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dicksbro 09-27-2003 09:37 PM

Why are you here at Pixies?
I just sent a PM to one of Pixie's most special people (of course that could be any of you) and it made me think of just what makes Pixies so special and why I spend so much time here. I thought I'd share it with you as kind of a thank you to you all and then see if you have any special reasons for being here, too.

Here I am ... 60 years old and playing around posting here at this site. Fact is, more than once it's crossed my mind that maybe I'm really too old to be here and that a lot of you younger Pixies probably wonder why an ol' geezer like me is here.

Then, one or more of you really say or do something that is very special for me. More special than you know. You say things like you enjoy my posts in the gaming threads; or that you think I'm funny; or that you like the pictures I've posted. Or, like Eliza did, she put together a few of my old pictures and posted them in a thread called "A Tribute and a Gift." She's done that of other guys here at Pixies, too (but they were all generally younger (much?) than me).

I want to tell you all, when you do those little things ... you really make a guy like me feel very, very good ... and probably have taken several years off my age in the process.

I've several times have said how special I think you all are, but probably not always why. Well, this is a lot of the reason. And, I just want to take this chance to really and truly tell each of you ... Lilith, Sharni, Sugarsprinkles, Lixy, Pantyfanatic, DM383, IAKG, Christine, Nikki and Legend [whereever you are :)], Uncle Silky, GrumbleGuts, Scarecrow ... and all the rest of you (don't meant to leave anyone out) ....


There ... I've done it. Now you can tell me why you like this place and I'll just sit back feeling younger and younger and one day, when I grow DOWN, I may even get as young as some of you! :D :D

LixyChick 09-27-2003 10:47 PM

*a happy tear in my eye*

I came to this site one day.....as an exploration of (sex) web sites....with my husband. We checked um all out.....and I came back here.....and I read, and I read, and I read......ok.......and I perved my ass off! And............I felt like I was home!

Several people (many of which you mentioned above) spoke to my heart.....not to mention my ego........but mostly to my heart, with each and every thread I posted! You were one of the first, and still the most constant and complimentary friends I've encountered here!

I've said it before db.......and I'll say it again.....loud and proud......


*big, giant, tight hugs*

*IMPLEMENTING THE OH SO EFFICIENT EDIT FEATURE* Don't you dare...EVER....think of leaving us! The cog you represent could never be replaced or repaired!

Lilith 09-27-2003 10:57 PM

I am here cause this is where I can be me. I honestly value every person who visits. I respect most and love many. I have remained here because of the wonderful people who click that button to register everyday. I love to watch people discover themselves while they discover Pixies. This forum/community offers people a safe, non-judgemental place to explore their sexuality without fear of reproach or criticism. I am here cause there is no where else that remotely comes close to this.

Michael Smith 09-27-2003 11:28 PM

I was a virgin until age 27. I wanted my first time to be with someone I love. Well, when it happened, I fell in love with a lady 12 years older than me, and much more experienced. Well, needless to say, I had a LOT of catching up to do, so I went on a personal mission to learn everything I could to be the best lover to her I could be. She deserves my best. Well, over 4 years later, I'm still learning. In fact, the more I learn, the more I learn that I still need to learn.

I found Pixie's as well as some other forums and found that through discussions with other people, I could really get a broad spectrum of information. The forums give me access to people I would never have access to without it. People of all age groups, levels of experience, and backgrounds.

DB, you posted something the other day that gave me encouragement and hope and made you a role model of sorts for me. I apologize for not telling you so at the time. I believe it was under the post talking about the number of lovers we've all had. My number, like yours, is one. I hope it stays that way forever. I am so madly and passionately in love. I want to be 60 and have only one lover my whole life.

I'm gaining other role models, too. There's another guy from another site that also visits this one. He isn't much older than I am, but he's been married for almost 15 years. I think that is incredible. I like to listen to everything (well, almost everything! LOL) he says. I believe if you want to be somewhere in life, you should learn from the people who are already where you want to be. I'm meeting more and more of those people on Pixie's all the time.

Pixie's is an incredible place to share a freeflowing exchange of ideas and information - and sometimes just some plain fun. What I find especially amazing about Pixie's is the fact that there are so many people here, yet I haven't read any posts from any trolls, flamers, bottom dwellers, or trouble makers. Maybe they are out there, but I haven't seen them yet. You wouldn't believe the number of these kinds of posts on other forums. It's enough to drive you mad. Maybe Pixie's isn't like that because Lilith locks them all away in her dungeon (whip makes a *cracking* sound). ;) Anyway, it's quite refreshing.

The conversations at Pixies are more "grown up" than several other sites I visit, too. I enjoy that. I like hanging around people that know more than I know. That's how I learn new stuff.

I look forward to getting to know more of you Pixies and I'll stick around until someone kicks me out. :)

Sharni 09-27-2003 11:29 PM

I'm here simply because this is home...and you fellow members are my family!!

PantyFanatic 09-28-2003 01:07 AM

“Generally” being the key word because I’m spot on with you.
She's done that of other guys here at Pixies, too (but they were all generally younger (much?) than me).

DB, you and I shared more than just the ride on this solar orbiter even though we don’t often communicate privately. You’ve just stated a lot of my honest feelings about ALL the people here at Pixies and like you, this has become a real part of my life and WILL always be included with my “life experiences”.

