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Omniblade 10-06-2001 04:33 PM

lol ok my first time posting and I would just like alittle advice , I've been going with steady with for the last 2 years and we both love each other very much ^_^ lucky me now she's a pretty open minded girl and is very good to me but one thing I've always wanted to try at least once was anal sex, now she's the only person I've been with since I believe in waiting till you find someone you really love and we are engaged so I believe I'll be with her for the rest of my life and she isn't too fond of anal at all she things it's really icky and I don't mean to be pushy on her but I would really like to try it at least once in my life lol , I don't want to hurt her or anything like that thats the last thing I want I just wish I could get her to at least consider the idea any sugg estions?? thanks

rabbit 10-06-2001 09:58 PM

patience my man, patience
It was 5 years before we (Ms. rabbit and I) did anal. Don't force anything on her that she isn't ready for yet. If you are going to spend the rest of your lives together, you have plenty of time to get there.

Oh, and when you do get there, GO SLOWLY and use plenty of lube....unless you want the first time to be the last time.

Good luck!


Stinger 10-07-2001 01:07 AM

Be patient
It was a very long time until my wife HotAsJuly was comfortable in trying it. You must use a lot of lube and start off with your pinky and only go as far as she wants it.

Ask her why she thinks it is icky. That was one of the hurdles for us. Take a nice hot bath with each other. Make her relax. Have her lay down and give her a full body massage with either baby oil or best yet, use Olive Oil. Olive Oil is susposed to help stretch out the muscles and if you use it down there, should be more comfortable for her. Let her know that you would like to try it just once...and in the middle or at the end if she doesn't want it anymore or doesn't want it again, respect that, but just be patient. If you get on her about it, she may never do it.

Hope this helps and I wish you the best.

White Tigress 10-07-2001 04:09 AM

I would suggest you talk about it outside of the bedroom. In a neutral place and time. You said she's pretty open but she feels it is icky. Maybe if you would consider wearing a condom that might help. But as everyone else has said, don't push.

You might consider taking "baby steps". Maybe try just placing your finger there as you go down on her and massaging her anus. Don't push your finger in and of course make sure it is "lubed". A good time to do this would be as Stinger suggested. If she is comfortable with that, maybe you can try pushing your finger in at another time or she may even ask you to do so. The key being communication of course. Ask her, does it feel good, do you like it, do you want more. Listen to her and her body language. If you are not sure what her body is saying, ask her. And of course be prepared to stop if she ask you to.


White Tigress 10-07-2001 04:24 AM

Another thing you may want to consider. If she does like it, she may want to do the same to you. Have you considered that? For that matter, it may even be a place for you to start? If she sees that you enjoy it, she may get curious herself.

Before doing anything though, talk to her about it! Don't do anything I have suggested unless you have talked and both of you are ok with it. Come to a mutual agreement on any "limits" either of you may have or need.

As we have all said, don't push, be patient. If you make it seem like that is all you want you may end up pushing her away. And that is not what it is about. It's about two people being together, mutually pleasing each other and enriching your relationship.


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