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MatrixMan6969 10-29-2003 07:26 PM

Whats wrong with incest?
Exactly what is wrong with incest! I have posted several incest stories and I am not ashamed of it. Say something I don't care and talk about your opinions on it. Post pics if you want...

Vullkan 10-29-2003 08:34 PM

Whats right about it? In most cases of incest there are victems involved. Usaully a trusted family member violates another, We here about a lot of "mature" cases of incest where grown up brother sister or father and grown up daughter engage in it....etc. But this is seldom the rule. Now if this was the case then I can not fault that--as adults. But when it comes to the innocent, it is unacceptable.

Now many would fault incest as a biological evil...but looking at history (ancient Egypt as an example) the odds of a biological disaster are surprisingly few; otherwise for those royle houses of ancient Egypt would have been very brief which was not the case. One must remember you and I are but 1/4 mom and dad and 1/8 grandma and grandpa (1/8 for each grandma and 1/8 for each grandpa) and therefore there is still room for genetic variations

Oldfart 10-29-2003 09:08 PM


We have talked about this a couple of times before.

If you use the search key at the top of the page, you'll

get a large range of replies.

Basically, the problems are legal and medical.

Sharni 10-29-2003 09:11 PM

This has been discussed here...if you take your time to search through the archives!

For me....to each his own...and like i've stated in other incest threads...as long as no kids are born from the union...and it only adults involved (dont wanna hear about kids at all...got it!)

Anybody can post pics...PROVIDED they are within the guidelines

Pixies-place policy on posting pictures

naughtyeddie 10-29-2003 09:16 PM

my views are

i read and enjoy some incest stories but any sex involving minors is wrong as they dont have the capacity to make that kid of decisions. and therefore it is classified as rape( sdtatutory rape).

incest which result in children being born increases the chances of birth defects, poor health, down syndrome, retardation etc.

there are communities where i live that do pratice alot of incest( cousins) and these defects are evident in that community.

so incest weakens the population as well as involves rape in some cases.


PantyFanatic 10-29-2003 09:41 PM

It's especially bad if you come from an ugly family.:eek:

pinkbutton 10-30-2003 03:13 AM

LMAO of pantyfanatic!

Casperr 10-30-2003 06:14 AM


I basically agree with Sharni - as long as there's no pregnancy resulting from it, as long as it's entirely consensual, as long as it is adults then no, I don't have a problem with it.


FussyPucker 10-30-2003 08:28 AM

Re: Whats wrong with incest?
Originally posted by MatrixMan6969
Exactly what is wrong with incest!
I'll tell you what's wrong with it.......all my close relations are male :( hehehe

I'm with the Casper n Sharni here - consensual SAFE sex between two (or more) ADULTS is fine.

fzzy 10-30-2003 04:52 PM

I agree with Vulkan on this one ... what's right with it??? ....

If something goes wrong in the relationship ... you still have to see them on a regular basis .... you'd have to keep everything hush-hush because you know that most people are not going to be accepting of it ... and finally, where can you go with it? Just doesn't make any sense to me. But as I've frequently mentioned, I'm a rather conservative sort. :)

paprclphd 10-30-2003 06:49 PM

I agree with Sharni and the others that share that opinion. Consensual sex between two adults (whatever the relation) is ok. I don't particualrly care to hear about it, but there are some things that I might do that people don't really care to hear about. Different strokes for different folks.

Having stated that, you really don't generally hear of to many adult incest stories. They usually involve children who are to young to make those kind of decisions and that to me is WRONG WRONG WRONG!! Adults usally realize the above point made by fzzy - "where can you go with it?"

I read an excellent book once that touched on incest and the morals of it - some cultures simply don't find anything wrong with it. If anyone is interested:

The Rapture of Canaan

Dumb me forgot the author! LOL!

Oldfart 10-30-2003 08:18 PM

Forgot that, lol.

We're all the products of incest if you follow the Genesis story.

denny 10-30-2003 08:49 PM

The problem with it is that it usually starts before the age of consent, when it does happen. It is totally wrong to use a position of trust with a child for one's sexual gratification. I consider that to be abusive. Hope everyone understands my point of view.

Vigil 10-31-2003 01:39 AM

Oedipus and Electra didn't fare too well from it!

lakritze 10-31-2003 04:07 PM

I agree with Vulkan too.For every story of a couple of cousins getting together and having an incestous relatonship,there are a 100 stories involving rape,especially of minors.Doesn't the world have enough possibilities in it without having to look towards your own family?

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