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-   -   I know what you're all thinking, "not another - does size matter question"! (http://www.pixies-place.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27537)

White Noise 02-20-2006 07:21 PM

I know what you're all thinking, "not another - does size matter question"!
But I was thinking the other day. Are there occassions where size does make a difference?

Let me explain.

I would think (and I could be very wrong here) but the visual appear of watching a well endowed gent jerking off would be a bigger turn on than a guy who's cock is completely hidden by his hand.

Conversely, a small dick would be better when trying anal for the first time?

What do you all think? Or am I crapping on for no good reason?

lizzardbits 02-20-2006 09:35 PM

welllll.....it was nice that i lost my virginity to a "short dick man" LMAO

Lilith 02-20-2006 10:05 PM

it matters for anal

Loulabelle 02-21-2006 02:44 AM

Yes, I have to say, Fussy and I have not experimented with anal since his width may well cause a problem for both of us. I once managed to tear his foreskin during vaginal sex, so God only knows what damage we could do to each other with anal!

Also, certain positions can hurt like hell because of his proportions....I said to him the other day that I'd be happy if he were an inch or so shorter. I miss being able to grind my clit against a man's pelvis, without feeling like I'm being jabbed in the stomach.

The advantage of a large penis is that it (for whatever reason) seems to give a man more sexual confidence which can make him a better lover. It can also look very impressive in pictures, but I can honestly say that looking at a large penis does not make me more aroused than looking at a small one. And when I watch a guy masturbate, I'm looking at the tension in his body, the way his balls bounce up and down, the movement of his hand back and forth over his shaft, the look on his face the closer he gets to cumming, his chest heaving as his breathing gets laboured and then the glorious finale as he cums all over his hand/arm/stomach/chest. Looking at the actual penis is secondary to all of that.

Jude30 02-21-2006 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
The advantage of a large penis is that it (for whatever reason) seems to give a man more sexual confidence which can make him a better lover.

I'm not an expert on penises since I only have experience with my own. But I've heard some women express the oppisite of what was stated there. I've heard more than one complaint from a woman that big dicked guys can make horrible lovers since all they think they need to do is pound away with their big dicks.

lizzardbits 02-21-2006 11:36 PM

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
Yes, I have to say, Fussy and I have not experimented with anal since his width may well cause a problem for both of us. I once managed to tear his foreskin during vaginal sex, so God only knows what damage we could do to each other with anal!
OMG! ouch! torn foreskin sounds excrutiating! Mayhem and i tried anal, and although i have done anal before, he only got a few centimeters in and i was sobbing in pain. I want to try again (Lord, do i ever!) and we have worked out a few stratagies to make it work. But good lord, the man's big.

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
Also, certain positions can hurt like hell because of his proportions....I said to him the other day that I'd be happy if he were an inch or so shorter. I miss being able to grind my clit against a man's pelvis, without feeling like I'm being jabbed in the stomach.
second ya there Sistah! sometimes it feels like Mayhem's cock is trying to push out my belly button! although, i wouldn't trade his penis for the world, because it is attached to the man i wholeheartedly love!

Originally Posted by Loulabelle
.... And when I watch a guy masturbate, I'm looking at the tension in his body, the way his balls bounce up and down, the movement of his hand back and forth over his shaft, the look on his face the closer he gets to cumming, his chest heaving as his breathing gets laboured and then the glorious finale as he cums all over his hand/arm/stomach/chest. Looking at the actual penis is secondary to all of that.
Whew! Did it just get hotter in here!

Lou, I love your mind!

Loulabelle 02-22-2006 02:45 AM

Jude30 - Yes, I have to agree that in some cases the opposite can be true as well, which is why I said the extra confidence 'can' make him a better lover.

Lizz - thanks honey! Your mind is pretty damn great too! :D

Sharni 02-22-2006 03:34 AM

Anal definate difference for me

sunshine 04-23-2007 02:41 PM

My dad likes to make jokes of this sort and one of his favorite sayings is,

"It's not the size of the want, but the magic of the magician that counts."

I think it depends on the size of the woman. Women are different sizes inside too. Some are long and some are shorter.

As long as you both can feel what's going on and nobody is getting rubbed raw from it being too tight, then I don't think it matters.

I would well imagine that for anal it would. Tried it once, not going there again. Unless his penis can get a lot smaller and start to vibrate and not move while it's there, it's not happening again. lol.

cherrypie7788 04-23-2007 02:48 PM

I'm sorry, but size matters to me, period. Bigger the better. I dont do anal anyway.

IowaMan 04-23-2007 03:17 PM

I've been told that I'm way too small and I've been told that I'm too large so I don't know what to think. I honestly don't worry about it much. I figure if a woman is going to judge my performance solely on the size of my penis then I probably don't want anything to do with her as a lover. There's way more to providing sexual pleasure, at least I hope that there is, than the size of the penis.

musicman 04-23-2007 03:32 PM

my wife's happy so I'm happy.

sunshine 04-23-2007 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by sunshine
"It's not the size of the want, but the magic of the magician that counts."

That must be Freudian because I meant to say 'wand' not 'want'. lol.

And I happen to think there's everything more than size that matters.

All I want is to look into my lover's eyes and see his soul shining through them. No defenses, no guards, just him. If I see that, then I don't care what kind of penis his has. Preferably a functioning one, but otherwise, I don't much care.

Slow Grind 04-23-2007 06:13 PM

one data point
An old gf of mine did not like quickies. She said i was on the larger end of things and without a bunch of warm up (even with lube) things felt a bit uncomfortable.

Then again she may have made that up to avoid quickies!

Lilith 04-23-2007 06:22 PM

I'd love to comment on that^^^ but I'd have to take it for a test drive in order to speak from experience.

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