ALL of the above posts have stated many of the various reasons Pixies has become so meaningful to me including truly learning from the “younger” members. Perhaps because of the online format, I believe we all are more receptive to the “inner person” than could be possible in normal societal constraints. This HAS taught me to be more accepting in many ways. Pixies, in it self, has become more than an adult environment to hang out at or an individual person even though I’ve become closer to some than I thought possible in such a place. For me, it’s turned into a concept ….. a philosophy if you will.

Without getting into a lot of personal matters, I have to tell you that Pixies is the only place that has been able to infiltrate into me and allow (snuck-up, made, inspired) me to “feel” again after a longer and deeper period than I even realized. While it’s a very modified version, I’m grateful in ways I can’t express here. I too can only say

*puts panties back over his head and returns to jesters tent:multi:.*

lakritze 09-28-2003 01:25 AM

I'm 10 years right behind you and rapidly catching up.The good news is that we are never to old for Pixies.We're just senior members,sort of like Papa Smurf.heh heh I really enjoy it here.I like the exchange of ideas and comments and finding out what is on the minds of everyone.Ive been to other places,some don't exist anymore,others seem to have nothing of interest to say unless some one enjoys flaming others.I still visit literotica and Isadora's forum,but find Pixies to be a very comfortable site with a lot of great people.Beside,no body can argue that the Pixies Chicks are to die for.They have go to be the most delicious, delectable creatures on the planet.AGREE?

cowgirltease 09-28-2003 01:40 AM

Re: Why are you here at Pixies?
Originally posted by dicksbro

Here I am ... 60 years old and playing around posting here at this site. Fact is, more than once it's crossed my mind that maybe I'm really too old to be here and that a lot of you younger Pixies probably wonder why an ol' geezer like me is here.

Then, one or more of you really say or do something that is very special for me. More special than you know. You say things like you enjoy my posts in the gaming threads; or that you think I'm funny; or that you like the pictures I've posted. Or, like Eliza did, she put together a few of my old pictures and posted them in a thread called "A Tribute and a Gift." She's done that of other guys here at Pixies, too (but they were all generally younger (much?) than me).

I want to tell you all, when you do those little things ... you really make a guy like me feel very, very good ... and probably have taken several years off my age in the process.

There ... I've done it. Now you can tell me why you like this place and I'll just sit back feeling younger and younger and one day, when I grow DOWN, I may even get as young as some of you! :D :D

Because of people just like you are here.:) And that's the kind of people I wanna be associated with.;) The bestest and friendliest people there are!!!:)

GingerV 09-28-2003 05:20 AM

Oh my, the place can generate a thread like this .... THAT'S why I'm here.

Found it one day, looking for stories (really...didn't know there was anything else). Happened to see the button for chat, and figured I'd have a look. Ran into a couple of people who were playful and helpful and charming and funny as hell....and who didn't laugh at me too much when I was surprised there was more to see. Figured if half of the rest of the place was anything like them it was worth a look. It was entirely like them....full to the brim of jokes, sharing, serious when it was called for and playful at ALL times. I don't know how it became what it is, but the chemistry is magical. And I'm too damned sensible to walk away from something this special.

So you're stuck with me ;).

Casperr 09-28-2003 06:28 AM

Where else should I be???

BigBear57 09-28-2003 07:19 AM

I found Pixie's through a friend who suggested a story here. After reading the story I just looked around some and one day clicked on the Forum button. That day I wandered into something just wonderfully different from the things I had been seeing anywhere else. I'll admit I was originally perving the pics but it didn't take long for some of you to waft gently into my mind and offer an invitation to stay. I couldn't possibly list the numbers of you who have made this a part of my every day routine but suffice it to say the family feeling and general openness is just intoxicating. Who couldn't feel at home here? I live in a really rural setting where closed minds and stereotyping is still very much alive and flourishing so being here has been good medicine. I've wandered into chat a few times too and certainly will again. Thanks for Pixie's, Thanks for this thread and the opportunity to say Thanks and Thanks to the many warm, funny, open hearted, open minded, caring, beautiful, intelligent, and charming folks who make up this community. If it's ok with you, I'll stick around awhile longer. Oh and DB, you are a hoot dude. ;-)

BigBear57 09-28-2003 07:35 AM

"Don't you dare...EVER....think of leaving us! The cog you represent could never be replaced or repaired!"

Hopefully it goes without saying this quote very much applies to many of you here. Yes Lixy even YOU. (especially in my book) :)[

LixyChick 09-28-2003 10:29 AM

Originally posted by BigBear57
"Don't you dare...EVER....think of leaving us! The cog you represent could never be replaced or repaired!"

Hopefully it goes without saying this quote very much applies to many of you here. Yes Lixy even YOU. (especially in my book) :)[


The feeling is mutual sweety! :heart:

Grumble 09-28-2003 06:02 PM

I am honoured to be a part of pixies where i have found true friendship, can be totally myself and be accepted for all my little quirks without any negativity and have constant contact with so many decent caring and sexy people :)

dicksbro 09-28-2003 06:35 PM

I have truly loved reading each of your responses. I feel like I know each of you just that much more and that is really special. And, Big Bear, I agree with you ... a lot of our Pixies simply could not be replaced ... and you're right Lixy is certainly one that would fall into that category.

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