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nutworld 09-04-2001 07:00 AM

How come so many people don't take the time to fill out the profile section here at Pixies???

Lovediva 09-04-2001 07:18 AM

Profiles...hmmm... second time today this has been brought to my attention ;) But the reason for me not putting a profile up is because I didn't feel the need too. If I want to know about somebody I ask them personally in an email or pm. A profile dosen't really tell you anything anyway... so I say if you want to know something about somebody...pm' then and ask!! What better way to make new friends here at pixie's!!!

PurpleLayc 09-04-2001 09:09 AM

I didn't think it was required to be filled out. If you want to know me, email me and ask!

nutworld 09-04-2001 09:43 AM

Excellent point ladies.

I guess what I should have stated in my question..was that I personally use the profiles to help "break the ice" when finding out about the members. I can see if we have any common ground before I send a PM or whatever. Maybe I'm just strange that way.

I guess I didn't consider "just asking".

Pussy Willow 09-04-2001 12:37 PM

I'm a little bit put off posting information about putting personal
information on the internet where anyone can view it.

I have no problem with anyone here having access to it , but
I won't post it in the profiles because I don't want anyone else
getting a hold of it.

Just paranoid I guess, nothing personal.

Oldfart 09-06-2001 06:14 AM

Re: Profile
Some may see that posting as a way to draw attention
to themselves. "Pick me!!"

As a man I don't have the attention directed that the girls
have from types they may not wish to deal with.

If a poster of either gender seems to be a kindred spirit
then you need to look at their posts and work out if you
really want to chat.

The "I'm a Taurus, wanna Cyber?" must be so tough.

Give it time and effort and a bit of attention to the ladies.

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