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Lilith 01-01-2006 10:04 AM

Pixies Power
I have seen this sort of thing done elsewhere and wondered if it could truly work here.

I'd like to create a small corner here for those of us who need support in our efforts to change our lifestyle meaning things like habits (such as smoking or even financial spending), dietary changes, or exercise. I'm envisioning a place to brag about accomplishments (no matter how small) or bitch about failures, to cheer eachother on to making better choices, to offer eachother insight and encouragment. I think it would be a great place to report or keep a running record of daily, weekly, monthly, goals and what good choices you are making.

I found this site www.tickerfactory.com that has tickers to keep track of your goals and achievements. I'm sure there are other places too with behavior modification tools.

This would also be the place to discuss tactics you have found useful to help you to make those choices, as well as feelings about how thechoices you are making are impacting your life. Feel free to blog here, record keep, celebrate or whine.

I put this in Advice because it's mainly a support/advice thread and also because this forum gets less riff-raff and it's a seriously personal type subject.

dreamgurl 01-01-2006 10:25 AM

This is a great idea Lil. Seeing as how I am going to try to loose about 25-35 more pounds, this would be a great way for me to force myself to stick to it. Just in case the food journal doesn't work like it did last time I know I will always have you guys. (((((( hugs))))))

Steph 01-01-2006 10:51 AM

Thanks for the motivation! I will do my sit-ups & push-ups asap!

Lilith 01-01-2006 11:02 AM

Excellent dreamgurl!!! 25-35 is do-able! Think of what you have already done!!!

One time, a very long time, ago I lost 70 pounds so I know I can make changes and stick to them.

Here's my long term weight goal ticker!

I am going to drink 6 bottles of water a day. I also plan to adhere to a low processed flours/sugars eating plan. More veggies, more fruit, more nuts, more lean meats. I plan to avoid white flour, bad fats, and high fructose corn syrup at all costs.

Lilith 01-01-2006 11:03 AM

Originally Posted by Steph
Thanks for the motivation! I will do my sit-ups & push-ups asap!

How many? Are you trying to build up to a certain # or just starting off maxed?

fzzy 01-01-2006 11:27 AM

Thank you Lil .... I've set goals for this year to lose weight and get more mobile ... working at the increased mobility several times a week ... but now working a lot harder at the weight issues as well ... I plan to go with a low carb (not non-existant, but low) and lower fat eating plan, increase my veggie intake ... I don't like most fruits, but I'm get more of them into my eating plan as well.

And still working to increase my savings, etc. on a financial level.

Casperr 01-01-2006 11:49 AM

Do we get personal spankings from Lilith if we don't make achievements??

I'd probably try to GAIN weight if that was the case.... :P

Lilith 01-01-2006 12:09 PM

Great fzzy! Maybe you could keep us posted on what new fruits you are eating. I am adding them in many forms including dried.

CasperTG~ no but you will get spanks and licks for supporting those of us working atmaking changes. Got anything you'd like to change???

maddy 01-01-2006 02:14 PM

I'm working on weight issues - I've been fortunate to date that my weight has not caused me any health issues. I know that I am capable of weight loss it's just a matter of convincing myself that I need to do it and stick to it.

And while weight has not had an impact on my physical health (or at least not any impacts that have been detected yet) - it has had huge impacts on my mental and emotional health. I have finally realized this!

I mentioned in another thread that I am doing WW Online and hope to experience success. I'm making healthier choices in my eating... planning my meals and trying new things. I've historically been a picky eater which meant minimal fruits and vegetables.

Lilith 01-01-2006 02:16 PM

I have debated doing WW online. Are you finding it helpful?

maddy 01-01-2006 03:25 PM

I just signed up yesterday and am starting the plan today. I find the recipes helpful. I'm learning to be more adventurous in my cooking rather than cooking the 5 things my mom made that I liked. It appears to require quite a bit of discipline to stay on track of journaling your food intake. Give me a month and I might have a better opinion about it being helpful or not...

osuche 01-01-2006 03:43 PM

Speaking of journaling your food intake....there's a site that I use ( www.fitday.com ) where you can log food intake by item, manage your fat/fiber/vitamin intake, and also track the number of times you work out weekly.

I've been using it for 2 years, and it's made me SOOO much more aware of what I put into my body. :) One of the things I love are the "reporting" tabs where you can track whether you've reached your RDA of vitamins for the day/week, the report where you find out on average how many calories you burn a day, and the report where you track how much fat your diet contains.

The program is free and worth its weight in gold IMHO.

My specific goals this year:
1. Become healthier
-- Lose at least 15 lbs, preferably 20
-- Lessen my daily fat intake to less than 30% (taregt 25%)
-- Work out a minimum of 4 days/week (I've been averaging 3)
-- Target 1900 calories/day (I've been averaging 2050)

2. Find a better job
-- Send out one resume per day, with a well-researched cover letter...5 days a week
-- Conduct follow up on all call backs
-- Become more active with Career Services at school, and join the Marketing Club

3. Find a hobby
-- Research if there are inexpensive dancing clubs, or places where you can learn either salsa or ball room dance
-- Investigate if there is some form of martial arts (NOT T'ai Chi) that I can do with my arthritis
-- Research good bike routes near home

Lilith 01-01-2006 03:54 PM

I will look into that link.

I know this may sound nuts but in my town the best dancehalls/lessons are at the Senior Center.

Osuche can you bike with the arthritis?

osuche 01-01-2006 04:01 PM

depends on what type of biking...I'm not taking on the Berkeley Hills (aka STEEP) anytime soon. my body likes recumbents, but I can do normal biking for a couple of hours a day.

Senior Center dancing? hmmm.....interesting notion. Will check. ty

dreamgurl 01-01-2006 04:18 PM

Here's is my ticker ( thanks Lil) to finalize it. Ticker

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