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A.K.'s Sex-Pot 08-19-2002 12:45 PM

Your most memorable quote
Something someone posted on another thread made me think of this.

I'm sure we've all had at least one compliment which we'll never forget and which makes us smile, but isn't the kind of thing you could brag about in 'polite circles'.

For me, i will always remember my one and only fuck-buddy telling me i had:

'The nicest fanny in Cardiff' (- where i was living at the time.)

This was a compliment from the guy who'd probably had most of the fanny in Cardiff!!!! For the benefit of all you Americans out there, the English definition of 'fanny' is pussy not arse.

So, what's your favourite quote about yourself - go on, brag!

andrew 08-19-2002 06:09 PM

My fave was from my spouse "Ohhmigod - 11 orgasms!!"

Must add they were all from me in one night.

Or the first time I lifted her legs over her shoulders and buried myself deep "OHHHHHH!!!!!"


skipthisone 08-19-2002 08:00 PM

had a good friend for years and years and she and i were pretty much inseperable and one day she just says to me

What if after you take someone home, when they leave in the morning you call me, Ill come over, We'll have breakfast and then you can tell me about it while I'm on top of you..."

Why I remember it so well is that we did just that for about a year and a half till she moved away...cant beat a good fuck-friend.

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 08-19-2002 11:53 PM

That's some quote, Skipthisone.

It's good to have something like that to remember - does our egos good when we're feeling low, don't you think . . .

sugarmagnolia 08-20-2002 06:10 AM

Hmm...I'm new to the board, but I do have a favorite quote from someone. A "friend" of mine once said, "I could die in your mouth Tash."
I felt a bit proud.

me_carl 08-21-2002 06:43 AM

Well, I have two favorites, the first one, although not sexual, makes alot of people realize that they are noe alone in thier troubles. Both quotes came from old guys that I knew years ago.

"It's a damm tough world, I don't know anyone who has made it out of here alive"


" Just remember....A girl can run faster with her dress up, then a guy can with his pants down"

A.K.'s Sex-Pot 08-21-2002 12:24 PM

Excellent quotes but i was thinking more along the lines of things which had been said about you personally, which you will always remember.

If we're going for most memorable quotes of a more general nature, my dear mother's advise to me when i was 18 regarding matters of a sexual nature was,

"Just remember that you can't get pregnant from swallowing" and, " never get sperm in you eye."

She's, er . . quite a woman, my mother!

Aqua 08-21-2002 12:33 PM

I had just started seeing this girl and we had not yet had sex and during the course of conversation she asked if I knew the joke about the four most ego deflating words you can say to a man... those words being, "Is it in yet?" Well, later on that night we were in her bed and our clothes were off and she grabbed my cock and looked at it for the first time and said, "You know those four words we talked about earlier... YOU will never hear those words!"

me_carl 08-21-2002 01:11 PM

ok, one said about me then...

From my wife:

"Has anyone ever told you that you are a fucking perfectionist?"

To bad that the word "fucking" was not put in to describe anything of a sexual nature.

Harley Q 08-21-2002 09:35 PM

I have the best ever. Lunch, Junior year of high school, sitting at a table of friends of both genders. After a lengthy conversation on topics such as masturbation and oral pleasure, I am the only female still at the table, let alone talking. My good friend turns to me and says, rather bluntly:
"Your boyfriend is so lucky. No really, if all women were like you, there would be no divorce."
To which my other friend added "And you have a nice rack."

quisath 08-24-2002 06:11 PM

"Eat Shit and Die".....for you English..................that means to GET OUT OF MY FACE.

Sweet_Candy 08-25-2002 03:59 PM

Hhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm well I think the most memorable would be from a good friend the first time we were together. As I was swallowing the last drop of cum he said very breathlessly You never told me you were so good at that,....... I can't see...LOL.

Made me feel quite good and still makes me smile !!!! =)

Oldfart 08-26-2002 08:09 AM

Again, please.

jjjjbo 08-26-2002 08:02 PM

I dated a guy briefly a year or so ago -- he was a definite "butt" man - we never got intimate, but he did give me a nice compliment - he worked in a store that I go to sometimes and he said that for a long time before we ever spoke he would follow behind me as long as he could do so without leaving his area, just to be able to keep watching me as I was walking away. It made me smile anyway.

dzbuster 09-02-2002 02:02 PM

from my first girl
"if you're gonna go might as well go all the way"

Casperr 09-04-2002 08:30 AM

I'm proud of a comment i got online, after posting pics on a different site I was told my dick is "perfect size for anal".
I was happy with that!

Ironwood 09-14-2002 09:13 PM

Two years after we broke up an ex-girlfriend wrote, in her matter-of-fact way...

"I was scared at first, I swear it was going all the way thru me. It took a while to get used to, face it Alan, you just have a big tool."

DildoDiva 09-15-2002 06:11 AM

From a co worker I was fuck buddies with: "You have the finest tits. I knew the day you walked in that door I was going to have my dick between them one day."

From another co-worker after giving him a bj for the first time: "It takes a good woman to give head like that, but it takes a goddess to do what you just did." I swallowed. Poor sap never had a girl swallow his cum....

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