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JoNo45 08-20-2002 10:50 AM

Has this happened to anyone?
OK, for the second time already while me and my girlfriend were in the process of having sex, I overheat. My stomache cramps up, I feel like I'm going to throw up. and the worst part is that all the pain overides any good sensations, and I loose my erection.
I was just wondering if I was alone, or if anyone else has had this problem. And if there is like anyway to help this please let me know...

andrew 08-20-2002 01:07 PM

Heck that sounds like a right piss-off thing to happen. I have never experienced that. I had bolock ache and felt sick when I've been turned on but could not come.

I would talk to your family GP - it may not be physical - it could be stress related, good luck.


heatluvintxn 08-20-2002 07:27 PM

This has happened to my boyfriend a couple of times...The times it has happened we had been going at it for a long while. We determined it might be slight dehydration...his mouth was very dry also.

JoNo45 08-21-2002 09:43 AM

Thanks for the replies...
andrew I don't realy htink it would be stress related because it's only sometimes, like last night I was just fine and we had great sex. But thanks for the thought anyway.
heatluvintxn that's what I thought it was because my mouth was all like horribly dry, and I was chugging the drink I had by the bed. It wasn't too much fun...

andrew 08-21-2002 04:31 PM

Glad to help.

I was not thinking of physical stress, but more stress due to:

Coming too soon

Not soon enough



Interesting you mention dry mouth - that is one of the physical symptoms of stress. But I would agree on the beer/alcohol stuff, try cutting back and drink juice or water, it is important to keep it lubed!! I would suggest whenever you get hot, stop have a drink and try another position or oral or try Lilith's Toothbrush idea. It does work my spouse loved it!!


Good luck

Uncle Silky 08-22-2002 04:22 AM

no, and if it did happen ta me, i'd cut out the middleman and slice my throat with the nearest sharp object.

JoNo45 08-23-2002 01:01 AM

Thanks alot... It may be a bit of stress involved with it, I am not sure... BEcause I want it all to be perfect, but it's not... you know... But thanks...

Uncle Silky
Thanks for your advice as well... If I no one ever hears from me again, it's because I have followed your advice.. Thanks...

andrew 08-23-2002 04:32 PM


I want to hear from you again, i want find out your ok.

Silky was hardly supportive...

Do not follow his advice - talk to your gp (Doctor) etc

Good luck


andrew 08-23-2002 04:34 PM


Does it happen when you masturbate?

Does it happen during oral, either you to her or her to you?

What position did it happen in?

Try different positions eg 4-5 at least and take breaks, cool room, have a shower together and drink water, but not beer.

good luck


Uncle Silky 08-23-2002 05:49 PM

it was a joke, ya humorless jackass. besides, i didn't tell him to do it, i said I would under the given circumstances. pay attention.

andrew 08-24-2002 03:36 PM


Your right about the humourless bit. Can you be booked for funerals, wakes etc?


IndulgenceX2 09-02-2002 07:10 PM

I’ve had something like this happen when having sex shortly after eating, especially if the food was heavy or I ate too much. So, now I make a point of waiting an hour or so after eating for anything more than gentle foreplay. But, if this and other self-help measures don’t work right away, please do see your doctor. Serious stomach pain is not safe to ignore, whatever the reason.

woody368 10-09-2002 03:14 AM

I've overheated too, but it's almost always when we've been at it a while and I'm trying to cum a second time.

Certain positions are really straining on certain muscles and if they're pooped, your whole body is going to feel it. Try having her ride you, or spooning.

Make sure you stay fit. Good for the body, mind & wild fornication.

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