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24mnj 09-30-2005 05:27 PM

Pierced Penis?
I've been considering piercing my penis. Some friends of mine have done it, and one of them says his g/f is crazy about the feeling, but he might just be bs-ing so he can talk sh*t.

I was wondering if I could get some ladies opinions on how it feels from their perspective.

Is it better?

Do more piercings equal more pleasure?

If it is as good as he says I'd like to do it to surprise my girlfriend.

Thanks. =)

nicole2309 09-30-2005 06:31 PM

I think I'd really enjoy a guy with it done. Now, i'm going to have to see if i can do some serious begging tonight and talk him into it, hehe

Oh, and if you do decide to go throught with it I would love to see some pics

LixyChick 10-01-2005 03:20 PM

There's a member here (maybe a few...but he sticks out in my mind), "frenum", who has some piercings and he might have some perspective.

I've never been with a guy with a pierced dick...so I can't add anything other than above!

bare4you 10-01-2005 05:05 PM

Can't see myself doing something like this. Then again, never thought I would shave either!

Frenum 10-07-2005 09:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Originally Posted by LixyChick
There's a member here (maybe a few...but he sticks out in my mind), "frenum", who has some piercings and he might have some perspective.

I've never been with a guy with a pierced dick...so I can't add anything other than above!

You know, I thought I heard a ringing in my ears the other day... Its good to know that one of my favriot pixie chicks still remembers me.

As for your question, there are two variables. First its the type of piercing you get. Believe it or not, there are about 3 or 4 diffrent types of male genital peircing, and several variations of those. So if you are thinking of getting something like this done, you have to ask yourself, do I want it for decoration or utility? If its utility, I suggest either a frenum or a dydote, sp?, either of these have more potential of stimulating the g spot.

But the other main variable is the girl herself. Some girls love it, others are mildly interested, and others yet are totally turned off by it. I find most girls are curious about it, and enjoy the fact that is there, but when it comes to actual intercourse, it can be an impedment.

I treat mine more as an "earing". That is to say, it is decroative, but not overly "useful". When it comes time for intercourse, I typically take it out. But thats just me. My gf sometimes requests me to put it in if I so happen not to be wearing it. I would talk to your gf about it first, see if she likes the idea of it. Maybe convince her to go with you and get herself done to. :thumb:

Im attaching a pic of mine for anyone interested in what it looks like. Mine is called a frenum piercing, hence the name.

jseal 10-09-2005 08:42 AM


Thank you, sir. :) This was one of those subjects I've wondered about but never knew how to ask about.

Teddy Bear 10-09-2005 02:36 PM

Something I know nothing about myself.

Don't know why a friend sent me this site or why I kept it but it may be of use.

Main page:

It's a pay site but still lots of free stuff. Free stories about different male piercings:

And free pictures, scroll to the bottom for more free pic pages:

Lilith 10-09-2005 03:53 PM

I've never had sex with someone who was pierced, but if I thought that it would cause you real pain (as opposed to pleasure pain) during intercourse than I would not want you to do it. If it didn't hurt him or rub me the wrong way literally than I'd love it. I think everything looks better with jewelry :p

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