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kinx 04-22-2004 04:37 PM

Your Favorite Website...
Post your favorite website, other than Pixies. This is a site that you visit and USE every day.


No affiliate links. No link that you or someone else will gain from being visiting. No stores. No auctions.
List USEFUL resources that you want others to know about.
If this thread gets full of junk, I'm sure the moderators will delete it. So, keep it cool, and let's share some information.

Just list one per response, and tell why you like it. You can always post another favorite later.

FallenAngel5 04-22-2004 04:39 PM

I don't know about USEFUL... but I visit both
Homestar Runner and ilovebacon every day. They're useful for providing amusement, though. :)

Edit: oops... I posted more than one...

kinx 04-22-2004 04:39 PM


Google is my current favorite search engine, mainly because it doesn't seem as cluttered as the others. It also seems to be the most accurate.

Also, it's how I found Pixies last year.

IAKaraokeGirl 04-22-2004 04:42 PM

<---uses google all of the time.

One of the sites I use the most, for work and otherwise, is www.anywho.com. You can look up in the white or yellow pages, as well as doing a reverse lookup.

kinx 04-22-2004 04:51 PM

That AnyWho looks pretty cool, IAKG. I've finally found myself! :D

osuche 04-22-2004 04:53 PM


It is a site where you can monitor your calories, exercise, and report whether you're reaching all of your RDA values on nutrients. Also can track your weight. It's password-protected and anonymous.

Nikki, you might also find it useful -- this is part of how I lost 50 pounds (and I am back on it since I've gained 10 back).

The site is FREE for all those interested.

IAKaraokeGirl 04-22-2004 04:57 PM

:) kinx, I hope that's a good thing.

One of the best things I like about anywho is the ability to search businesses by category. So, if you're in a different city and want to find all the Thai restaurants around, it can find them for you.

Another website I frequent is www.crimelibrary.com. That should scare 'ya. ;)

Lilith 04-22-2004 05:16 PM

damn now I am spending the day looking up old lovers on anywho :p

LixyChick 04-22-2004 05:51 PM

I do a weekly coolsavings.com check to get coupons for grocery shopping.

LixyChick 04-22-2004 05:59 PM

Mr Lixy loves woodworking (waits for all the insinuating laughter to subside :D ) and visits many carpentry sites. His fave is WoodworkersWorkshop.com because they have lots of free advice, ideas, patterns, etc.!

nikki1979 04-22-2004 06:06 PM

Originally posted by osuche

It is a site where you can monitor your calories, exercise, and report whether you're reaching all of your RDA values on nutrients. Also can track your weight. It's password-protected and anonymous.

Nikki, you might also find it useful -- this is part of how I lost 50 pounds (and I am back on it since I've gained 10 back).

The site is FREE for all those interested.

TY so much!!!!!!!! u rock!!!!


LixyChick 04-22-2004 06:16 PM

I went looking for a way to serve up yummy dishes for Grumble's visit (he's on a no salt diet and is a diabetic) and I found a site where I read all the info and compared it to Ian's allowables and I think I've struck on a way for him to have chocolate! I read all the info I could gather from this site and then I ordered a sample package of several bars. I figure it will have nutrition info on the label and I can show Ian the site when he gets here...but from all I read there, this could be the answer for some folks who cannot allow themselves the sweet bliss of the candy of the devil! The site is lowcarbchocolates.com/diabetes.php and if Grumble reads all that I have discovered and still can't have the treat...well, hubby has some new chocolates to sample! Hey! Can't hurt to try!

BTW...There are many sites out there for diabetic menus. I found some yummy things!

kinx 04-22-2004 07:12 PM


One of my favorite freeware sites with no spyware, adware, etc. All of the programs are free with no nagging registration reminders, thus, the name NoNags.

osuche 04-22-2004 08:48 PM

:D :D

Glad you like it, Nikki. I'm always here for support -- been there, and doing that! ;)

IAKaraokeGirl 04-22-2004 11:06 PM

I usually check out www.weather.com every morning to get the right wardrobe picked out. :D For more intense weather, though, I'll check out www.noaa.gov or www.intellicast.com. In the winter, when the roads are iffy, I'll go to http://www.iowaroadconditions.org. It is AWESOME and never fails to steer me in the right direction.

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