounds marvelous! Here, have some snowshoes --- I'll race you to the igloo! Oh, and I loved your 'double entendre' joke! LOL!

As for TDK, maybe some of the other lovely ladies around can help me haul this guy up to the spare bedroom... where he can sleep off the effects of that mulled wine! Unless of course we can think of some other say to sober him up? ;)

And last but definitely not least, OldFart, I have to apologize --- I've had the error of my ways pointed out to me, and I know now that it wasn't you who made those comments... I guess maybe I've had a little much of the wine myself, or was it that scotch? :o At any rate, my most sincere apologies to you... I hope you'll stay for the party and let me make it up to you somehow? ;)

--- sweetstuff

TDK 12-12-2001 07:43 PM

#we wish u a happy Christmas # *hick*
#we wish u a merry *hick*

any ladies fancy a *hick* shag?

#jingle bells#

# = singing

Originally posted by sugarfreecandy

As for TDK, maybe some of the other lovely ladies around can help me haul this guy up to the spare bedroom... where he can sleep off the effects of that mulled wine! Unless of course we can think of some other say to sober him up? ;)

--- sweetstuff

Glyndwr 12-12-2001 08:41 PM

~wandering in from outside wearing nothing but a smile~

Brrrr...bit chilly out there. Anyone want to play leapfrog to warm me up a little?

jay 12-13-2001 03:50 PM

Keep the fire warm
I'm heading out for a polar bear skinny dip if antone wants to join me feel free but unless any one wants to help warm me up that fire better be warm

TDK 12-13-2001 04:52 PM

#we r family# *hick*

*grabs 2 females by the waist that are close by holds them tight and keeps singing*

#we r family#

sugarfreecandy 12-13-2001 09:34 PM

Quick, hide the scotch!
Don't let TDK get at any more of it... Good thing he's a happy drunk! Of course, I can think of ways to make him even happier, but I think I'll let him sober up a little first, so that he stands a chance of remembering them when the party's over! :p

Now, I'm really torn between the suggestions from Jay and Glyndwr --- should I cool off or warm up first? Both sound like great ideas... How about we go do that polar bear skinny-dipping first, then we can all come back and play leapfrog to our hearts' content to warm us back up? Then we can get the best of both plans...

So who else is up for a swim? ;)

--- sweetstuff

Prophet Reality 12-13-2001 10:00 PM

Well, I will try the polar bear dip, but only as long as someone is around to warm me up afterwards. Diva are you free? Sounds like our hostess is booked for the night.

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