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maddy 08-01-2005 08:52 PM

Random Thoughts
I often find myself having a single random thought that I feel like throwing up on the screen in type for all to see. It's not enough of a thought to warrant a thread for discussion, just something I want to throw out there in passing. Of course, I do this in real life and people generally look at me in a confusion wondering exactly where that thought came from and why on earth I felt the need to share at that precise moment.... so anyway, post your random thought and then carry on....

... sometimes I'm really lost when I come home and catch up and the day's post and I see snippets of conversation and wonder how to piece them together and what it was that I missed ...

Winston77 08-01-2005 09:13 PM

How does one carry on when they are not carrying anything?

Well that's my post will check back later :D

Cheyanne 08-01-2005 09:31 PM

I don't worry about random thoughts... I worry about random rambling... :eek:

osuche 08-01-2005 10:11 PM

I saw someone on the street in Berkeley this weekend who was walking around -- shoeless and braless -- taking charcoal impressions of poetry plaques in the sidewalk near my gym....and I started thinking about how I'd never seen anything like that in Ohio. First, people *always* walk with shoes, and second, there are few who take time to do rubbings.

Thank goodness that a place like Berkeley exists.

Zephreck 08-02-2005 06:35 PM

I wondered today..
I wondered today how it is funny that we can be so lonely as people...

Doesn't matter if we are married or single each of us can feel lonely. So many people in the world and most of us are blessed with loving friends and hopefully at least one loving family member... I am thankful for my friends and yet still fight lonliness at times..

Doesn't seem possible to be lonely with so many people around us and yet we do. Maybe we withdrawl too much as people? Or maybe Blake is right and we have been so negatively affected by life's experience that we lose that childlike love of everyone around us.

I look at how kids love. They love openly and freely. We say it is naive and yet we are also jealous I think.

Anyway my random thought for the day.

osuche 08-02-2005 09:54 PM

Is it strange that every day I realize that I am on a precipice -- I can choose to either be positive about my life and myself....or I can choose to focus on the things that ate %$#& up.

I choose to be positive, and build the positive sid eup for those around me. Even though it's often a hell of a lot harder to be positive.

Lilith 08-02-2005 10:09 PM

It's funny how being scared is so much easier than being scared and alone.

LixyChick 08-03-2005 01:45 AM

Those people who watch you as you talk...and you know they aren't really listening to a single word but waiting for you to stop moving your lips so they can say what they want to say...

Should I start over again or just walk away when I am through? I hate having to make that decision. Matter of fact, I hate having to finish my thought!

dicksbro 08-03-2005 02:45 AM

I often wonder how there can be so many people filled with so much anger and hate in this world ... and why it seems so hard to simply live and let live.

Steph 08-03-2005 04:27 AM

Great thread! I love Lil's & Lixy's posts off the top of my head . .

My sad little thought today was, "Why is it that when I don't see a known dealer in the 'hood for a while that I KNOW they're in jail? Why can't I assume they've gone to a good job?" Sadly, I haven't been proven wrong.

WildIrish 08-03-2005 07:56 AM

Does anyone really like talking to their boss?

wyndhy 08-03-2005 08:17 AM

why is that some media, when faced with nothing noteworthy to report, will actually make shit up?

why is that some of those listening will actually believe them?

Lilith 08-03-2005 08:43 AM

I like tiny hometown papers. I've read a friend's, who I miss terribly, for about a year now. And somehow have a mental image of the town he came from. It's amazing the stuff that is big news in a small town.

maddy 08-03-2005 10:09 AM

Humans never cease to amaze me ... sometimes I run into people and have an awe of amazement in the most inspired of manners and then other times I just shake my head and think how on earth have they survived this long in our world?

WildIrish 08-03-2005 02:58 PM

I wonder how some people find their way home each night.

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