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-   -   PLEASE! Enough is bloody enough! (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16870)

Bilbo 10-22-2003 03:10 AM

PLEASE! Enough is bloody enough!
Come home to check msg and happenings at pixies,
I have 97 threads to view, over 1100 posts
4 PM's

of the 97 threads 88 are of one type
of the last member to post to these threads
89 out of 97 had the same members name
after closer inspection of the said same threads , the same member has posted up to 5 TIMES one after the other
this is now happening a daily basis now and i for one am SICK to fucking death looking at the same members posts in the same bloody threads day after day

If this is what pixies has come to I cannot justify wasting my time here

As for the member with the posting frenze "GET A BLOODY LIFE!"

Lovediva 10-22-2003 04:58 AM

Bilbo...I have a feeling you are talking about the Smut games. And yes I do play them. I play them when there is not much happening on the other fourms...just as others do as well.

But I don't care who's name is there. Or how many times they post.

We are all here to have fun and if some feel like it's the smut games...so be it! Who is to deny them that???

Maybe Lilith can see if the smut game section could be deleted from the new posts....I know I would like that.

So smile ((((Bilbo))))...it's not the end of the world..... :)

Lilith 10-22-2003 05:49 AM

I was really sad to see this although you have complained about what you perceive as over posting by members before. Please keep in mind that " New Posts" vary for each person and that frankly, not everyone uses that feature. I for one, do not. What showed up this time as "New Posts" for you may not be new to anyone but you, it is all based on what you have viewed.

It is not possible to remove one forum from the "new posts". I checked. I will see if there is anything that can be done code-wise.

Now as for your complaint~ We have posters who are more active in the Smutt Games than any other forum. That is why we have Smutt Games to give people a fun forum where they can flirt and play and to let the other forums remain in a more conversational mode. Some other members never post there at all. Naturally the posters who participate in the games rack up heaving post counts and to me it does not mean they are on a "posting frenzy". Regardless, I do not think if all those posts were pic posts by one person you would be quite as upset. If I am correct you think that the posts represent a large quantity of less substantial material. That is a personal judgement you have made, based on what you feel this place is for, and are entitled to do so. However Pixies evolves with each person that signs up and participates and I for one do not have a problem with someone who posts in the Smutt Games when they are bored or playing with other members.

Pixies will never be a waste of time so long as we keep having new members join and participate. I for one think that when we start making threads judging the quality of posts and pointing the finger we discourage everyone from posting freely and that is a huge mistake.

I will see what I can do on my end but I am not sure there is anything I can do. In the past, I have discreetly pmmed people who seemed to be posting non-stop in the forums and making it difficult for others to post at all.

Casperr 10-22-2003 07:05 AM

If it's any help, you can reduce the number of items that appear in your New Posts list by checking in a few times a day! :D



This was another unhelpful post, and I'm sorry. But it WAS fun!

celticangel 10-22-2003 07:20 AM

have a hug and a cup of nice sweet tea! xxxxxxxx

IAKaraokeGirl 10-22-2003 07:27 AM

First of all, apologies to all who feel this way, especially if it is me that this is in reference to. Believe me, it's not some plot designed to irritate other Pixies members or to satisfy some imaginary need for attention.

I found Pixies during a very difficult time in my life and, honestly, if it hadn't have been for the games, I probably would not have stayed. The games provided me, and still do, a place for mindless fun, where I don't have to think about things in my life I'd rather not focus on. I find myself in the games most often, still, frequently, on days that are less than stellar, when I need to reach out and touch someone, at least virtually, and to make a connection.

It is through the games that I've come to know many Pixies members, their likes, dislikes, what they do for a living, what they dream about. I wouldn't hesitate to call any of them my friends, and I hope they feel the same way. On a good night in the games, you'll see flirting in abundance, but you'll also see caring, concerned people who want to know you better. And who here already has too many friends?

Pixies is many things to many different people. It fulfills needs for the particular person. Some people come here for the pictures, others for the stories, some just for the chat or advice forums. The beauty of this site is that it *can* be "home" for people with different priorities.

As Lilith says, perhaps the best way to handle it is to simply avoid "new posts" and check the forums individually that you are interested in. I know a lot of people do that. Me, personally...I do use the new posts, but often I'll just zip through the thread names, only looking at those I'm most interested in. It's all in personal preference.

Again, my apologies to those who may have been offended, and I hope that such a public addressing of this issue is not one to cause division among what I perceive as a close-knit family.

Belial 10-22-2003 08:00 AM

Please, don't *ever* stop posting, IAKG! :)

*big hugs*

Oldfart 10-22-2003 08:01 AM


I wander through, and stay in touch with, particular threads.

I ignore the others in self preservation unless something

catches my eye.

That's just how I deal with it.

GusAspar 10-22-2003 08:19 AM

For someone whose cri de coeur is HluK bjzihef sis etbjaRgzqm ptz, I think Bilbo is getting a tad overemotional about other people's approach. I think it's wonderful that a place like Pixies exists, where IAKG can hypnotise us all (here's looking at you, kid), Bilbo can explode occasionally and some people can post prolifically - and we can all find our favourite corner to play in.

By the way, Bilbo, when you say HluK bjzihef sis etbjaRgzqm ptz, is that with extra parmesan and a side salad?

m45 10-22-2003 08:25 AM

Come on Bilbo...

Why is it so hard to just click on past.
I do that, I see so many smut game post it some times takes a page or two to get to what I want to see.

WildIrish 10-22-2003 08:43 AM

<---- blows out his candle, turns off his camera, scrapes the wax from his pecker and sulks away into the corner mumbling something about duck shit. :D

It's happened to me. I just holler at my wife instead of you guys. ha ha

Lovediva 10-22-2003 08:46 AM

IAK....you are a great friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With great knockers!!!!!!! :D :D

m45 10-22-2003 09:23 AM

I just clicked through 9 pages of threads in the new post.
Looked into only 8 or 10 that I wanted to see..

So what is the big deal...

This site is for everyone.

PantyFanatic 10-22-2003 10:40 AM

I SURE understand your feelings Bilbo. I’ve had the same feelings when I’ve been cramped for time and wanted my Pixie-fix before returning to slay my dragons of the hour.

I had to take note of IAKaraokeGir's sincere response and realized that our home is many things to many people. Us old Pixies have sure seen the change that Smut Games has made and we’ve seen a lot of other great things that have added to this unique place. I’ve had to learn to flip past the games to get at “Pixies” too.

IAKaraokeGir, also made a new point with me that some of the games are more than the repetitive postings and less than challenging listings that some of the early games quickly became. I don’t have a clew how to find the good ones that have a “Pixie" nature to them, but I’m going to PM her and see if she’ll tell me how to pick some out. Could be interesting.:rolleyes:

I hope it all looks better in the morning to you pal.:D We need you here.;)

Lilith 10-22-2003 11:12 AM

Originally posted by pantyfanatic

I’ve had to learn to flip past the games to get at “Pixies” too.

I don’t have a clew how to find the good ones that have a “Pixie" nature to them, but I’m going to PM her and see if she’ll tell me how to pick some out. Could be interesting.:rolleyes:

They are all Pixies because the people who post here decide what Pixies is.

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