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Michael Smith 04-12-2003 04:00 PM

Sex Education
Where did you get your sex education from? Parents? School? Friends? Books? Other?

Are you pursuing continued sexual education? How?

Sharni 04-12-2003 04:37 PM

All of the above :D

BigDanRTW 04-12-2003 05:08 PM

everything i need to know about sex i learned from watching porn.

Loulabelle 04-13-2003 03:27 AM

I got 'the big talk' when I was about 7 or 8. Being a child of the 80's there was a lot in the media about AIDS, safer sex etc and as far as I remember I initiated the discussion by asking what a condom was.

My Mum and my Sister sat me down and talked about it, complete with diagrams of both sperm and egg and actually showed me a condom which was rolled on to two of my Sister's fingers for demonstration purposes! We also had a couple of 'How the body works' books at home and then when I was 11 we were taught about it in school.

Actually every two years the subject was covered in school, in slightly more detail each time so that by the time I did 'A'-Level Biology it was prettty much only discussed on a cellular level.

As far as what 'real sex' is like, I learned that from novels, films, magazines, speculating amongst friends. Also, when I was aged about 16, an old Encyclopaedia of Love and Sex appeared on my bed, which my Mum had obviously found and thought might be of interest to me! I was quite embarrassed but she never said anything about it to me face to face and it was invaluable for information and masturbation purposes! Lol

I didn't become sexually active until I was nearly 18 and I firmly believe that the wealth of information available to me prevented my curiosity from getting the better of me at a younger age, which may have caused me to rush into sex before I was emotionally mature enough for it.

My sex education continues on a daily basis, thanks to Pixies!

Lilith 04-13-2003 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Loulabelle

I didn't become sexually active until I was nearly 18 and I firmly believe that the wealth of information available to me prevented my curiosity from getting the better of me at a younger age, which may have caused me to rush into sex before I was emotionally mature enough for it.

I just wrote a paper for school on this topic, Lou , it is good to see you are living proof of my main idea. I think here in the states we have made sex so dirty and taboo while at the same time using it to sell, that kids get truly mixed messages. We tell them not to do it but our society is inundated with sexual advertising etc. In school they taught us the biology but not the mechanics or about real sex. Until we start giving kids the real info they need many will continue to make unsafe choices.

I got my education from having sex. Good thing I was a fast learner;)

Loren 04-13-2003 09:53 AM

Originally posted by Loulabelle
I didn't become sexually active until I was nearly 18 and I firmly believe that the wealth of information available to me prevented my curiosity from getting the better of me at a younger age, which may have caused me to rush into sex before I was emotionally mature enough for it.

No big talk in my case, it was simply a topic like any other. No lack of information, though.

I do agree that knowing the facts does tend to keep one from rushing into sex.

Scarecrow 04-13-2003 01:52 PM

On the streets, friends and any where else I could find info, subject was very hush hush in the 50's & 60's

LixyChick 04-13-2003 04:43 PM

From friends and in elementary school. I was such a babe in the woods for the longest time!

Grumble 04-14-2003 02:58 AM

not a word from my parents, lots of good info from kids at school, much more inaccurate information from kids at school (one guy thought that anal sex was how it happened, he did not know about vaginas LOL) fairly sketchy sex ed at school (it was the 1960's) didnt lose my virginity till I was nearly 20 so experience was not a factor in my teens.

A girl in my class told me about menstruation, primarily to embarrass me I think, when I was 13 or so. I asked her lots of questions as it was news to me and she ended up being embarrassed lol. She had to admit to having periods and how they affected her, she made me promise not to tell anyone and I kept the promise and she was nice to me for the rest of the high school years.

drwinxp 04-14-2003 02:53 PM

porn, friends more experienced than me, and my mum...she actually told me about female sexual dysfunction and Papanicolaou smears...i dunno how applicable that is to what little i've done so far

WildIrish 04-14-2003 03:33 PM

There's a really bright guy on another website that writes articles teaching about human sexuality. He's taught me a lot.

skipthisone 04-14-2003 03:53 PM

My mom bought me my first box of condoms when I was a freshman in highschool. Not much explaining, just handed them to me and told me to be careful out there....

....Learned in the early years from my buddies dad's porn collection. He was a cop and they would bust places and confiscate illegal porn and then..you guessed it, take it home. I always remember because he had a secret panel behind his bookcase full of tapes.

My best learning on good techniques and the like was from a "fuck-buddy" when I was in my late teens, early 20's. She and I just tried about everything on each other and then on others and told each other about it.

King's Jester 04-14-2003 04:11 PM

We got the basic scare tactics in high school, along with anatomy.... You know, the whole, "AIDs! GONORRHEA! SYPHILIS!" I learned a lot from seriously looking it up. "How to Perform The Perfect Blow Job" and stuff like that.

Of course, it always helps to have field experience!!!!! Ha ha ha...anyway, my boyfriend doesn't complain.

playfulgirl21 04-15-2003 08:45 PM

parents, school, but mainly friends. especially in sitting around the campus pub drinking draft with friends...the things I learned!

axe31 04-16-2003 04:36 PM

non at school was mostly from freinds and from haveing
i understand that ther is a lot more stuff taught in schools now
but only if you are hetrosexual gays are ignored when it comes to
sex education this is why the internet is so helpful most gays
learn about there sexual education online

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