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Lilith 02-04-2003 08:06 AM

>>This<< or >>That<<?
Was wondering, for Valentine's, which do you prefer? A romantic day/ evening/etc. or sexually charged day/ evening?

I know you can have both...........but which is what you really want for Valentine's? Would you prefer a romantic gift or a sexy gift?

Oldfart 02-04-2003 08:09 AM


I tell my SO that every day with me is St Valentine's Day.

It's worked on her so far.

skipthisone 02-04-2003 08:40 AM

I am into doing something different every year, outdoing myself each year. Mostly its usually just a dinner and a card with something I wrote (Never ever buy pre-printed cards, just cheezy to me) whether any of this works in my favor, I havnt a clue.

T-S 02-04-2003 09:27 AM

Re: >>This<< or >>That<<?
Originally posted by Lilith
Would you prefer a romantic gift or a sexy gift?

Whatever you want to give Lilith, T-S will take ;) :D

FussyPucker 02-04-2003 09:35 AM

Having never had anything more than a card on V-Day I don't really know what I'd prefer..

fzzy 02-04-2003 09:42 AM

Romance - definately! but, romance for me is not about spending money at all -- in many cases its more about not spending money, but spending the time and thought to remember what I like, what's important, what little detail from something I told him! And I try to do the same in return.

skipthisone 02-04-2003 09:46 AM

I agree Fussy, from my point of view, card is the only thing I have ever received, so dont expect anything more.

Murphy 02-04-2003 09:53 AM

I'm with Fzzy -- Romance -- and not the store-bought kind. Picture this.... No lights on in the house.....candles and oil lamps lit and spread thru the dining room, living room and bedroom ... soft "nature" music playing ... The smell of her favorite dinner filling the air ... The fire in the woodstove crackling merrily ... and the kid safely out of the way at a slumber party....

horseman12 02-04-2003 09:58 AM

really on the same thought wave as T S whatever you want to give me!! but for the answer i know you are really looking for i am a romantic at heart, but seeing how its been awhile sexually i will go directly to the sex stuff!!

virgo982 02-04-2003 10:35 AM

i prefer the romantic side of valentines day. I like the preperation of cooking a fav meal, or getting him his fav candy or something like that. Cuddling is my fav thing to do though..anytime.

Peacelul 02-04-2003 01:37 PM

May seem soppy but either as long as it is with my other half.

celticangel 02-04-2003 04:37 PM

I'll be working on the 14th-------------from 10:30am to 9:30pm--------so as long as I get to have some contact with dm----I'll be a happy girl!

LixyChick 02-04-2003 09:05 PM


OK....I really gave this some thought....because, for the most part, I really don't "expect" anything from anyone.......but I love the fact that they thought enough to buy and/or do something special "just for me"! If for some reason the day should pass with no "special" attention.....that's ok too because as long as I at least hear an "I Love You"......deep down, that is all I really need to know.

But if I had my druthers.......I'd prefer romance. As I said, I really gave this some thought and it seems to me that Valentine's Day IS the day for romance personified! Sexy gifts and a sexually charged evening can happen each and every day. But Valentine's Day comes once a year. To be cooed at and made to feel especially special (with a drawn bath or flowers and a love poem, or a candle lit dinner, etc.)........well, to be honest, that really doesn't happen every single day. And it's really nice once in a while!

Lovediva 02-04-2003 09:18 PM

Ohhhh exactly what Murphy said!!

That's what I want!!!! :D

Summer 02-04-2003 10:55 PM

For valentines I would love to have a fan-fuckin-tabulous fucking like no other in the early evening and a nice romantic cuddling love making in the middle of the night followed by breakfast in bed with a side order of cock-in-my-mouth. ;) That is all. I am not asking for much. So who wants which shift. LOL

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