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LixyChick 10-25-2005 06:58 AM

FussyPucker and Loulabelle?
May we have a hand check?

I wanna see those married hands! Does Fussy wear a ring? Wasn't sure if Mr. Lixy would...but he never takes his off. Did you post wedding pics? Put me on course if ya did...TYVM!

BTW...do ya like how sneaky I am to pretend I need a hand check for anything other than to let your hands get unpruney from all the sexy groping that must be going on with you two? I mean...one can only take ooey gooey for so long and then your nails get weak! :grin:

Lilith 10-25-2005 03:50 PM

Somewhere I still have the pic of them holding hands FP sent me from his cell phone on their first date :p

Loulabelle 10-26-2005 02:09 AM

Hehehe....we have yet to get our wedding pics into digital format, so no wedding pics yet, or pics of our hands, but I'm hoping there will be some very soon - I keep nagging him about getting them scanned at work!!!

As for rings, Fussy currently has a temporary silver wedding ring, since he eventually wants a platinum one and we can't afford that at the moment, since they're very expensive in manly sizes! As for me, I am proudly wearing mine and haven't taken it off since he put it on me.

LixyChick 10-26-2005 04:09 AM

They held hands on their first date??? *overdramatized surprise*

Hey Lou? No problem! Just curious is all!

Though...the baby might want to see the pics before he/she goes off to college!

*bends over for the spanking*


Loulabelle 10-26-2005 07:28 AM

Lixy....put it this way....if you'd ever had a date with Fussy, you'd have held his...er...hand too, wouldn't you?! ;)

As for pics, you need to get Fussy to get his arse in gear, I've been nagging for ages, but I'm the wife now, he's stopped listening to me!!!

All this talk of babies is going to have people thinking I'm expecting already! Give us a chance!!!!!!! :D

WildIrish 10-26-2005 08:10 AM

Oooooh...I know how to get Fussy's ass in gear! Ask me...ask me!

By grabbing his stick-shift! :D

Booger 10-26-2005 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by WildIrish
Oooooh...I know how to get Fussy's ass in gear! Ask me...ask me!

By grabbing his stick-shift! :D

WI she said she was his wife now above so you know she stopped doing that.

Loulabelle 10-27-2005 01:43 AM

LMAO @ WI and Booger!

Why is it we women always get blamed when the sex isn't as wild as it used to be?

It's not always the case you know......

Booger 10-27-2005 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
LMAO @ WI and Booger!

Why is it we women always get blamed when the sex isn't as wild as it used to be?

It's not always the case you know......

LOL Loulabelle some times I see an opening that's to good to pass up.

LixyChick 10-27-2005 06:08 PM

Lou? I think you inadvertently hijacked your personal thread!

Is that possible?

No...wait...what I meant to say is...



OMG...can't get my mind off of WI grabbing Fussy's stick shift!

P.S. Um...Lou? I noticed that you said, "if YOU'd ever HAD a date with Fussy"...and I interpret that as meaning...WHEN YOU GUYS FINALLY GET TO THE UNITED STATES (EAST COAST...N.E. TO BE MORE EXACT) I MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE AT A "DATE" WITH FUSSY!!!!!!!!!????????

Did I ever mention that Mr. Lixy LOVES your av Loulabelle????? :devilish:

So anyway...FUSSYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!! !! Get the friggin pics for cryin out loud!

Nudge him in the ribs as he reads this ^^^ Lou...K? :rofl:

babybunny 10-29-2005 02:57 AM

Grats to you Loul and FP. :) Glad to hear you guys went through with it. <3

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