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-=Kenshin=- 02-22-2006 06:57 PM

So who has ever done online dating here?
Just out of curiosity and your thoughts about it.

Lilith 02-22-2006 08:28 PM

Nope just an online one night stand or two or 4987235908745982375 :D

Steph 02-22-2006 08:32 PM

I went out with a couple of guys I met online but I worked for an Internet dating company for a few years so I have stories galore.

First tip: chat/email with the person for a short time but agree to meet as quickly as possible without pushing things. Strike while the iron is hot, etc.

Loulabelle 02-23-2006 02:31 AM

Nope, I've never done online dating....however I did meet up with a Pixie friend of mine for some hot sex a few years ago. We were married last September. :D

WildIrish 02-23-2006 09:42 AM

I think online dating should be a mandatory part of the courting process. You learn so much more about a person because it's much easier to type things out than to say them face to face. And contrary to the popular conception, I think there's a lot more honesty.

lizzardbits 02-23-2006 11:12 AM

Nope, never have done the online dating service thing....however....like Lou, i met a fellow Pixie and fell in love, (had earth shattering sex,) and we'll be getting married as soon as the paperwork goes through.

neither of us were "looking" for love, it just *poof* happened, and i am forever grateful it did!

Pita 02-23-2006 08:42 PM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
I think online dating should be a mandatory part of the courting process. You learn so much more about a person because it's much easier to type things out than to say them face to face. And contrary to the popular conception, I think there's a lot more honesty.

I totally agree with this. You just can't beat the communication that online forces you to have. It's a great way to get to know someone before the groping begins. :)

Loulabelle 02-24-2006 02:22 AM

I agree with TT and WI.....it's great to know someone's soul, their innermost thoughts and insecurities, and share their hihgs and lows before you are committed to 'dating' them or having to make decisions on whether you are going to sleep with them.

Essentially, you get the chance to fall in love with someone without even having to committ to a kiss.

WildIrish 02-24-2006 08:54 AM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
Essentially, you get the chance to fall in love with someone without even having to committ to a kiss.

Very well put.

Dr. Laura (radio personality that dishes out relationship advice) once said "You don't learn a lot about a person while you're having an orgasm." While it cracked me up when I first heard it...it really makes sense.

whimsical muse 02-24-2006 09:03 AM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
Essentially, you get the chance to fall in love with someone without even having to committ to a kiss.

but do you feel that there's a higher chance of falling for a fallacy on the internet? people can cut and paste and edit themselves to the person they want to present themselves as. Do you not think that it's slightly naive not to be conscious of this possibility?

WildIrish 02-24-2006 09:17 AM

Originally Posted by whimsical muse
but do you feel that there's a higher chance of falling for a fallacy on the internet? people can cut and paste and edit themselves to the person they want to present themselves as. Do you not think that it's slightly naive not to be conscious of this possibility?

Not saying it doesn't happen, but the odds of someone going through that much work to maintain a relationship with someone they've yet to touch, kiss, look into their eyes. Well, I think you'd know before too long that you were being misled. It's ok to open your heart...just be sure not to close your eyes.

Pita 02-24-2006 11:08 AM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
It's ok to open your heart...just be sure not to close your eyes.

Exactly! At first people can be who they want and say what they want. But, if you spend considerable time with someone online their true nature comes through the screen. It also takes commitment to not lie or give false information about who you are and what you want. If you want a real relationship with a person online you better be the most honest you have ever been in your life.

That doesn't mean that mistakes aren't made and that you might do things to protect yourself or the person. But, eventually the truth comes out and you must deal with it.

Loulabelle 02-24-2006 01:03 PM

It's always a possibility to be aware of, and I am always cautious when I chat to people online.

However, the beauty of the internet (especially if you meet someone on a site like this) is the liberating fact that you can be honest about who you are. There's no need to pretend....for a lot of people the internet is freedom to be yourself for the first time ever. For this reason, most people are honest about who they are. When you've spent hours and hours talking to someone into the middle of the night when you're both tired and defences are low etc, it would be very hard to keep up a pretence of being someone else. It's also important to chat on the phone before meeting, as that gives you a clearer idea of whether someone has something to hide.

For me, I've always had a pretty accurate bullshit radar, therefore being taken in by someone was never much of an issue for me. I certainly knew I could trust Fussy before we met, and of course, I've been proved right. :D

flutelady 02-24-2006 04:39 PM

I've done some online dating. I think it's a great way to (potentially) begin a real life relationship. I've been completely honest about myself and tried to NOT let only my best foot show. Rejection via the internet is alot less painful than face to face.

The results of what began as online dating? A beautiful and loving life with the man I love, sleeping by his side every night in our bed in our home.

I want to also add that he was exactly as he portrayed himself to be. Actually, maybe he's a tad bit naughtier in real life, but this is good!

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