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eeyore 08-19-2001 11:53 PM

problem: only attracted to cute girls
I have what I see as a problem: I am only attracted to cute girls. It’s not that I only value physical beauty, I like caring, adventurous, and most importantly intelligent women (I can’t stand ditz’s), but these traits must be in a pretty package. I realize this inability to overlook the physical is keeping me from knowing some really great women, but knowing and doing are worlds apart. Any advice on how to become more open to those whose assets aren’t immediately apparent?

On a side note, I am not real catch myself as far as physical appearance goes and often are disappointed with (attractive) women not being receptive to me, which is an obvious
hypocrisy on my part.

Any help would be appreciated.

SapphireTX 08-30-2001 07:26 AM

The term "attractive" is in the eye of the beholder. We all have a need to see our "significant other" as good looking/cute. Someone my friend considers "hot" does not necessarily mean that I consider that person "hot".

Doesn't sound like to me that you have any problems. Find a "cute" girl and have fun.

Alpha 08-31-2001 02:03 PM

I dont see no problem there its only natural to be attracted to cute girls.

Demolition man 08-31-2001 10:48 PM

i also had this problem i was attracted to girls way outa my league .. first of all you gota not put yourself down think highly of yourself.. you would be amazed at what that does.. 8 months ago i couldnt get a girl to look at me i was down on myself all the time .. then i said screw em and i started thinking better about myself and the girls that i found attractive started comeing up to me was wierd but i liked it.. and dont count any girl out .. i almost did that and i woulda missed out .. the love of my life right now is a girl i was going to just push off because i thought of how people would see me with her what they would think.. dont think that what makes you happy should be what is the biggest thing is..

m45 09-01-2001 02:31 AM

Inner Beauty!
Demolition man has half of the battle down, how do you feel about yourself is the first step.
Then except people for you they are, get to know them, just because they are not cute does not mean they are not GREAT people in the inside and that my friend is what counts. Inner beauty!

Pussy Willow 09-01-2001 02:04 PM

Here's a poem that you might appreciate........coming from an
average looking woman I know I appreciate it.

She is not fair to outward view
As many maidens be.
Her lovliness I never knew
Until she smiled on me.
Oh then I saw her eye was bright
A well of love,
A spring of light.

But now her looks are
Coy and cold,
To mine they ne'er reply
and yet I cease not to behold
the love light in her eye.
Her very frowns are fairer far,
Than smiles of other maidens are.

Just something to think about.

Most women are not Goddesses, but a good number of us are
caring, intelligent people who deserve a chance at love, or at the
very least a first date !!!!

Thanks for the post, and thanks for wanting to change.

Alpha 09-03-2001 04:40 PM

eeyore ..

Don't let anyone tell u that u don't deserve what u want.

Pussy Willow 09-07-2001 01:28 PM

Of course eeyore deserves to get what he wants.

But he's excluding a lot of women who might fill the bill when
he looks only at external beauty.

Nobody should be judged on looks alone.

Speaking for myself only...........I'm not gorgeous but I'm not
unattractive either, like most women, I'm average looking.
I try to do the best I can with what I have.

I think it's wrong to judge someone on what they have no
control over.

That's just my humble opinion.

Prophet Reality 09-07-2001 08:22 PM

This is the best advice I was ever given. Never judge a book by it's cover. Read a couple of chapters first and see if yo like it then. Goes the same for anything really. IF you only look at the cover all you see is a physical beauty. She could be exceptionally intelligent or really funny, but not look like a model from Sports Illustrated. Society has made too many people think that you are only attractive if you are skinny. Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but there is only a small part of our population that is that skinny.

My humble opinion!

Gyzsmo 09-07-2001 08:47 PM

Physical Beauty is not something that anybody earns ... unfortunately people are born the way they're born for good or bad!

But someone who has character and good personality has obviously worked on themselves and that to me is way more attractive!

I certainly don't think I'm ugly but then again am definitely not Cindy Crawford either ........ and you know what ..... I'm okay with that!!!

Just as Prophet Reality said above ... judging a book by it's cover may leave you alone and out in the cold someday ....... because what if everyone was like you and went for looks only ... I think you yourself mentioned that you are only average ... well think on that for a sec ...... !

But hey ... I also understand what you mean ... there does have to be some kind of chemistry involved when two people are attracted to each other ... I would honestly suggest that ... just try dating someone who is average for a bit and see what happens ... you might just surprise yourself to realize that once you get to know someone... the attraction is way better ... :)


Oldfart 09-08-2001 04:51 AM

eeyore, good on you.

I applaud anyone willing to remove themselves from the

charms of so many wonderful people, leaving all the more

for us.

Go for it!!

Sacrifice is good for the soul.

m45 09-08-2001 04:57 AM

Looks Alone
PussyWillow has it right, can't judge on looks alone.
Heck if I did that I would not be with the most wonderful lady now, she is NOT a FOX, Oh but WOW! what a woman!
Outer beauty is not the same as inner and inner is what counts.

You can have a TOTAL FOX to go out with and show off to your friends but if she is a total bitch how foxy is that????

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